

A Study of Structure of Injury Factors of PE and Its Prevention in China

【作者】 王岩

【导师】 姚蕾;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 学校体育伤害事故已成为困扰我国学校体育工作开展的一大难题。为探究其致因结构,以为制定切实有效的预防策略提供依据,本研究在借鉴事故致因理论及前人研究经验的基础上,结合个案研究,构建了学校体育伤害事故致因模型。经结构方程模型拟合后,发现致因模型能够顺利收敛,且满足基本适配度、外在质量和内在质量的检验标准,即证明致因模型结构成立,且四个变量——物的因素、人的因素、管理因素、社会因素的负荷量分别为0.84、0.88、0.81、0.70,说明四个变量与学校体育伤害事故关系密切。根据学校体育伤害事故二阶致因模型,运用问卷调查法对上述四因素的现状进行了调查。结果表明:一、人的因素中突出的问题为:学生的安全运动意识不足,且是引发学校体育伤害事故产生的首要原因;相对于安全教学意识和教学能力而言,体育教师的责任心较差。二、物的因素中突出的问题为学校体育场馆设施条件较差,学生的练习空间拥挤。三、管理因素的问题主要有:学校对师生的体育安全教育不足;伤害事故应急制度和体育场馆设施管理制度操作性欠佳;四、社会因素不足之处为:部分学生饮食习惯不良;家长安全运动意识不足。根据以上研究提出了以物为中心、以人为中心及系统安全的一级预防策略和建立事故应急制度的二级预防策略。以物为中心的预防策略包括体育物质环境的本质化安全和制度化管理;以人为中心的预防策略包括建立学生健康档案制度、构建校园体育安全文化和开展学校体育安全教育;系统安全包括预先危险分析、事故树分析和事件树分析等系统的安全识别及预防策略。运用准实验法对学生进行了体育安全教育干预。经协方差分析表明,干预的主效应显著,F(1,293)=55.13,p<.001;干预与年级的交互效应显著,F(1,293)=11.22,P<.001,干预与性别的交互效应显著F(1,293)=,p<.01。

【Abstract】 As we all known there is risk in almost everything, so does Pysical education. But as Croner said "The value of school sports and physical education is not disputed and there is no suggestion that these activities have to be avoided simly because they carry an inherent risk of injury" Carole Raymond also said "Safety considerations are not intended to restrict the essential practical and challenging nature of physical education but to create and manage a safe learning environment that controls and minimises the risk". So in order to find better ways to ristict the risk in pysical education, this study used many ways including case study, quasi-experimentation, questionnaire investigation,etc to study the factors that influnce the safety of pysical education.By the method of structure equation modeling, we found there are four safety elements which are relevant to the risk of pysical education. They are the unsafe behavior of teacher and students, the unsafe state of equipment and entironment, the bad management of pysical educatin and some social problemes. The standardized regression weights are 0.88, 0.84,0.81, and 0.70. So the methods to prevent the safety accidents in pysical education must be based on the four factors.Using the method of questionnaire investigation this study also found that the safety consciousnesses of studens are at a low levell, the teachers’responsibility for work needs to be improved. Besides these the conditions of equipments are also not very good, and there is a significent difference between the west and the east (p=.000), and also the west and the middle (p=.001).In order to test the effect of educational inervention on improving the students’safety consciousnesses, we used quasi-experimentation to carry out the work. After three months, the educational intervention in experimental group turned out to be a good result. The main effect of educational intervention is significent at the significance level of 0.05 (F= 55.13, P<.001), the educational interaction effect of grade is also significent(F=11.22,P<.001),and so does the gender(F=8.36,P<.01).

  • 【分类号】G807.0;R87
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】3255
  • 攻读期成果

