

Study on Corruption Behaviors and Incorruption Construction in Universities

【作者】 王伟忠

【导师】 崔延强;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 高等教育是一个民族的文化象征和智慧烙印,而在进入知识社会时代的今天,高等教育更是作为知识的渊薮和人才的摇篮而成为一个国家经济繁荣、社会发展的深层动力。因此,高等教育的健康发展与否关系着国家的命运和民族的兴衰。目前中国高等教育正处于迅速发展的时期,但是也存在着不少的问题,其中高校管理人员违法违纪行为就是一个突出的、亟待解决的问题。本研究就旨在明确界定这一问题的现实情形、深入发掘其形成的缘由并从多个维度提出解决这一问题的对策和建议。首先,本文就高校管理者可支配的权力与范围进行了明晰,并分别论述了高校行政权力和学术权力的来源与归属,厘清二者之间的关系,描述现阶段我国高校权力归属、权力结构的现状。同时,还将就高等教育权力的监督和制约进行探讨,从党组织建设与行政管理两个方面描述我国高等教育领域内的纪律监察体系建设。通过明晰高校的权力结构和纪律监察体系,从而引入当前我国高校管理者在权力行使过程中出现的问题。其次,本文对现行高校腐败行为进行描述。目前我国高校管理者的腐败行为主要表现为三个方面:一是经济类腐败,主要是指在高校经济活动中出现的腐败行为,多发生在高校管钱、管物的部门和校办企业,其主要特征是贪污、受贿、挪用公款、私设“小金库”、滥发私分钱物等;二是行业类腐败,主要是指发生在招生、考试、收费等活动中的腐败行为;三是学术类腐败,主要指在高校学术运作和管理活动中存在的腐败行为,特点是学术活动受到非学术因素,如行政权力、金钱、关系、人情等的侵扰和影响。无论是经济类腐败、行业类腐败,还是学术类腐败,都是与高校和谐校园建设相悖的丑恶现象。高校内部出现的腐败问题,在社会上产生的恶劣影响,将比其他领域更容易摧毁一个社会的良知,玷污社会的未来。第三,本文将对高校腐败行为进行归因分析。本研究认为,一方面是违纪者本人自身的原因,另一方面,其也存在着深刻的社会基础。本文从转型期社会价值的变迁导致的思想异化、高校内部权力失衡导致寻租空间的出现以及高等教育发展过程中的急功近利行为三个方面进行归因分析。第四,在归因分析的基础上,本研究首先从廉政制度建设入手,通过制度的约束力量刹住日益猖獗的违法乱纪之风。从学术与行政两方面分别借鉴国外先进的制度建设经验,并根据我国高校的现状,提出廉政制度建设的确立原则与建设方案的建议。第五,本文提出制度的建设只是高校廉政体系的一个方面,除此之外,我们必须要重视教育的力量,从而防患于未然,在根本上制止高校中违法违纪的行为。就廉政教育的实施,本文从高校廉政教育的指导思想、教育载体以及文化平台等三个方面进行探讨。最后,本研究从中国历史的长河中汲取营养和教训,从西方社会学理论中寻找分析现实的利器,从中国市场经济发生发展的内在规律中探究社会的症结,进而对廉政制度和廉政教育进行了更为深刻的反思。最后,研究提出了制度是否万能、卡里斯玛型领导对中国高校廉政建设的影响、以及中国式市场经济体制下的廉政教育如何发展等三大追问,以作为本研究所要继续努力的方向。

【Abstract】 Higher education is the cultural symbol and wisdom brand of a nation, and it serves as the deep impetus of national economic prosperity and social development for its gathering place of knowledge and cradle of talents when knowledge society is coming. Therefore, whether the development of higher education is healthy or not has close relation to the destiny and prosperity of a nation. Higher education of China has experienced its rapid development, however, there are still some problems, among which the malfeasance of administrators in universities is an outstanding problem which needs to be solved as soon as possible. This study aims to define the practical situation, exploring deeply the reasons of its formation, putting forward some countermeasures and suggestions from many dimensions to the problem.Firstly, this study clarifies the right and range that can be dominated by administrators in university, discussing the source and ownership of administrative power and academic power respectively and clearing the relationship between them, describing the situation of ownership and structure of rights in Chinese university at present. Meanwhile, the study discusses the supervision and restriction of the right in higher education, describing the construction of discipline supervision system from aspects of Party organization construction and administration in Chinese higher education filed. Through clarifying the power structure and discipline supervision system of university, the study introduces problems caused in the process of exercising rights by administrators in university.Secondly, on the foundation of last chapter, this study begins to describe the malfeasance of administrators in university. The paper holds that the malfeasance can be classified into three kinds:the first one is economic corruption, which mainly refers to the corruption appearing in economic activities of university. It mainly occurs in departments in charge of money and materials and university-owned enterprises. Its typical features are corruption, bribery, misappropriating public funds, setting up "small coffer", distributing public money or property illegally, etc.; the second is intro-industry corruption, which mainly means the behavior that appears in enrollment, examination, fee charging and so on; and the third aspect is academic corruption, mainly refer to the corruption exiting in academic operation and management activities. The characteristic of academic corruption is that academic activity is infested and affected by non-academic factors such as administration power, money, relationship, human sympathy etc. all of these kinds of corruption are contradictory to the construction of harmonious campus. The bad influence of corruption in university will annihilate conscience and pollute the future of society easily than in any other fields.Thirdly, the reasons of corruption in university are given in this chapter. The study argues that the violator himself and the profound social base are the most two important reasons resulting in the phenomenon. Then, this paper gives further supporting from three aspects:alienation of thought resulted from changes of social value in transformation period, internal power imbalance in university resulted in appearing of rent-seeking space, seeking quick success and instant benefits in the process of the development of higher education.Fourthly, based on the attribution and analysis, this study starts with the construction of incorruptible government system, and points out that furious increased malfeasances should be ceased by restriction power of system. With reference to the experience of foreign countries in academic and administration, this paper proposes suggestions of setting up principles and constructing scheme on construction of incorruptible government system according to current situation of Chinese university,Fifthly, this study considers that the construction of system is only one aspect of incorruptible government system in university. In addition, we must pay attention to the power of education and take precautions before it happened, restricting the malfeasance fundamentally in university. Concerning the practice of incorruptible education, the paper discusses it from aspects of guiding ideology, education carrier, cultural platform.Lastly, learning from the experience in the history of China and methods to analyze problems of sociology theory in the West, this study explores the crucial reasons in the regulation of market economy in China, and then gives deep reflection of incorruptible system and incorruptible education. It fatherly put forward a question whether the system is omnipotent, the influence of Charisma type leader on incorruptible construction in Chinese university, the methods to implement incorruptible education in market economy system of China, which is expected to be the task of further study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】G647;D262.6
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2714

