

Research of Li Zehou’s Theory "Noumenon of Emotion"

【作者】 罗绂文

【导师】 王本朝;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 美学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“人生在世”与“哲学何为”为切入点,对李泽厚“人类学历史本体论”的核心内容“情本体”思想进行研究。研究目的有三:一、在李泽厚“人类学历史本体论”总体框架下梳理“情本体”思想的形成过程和内在逻辑理路;二、在中西哲学视野下考察以“情”为本建构思想体系之可能性;三、李泽厚建构“情本体”思想的研究范式对当下学术研究“综合创新”的启示和解决“人生在世”困惑的思想史意义。全文分为六个部分论述。一、在导论中,以“哲学何为”的历史迷思之本源性问题为起点,探讨李泽厚“人类学历史本体论”哲学思想的主题、内涵与归宿;同时回顾概述前人的研究成果,引出本文将以“人生在世”为核心来研究李泽厚的“情本体”哲学思想。二、将李泽厚的“人类学历史本体论”哲学进行横向分类概述,分别阐述其“人类学哲学”、“历史哲学”、“伦理哲学”、“政治哲学”和“美学”思想的主要内容。三、从李泽厚的“人类学”、“历史”“本体论”三个关键词的内在联系出发,以“自然的人化”为中心分析“工具本体”的“人的历史性生成”和“心理本体”之构建“人生在世”的“有情宇宙观”,以及这两个“本体”之间的内在逻辑联系。四、以论著发表的时间先后顺序,阐述了李泽厚如何对待“情感”问题的流变史:从重视“感性”开始,到“心理本体”进而“情感本体”再到“情本体”,最终提出“美学作为第一哲学”的审美形而上学,从历史的角度考察李泽厚“情本体”哲学思想的整体风貌及其如何应对时代的挑战。五、在西方“爱智慧”哲学和中国传统的儒、道哲学思想视野下对以“情”为本的“人生”“在世”之可能性进行辨析,为李泽厚以提纲式、答问录提出“情本体”哲学思想进行逻辑论证与拓展。六、以李泽厚对“活的东西”与“死的东西”区分、“天人新义”阐述和“儒学四期说”为实例,阐释其提出“情本体”思想的研究范式对当下学术研究“综合创新”的启示和解决“人生在世”困惑的思想史意义。

【Abstract】 This paper use "Life Living" and "What is philosophy" as the starting point to research Li Zehou’s "historical ontology of Anthropology", whose core is "noumenon of emotion". There are three purposes:First, this paper combs "noumenon of emotion" Philosophy of the forming process and the internal logical thinking in the general framework of Li Zehou "historical ontology of Anthropology"; Second, it inspects the possibility that regard "emotion" as noumenon to construct system of philosophy under the inspection of Chinese and Western Philosophy; Finally, thinking that Li Zehou constructs "noumenon of emotion" possesses enlightenment of "integrated innovation" and ideology’s meaning that solve obfuscation of the "Living life".Full paper is divided into six parts. First, introduction uses original problem of historical no testing thinking of "What is philosophy" as a starting point to explore theme, content and destination of philosophy of Li Zehoui’s "historical ontology of Anthropology"; it also reviews the results of previous studies and draws forth Li Zehoui’s philosophy of "noumenon of emotion" which would use "living life" as core to research. Second, this paper makes parallel classification for the Li Zehou’s "historical ontology of Anthropology", and describes separately its main content of "Philosophic Anthropology", "Philosophy of History", "Ethical Philosophy" and "Political Philosophy" and "Aesthetics". Third, "Anthropology", "history" and "ontology" are key words of Li Zehou’s philosophy, start off with the intrinsic link of them, this paper analyzes "historic generation of people" of "becoming tool" and "emotional cosmical view" of constructing "living life " by "mental ontology", and contact between two parts. Fourth, it explains Evolution History that how to he deal with "emotional" issue according to the order that Li Zehou’s books are issued:from "sensitive" to the "mental body" and any more to "emotional body", even "Sentiment", he proposed aesthetic metaphysics of "Aesthetics as First Philosophy" finally, so this paper inspects overall outlook of Li Zehou’s "noumenon of emotion" and how to it deal with the challenges of the historical perspective. Fifth, in the perspective of Western "love of wisdom" and Confucianism and Taoism of traditional Chinese philosophy, discriminates the possibility of "Life" and "alive" that use "emotion" as moumenon, and makes logical argument and development for Li Zehou’s philosophy of "noumenon of emotion". Finally, as an example, which Li Zehou distinguished "living things" and "dead things" and expounded "new meanings for haven and human" and "four theories of Confucianism", this paper explains enlightenment of his researching paradigm of "noumenon of emotion" for "integrated innovation" of current research of science ideology’s meaning that solve obfuscation of the "Living life".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】B26
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】924

