

Community Governance and Social Management System Innovation

【作者】 李慧凤

【导师】 郁建兴;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 社会建设目标和任务的提出,标志着中国将告别以往国家至上的思维模式,开启以公民权利和社会权利为中心的整体性社会建设的新时代。社会转型过程中出现的种种迹象表明,社会领域已经开始与政治领域和经济领域相对分离开来,并逐渐发展成为一个相对独立自治的空间。社会管理不再依附于经济管理和行政管理,而日益呈现其自身的规律和特征,并逐渐成为学术界一个全新研究领域。社会管理体制是一个庞大而复杂的系统,它不仅包含了社会管理与社会体制,也涉及到社会机制与社会政策。在当前社会转型与社会发展的宏观背景下,社会管理体制研究具有鲜明的时代特征。在社会管理体制视野中研究社区治理,通过分析社区治理中的相关问题(如社区管理体制、社区社会组织、社区服务等),并结合这些问题来探讨基层社会管理体制、社会组织管理体制以及社会服务体制的改革与创新,从而揭示出社区治理推动社会管理体制改革与创新的可能途径,以及促进社会建设和社会发展急需建立的体制机制,提出一些相关的社会政策建议,无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义。社区治理的基本经验表明,社区治理已成为当前社会管理的基础和突破口,在改革管理体制(重构政府与社会关系)、培育社会组织(促进公民社会发展)、提供公共服务(推进服务机制创新)、扩大公民参与(树立公共精神和参与意识)等方面,为社会管理体制改革与创新提供了实践探索与理论验证。社区治理的丰富实践给社会管理体制改革与创新提供了诸多启示,如多元主体共治模式、民主治理理念、参与合作机制、政府职能转变逻辑、公民社会成长路径等,这些启示对于我国今后的社会管理改革、社会体制创新以及社会机制建立、社会政策制定提供了可供参考和选择的途径和建议。基层社会管理体制改革是社会管理体制改革的基点和突破口,它的成败直接关系到社会管理体制改革的进程。街道与居委会体制改革作为城市基层社会管理体制改革的重要组成部分,其改革实践对于推进社会管理体制改革与创新具有重要启示意义。社会组织参与社会管理和公共服务的实践表明,在一些领域,社会组织可以提供比政府更为有效和便捷的管理和服务,从而大大提升了社会管理和公共服务的质量和效率。政府需要加快职能转变,大力培育和发展社会组织并鼓励它们参与社会建设,这是促进社会发展的一条有效途径。政府培育和发展社会组织的过程也是培养公民参与意识和公共精神的过程。良好的公民社会的发展,并不见得是在与政府相互制衡和相互对立的情境下,此消彼长地发展起来的,而是可以在与政府有效合作的条件下,互补互动地发展壮大的。社区服务既具有公共服务功能也具有社会服务功能,它在社会保障和基本公共服务方面可以协助政府履行公共服务职能,在社区服务多元供给主体和社区服务社会化方面充分发挥社会服务功能。以需求为导向的逻辑出发点,构建了社会服务供给新秩序,而多元供给主体合作共治,则探索了社会服务供给新机制,这些都将成为社会服务体制改革和政府公共服务供给机制创新的重要借鉴。当前社会管理体制改革与创新体现出社会化、基层化、综合化、互动化趋势,这表明今后社会管理体制改革与创新的重要方面和关键领域主要体现在政府职能转变、公民社会成长、社会发展以及公共管理等领域。政府、市场、社会都可以成为社会管理主体,在社会管理改革和社会体制创新中发挥各自的功能和作用。国家干预、国家对一切自发社会力量的越俎代庖,其实质相当于扼杀了社会的自发性,因此,政府应不遗余力地发现社会、培育社会,激发社会创造,社会创造既意味着社会努力从国家体制中抽身,也意味着在自主自强道路上努力前行。社会管理要体现民主治理、参与合作的理念,“参与”是公民社会获得自主性的重要途径。21世纪中国的一个显著进步在于,越来越多的人开始意识到公民社会的治理成本最低,通过厘清群己权界,使公民的权利得到保障,从而形成以公民权利为结点的网状体公民社会。社会管理的目标是推动社会发展,从而最终实现社会自治,这需要一系列与社会管理有关的社会制度、社会政策、社会立法、社会机制的完善。公平正义作为执政理念的提出,意味着政府职能的理性回归,而社会建设目标和任务的提出,同样是中国社会力量培育与政府再造的重要契机,它表明人类作为社会和政治的存在,必须要有功能正常的社会。

【Abstract】 The goal and task of social construction in the new era means Chinese government will change the thinking mode of state uppermost, and go into the whole society construction and government reformation which center on civil rights and social rights, a new reform is brewing and advancing. Variety phenomena appeared during social reform indicates that social realm is being separated with political realm and economical realm, and developing as an independent and autonomous realm. Social management is no more leeching on to economical and administrational management, but putting up its own rules and characters, and becoming a whole new research subject and field. Social management system is a huge and complicated system. It not only includes social management and social system, and also contains social mechanism and social policy. It has obvious epoch character and contemporary research attention. In the view of social management system, we talk about problems of community governance, such as community management system, social organizations in the community and community services. Then we discuss the reformation and innovation of grass roots social management system, social organizations management system and social services system. Based on this, we try to probe into some approaches which can impel the reformation and innovation of social management system, and advices of social mechanism, social system, social regime, social policy which can promote social construction, which has important theoretical and realistic meanings.The experiences of community governance show that in the field of management system reformation, social organizations fostering, public service offering and citizen participation, community governance provides practical search and theoretical validation for reformation and innovation of social management system. The experiences also illuminate a good many of inspirations, such as cooperation of multiple subjects, idea of democracy governance, mechanism of participation, transforming logic of government function, growing path of civil society. These inspirations provide some consultable and selectable approaches and suggestions for innovation of social management system.Grass roots social management reformation is the basic point and breach of social management reformation. Street system and resident committee system are important parts of grass roots social management, and their practice has great inspiration for the reformation and innovation of social management. Social organizations take part in social management and public services show that in some field social organizations can provide much more efficient and convenient management and services than government. This will improve the quality and efficiency of social management and public services. Government needs speeding up function transformation, fostering and developing social organizations and encouraging them to participate in social construction. This is an effective way to boost social development. The process of fostering and developing social organizations is also the process of cultivating citizen participation and public spirit. The good development of civil society can grow grandly under the conditions of cooperating with government. Community services have both public services function and social services function. Community services have public services function in term of social security and basic public services, and have social services function in term of community services socialization. The logic of demand-driven set up a new order of social services. The cooperation of multiple suppliers establishes the new mechanism of social services. In short, a series of new modes and experiences of community services will become useful references for social services reformation and supply mechanism of public services innovation.Social management system reformation and innovation incarnates the developing trends of socialization, grass roots, integration and interaction. These four trends show that the important and key realm of social management reformation and innovation are the transformation government functions, the growth civil society, the realms of social development and public administration. Government, market and society are main subjects of social management. State intervention counteracts social spontaneity. Therefore, government should do her best to discover society, foster society, inspire social creations. Social creations mean that society should get away from state institutions and go forward on the way of independent. Social management should reflect the idea of democratic governance, participation and cooperation. Participation is the most important way for civil society to acquire autonomy. A remarkable progress of 21st China is that a good many of people are realizing that civil society which can make citizen rights protected by clarifying between group and self to develop a reticulation of civil rights is the lowest cost. The aim of social management is to impel social development and realize social autonomy. This will need a series of social regime, social policy, social legislation and social mechanism. Fairness and justice shows that government makes the function returns to a rational track. Social construction also means that human society which as a social and political being should have natural functional society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

