

【作者】 宋立林

【导师】 杨朝明;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 上世纪四十年代,郭沫若先生出版了他有名的《十批判书》,其中《儒家八派的批判》一篇是首次就《韩非子·显学》所谓孔子以后“儒分为八”问题进行系统研究,影响很大。对所谓“儒家八派”进行研究,实际就是对战国时期儒学传承的学术史进行探讨。不言而喻,半个多世纪以后的今天,继郭沫若先生之后对这一重大历史问题进行“再批判”,对早期儒学传承进行系统研究、理性反思,不仅十分必要,而且条件完全成熟。一部儒学思想发展史就是孔子思想在不同时代被阐释、诠释的历史,而以“儒家八派”为代表的先秦早期儒家正是这一阐释、诠释历程的开端,也是孔子思想得到第一次深化的阶段。早期儒学乃儒学之根与源,因之早期儒学之研究,自古迄今,受到了历代学者的关注,儒学研究者自然不能不涉猎或研究早期儒学。也许正因如此,早期儒学研究才最为纷杂、繁复。然而,追溯根源,观点之对立实际源于材料之缺乏与问题之重要的张力。第一章是绪论部分,回顾了“儒家八派”的研究历史,指出该问题研究取得的成果、存在的问题及待发之覆,对以往的研究方法进行了批判性分析,就出土文献与“重写学术史”的关系,“疑古”与“走出疑古”之争,“二重证据法”与所谓“顾颉刚难题”等进行了分析,并就学派研究的陷阱和可能阐述一己之见。第二章对“儒家八派”的出现原因进行分析和探究。欲探求孔门后学之分化原因,必须将之放在儒学发展史的宏观视野和战国时期思想学术的大背景下予以考察。我们不仅要弄清楚战国时期儒家分化的内因,也要考察其不得不分化的外缘。所谓内因是指孔子思想之发展性、丰富性、多歧性与孔子教学之开放性和包容性;所谓外缘是指儒学思想的传布与地域文化的渗透;先秦社会的转型与思想学术的变迁和诸子百家对儒学的思想挑战。第三章对“儒家八派”的以往旧说予以辨疑与考证,对韩非“儒分为八”说的问题予以揭示,指出该说并非对孔子之后儒家分化情况的“事实陈述”和“系统总结”,其目的在于批评儒家内部之分裂,借以鼓吹其思想专制之主张,因此不可能是完全客观的。其说不存在一个“标准”,不具有严格的“顺序”,有一定的随意性,这“八儒”可能只是众多儒门学派中的一部分。所谓“某派”,乃是后人之划分,并非当事人之自称。他们皆自谓“真孔”,主观目的在于传承和弘扬师说,而非组建新的学派。孔门弟子及其后学,因各有门徒而组成不同“学派”,思想主张容有不同,但其问之关系,却并非水火不容,而是互有影响,互相融摄。本章对“儒家八派”中的子张的里籍及其与曾子、子游等之关系问题进行了新探;对思孟学派的问题进行分疏,对子思之生卒、师承问题进行了考辨;对颜氏之儒、漆雕氏之儒的相关问题予以考论;对孙氏之儒与公孙尼子,乐正氏之儒与乐正子春的关系进行了新证。第四章利用《孔子家语》与大小戴《礼记》对“儒家八派”及相关问题进行了深入研究。以往有关“儒家八派”的研究,往往受到疑古思潮的影响,对许多古代文献视之为“伪书”,弃而不用,至为可惜。如《孔子家语》和大、小戴《礼记》等保存儒家八派的文献最为丰赡,价值最大。不过,由于这些文献在长期的流传过程中存在着各种问题,如果利用来进行儒家八派的研究,必须经过认真考辨。我们利用这些文献,分别考察《礼记》之“子思四篇”与子思之儒;《孔子家语·颜回》与颜氏之儒;《孔子家语·入官》和《大戴礼记·子张问入官》与子张之儒;《孔子家语·儒行》、《礼记·儒行》与漆雕氏之儒;《礼记·祭义》、《大戴礼记》“《曾子》十篇”与曾子、乐正氏之儒等,有助于推动诸多疑难问题的解决。第五章利用新出土简帛文献对“儒家八派”及相关问题进行进一步探讨。新出土的简帛文献如马王堆帛书、郭店楚墓竹简、上博馆藏战国楚竹书等一大批新出土的简帛佚籍提供了关于儒家八派的丰富信息。我们主要就简帛文献与思孟学派的关系,《君子为礼》与颜氏之儒,《忠信之道》、《从政》等与子张之儒;《仲弓》与仲弓;简帛文献中的子贡,马王堆帛书《易传》与孔子易学传承问题等予以讨论,在前贤研究基础上,提出了自己的春法。第六章是结语部分。纵观整个早期儒学的发展历程,可以发现儒学的发展实际上经历了一个“正-反-合”的辩证的多元嬗变历程。第一个“合”,是指孔子思想作为一个整合的“体系”,其后便经历了其弟子的不同方向的分化;第二个“合”,是指子思对于孔子弟子思想的综合取向。而子思作为孔子的裔孙,地位特殊,思想创造力巨大,他与孔子弟子有不同寻常的关系。他是曾子的弟子,还可能与子张、子游、子弓、有子、子夏等有密切关系,甚至是师承关系。在子思那里,儒学实现了第一次分化后的综合。子思对孟子的影响得到了大部分学者的认可,而他又可能与世子、公孙尼子以及战国后期的荀子等存在密‘切关系。子思在战国早期占据了儒家群体的中心位置,是当之无愧的儒家领袖。

【Abstract】 In the 1940s, Mr. Guo Moruo published his famous Ten Critical Book. One of the most influential books is Critiques about Eight Confucian schools. It is the first time to conduct the system research for the questions of "Confucianism is divided into eight". The research for so-called "Eight Confucian Schools", is actually carries on the discussion to the question of Confucianism inheritance academic during the Warring States Period. It is not only very necessary but also the conditions are ripe, more than half a century late, after Mr. Guo to talk about this important history questions again and systematic research, rational reflection about Early Confucianism.A history of Confucianism in different era is the history Confucius thought by interpretation. And the "Eight Confucian Schools" as a representative of the Pre-Qin Confucian is the early beginning of interpretation process, is also the first time Confucian thought get the deepening of stage. Early Confucianism is the root and the source of Confucianism, so the Early Confucianism research, until now, had received all scholars’ attention. Confucianism researchers cannot dabbling or research early Confucianism.Perhaps because of this, the Early Confucianism will be most dizzying and complicated. However, searching for their roots, the different points of view are actually from lacking of materials and importantance of questions.The first chapter is the introduction section. Reviewed the history of the "Eight Confucian Schools" research, pointed out that the research achievements and existing errors and the problems to be solved, carried on the critical analysis methods to the former research technique, analyzed the relationship about unearthed literature and "the recomposition of academic history", the struggle of "to doubt ancient" and "to go out the age of doubting the ancient times ", "the double evidence act" and so-called "the Gu Jiegang’s difficult problem". And possibly elaborated the private judgement on the school study’s traps and possibilities.The second chapter carries on the analysis and the inquisition to the reasons of " Confucianism is divided into eight". If we try to search the reason of deconstruction differentiation about the students and inheritor of Confucian, must put it in the macroscopical view of Confucianism history, under a special background of the thought and scholarship during the Warring States Period. We should not only make clear internal factors, should also examine the external cause to differentiation. The so-called internal cause is refers to expansibility; the richness of the Confucius thought that to be branched openness and the tolerance the natural and the Confucius teaching. The so-called external cause is the spread of Confucianis and infiltrated by regional characteristics, and Pre-Qin society’s reforming and thought academic vicissituding and thought challenging to Confucianism.The third chapter distinguishes doubts and textual researches of old ideas about "Eight Confucian Schools", reveals the question of Han Fei-tzu’s "Confucianism is divided into eight", points out that the idea is not "defendant admits" and "systematically summarized" about the dividing of Confucianism. The purpose of Han Fei is to criticize the divisions of Confucian internal, to preach his authoritarian ideology; consequently, so it isn’t completely objective. This idea has no single "standard", has not strict "sequence", has some capriciousness.This "eight Confucianism" may only be part of many schools. The so-called "a school" is posterity’s division, is not the parties calling self. They said that they are "really Confucius", and their subjective purpose lies in inheriting and carrying forward trainer says, not form a new school. Because the Confucian each has his disciples and composition of different "school", and has different ideas, But actually did not have as incompatible as fire and water relations. They influence each other. This chapter is to have a new discussion on Zizhang’s origin and the relationship of Zizhang and Zengzi, Ziyou, analyze and combe to the question of school Si-Meng, research Zisi’s born years and dying year, and his teacher-student relationship,examine the relative problems about Yanshi Confucian and Qidiaoshi Confucian, prove the relationship between Sunshi Confucian and Gongsun Nizi, Yuezhengshi Confucian and Yuezheng Zichun.The fourth chapter presents a thorough study of the Eight Confucian Schools and related issues by KongziJiayu and Liji and Dadailiji. Early researches of "Eight Confucian Schools" are considered as researches of dubious authenticity by many ancient literatures, such as KongziJiayu and Liji and Dadailiji which are very valuable. However, because these literatures have many problems during the long-term spread process, it is important to do screening on them. On the basis of these literatures, we observe and study the relationship between the four articles of Zisi of Lij and ZiSi Confucian; the chapter YanHui of KongziJiaYu and YanShi Confucian; the chapter RuGuan of KongziJia Yu,the chapter ZizhangWenGuan of DaDaiLiJi and Zizhang Confucian; the chapter RuXing of KongZiJiaYu,the chapter RuXing of LiJi and Qidiaoshi Confucian; the chapter JiYi of LiJi, the ten articles of ZengZi in DaDaiLiJi and ZengZi,YueZhengshi Confucian,ect. It will help to solve many difficult questions.The fifth chapter discusses the "Eight Confucian Schools" by newly unearthed literatures, such as the silk books from Mawangdui, bamboo slips from the Chu Tomb in Guodian, Chu Bamboo Slips at Shanghai Museum. They provide a lot of information of "Eight Confucian Schools" and other questions. We discuss the relationship of the documents written on bamboo slips and silk books and Si-Meng School,the relationship of JunZiWeiLi and Yanshi Confucian; ZhongXinZhiDao, CongZheng etc. and Zizhang Confucian; ZhongGong and ZhongGong; Zigong in the documents written on bamboo slips and silk books, YiZhuan in the Silk Books from Mawangdui and inherit of Confucius’s thoughts of Yi. On the basis of early research, we present our own thoughts.The final pary is a summary. Through early development of Confucianism, we can find that Confucianism is a multiple and dialectical development. The first combination refers to Confucianism is developed to different aspects by his students. The second one refers to the combination of Confucianism by Zisi. As descendants of Confucius, Zisi has a special relationship with Confucius. His status is special and the ability of creation is great. He is the student of Zengzi, and may have close relationship with Zizhang, Ziyou, Zigong, Youzi and Zixia. Confucianism achieves the first combination by Zisi. His influence on Mencius is accepted by many scholars. He may also have close relationship with Shizi, Gongsun Nizi and Xunzi. Zisi takes a central position in Confucianism in early Warring States Period. He is worthy of leader of Confucianism.


