

Dynamic Testing Technology for Precision Worm Gears Based on Time Grating Sensor

【作者】 郑永

【导师】 彭东林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 蜗轮蜗杆传动具有传动比大、工作平稳、噪声小、结构紧凑和可根据要求实现自锁的特点,广泛应用于机械加工制造行业,特别是在精密机械和精密仪器制造工业中。通过测量蜗轮副传动误差可以综合地反映蜗轮副的精度状况。作者所在课题组于1991年研制出了“全微机化齿轮机床精度检测分析系统”(FMT系统),FMT系统结合带片簧结构的圆磁栅传感器,可实现对传动链传动误差的检测,在多年实践中成功的应用于机床故障诊断。随着微电子技术的发展,上世纪90年代的计算机已经被新型硬件的计算机所代替,而且FMT系统所使用DOS操作系统也被可视化的操作系统所代替。在传感器领域,磁栅传感器由于种种原因已经退出了市场,目前最常用的是光栅,而高端光栅主要是通过国外进口,价格非常昂贵,某些精度等级的光栅进口受到限制,这直接成为制约我国检测仪器发展和数控制造业的发展的重要因素。时栅位移传感器是我国具有自主知识产权的原创性发明,时栅位移传感器具有测量精度高、成本低和抗干扰能力强等特点,适用于工业生产中的测量环境。本课题的研究工作一方面在原有的FMT系统的基础上,采用新的技术手段实现新型的FMT系统;另一方面,为了使过去几十年使用增量式传感器测量传动误差的经验能够继续使用,将时栅传感器输出的绝对角度值转化为增量式空间均分的脉冲信号,从而构成基于时栅传感器的新型FMT系统。这样,就可以实现对蜗轮副高精度、低成本的传动误差检测,同时也可以对机床传动链传动精度测量。主要研究内容与创新如下:1、提出将预测测量方法用于时栅位移传感器动态测量。通过对时栅位移传感器一段时间内空间测量结果的学习分析,预测在未来某一时间段内的测量值,从而实现时栅测量由绝对式到增量式的转变。2、研究了时间序列预测模型的识别、建立、检验和优化的方法,以及模型定阶、参数估计方法。提出了将时栅按时间等分的离散角度测量值构成时间序列,按照时间序列建模的方式、方法对其建立预测模型,通过预测模型生成连续空间角度信号的方案,从而实现了时栅位移传感器的测量值由时间离散到空间离散的转变。3、研究了动态测量误差修正原理与技术,提出将时栅位移传感器测量值作为离散的标准量,并利用这个标准量对预测测量的误差进行实时修正。通过对时栅传感器测量的角度值进行差分处理后会得到平稳的时间序列,建立AR模型可以对时栅测量进行高精度的预测,经实验得到动态预测误差在±2″之内。4、研究了传动误差位移同步比较原理和FMT系统采样原理,在FMT系统原有的信号微机细分原理基础上,提出了多级插补时钟的柔性时钟技术方案,配合时钟的自适应算法,使得测量系统在各种测量条件下都能够最大限度的提高传动误差测试的精度。5、研究了传统的传动误差测量仪器传感器工装的特点,提出了在上置式传感器工装中使用拨杆式结构,利用拨杆所在不同位置的测试曲线进行软件算法处理,从而消除传感器安装偏心的问题。6、利用基于时栅传感器的新型FMT系统:①研制开发了大型蜗轮副检查仪。这为大型蜗轮副综合精度检测提供了测量手段,同时也可以将检测结果反馈到生产加工环节,指导加工。②小型蜗轮副检查仪改造。采用时栅传感器对原有的齿轮综合误差检查仪进行改造,实现了对小型蜗轮副综合精度的检测。③蜗轮副加工过程在线检查仪研制。研制了既可用于加工又可用于在线检测的专用装置,避免了蜗轮在加工、检测过程中多次安装带来的误差,在加工过程中间进行传动精度检测,可以为加工参数的调整提供依据,从而保证快速和高精度的加工。④在检查仪的基础上结合卡拉希尼柯夫误差传递规律,对滚齿机传动链的传动精度进行分析,采用人为制造误差进行误差补偿的方法,根据误差环节特点采取不同的补偿方法,将一台普通滚齿机精化为高精度蜗轮母机。⑤蜗杆磨床精化提高。通过对蜗杆磨床传动链进行测试分析,采用偏心齿轮的方法提高其传动精度。以上论文研究工作,总结如第11页图1-2所示。

【Abstract】 Worm gear and worm transmission has the characteristic of high transmission ratio, good stationarity, low noise, compact construction and self-locking for requirement, which has wildly applied to machinery processing and manufacturing industries, especially in precision mechanic and precision instrument manufacture. Measured worm gear transmission errors can describe accuracy parameters synthetically.Research team designed a“full microcomputerized test system of gear machine accuracy”(FMT) in 1991, which combines circle magnetic encoders of bearing spring to realize transmission chain errors measurement. This measuring system has been successfully applied to fault diagnosis of machine tools for many years. With the development of microelectronic technology, traditional computers in the 90s are replaced by advanced ones with novel hardware. In addition, DOS operating system is update to Windows operating system. In sensor field, magnetic encoders are gradually withdrawn from the market for some reasons. Currently the most common used displacement sensor is optical grating, but advanced optical gratings are rely on import, So the price is much high, and some optical gratings with certain accuracy are under import restriction, which is the key to restrict the manufacturing industry of detecting instruments and numerical control system. Time grating displacement sensors are original inventions with proprietary intellectual property rights, which have the characteristic of high accuracy, low cost, strong anti-interference and so on. They are mainly applied to measurement field in industrial production.On the one hand, research work adopt new technology to realize a novel FMT system based on original FMT system; On the other hand, in order to remain past several decades of transmission error measurement experience with incremental sensors, original absolute angular signal outputted by time grating sensors should be transformed to incremental pulses of spatial equal division. In this way, a novel FMT system based on absolute time grating sensor is designed. So this measurement system can be applied to transmission error measurement with high accuracy and low cost, as well as the transmission accuracy measurement of machine tool.Main research content and innovations are as follow:1. A forecasting method is employed to dynamic measurement with time grating displacement sensor. According to analysis on series of measured data for certain space with time grating displacement sensor, the future measurement data can be forecasted. In this way, absolute time grating sensors can be transformed to incremental ones. 2. The principles of identification, checkout, optimization, adaptive ordering and parameter estimation of forecasting model are discussed in this paper. Series of discrete measured angles sampled in equal time interval by time grating can be regarded as time series. So according to time series model and methods, forecasting model can be established to generate continuous spatial angle displacement. In this way, time discretization can be transformed into spatial discretization for measured data of time grating.3. The principles and technology of dynamic measurement errors correction are discussed. Measured data of time grating can be regarded as discrete normalized value which is employed to correct forecast errors in real time. And stationary time series can be obtained with difference for measured angles of time grating sensors. Established AR model can be applied to high accuracy forecast for time grating. Experiment results prove that dynamic forecast errors can be restrict within±2″.4. The synchronous comparison principles of transmission error and corresponding displacement are discussed, as well as sampling principle of FMT system. Multi-level clock interpolation principle and adaptive algorithms are presented based on original subdivision principle of FMT system to improve the accuracy of transmission errors to greatest extent under various measurement environments.5. Based on analyzing the characteristics of the fixtures of measurement sensors for traditional transmission error measurement system, shift level mode structure is adopted for the fixtures of upper sensors. In order to eliminate installation eccentric, soft algorithms are adopted to process measurement curves for different position of shift level.6. A novel FMT system based on time grating sensors:①The design of large worm gear measuring system. This measuring system offers measurement methods to the integrated accuracy of large worm gear. In addition, measurement results can feedback to processing chain and guide industrial production.②The improvement of small worm gear measuring system. Original gear integrated errors measuring systems are improved with time grating sensors. Then realize integrated errors measurement for small worm gear.③The design of online measuring system for worm gear process. This measuring system can be applied to machining and on-line testing, which avoid errors caused by multiple installation during machining and testing process. In addition, transmission accuracy testing during machining can ensure that machining parameters can be adjusted in real time to achieve high precision machining fast. ④Combining measuring systems with Carla Henrique KeFu error transfer rule, the transmission accuracy of hobbing machine can be analyzed systematically. And error correction methods are analyzed and obtained with known artificial errors. Finally, according to the characteristic of error, a general hobbing machine can be improved into a high precision worm gear tool.⑤Accuracy improvement of worm grinder. According to analyzing transmitted chains of worm grinder, transmission accuracy can be improved with eccentric gears. The researches above in thesis have been summarized as fig.1-fig.2 showed on page 11.


