

Post-modern Turn of Confucian Curriculum Idea

【作者】 樊亚峤

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 儒家课程思想是儒家教育体系的重要组成部分,它直接体现了儒家教育在各个历史阶段的不同任务、特点与发展状况。中国文化是一种以儒家文化为主的文化,因此,系统研究儒家课程观并在此基础上对其进行批判性的继承和创造性的超越将有助于我们建立本土化的课程理论;有助于为世界课程理论发展注入丰富的文化资源,从而将更多元、更有意义的文化形式带入课程领域;也有助于我国的新课程改革更好地适应我国的文化传统。儒家课程思想的后现代转向是以传统儒家课程思想为基础,借用后现代主义的视角及方法论,对后现代主义所凸显的那些当代课程的主要问题所做出的回应。其主要工作是要以后现代主义为工具来阐释和宣扬儒家课程思想的固有价值和当代意蕴,并且借鉴后现代理论来展开对现代课程所存在问题地诊断与分析,从而建构起一个儒家课程思想后现代发展的美好愿景,促进儒家课程思想的发展和时代价值的发挥。影响儒家课程思想发挥当代价值的最终因素,就在于儒家课程思想能否踏上一个后现代之途,也即是能否实现一个“走向后儒学的课程观”。全文共分为以下七个部分:第一部分,绪论。简要介绍了本研究提出的原因所在,阐明了本研究的理论和实践意义,对前期相关研究成果进行了分析与梳理,并说明了研究的思路以及使用的研究方法。第二部分,儒家课程思想的历史透视及特点。儒家课程思想从萌芽到理论化的整个过程都有着较为清晰的发展脉络,并且其在不同的历史时期根据具体发展的需要也体现出了各自不同的倾向与特点。总体而言,儒学的课程体系是以社会为本位的,体现出了一种原始的人文主义情怀,“尊德性”是其课程思想的宗旨。第三部分,儒家课程思想的现代困境与回应。儒学与现代性的关系问题是二十世纪新儒家研究的主要范畴之一,这一问题至今仍然没有得到妥善的处理,成为了阻碍新儒学发展的巨大障碍。同样,现代性也对儒家课程思想的发展带来了阻碍,使儒家课程思想在现代社会制度、现代意识形态与现代教育制度等几个方面显得与现代社会格格不入。清醒地认识儒家课程思想的现代困境有助于我们更好地思考应对之道。而超越现代性,根据社会发展的方向来对儒家课程思想的发展进行更深入的思考则是提升儒家课程思想时代发展动力所必须的。第四部分,后现代主义对儒家课程思想转向的启示。儒家课程思想的时代发展必须做出某些超越现代性的转化。无论是从时代性的发展,还是社会文化精神的发展趋势来看,后现代性都是其必然的发展路径。无独有偶,中国的传统文化以及儒家课程思想之中也不时闪现出一些后现代的映像,这就更加有助于儒家课程思想从后现代主义中汲取养分。同时,后现代主义也对儒家课程思想的转向提供了一些方法论上的启示。第五部分,儒家课程思想后现代转向的价值阐释。儒家课程思想后现代转向的价值阐释表明了儒家课程思想在认识和处理后现代转向这一问题时的所处地位和所持态度。笔者认为,儒家课程思想后现代转向的价值取向包括基本立场、价值选择和价值实现等三个方面。对马克思主义历史唯物论与辩证法的坚持、对后现代主义的理性认同、对中国优秀传统文化的弘扬和对世界性与民族本位性的协调是儒家课程思想后现代转向的基本立场。而实现课程对个体生命化的关照、实现个体精神自由的发展、充拓课程的伦理道德精神以及确立合理的课程主体性则是对儒家课程思想后现代转向价值实现的体现。第六部分,儒家课程思想的后现代图景。儒家课程思想的后现代图景是笔者根据现代性和后现代性在课程实践领域给人们提出的新挑战而做出的些许回应。儒家课程思想后现代图景的实质代表了一种走向“后儒学”的课程观。建构这个图景的意义不仅在于其可以加速儒家课程思想后现代转向的进程、促进课程理论的多元化和本土化发展、提高传统文化现代转型的自主能力,更在于其可以在保持儒家传统优秀课程思想的基础上,用后现代主义的视角与方法论对现代主义课程进行审视,从而切实地对我们的课程走出现代性困境提供启示。第七部分,儒家课程思想后现代图景的启示。当前学校课程与教学实施的实际情况和儒家课程思想后现代图景之间的差距还很大。而儒家课程思想的后现代图景至少在课程目的观、课程内容观、课程实施以及课程管理等几个方面为我们提供了一些启示,以帮助我们不断修正当前的课程与教学改革,使之能够逐渐向着这一美好的愿景趋近。

【Abstract】 Confucian curriculum idea is an important constituent part of Confucian education system, which directly reflects the different mission, characteristics and developmental situation in each historical stage of Confucian education. Chinese culture is dominated by Confucian culture, thus, based on the systematical research of Confucian curriculum idea, the critically inheriting and creatively transcending will help us to develop indigenous curriculum theory, and also help us to bring rich cultural resources into the development of world curriculum theory, so that to take the more various and meaningful cultural forms into the field of curriculum. Furthermore, it will also help China’s New Curriculum Reform to adapt the tradition of Chinese culture better.Based on the traditional Confucian curriculum idea, the post-modern turn of Confucian curriculum idea borrows the perspective and methodology of post-modernism, responds the main issues of the contemporary curriculum in post-modernism. Its main job is to use post-modernism as a tool to interpret and promote inherent value and contemporary meaning of Confucian curriculum idea. It also borrows the theory of post-modernism to diagnose and analyze the existing problems in modern curriculum. So that to construct a better post-modern developmental vision of Confucian curriculum idea, and promote the development of Confucian curriculum idea and the exertion of its time value. The ultimate factor effecting the exertion of Confucian curriculum idea’s contemporary value lies in whether it can embark on the path of post-modernism, that is to say, whether it will achieve "a view towards the post-Confucian curriculum".The Paper is divided into the following seven parts: The first part is the introduction. In this part, the author briefly introduces the reason for this research and illustrates the theoretical and practical significance of this research. The author also analyzes and sorts out the previous related research findings, and shows the process and methods of this research.The second part is the historical development and characteristics of Confucian curriculum idea. The developmental process of Confucian curriculum idea has a clear skeleton from its emergence to the theoretical expansion, and it embodies its own different tendency and characteristics in every different historical period according to the needs of the specific development. In the general sense, Confucian curriculum system is society-oriented, which reflects the feelings of a primitive humanism, and its tenet is "honoring the nature of morality".The third part is the contemporary dilemma and response of Confucian curriculum idea. The relationship between Confucianism and the modernity is one of the main academic scopes of Neo-Confucians. However, this problem has still not been properly handled, hindering the development of Neo-Confucianism. At the same time, the modernity becomes an obstacle of Confucian curriculum idea. The current situation of Confucian curriculum idea is inconsistent with the modern society system, the modern ideologies and the modern education system. The clear awareness of Confucian curriculum idea’s modern dilemma will help us to think of a better solution methods. According to the direction of social development, it is necessary to transcend the modernity and ponder over the development of Confucian curriculum idea in order to enhance the dynamic development of Confucian curriculum idea in modern times.The fourth part is an enlightenment brought about by post-modernism for the turn of Confucian curriculum idea. The development of Confucian curriculum idea must go through some transformations that transcend modernity. Either from the development of the times, or developmental trends of social and cultural spirit, post-modernity is an inevitable developmental path for Confucian curriculum idea. It is not unique that there is post-modern image flashing in Chinese traditional culture and Confucian curriculum idea, which is helpful for Confucian curriculum idea to absorb nutrients from post-modernism. At the same time, post-modernism also provides some methodological enlightenment for the turn of Confucian curriculum idea.The fifth part is the value interpretation of Post-modern turn of Confucian curriculum Idea, in which the author shows the position and attitude on the understanding and handling of Post-modern shift of Confucian curriculum Idea. The author believes that the value orientation for post-modern shift of Confucian curriculum idea includes basic position, value choice and value realization. The basic position includes the persistence in Marxist historical materialism and dialectics, rational recognition for post-modernism, the promotion of the fine traditional Chinese culture as well as the coordination between globalization and nationalization. And the representation of the Post-modern turn of Confucian curriculum Idea lies in the realization of the curriculum’s care on individual life, the achievement of the development of individual freedom, the extension of the curriculum’s ethical spirit and the establishment of reasonable curriculum subjectivity.The sixth part is the prospect of post-modernization of Confucian curriculum idea. The prospect is a response to the new challenges that modernity and post-modernism bring about in the curriculum field. The post-modern prospect of Confucian curriculum idea actually represents a "post-Confucian curriculum view". Structuring this prospect can not only accelerate the process of post-modern turn of Confucian curriculum idea, but also promote the diversification and localization of curriculum theory and improve the autonomous ability of the shift from traditional culture to modernistic one. More importantly the prospect provides a Post-modern view and methodology to review the modern curricula on the basis of keeping Confucian traditional curriculum idea. In this way some enlightenment will be provided to help the curriculum go out of modernistic dilemma.The seventh part is the enlightenment of the post-modern prospect of Confucian curriculum idea. There lies a great gap between the actual situation of the curriculum and the implication of teaching instruction in current schools and prospect of post-modernism of Confucian curriculum idea. The prospect of post-modernism of Confucian curriculum idea at least provides with some enlightenment in curriculum aim, the view of curriculum contents, curriculum implementation and curriculum management. All these help to refine the current curriculum and teaching reform, which can gradually develop toward this good expectation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】G40-09;G423.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1103
  • 攻读期成果

