

Study of Operation Optimization and Energy Management for Microgrids

【作者】 张颖媛

【导师】 丁明;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,为了充分发挥可再生能源发电等分布式能源系统的效益,微网的集成与控制成为研究热点,这也是智能电网建设中的一个重要组成部分。微网作为一种新型能源网络化供应与管理技术,便利了分布式能源系统的接入,同时可实现需求侧管理及现有能源的最大化利用。它具有灵活的运行方式和可调度性能,可实现自我控制、保护和管理等自治功能。本文围绕微网系统的运行优化与能量管理展开研究,主要研究内容有:(1)基于深入调研国内外关于微网技术的发展及研究现状,侧重从技术内涵角度归纳总结出微网研究中的关键技术,包括微网系统的建模与仿真、微网系统的运行控制与能量管理、微网系统的环境与经济性评估等五个方面;(2)对照常规电力系统的运行控制结构与方法,详细描述了微网研究领域目前所提出的两种运行控制结构,针对微网系统包含电力电子控制器类型的分布式能源单元的情形,归纳出微网系统孤岛运行期间可供采用的三种类型运行控制方法,并对这些方法的特点和适用场合进行了对比分析,同时,在充分继承常规电力系统能量管理研究成果基础上,结合考虑分布式能源发电与常规能源发电系统的异同、分布式能源的引入所带来的影响,归纳出微网系统的能量管理研究范畴内需要着重关注的几个方面;(3)选取技术相对成熟、发展前景较好、可实施性较强的几种分布式发电技术,研究分析其相关特性,明确了其用于能量管理的稳态模型,建立了一种集中控制式微网系统的经济运行优化模型,提出运行成本最低、折旧成本最低、环境效益最高和综合效益最高四种优化目标函数,以及微网系统运行过程中所可能采用的三种交互式运行控制策略,采用以锦标赛选择、单点交叉、高斯变异的改进遗传算法为求解问题的优化算法,通过算例仿真探讨了多种因素对系统运行优化结果的影响,仿真结果验证了所提模型的合理性;(4)由于可再生能源发电所具有的间歇性使得微网系统承受扰动的能力相对较弱,储能技术受到了广泛的关注,文中对比分析了多种能量型和功率型储能技术的应用场合、技术分类、自身特性、研发进展和运用现状,对在微网系统中有较好应用前景的钠硫电池、锂离子电池和全钒氧化还原液流电池三种新型电池储能技术的主要技术参数和特点进行了阐述,选取钠硫电池这一适用于电力系统应用、适应范围广且已实现批量生产的设备为储能研究对象,在进一步完善微网系统的经济运行优化模型基础上,考虑钠硫电池储能的参与及其运行影响,以其实现削峰填谷应用为例,提出一种包含钠硫电池储能的微网系统经济运行优化模型,并通过设计多种场景进行详细对比分析,实现了仿真验证;(5)介绍了能量管理系统的发展概况,进行了微网能量管理方面的框架研究,分析归纳出微网能量管理系统与传统能量管理系统的不同点,以及微网能量管理系统在研制开发过程中有待关注的几个方面,给出微网能量管理系统应实现的关键功能,明确了一种微网能量管理系统的设计目标及体系结构,并对微网能量管理系统中经济运行优化应用软件的设计开发进行了重点阐述。

【Abstract】 In recent years, in order to make full use of distributed energy resources, many attentions are paid to integration and operation control of microgrid, which is also an important part of smart grid. As a new energy supply and network management technology, microgrid could allow renewable and clean resources to penetrate into a utility. At the same time, it could achieve demand-side management and maximum utilization of existing energy. It is flexible and dispatchable, namely it could operate in grid-connected or stand-alone mode and could switch between the two modes seamlessly. This paper focuses on issues related to the operation optimization and energy management of microgrid.First of all, this paper gives an in-depth study of development and research about microgrid at home and abroad. From the viewpoint of technical connotation, the present research situation of key technologies for the microgrid is reviewed. These technologies include such as modeling and simulation research in component-level and system-level, issues related to operation control and energy management, microgrid environmental and economic evaluation.Secondly, in contrast to traditional power system, two kinds of current structure and three types of operational control methods for microgrid during the stand-alone mode are summarized and described in detail. The characteristics and application occasions of those methods are compared. Besides, based on existing achievements of energy management, the author sums up several aspects, which are about new generation of energy management for microgrid and should be paid more attention, taking into account the impacts, similarities and differences between traditional energy generation systems and distributed generation systems.Thirdly, this paper selects some distributed generation technologies as objects, which are relatively mature and have better prospects. And their relevant features are studied and analysed. Then, based on steady state characteristics of these distributed generators, this paper proposes an optimization and dispatch model of microgrids in centralized control, objective functions with minimizing the cost of operation or depreciation and maximizing environmental or comprehensive benefit, and three interactive operational control strategies. The problem is figured out by improved genetic algorithm adopting tournament selection, single-point crossover and Gaussian mutation. In addition, the model is validated by studying a specified case with different factors.Then, energy storage technologies have been widespread concerned, because microgrid that includes intermittent renewable energy power generations could withstand relatively weak disturbances. The paper gives a review on energy storage technologies. The technical data and characteristics of NAS battery, lithium-ion batteries and vanadium redox flow battery are described in detail. NAS battery is then selected as the object. It is commercial and suitable in power system application. The battery also has various performances. Considering the operational modes and impact of battery, an economic operation optimization model for microgrids including NAS battery has been proposed. Furthermore, the model is validated by studying a specified case with a variety of scenarios.Finally, framework of microgrid energy management system is researched in this part. The differences between microgrid energy management system and traditional energy management system are pointed out. A survey of microgrid energy management system is presented. These aspects are mainly composed of development issues, key functions, design objectives and architecture about software. And, withal, the application of economic operation optimization for microgrids is elaborated.


