

The Analysis on the Relationship between Urban Land Use Structure Evolution and Industrial Structure Evolution

【作者】 鲁春阳

【导师】 杨庆媛;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 土地资源学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国止处于建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要时期,处于全面建设小康社会的攻坚阶段。但区域经济发展中长期形成的结构性矛盾和粗放型增长方式尚未得到根本改变,经济发展的资源环境约束强化,区域可持续发展面临严峻挑战。为了应对这一挑战,“十一五”期间,科技部以国家科技支撑计划形式,在项目“区域规划与城市土地节约利用关键技术研究”的课题四“城市建设用地节约关键技术研究利用”下设置“城市功能结构与土地利用格局关联研究”子课题来探讨土地利用结构与产业结构、经济发展之间的关系,以期为国家战略决策制定提供参考。党的“十七大”报告指出,“要立足于产业结构优化升级,加强资源节约和生态环境保护,增强可持续发展能力”。《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》中进一步提出,“坚持把经济结构战略性调整作为加快转变经济发展方式的主攻方向”,“坚持把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会作为加快转变经济发展方式的重要着力点”。可见,促进产业结构优化升级和节约集约利用资源已成为我国新时期发展战略中的关键词。经济结构战略性调整的核心是产业结构调整,而产业结构调整必然落实到具体的空间上,产业的空间结构在一定意义上就是土地利用结构。产业结构调整必然对土地资源配置格局提出新的要求,可见,十地利用结构合理与否直接关系着产业结构调整的效果。但现有的城市土地已被现有的产业所占用,我国城市发展亦不可能再走外延扩张的老路子,土地稀缺已成为区域经济发展和产业结构调整的主要“瓶颈”。因此,如何科学认识和协调城市用地结构与产业结构之间的关系,促进产业结构优化升级和节约集约利用土地资源,缓解经济发展面临的土地资源约束,提高我国宏观调控政策的效率,这些问题的研究无论在理论上还是在实践方面,均具有重要意义。本文正是在这一背景下,从宏观与微观、纵向与横向相结合的角度,以城市功能结构完善为切入点,探讨城市用地结构演变与产业结构演变的关联,厘定二者的作用机理和作用界面,提出促进城市用地结构与产业结构协调发展和优化的对策建议。论文的框架结构包括如下部分:(1)论题阐述。包括第1章和第2章,主要通过对文献回顾,梳理国内外研究动态,并应用区位理论、地租地理、十地集约利用理论、经济增长理论、产业集群理论和系统理论作为研究的理论支撑;阐述了论文的选题背景和意义、研究目标和内容、研究思路与方法、拟解决的关键问题,并介绍了论文的数据来源。(2)城市用地结构与产业结构关联的理论解析。即论文的第3章。在对文中城市用地结构、产业结构等核心概念进行界定的基础上,着重分析了城市用地结构与产业结构的一般演变规律和空间布局特征,并对城市用地结构与产业结构之间的互动关系进行解析。(3)我国城市用地结构与产业结构的演变特征及二者关联的定量分析。这是本文的核心内容,包括论文的第4-6章。文中采用典型相关分析、统计分析、Granger因果检验、通径分析等方法从纵向和横向两个维度分析了我国城市用地结构与产业结构的演变特征,并对二者的关联进行量化评判。(4)典型案例城市用地结构结构与产业结构关联分析。即论文的第7章。以山地城市——重庆市为典型案例,分析其城市用地结构与产业结构演变的特征及存在问题,探讨重庆市城市用地结构与产业结构关系的特征及与宏观层面的共性和差异性。(5)促进城市用地结构与产业结构协调发展和优化的对策建议。即论文的第8章。以转变经济发展方式和节约集约利用土地资源为落脚点,结合我国城市土地利用与产业发展的实际,提出促进城市用地结构与产业结构协调发展和优化对策的思路,并提出相关机制和制度的建立与完善。(6)研究结论与展望。即论文的第9章。对论文的研究结果进行总结,并提出未来有望继续研究的方向。研究结论为:(1)城市用地结构与产业结构间存在相互影响、相互制约的关系,但二者的相互作用机理和路径不同。一方面,城市土地利用结构决定着城市产业布局,进而决定着产业的规模及效益。土地资源的优化配置为产业结构的优化提供了物质基础,合理的土地利用将推进城市产业结构优化升级.不合理的土地利用将阻碍产业结构优化进程。另一方面,产业发展水平平和产业结构影响土地资源的利用方式、结构与空间布局,影响土地资源的配置效率和利用效益。产业结构调整对土地利用结构的影响主要通过主导产业的区位选择和不同产业发展对土地占用比例的差异性两个方面实现的。(2)20世纪90年代以来,我国城市用地结构与产业结构总体上是向着优化的方向发展和完善的。工业用地在城市用地中的比例逐渐下降;公共设施用地、道路广场用地和绿地占城市建设用地的比例不断提高,城市基础设施落后的局面得到有效缓解,城市公共服务能力和整体功能不断提升。但目前我国城市用地结构依然呈现工业用地比例偏高,道路广场用地和公共绿地的比例偏低,城市用地结构雷同现象突出等问题。我国城市产业结构整体上处于工业化中期阶段。随着产业结构变化,第一产业劳动生产率呈上升趋势,而第二、三产业比较劳动生产率呈下降趋势,同时第一产业产业比较劳动生产率之间的差距呈缩小的趋势,城市二元性特征有所缓和;产业结构偏离度不断下降,产业结构的优化和协调比较显著。(3)我国城市用地结构变化率与产业结构变化率呈同步变化趋势,用地结构变化率低于产业结构变化率。短期内,我国城市产业结构变化是城市用地结构变化的Granger原因的概率大于城市用地结构变化是产业结构变化的Granger原因;但从长期趋势看,两者之间存在双向的、互为因果的均衡关系。城市用地结构与产业结构耦合协调度在波动中呈上升趋势,二者的耦合关系演变趋势为:低耦合低协调——一般耦合中协调——中级耦合高协调。就省会城市而言,其耦合协调度从属于中低耦合协调度,尤其以中协调耦合度为主。说明省会城市用地结构与产业结构耦合的挖潜空间还比较大。(4)不同类型城市的用地结构与产业结构的特征及二者关系的差异明显。从地域差别看,产业结构各指标对东部地区城市用地结构的直接影响系数远远大于其他区域,且与城市用地结构信息熵呈正向相关关系;就业结构对信息熵的直接作用强度也远大于产值结构。从规模差别看,就业结构和产值结构与超大城市、大城市城市土地利用信息熵呈负向和正向相关关系,且从作用强度看,产值结构的直接作用大于就业结构;就业结构与产值结构与特大城市土地利用信息熵均呈正向相关关系。且就业结构对土地利用信息熵的直接作用大于产值结构;中小城市的就业结构和产值结构与城市上地利用信息熵的直接通径系数均为负值。从职能差别看,就业结构和产值结构对综合性超大城市十地利用信息熵呈负向、正向相关关系,且从作用强度看,产值结构的直接作用大于就业结构;除第三产业就业比重与第二产业城市土地利用信息熵呈止向相关关系外,其它产业结构指标均呈负向相关关系;就业结构对交通运输城市、文化旅游城市土地利用信息熵的直接作用强度大于产值结构;除第二产业就业比重与地方中心城市土地利用信息熵的直接作用系数为正值外,其它均为负值,说明目前地方中心城市的土地利用产值结构和就业结构与城市土地利用并不协调。(5)目前,重庆正处于工业化中期加速发展阶段,城市土地利用中存在工业用地比重偏大、道路广场用地和绿地比例偏低、土地空间布局不合理、功能分区不明确等问题。重庆城市用地结构变化幅度大、速度快,与全国城市用地结构变化率低于产业结构变化率不同,重庆市产业结构变化滞后于用地结构的变化,城市用地结构与产业结构变化的差距呈缩小趋势;城市第二产业产值与居住用地比例和对外交通用地比例相关性不强,与特殊用地、仓储用地、公共设施用地和工业用地这4类用地所占比例呈负相关关系,与道路广场用地比例和绿地比例呈正相关关系;城市第三产业产值与公共设施用地比例、工业用地比例、仓储用地比例、对外交通用地比例和特殊用地比例呈负相关关系;与居住用地比例、道路广场用地比例、市政公用设施用地比例和绿地比例呈正相关关系,且与绿地比例的相关系数最大。短期内,重庆市城市用地结构与产业结构之间还没有出现互为因果的关系特征,这说明了重庆市城市用地结构与产业结构互为因果的关系应在长期的调整、协调中才能得以实现。论文最后提出促进城市用地结构与产业结构互动协调发展和优化的对策,其基本思路是:把节约集约利用土地与经济发展方式转变相结合、城市土地利用政策与产业政策相结合。在机制创新方面:建立健全规划实施的评估监督机制,统筹协调城市规划和产业规划;完善土地市场机制,发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用;完善地租地价的杠杆机制,推进城市土地置换。在制度创新方面:建立城市产业用地统计制度,开展基于产业的城市用地分类体系研究;建立城市土地集约利用评价制度,设定不同产业土地集约利用评价体系、用地标准和评价方法;建立城市产业用地动态监测制度。

【Abstract】 Currently China is experiencing an significant period of construction for a resource-saving and environment-friendly society as well as overall construction for a well-off society. However, the constraint of resource and environment on economic development is strengthening and regional sustainable development is severely challenged for the remaining structural contradiction and extensive economic growth formed in the course of regional economic development. During the "Eleventh Five-Year" period, "a research on the correlation between urban functional structure and land use pattern ", a sub-project of the project "a research on key technologies of economic use of urban construction land " that is then sub-projcct of "a research on key technologies of economic use of urban land and regional planing" supported by the Ministry of Science and technology, aims at studying the correlation between land use structure, industrial structure and economic development in order to provide references for decision making of national strategies. It is required by the report of "the 17th Session of the General Assembly" that, " the industrial structure should be optimized and upgraded while construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society should be strengthen in order to enhance sustainable development capacity of our nation." It was then further suggested in "National Economy and Social Development of the proposed Twelfth Five-Year Plan" that, the strategic adjustment of economic structure would be the main object for accelerating the transformation of economic development while the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society would be a major focus. Thus the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and also the economical and intensive use of resources has become the key words in the New Development Strategy.The core of the strategic adjustment of economic structure is industrial structure adjustment which finally realize according to the adjustment of spatial structure which in some extent is land use structure. Thereby industrial structure adjustment would be certainly and closely affected by the land use structure. However, as the existing urban land has been occupied by the existing industries and the extensive land use mode would have been no longer feasible, land scarcity has become a main restraint factor in the course of regional economic development and industrial structure adjustment. Therefore, it is of great significance both in theory and in practice to recognize and coordinate the relationship between urban land use structure and industrial structure which would accelerate the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, promoteing the economical and intensive utilization of land resources, alleviating the land resource constraints worked due to economical development, thereby improving the efficiency of macro control policies.Based on this background, the correlation between the evolution of urban land use structure and the evolution of industrial structure was explored, the mechanism and interface measured from the both macro and micro perspective and vertical and horizontal angle, and then suggestions on the coordination and optimization of urban land use structure and industrial structure was raised up. Thesis framework includes the following components:(1)In the first Chapters and second Chapter, topic is elaborated. The literature was reviewed, the research dynamic on domestic and overseas is combined and supporting theories as location theory, rent geography, intensive land use theory, economic growth theory, industrial cluster theory and system theory are provided. Then the paper set forth about research background, significance of the paper, research objectives and content, research approach and methods, the key issues to be solved, and also data sources.(2)Chapter three is about the theoretical explanation of correlation between the urban land use structure and industrial structure. Based on the definition of the core concepts of urban land use structure and industrial structure, the general evolution disciplinarian and characteristics of spatial layout of urban land use structure and industrial structures are mainly analyzed, and their interactive relationship is studied.(3)From Chapter four to six, it is about the evolution characteristic of urban land use structure and industrial structure and quantitative analysis between the two. Methods of canonical correlation analysis, statistical analysis, Granger causality test, path analysis were employed in order to study the evolution characteristic of urban land use structure and industrial structure and quantitative analysis between the two from the vertical and horizontal dimensions.(4)Chapter seven is about typical case. Based on the mountain city-Chongqing City as a typical example, Characteristics and problems of evolution of the urban land use structure and industrial structure about Chongqing City was analyzed while the characteristics of the correlation between urban land use structure and industrial structure and macro-level similarities and differences were studied.(5)In Chapter eight, suggestions on coordination and optimization of urban land use structure and industrial structure are provided. Base on the the fact of urban land use and industrial development, plans on coordination and optimization of urban land use structure and industrial structure are provided while related guaranteeing mechanism and system are offered so as to transform the economic development mode and so utilize land resource intensively and economically.(6) Chapter nine summarizes the research findings and propose future research directions.Research conclusions are as follows:(1)Though interaction and mutual restriction exists between urban land use structure and industrial structure, different mechanisms and paths there were. On the one hand, urban land use structure determines the layout of urban industry, and thereby determines the scale and effectiveness of the industry. Optimal allocation of land resources would provides the material basis for the optimization of industrial structure. In other words, rational land use will promote the optimization and upgrading of urban industrial structure while irrational land use will hinder the optimization process of industrial structure. On the other hand, the industrial development level and industrial structure would have reaction on the mode,the structure and spatial layout of land use which then affect the allocation efficiency and utilization efficiency of land resouree. The scale of industry determine the scale of land use, and the focus of industrial development determine the focus of land use.(2)Since the 1990s, the optimization of urban land use structure and industrial structure in China are improving in general. The proportion of industrial land gradually decreased while the proportion of public facilities, roads, squares and green land increased suggesting the improving of poor infrastructure, urban public services and overall capabilities. Yet problems are also obvious such as the high proportion of industrial land and the low proportion of squares and green land. As the industrial structure change in the future, which means that the labor productivity decline in the first industry and rise in the second and third industries with the narrowing downgap of comparative labor productivity among the three, the dual structure of the city would get ameliorated and the deviation of industrial structur get declined while the optimization and coordination are obviously significant.(3)The change of urban land use structure and industrial structure showed synchronous fluctuate trend, yet the variation rate of land use structure is lower. In a short term, The probability of the changes of urban industrial structure accounting for the viaration of urban land use structure is higher the later one as a casual factor to the former one, whereas there were a relationship of interaction and reciprocal causation in a long term. The change of coupling and coordination degree showed a fluctuating but ascending trend:low coupled with low coordination-coordination of the general coupling-Intermediate coupling of high coordination. Taking the capital city for example, it is in categories with low or general degree of coordination and coupling, especially the general one which also suggest its high potentials.(4)The disparities between the urban land use structure and industrial structure are remarkable among different types of cities. From the geographical difference view, the index of the industrial structure has a greater direct influence coefficient to the urban land use structure of cities in the east than others, and present a positive correlation with the information entropy of the urban land use structure; the employment structure even has greater affecting intensity than the output structure. From the perspective of the variety of scales, the relation between the structure of employment and output and the urban land use information entropy of large cities, major cities present negative and positive, and the intensity of the output value is greater than employment structure. The employment structure and output structure show positive relation with the land use information entropy value of Metrpolis with the former has a stronger effect. To the opposite, the direct path show negative in middle and small cities. As from views of functions, the relation of employment structure and output structure with land use information entropy in Metrpolis are negative and positive, and in addition, the output structure play a greater important role. The proportion of tertiary industry and the urban land use of the second industry show a positive correlation while the others negative with the effect of employment structure being greater than the output structure in cities of special traffic and transport or cultural tourism cities. The most negative correlation between the industrial structure and land use information entropy suggest the inconsonance between the employment structure and land-use output structure with the urban land use.(5)Chongqing is currently experiencing the accelerating development period of the middle stage of industrialization, the existing industrial land possess a large proportion while the proportion of roads. squares and green land is low, problems such as the irrational distribution of land space, function partition is not clear are existing. The variation amplitude of urban land use structure in Chongqing is large and its changing speed is fast, which is faster though the difference have become smaller, than the changing speed of industrial structure that the tendency is opposite to the nation. Weak correlation there is between urban secondary industry output and the proportion of residential land and transportation land ratio, however negative correlation exist there between urban secondary industry output and the proportion of special land use, storage space, public facilities and industrial site while positive correlation between urban secondary industry output and the proportion of green space and square and road. The proportion of public facilities. industrial land, warehouse space, the transportation land and special land use was a negatively correlated with urban tertiary industry; and the proportion of residential land, roads and squares, public facilities and green space was a positively correlated with it, especially the correlation coefficient with the largest green space is highest. In a short term, no cause and effect exist between urban land use structure and industrial structure in Chongqing suggesting that they should be adjusted in the long term in order to realize it.The paper finally proposed the countermeasures of optimization and harmonious development of urban land use structure and the industrial structure as follows:combining the economical and intensive land use and the transforming of economic development while a combination of urban land use policy and industrial policy. The Mechanism Innovation get improved including:the establishment of a sound evaluation of the implementation plan oversight mechanism to coordinate urban planning and industrial planning; improving of the land market mechanism which play a fundamental role in market allocation of resources; perfecting the lever mechanism of land rent for promoting urban land replacement. Innovation in the system includes:the establishment of statistical system of urban industrial land to carry out land-based industry classification system; establishing urban land use evaluation system which set different evaluation systems of intensive use of land in different industries and land use standards and evaluation methods; establishment of urban industrial land dynamic monitoring system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】F293.2;F121.3
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】3198
  • 攻读期成果

