

Research on Educational Process of "Dujie" Ceremony of Wenshan Indigo Yao Nationality in Yunan

【作者】 邓桦

【导师】 巴登尼玛;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 教育过程问题探讨的是过程哲学在教育领域中的一种回应。作为一个重要的理论与实践问题,教育过程正受到教育理论与实践的双重关注。作为一种过程的教育和作为教育的一种过程,教育过程的内涵在不断地拓展和深化,但由于缺乏对教育过程本质的探讨,使得理论和实践对于“教育过程是什么”“教育过程有什么”的问题一直没有结束。目前,关于教育过程的理论言说主要集中在教育过程构成要素以及过程公平问题上的探讨,对于当代学校教育过程的运行是否合理仍缺乏评价。对于构成教育过程的各种要素而言,在整个运行的过程中还存在着很大的不协调与意义丧失。如何让学校教育过程优化运行,如何让教育过程以满足所有人的生存、生活、发展以及终级价值追求,如何在教育过程中更好的实现中华民族文化的传承,是本研究需要回答的问题.历史上的瑶族,是一个迁移不断的民族,没有自己的文字。然而,这个颠沛流离的民族却依靠自己独特的教育方式“度戒”,在民族历史进程中没有因为不断的迁居而解体,反而保持了自身鲜明的民族特色,维系了强烈的民族认同感。本研究从云南蓝靛瑶“度戒”仪式入手,从哲学解释学的视角审视在以民族仪式为教育场域中的教育过程运行,用结构功能论为理论支撑透析仪式中的教育过程及其要素的深层内涵及其关系意义。在借鉴已有研究的基础上,本研究试图突破以往研究的局限性,以“关系性思维”作为研究的方法论,以现象学教育学“还原事物本身”以及哲学解释学、符号学研究视角和写作工具,即从“回到教育本身”的出发点去考察存在于人类社会中的特殊的教育形式及其教育过程的运行机制,把研究的基点深深植入教育现实中,进而反思学校教育过程现实中存在的问题。在这里,仪式不再仅仅是仪式,而是一个展开的、丰富的意义实现的“教育过程”,在这一过程中,仪式中的教育主体作为直接的参与者、体验者、更多文化资本的占有者,承载着教育根本的意义和价值。于是,本研究从仪式教育过程的运行入手,对教育过程中的各要素及其关系做出审慎的描写,在此基础上,用哲学解释学的理论探讨了仪式教育过程的运行机制并对如何让学校教育过程优化运行等问题做了一定分析。全文共分六章进行阐述。首先介绍了瑶族的历史源流、以及云南蓝靛瑶的文化生境,其中包括了自然、社会和精神层面,揭示了瑶族“度戒”仪式所依托的文化生态系统;其次,分析了仪式中的教育发生,也就是仪式、教育与人的关系,以及“度戒”仪式在瑶族人民的生存与生活中位置与意义,以此为分析该仪式的教育过程奠定了基础。之后,本研究对蓝靛瑶的“度戒”仪式的全过程进行了详细的考察,并对仪式教育过程中的六要素,教育主体、教育目标、教育内容、教育媒介、教育方式及教育环境等教育要素及其运行机制进行了解读.得出了以下结论:一、由于没有文字,再加上独特的历史经历,瑶族人民以图腾、祖先、自然和神鬼崇拜为中心,以各种仪式和食物献祭为主要手段延续了本民族文化,在众多仪式活动中,“度戒”成为了瑶族文化传承的主要载体,它以一个完整生命程序的演绎展示了其传承文化的全过程。从文化的结构上看,“度戒”仪式是位于文化系统的中层,是沟通表层物质和深层精神价值的桥梁,仪式中的各种符号交织在一起,为瑶族提供了参与、体验和内化民族文化的教育场域,不仅让个体的人性在仪式过程中得到充分滋养,更让其在融入社会前做足了准备,具有重要的教育意义。二、“度戒”仪式分为三个环节,以象征意义上的“受孕”、“怀胎”、“分娩”为主线,时间持续10天左右,其中所包括的教育过程要素,统一,协调的促进了个体生命的生成与发展。首先,“受孕”仪式中,受戒者形同投身于师傅“腹”中,在通过择师、拜师等一系列活动,受戒者与施戒者建立师生关系也可以说形成了新的“母子关系”,为之后的学习及身份认同做好了准备。在“怀胎”仪式中,受戒者形如胎儿,分别在三位师傅家中静修三日,一日代表一月。在这九天当中,受戒者白天在床上静心修道,夜晚以火塘为媒由师傅引导,实现与祖先的“对话”并习得相应的民族精神文化内涵,获得了必要的文化前理解。在“分娩”仪式中,受戒者以跳落高台的肢体展演实现了个体的基本社会化,完成了从纯粹的自然人向社会人的转化,实现了身分的认同。此后,由师傅向其传授的十戒、十问、十答,规范了受戒者在以后的人生中所要承担的角色,所要履行的责任和义务。在整套仪式中,每个阶段都用明确的教育目的、方式、内容、媒介等,但这些要素并非是独立的,而是相互融合,共同发挥着作用。整个教育过程有效的运用了仪式中的文化符号把个体的生命历程紧密结合起来,在赋予其文化内涵以生命意义的同时,也赋予了生命生成以一定的文化规定性。在生命个体趋于成熟之际,以一种独特的教育过程帮助受戒者获得了不同身分的定位,并在不断的自我完善中实现社会化。三、进入21世纪,学校教育的改革虽没有停步,但是教育过程中的各要素始终不能协调,不能统一。现代教育复制了近代工业模式,教育对工具理性的屈服表现为单纯追求达到目的的手段,而对目的本身的价值和意义缺少追问和反省,这最终导致了人的意义和价值危机,人的主体性的迷失和精神的自我异化。因此,笔者认为,对“度戒”仪式教育过程的研究,有利于对现今在学校教育过程运行中存在问题的解决。本研究以蓝靛瑶“度戒”仪式的教育过程为研究对象,从理论上提醒人们在人类社会中存在的任何一种看似简单的民族文化仪式都有自己独特的教育过程。其次,通过对“度戒”仪式的教育过程的研究,揭示出传承人类文明的一种特有方式,以期寻求传承文明的合理方式与途径,同时让学校教育得以借鉴。

【Abstract】 The issue of educational process is to discuss the response of process philosophy in the field of education. As an important theory and practical problem, "educational process" draws double concerns both from educational theory and practice. Educational process is an education of process and a process education, and its contents are continuously broadened and deepened. But due to the lack of discussion on the essence of educational process, the theoretical and practical issues about "what is educational process" and "what’s the content of educational process" have not ended. Currently theories and ideas about educational process are mostly focused on researches on elements of educational process and fair problem in the process, lacking evaluation on the reasonability of the operation of educational process in contemporary schools. As for the various elements that constitute educational process, there are still a great lack of coordination and loss of meaning in the whole operating process. Therefore, this research needs to answer the questions about how to optimize the operation of educational process, how to make educational process satisfy all persons’ pursuit for survival, living, development and ultimate value, how to use educational process to better realize heritage of Chinese culture.In history, the Yao is a constantly migratory minority group without its own words. However, relying on its own unique education way—"Dujie", this vagrant minority does not disintegrate due to constant relocation in the ethical historical process, but maintain its own distinctive national characteristics and keep a strong ethical identity. Beginning with the "Dujie" ceremony of Indigo Yao nationality in Yunan, this research has inspected the educational process operating which uses ethical ceremony as education field from the perspective of philosophical hermeneutic. Employing structural functionalism as theoretical support, this paper dialyzes educational process in the ceremony, the deep meaning of its elements and their relationship significance. On the basic of drawing on previous studies, this research attempts to break through the limitation of previous studies, uses "relational thinking" as research methodology, employs phenomenological pedagogy "to restore the thing itself and philosophical hermeneutics and semiotics to study perspective and writing tool. In other words, this research uses "back to the education itself as the starting point to examine the special education form and its educational process operating mechanism that exists in human society, implants the basic study point deeply into education reality to reflect the reality problems exist in schools’educational process. Here, ceremony is not only a ceremony, but an extended "educational process" full of practical significance. In this process, as a direct participant, experiencer, and owner of more cultural capital, educational subject of the ceremony carries the basic meaning and value of education. Therefore, this study starts from educational process operation of the ceremony, and describes carefully the elements of educational process and their relationships. On this basic, this paper uses the theory of philosophical hermeneutics to discuss the educational process operating mechanism of the ceremony, offering some analysis on the issues about how to optimize the operation of educational process and so on.This paper is divided into six chapters to elaborate. First, it introduces historical origin of the Yao and cultural environment of Indigo Yao in Yunan including natural, social and spiritual dimensions, revealing the cultural and ecological systems on which "Dujie" ceremony of the Yao relies. Secondly, it analyzes education occurs in the ceremony, that is, the relationship between ceremony, education and human, as well as the position and significance of "Dujie" ceremony in the survival and life of the Yao people, which build foundation for the analysis of educational process of the ceremony. Then, it has a detailed investigation on the whole process of "Dujie’ ceremony of Indigo Yao and interprets six elements in educational process of the ceremony which are educational subject, educational objective, educational content, educational media, educational method and educational environment, as well as their operation mechanism. At last, it reaches the following conclusions:First, due to the absence of words and its unique historical experiences, the Yao people center on totem, ancestor, nature and ghost worship. They use a variety of rituals and food sacrifice as the main means to continue their ethical culture, and among the various ceremonies "Dujie" becomes the main carrier of cultural heritage of the Yao culture because it uses a complete life process to demonstrate the whole process of its culture heritage. From the cultural structure, "Dujie" ceremony is in the middle of cultural system, which is a communication bridge for surface matters and deep spiritual values. The ceremony intertwines a variety of symbols, providing education field for the Yao to participate, experience and internalize ethical culture. It has important educational significance, because it does not only make individuals to be fully nourished in the human-natured ceremony process, but also prepare them well before stepping into society.Second, "Dujie" ceremony is divided into three components, uses reincarnation, pregnancy and birth as the main line and lasts for about 10 days. The included elements of the educational process are unified and coordinated to promote the generation and development of individual life. First, in the "reincarnation" ceremony, the muhriz’s body seems to throw into the master’s "belly". Through a series activities of selecting and taking on masters, the muhriz and master build teacher-student relationship or new "mother and son relationship" in other words, preparing for later learning and identity. In the "pregnancy" ceremony, the muhriz meditates respectively at home of three masters for three days (one day represent one month) like a fetus. In these nine days, the muhriz meditates in bed during the day and at night with master’s guide uses fireplace as media to realize "dialogue" with ancestors to obtain matching ethical spiritual culture and meaning and necessary cultural understanding. In the "birth" ceremony, the muhriz uses body performance of jumping high platform to achieve the fundamental individual socialization, complete the transformation from purely natural man to social individual and realize identity. Then, masters will teach him Ten Commandments, Ten Questions, Ten Answer to regulate his role to be undertaken, responsibilities and obligations to be fulfill in the future life. Each stage of the entire ceremony has its clear education purpose, method, content, media, etc., but these elements are not independent but fused together to play their roles. The whole educational process effectively uses cultural symbols in the ceremony to link individual life course closely, giving its cultural content with life meaning and its life generation with certain cultural prescriptive. On the occasion that life individual drives to maturity, this unique educational process helps muhrizs to obtain different identities and realize socialization in the continuous self-improvement. Third, stepping into the 21st century, the reform of school education does not stop, but the various elements of educational process always can not coordinate and unify. The modern education copied the modern industrial model, therefore education’s yield to instrumental rationality displays in pure pursuit for means to reach an aim, which lacking questioning and reflection of the value and significance of the aim itself. This phenomenon will ultimately lead to the crisis of human’s meaning and value, loss of human’s subjectivity and spiritual self-alienation. Therefore, the author believes that the study on educational process of "Dujie" ceremony is beneficial to resolve the problems of educational process operation in current schools.Using the educational process of "Dujie" ceremony of Indigo Yao nationality as research object, this research theoretically reminds people that any seemingly simple ceremony of ethical culture that exists in human society has its own unique educational process. Secondly, through study of the educational process of "Dujie" ceremony, the paper reveals a unique way for heritage of human civilization, expecting to find a reasonable way and means to transmit civilization that can be learned by school education.

【关键词】 “度戒”仪式教育过程
【Key words】 "Dujie"Ceremonyeducational process
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】G527
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】489

