

【作者】 袁梅

【导师】 单承彬;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着二十世纪八十年代以来的“神话热”,女神研究逐渐兴盛。从原型的角度对古代神话中的女性形象进行研究并不鲜见,但是整体性的研究和基于性别和文化分析的研究工作尚未真正深入,女性主义理论和原型批评的方法在神话学和民俗学中的应用尚处于起步阶段,尤其是运用阿尼玛原型理论来研究女性形象更是少之又少。本文从阿尼玛原型理论出发,对中国古代神话中的女性形象进行了分析,以中国古代神话中智慧导师阿尼玛原型及其承传移位为研究对象,对其发生、典型、特征、发展变化及其内在成因和人类文化学意义加以深入全面的分析。本文结合社会、历史、文化、民族、心理、性别等因素,在文学史的纵横交叉点上对女性形象的研究做出了新的探索和思考,在学术上具有一定的开创性和突破性,也具有进一步研究的学术前景。本文研究的出发点和要解决的关键问题在于最终揭示了这样一些问题和关联:为什么中国的女神以智慧导师阿尼玛原型为主;这些智慧导师阿尼玛原型主要的特质和形成原因是什么;智慧导师阿尼玛对于中华民族文化的阴性特质的形成起着怎样的重要作用;智慧导师阿尼玛所体现的女神精神对当代社会和人类的未来又有怎样的重大意义。本文正文包括五章:第一章阿尼玛原型理论综述,在对阿尼玛原型的理论基础、经典论述进行简单爬梳的基础上,对阿尼玛原型的性质、内容、来源、功能、和基本特征进行了总结,进而提出了中国神话中智慧导师阿尼玛原型的分类和研究思路。第二章中国神话中智慧导师阿尼玛的典型原型形象,主要对中国古代女神中的四个智慧导师阿尼玛原型的代表性意象:女娲、西王母、巫山神女、玄女进行了具体分析。指出她们分别代表的是大母神、永恒精神、性爱的升华和现实拯救等不同的功能。第三章智慧导师阿尼玛的特质及其成因,对这一类形象的特征进行总结,分别从变形、生命化育、智慧启蒙、心理补偿等方面分析智慧导师阿尼玛的正面功能,并从历史、文化、和心理等维度深入分析其成因。第四章智慧阿尼玛原型在后世的的承传移位,对后世神话传说和文学中的同类代表性的形象及其流变进行了分析,其中包括贤母和智妪、女救星和女英雄、性爱伴侣和精神导师、女妖和圣女等几类形象。第五章中国文化的阴性特质和女神的历史祛魅,对女性崇拜对中国文化所带来的影响进行了全面分析,并对男权文化中女神的降格和历史的祛魅进行了历时性的考察,从而对中国古代社会的两性关系变化进行了总括和思考。本文尝试运用了多种研究方法,具有跨学科跨文化研究的特色。最主要的方法有神话-原型批评和女性主义批评、心理学批评。一是神话-原型批评方法。本文尝试对中国古代神话中的智慧导师阿尼玛原型进行初步探讨,并从发生学的角度研究其不同亚型及其共同特质和历史文化心理生成,以期透视中国神话中阿尼玛原型的象征意义和源流变迁。二是心理学批评方法。智慧导师阿尼玛是灵魂女神,产生和作用于男性的精神层面,这决定了心理学方法的必然。在对阿尼玛原型的功能分析、成因分析以及流变降格的原因分析中,都进行了心理学的考察。三是女性主义批评方法。阿尼玛原型的形成和男性关于女性的经验、想象、观念和心理深切相关,是男性对女性的经验和阴性自我的反映和象征物。本文从女性主义批评的角度,对智慧导师阿尼玛原型中所体现的女神崇拜和后世变异降格所体现的“厌女症”进行了历史的考察,对其背后隐藏的两性关系的变化加以分析,并对女神精神复兴的当代价值进行了阐释。本文的创新之处在于:首先是研究角度的新颖。目前国内外阿尼玛理论的研究并不是很多,并且大多都集中在心理学方面。从文学角度来研究阿尼玛的很少,而且就荣格学者和国外学者的研究来看也集中在邪恶阿尼玛类型。而中国神话中的女神更多的具有积极阿尼玛的功能,因此本文把智慧导师型阿尼玛作为中国古代女神研究的切入点,在跨文化和民族化的双重视域下,对中国古代神话中智慧导师阿尼玛原型的代表、特质、成因、流变和当代价值进行了全方位的整体研究,从而揭示出中国文化女性崇拜的精神以及文化阴性特质,窥探人类两性关系的发展变化,并对这一原型的价值进行了阐发,选题角度还是比较新颖的。第二是运用了跨学科跨文化的研究方法和历史和逻辑内在统一的方法,注意把原型批评理论与文化人类学、传统考据学等融会贯通起来。本文把女性主义批评的视角、原型批评的理论方法、心理学分析的思路和神话学的史料分析以及人类文化学的视野有机的结合起来,试图突破传统的文学研究的局限,把文学同文化传统、民族心理特征和性别理论的研究结合为一体,试图全方位的揭示智慧导师阿尼玛原型的秘密。第三是开阔的学术视野。本文把横向的跨文化分析和纵向的历史变化结合起来,充分发挥了原型理论整体性、宏观性的特点。在东西互证和跨文化的横向比较上,对智慧导师阿尼玛原型及中国文化的阴性特质和女性崇拜的历史遗存现象进行了研究,在阳性文化和阴性文化的比较基础上阐释复兴女神精神的当代价值。在对阿尼玛原型的流变的分析中,又采用了纵向的视野,对智慧导师阿尼玛在后代的传承和分化变异进行了梳理,并对女神的降格加以历史性的分析,总结了两性地位以及中国社会女性观的变化。通过对中国古代神话中智慧导师阿尼玛原型及其后世传承和移位的研究,可以揭示出不同历史时期的两性关系和女性心理的变迁。从早期的女神崇拜到父权社会的女神降格,体现的是男权中心主义对女性的性别压抑导致的女性的全面失败。智慧导师阿尼玛是作为人类之师的功能而体现出其精神价值和文化价值的,不仅对于两性关系的真实还原具有价值,而且对于反思宗教史和思想史,乃至文化进化和文明起源等一系列重大问题都具有重要的价值。在“女神复兴”这种全球化语境下,智慧导师阿尼玛作为灵魂女神和阴性文化的象征,对于人类心灵的自我完善具有积极意义,对解决当今社会问题各种冲突和危机具有现实价值。她所代表的女神精神和阴性文化的当代价值需要从历史的、文化的、性别的、心理的、生态的多重角度进行发掘。

【Abstract】 Since the "heat of myth" in twenty--eighties, the research of the goddess became prosperous gradually. It is common to study image of female in ancient myth from a prototype perspective, but the integrate research and the research based on gender and culture has not really started, that is feminist theory and method of prototype criticism in the application of mythology and folklore is still in the initial stage, especially the use of Anima to study female image through prototype theory is even fewer. Starting from the Anima archetype theory, this article analyzed the female image in ancient Chinese mythology. Regarding the Chinese wisdom instructors Anima as the research object of, the author made a depth and comprehensive analysis of its occurrence, typical features, evolution, internal causes and its significance in human culture, at the same time, the author made the new exploration and reflection of female images combining with the social, historical, cultural, ethnic, psychological, gender and other factors. This topic has a certain academic groundbreaking and breakthrough, and also with the academic prospects of further study.In this paper, the starting point and the key problem to solve is to reveal the following relevance and questions:Why the Chinese goddess of wisdom teacher is based prototype of Anima? What the main characteristics of the wisdom instructors Anima prototype are and how it formed? What a decisive role the wisdom instructor Anima played in Chinese culture for the formation of negative traits? How significant the wisdom instructor Anima embodied in the spirit of contemporary society and the future of mankind? This text includes five chapters:Chapter One:Summary of Anima prototype theory, based on the main theory of Anima prototype the author summarized the nature content, origin, function, and basic characteristics of the Anima archetype and then provided the classification and research ideas of the wisdom of Chinese mythology Anima prototype. Chapter Two:made the classification of the image of ancient goddess originating from Anima archetype in Chinese mythology, selecting the Goddess, the Western Queen, Wushan Fairy, Xuannv who represent the Great Mother of God, the eternal spirit, the sexual sublimation and reality saving. Chapter Three:characteristics and causes of Anima. sum up the positive features of Anima from the deformation, genesis of life, wisdom, enlightenment, psychological compensation and analyses its causes through history, cultural, and psychological dimensions. Chapter Four, the shift heritage of wisdom Anima Archetype in Literature made a deep influence on myths and legends in literature, the representations of the images include Virtuous Lady and Intellectual Woman, female savior and heroine, sex partner and spiritual mentor, the female demon and cherry and other types of images. Chapter Five: analysis of the influence that the feminine characteristics and history disenchantment of goddess made on Chinese culture, and studied the downgrading of the Goddess and female disenchantment in male culture in order to make a brief summarize of gender culture and gender status ancient Chinese society.The author attempts to use a variety of research methods in his paper, and this paper has cross-cultural study characteristics. The main methods are:Myth-archetypal criticism and feminist criticism, psychological criticism. The first, Myth-Prototype criticism:This article attempts to study a preliminary prototype of the wisdom instructors Anima, and from a genetic point of view to find the different subtypes and common idiosyncrasy in order to perspective the symbol meaning and origin of Anima prototype generated in Chinese mythology. The second is psychological criticism. As Anima is the soul of the goddess of wisdom, it is necessary to use psychological methods to act on the male spiritual level. The author analyses the functions and causes of Anima Archetype, by using psychology. The third is feminist criticism. Anima prototype came from men’s experience, imagination, psychology of women, and it is the men’s experience and women’s self-reflection. From the perspective of feminist criticism, this paper researched the worship of the prototype of wisdom tutor Anima and the misogyny embodied in the downgrade in the later historical process. It also analyzed the changes hidden behind in gender relations, and explained the gender equality in the contemporary revival of the value of the Goddess.The innovation of this paper is:first, the angle of the study is new. In present, the theory of Anima all over the world is not a lot, and most of which are concentrated in the psychological point of view. It is rare to study from the literary point of view. The research of foreign scholars has focused on the evil Anima type, but Chinese goddess mythology were more concentrated on positive features of Anima, so in this paper, the author took the wisdom mentor goddess Anima as the starting point, from the point of nationalization and cross-cultural, did an all-round study of the characteristics, causes, history and current value of wisdom teacher Anima archetype, and revealed the performance characteristics of Chinese women worship and cultural characteristics of the underlying negative, and pried into the changes of human gender relations, which is brand new. The second is using an interdisciplinary cross-cultural research method and the history and a unified approach of logic and history to harmonize archetypal criticism, cultural anthropology, traditional textual criticism and other factors. In this paper, the author mixed up the perspective of feminist criticism, theoretical methods of archetypal criticism, terminology and psychological analysis, mythology and historical human culture, trying to break through the limitations of traditional literary studies, and combining organic, culture traditional, ethnic and gender theories to literature in order to reveal the secret of the archetype of the intelligence instructors Anima. The third is the depth of open academic horizon. This paper made a combination of horizontal cross-cultural analysis and vertical historical change, and gave full play to the prototype theory of holistic. Based on the comparison of horizontal macro features and cross-cultural, this paper pointed the phenomenon remained in Chinese culture and history that intellectual mentor Anima archetype had its positive characteristics in women worship study. It also explained contemporary values this archetype makes. In Anima archeological analysis, the author sorted out the inheritance differentiation of Anima archetype by using the method of vertical field of vision to sum up the gender status and the changes of femininity in Chinese society.Through the research of the inheritance and translocation of the wisdom tutor ancient Anima prototype in Chinese mythology, the author can reveal the gender relations in different historical periods and changes in men and women in psychology. From the goddess worship in early times to the downgrading of goddess in a patriarchal society, it reflected a comprehensive defeat led by the gender oppression in male-centrism society. The intellectual mentor Anima, as a teacher of human and male, has its spiritual values and cultural values, which is not only helpful for the actual reduction of gender relations, but also has a great value to religious and intellectual history, as well as cultural evolution and the origin of civilization. In the present "Goddess Revival," the goddess of wisdom, mentor Anima, is as a symbol of the human mind and negative culture, has a positive meaning of mankind’s self-improvement. The coming scholars should explore it from multiple angles to find its contemporary spiritual and cultural value from historical, cultural, gender, psychological, ecological perspectives.


