

Temporality and Its Operations in Language

【作者】 莫启扬

【导师】 文旭;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文探讨了去时间化对语言使用和语言结构演变产生的影响。时间性是概念化中事件的时间属性,是由心智扫描所产生或强加于所描述情形(包括事体和事件)的过程性连续统,是概念化者的主观认知加工在语言中留下的烙印。词项所代表的概念总是处于时间性连续统的某一个刻度上,同时具有不同程度的时间性和非时间性。每一个词项都是一个小整体,其属性会根据构式或语境等大整体的需要而涌现,从而体现出时间性或非时间性的特征。语言之间的差异主要在于,词项的时间性在词库中是否被强制性规定或用形态手段予以标记。英语词项的时间性是单值的,名词表述非时间性的事体,动词表述时间性的关系。名词动用要通过时间化来实现,动词名用要通过去时间化来实现。汉语词项的时间性是双值的,用作动词表示陈述时就将时间性释放出来,用作名词表示指称时就将非时间性释放出来。具体是释放为时间性还是非时间性是由词项这个小整体与构式或语境这个大整体之间的互动决定的。这些表明,时间性的存在有其稳固的生成整体论哲学基础。作为时间性和非时间性区分基础的是两种心智扫描:时间性对应于顺序扫描,非时间性对应于整体扫描。大量的心理学实验已经证明了顺序扫描和整体扫描的存在。这也就证明了时间性和非时间性之分是有其稳固的心理基础的。另外,一般而言,名词表述事体,是非时间性的,形容词表述属性,也应该是非时间性的。但它们很多都含有被识解为时间性侧面的潜性。这为时间性的存在提供了语言学方面的证据。时间性是一个连续统。词类之间、同一范畴不同成员之间、不同句法位置之间、不同内部构造的动词之间以及同一词类的不同时期均体现出连续统的性质。这与指称-述谓连续统、及物性连续统、非句化连续统、背景化连续统和语法化连续统是一致的。时间化和去时间化总是同时进行的,时间化的反而就是去时间化。但是,因为去时间化更容易观察,所以我们在文中主要探讨去时间化。去时间化可以从语义和句法两个方面识别。当一个动词的语义指向不是事体而是表示另一动作的程度或结果时,该动词就发生了去时间化。去时间化还可以通过语法灵活性测试、突显测试、重叠测试和插入测试来识别。句法灵活性又包括并列删除、宾语提前和宾语位置出现零形回指三个方面。去时间化可以因概念重叠而发生,也可以由语言结构的内部调整和演变而促发。汉语历时演变中由双动词核心向单动词核心的演变就促发了去时间化的发生。汉语介词的语法化、动补结构的诞生以及体标记的产生均与双核心动词结构中的一个去时间化有关。去时间化的作用主要体现在三个方面:在语言表述功能上,促使述谓向指称转化;在词语语义演变方面,促使词语由主观化而发生语法化;在篇章功能和信息传递方面,促使小句背景化。在小句层面,述谓向指称的转化体现为小句的非句化。随着非句化程度的增加,述谓性逐渐降低而指称性逐渐增加,去时间化的程度也越来越高。小句和词项一样,当用于指称时可以发生转指。但小句要用于指称必先去时间化。标补词that是去时间化操作词,其去时间化功能使谓补分句由陈述转为指称,这是命题转指的前提。因此,如果根据主句动词的逻辑指向,谓补分句命题要发生转喻,that便不可以省略。本研究还发现,主观化的本质就是主语控制力的弱化,体现为客观轴上的关系去时间化而主观轴上的关系成为小句勾勒的主要时间性关系。主观化有两种:第一种是概念化者通过主观心智扫描产生的概念参照点关系突显性逐渐增强并最终成为小句勾画的主要关系的过程。在第二二种主观化中,主观轴上的概念参照点关系被继续去时间化,这最终会导致相关成分语法化为背景设置成分。去时间化还可以促使小句背景化。在汉语这种没有形态屈折变化而语序起着重要作用的语言中,背景化主要是通过主语强制零形化、主语论元异位和修饰语异位等方式实现的。本文发展和完善了认知语法关于时间性的理论,并将其应用于汉语研究,进步扩大了认知语法的研究范围,为认知语法的相关理论寻求了新的语料和语言类型佐证。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a study on atemporalization and its effects on the use and evolution of linguistic structures.Temporality refers to the temporal qualities of the conceptualized event. It is a processual continuum that is imposed on the described situation by mental scannings. a mark of the conceptualizer’s subjective cognitive processing that is left in language.The concept denoted by a lexical item is positioned somewhere on this continuum, demonstrating different degrees of temporality and atemporality. Each lexical item is a small whole, whose characteristics will emerge in accordance with the coercion of the constructions or contexts in which it appears, thus displaying temporality or atemporality. Languages differ in terms of whether the temporality of lexical items is obligatorily predetermined or morphologically marked. English lexical items, whose temporality is assigned in the lexicon, lie at either extremes of the continuum. It is characteristic of being mono-value:nouns denote atemporal things, while verbs temporal relations. Nouns, to be used as verbs, should be temporalized. Likewise, verbs to be used as nouns should undergo atemporaliztion. In contrast, lexical items in Mandarin Chinese are not marked temporal or atemporal in lexicon. They lie at the middle of the temporality continuum and are characteristic of being dual-value:they release temporality when used as verbs and atemporality when used as nouns, as determined by the interaction between these items and constructions. This lays a solid philosophical foundation for temporality in Generative Holism.Sequential and summary scannings serve as the psychological basis of temporality. A number of psychological experiments have proved the existence of these two modes of scanning. Furthermore, though nouns generally denote atemporal things and adjective atemporal qualities, they have potential of being construed as temporal. This affirms the existence of temporality from a linguistic point of view.Temporality is a continuum, which displays itself in different lexical categories, different members of the same categories, different syntactic positions, verbs of different intercal structures as well as different historical periods of the same category. This is in accordance with the continuums of designation-assertion, of transitivity, of desententialization, of backgrounding, and of grammaticalization.Temporal izaton and atemporalization are two opposite operations of the same entity, which occur simultaneously. We mainly focus on the latter in this dissertation, for it’s more noticeably observed. Atemporalization can be identified from perspectives of semantics and syntax. When a verb denotes the result or state of another verb instead of being semantically oriented towards a thing, it has gone through atemporalization. Atemporalization can also be identified through Test of Syntactic Flexibility, Test of Prominence, Test of Duplication and Test of Insertion. Syntactic flexibility includes parallel deletion, object fronting and anaphora of zero object.Atemporalization may be triggered by conceptual overlap or the internal readjustment of linguistic structures. The shift, in the historical change of Mandarin Chinese, from double verbal locuses to single verbal locus, is a case in point. The grammaticalizations of Chinese prepositions, verb-complement constructions and aspectual markers all find cause in the atemporalization of one of the two locuses.Atemporalization figures in three functions:triggering the transference from assertion to designation, the grammaticalizaiton via subjectification, and backgrounding. At the level of clause, the transference from assertion to designation finds manifestation in desententialization. With the increase in desententialization, atemporalization rises proportionately.Clauses, like lexical items, can refer metonymically when used to designate, on the conditions that they have been atemporalized. The complementizer that is an atemporalizer, whose atemporalizing function shifts the complement clause from asserting to designating. This is the precondition of metonymical shift of complement proposition. Consequently, if the complement proposition should refer metonymically, as is required by the logical orientation of the main predicate, the complementizer that is not to be omitted.This study also finds that the essence of subjectification is the attenuation of subject control, which is reflected in the atemporalization of the relationship on the objective axis, and in the relationship on the subjective axis turning to be the profiled process by the clause. We have two kinds of subjectification. In the first case, the reference-point relationship that arises from the mental scanning of the conceptual izer gets more and more prominent, and eventually becomes the main process profiled by the clause. In the second case, the reference-point relationship on the subjective axis continues to be atemporalized. and eventually results in the grammaticalization of some grammatical constituents into grounding elements.Atemporalization can also cause the backgrounding of clauses. In Mandarin Chinese, which lacks inflectional changes and in which syntactic order figures prominently, backgrounding is realized mainly through obligatory zero subject, displacement of subjects and displacement of modifiers.This dissertation develops and systemizes the theory about temporality in cognitive grammar and finds its application in the study of Mandarin Chinese. It enlarges the scope of research of cognitive grammar and seeks support from new linguistic materials and typological evidences.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】H04
  • 【下载频次】489

