

The Research of Southwest Minority Harmonious Personality

【作者】 邵二辉

【导师】 张进辅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 民族是重要的社会存在形式。各民族之间在文化、风俗、习惯等多方面存在着差异,但是却又共生共存于同一个自然界、同一个社会整体之中。我国是一个多民族国家,同时各民族都有着悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,他们长期生息、劳动在祖国的大地上。在历史发展过程中,各民族在经济上形成了相依共存的关系,在文化上相互学习、相互交流、相互吸收,共同创造了中华民族灿烂文化,并形成了各民族的优良文化传统和民族特色。我国西南地区是少数民族的主要聚居区,他们在长期的社会发展过程中,形成了与自然、社会、他人和谐相处的一系列人格特征。在构建和谐社会的进程中,西南少数民族应该在更好的保持民族特色的前提下不断的进行自我提升,在社会发展的过程中使本民族得到更好的发展。从构建和谐社会的角度来进行人格的研究,近年来虽然也有研究者涉足,但是数量不多且趋向雷同,对少数民族和谐人格进行研究的更是少之又少,因此也算是相关领域的一项崭新课题,而且是一项具有重大意义的课题。本研究的内容集中围绕着西南少数民族和谐人格的载体及影响因素、西南少数民族和谐人格的现状及变迁,展开了相应的研究:1、详细分析了西南少数民族和谐人格的主要载体如文学作品、服饰装饰、民族谚语、民族节日等几个方面,找出其中隐含的人格特征。并在此基础上指出民族人格的影响因素,主要有地理环境、民族的生活方式、民族的历史发展状况、民族的宗教信仰等几个方面。2、结合文献分析和田野调查的结果,提出了西南少数民族和谐人格的理论构想,编制出了西南少数民族和谐人格量表,量表包括了自我和谐、人际和谐、与自然和谐三个因素,包含了发展性、乐群性、责任性、接受性、包容性、开放性、关怀性、崇尚性8个子维度,其信度和效度达到了心理测量学的基本要求。3、以西南少数民族成人被试为样本展开西南少数民族和谐人格的现状调查,通过差异性比较,探讨了西南少数民族在和谐人格各个人口学统计变量上的特点。结果表明,西南少数民族和谐人格在性别、年龄、文化程度、主要居住地、不同民族人口学统计变量上有一定的群体差异。4、采用卡特尔十六项人格因素测验,对随机抽取的西南少数民族地区704名成人进行施测,了解西南地区少数民族整体的人格特征分布趋势,比较西南少数民族人格与一般的社会人格标准的差异。结果表明,西南地区少数民族成人普遍表现为乐观、开朗、热情、随和。5、采用实地调查的方法,以傣族民居——竹楼为中心,通过对一系列和竹楼相关的因素进行呈现和分析,表明竹楼可以说是傣族和谐人格的杰出典范。6、采用内隐实验法考察汉族与傣族在对待自然方面是否存在差异,并探讨在不同人群中内隐态度是否有显著性差异,以及与外显态度之间是否存在着显著的相关关系。总的来说,本研究在以下方面有所发展和创新:1、在研究对象上,以18岁以上的非大学生成人进行研究,拓宽了少数民族人格研究的对象范围。2、在研究内容上,基于理论分析和实地调查,编制了具有较好信度和效度的和谐人格量表,进行了较大规模的调查和分析,详细的分析了西南少数民族被试个人背景变量对和谐人格的影响,揭示了其和谐人格现状,并以此为基础探讨了西南少数民族培养和谐人格的基本路径。3、在研究方法上,以问卷调查和文献分析为主,同时结合实地调查、内隐实验等方法,理论与实证交叉验证,量化与质性互相结合,从多角度、多学科来对西南少数民族和谐人格进行研究。

【Abstract】 Ethnic group is an important form of social existence. There are differences among ethnic groups in culture, customs, habits, etc., and they exist in the same nature and the same community as a whole. China is a multi-ethnic country, and all ethnic groups have a long history, splendid culture, they living and working in the land of the motherland for a long time. In the course of historical development, all ethnic groups have developed a dependency relationship between the co-existence in the economy, learnning from each other, mutual exchanges and absorption in cultural exchange, they have developed the splendid Chinese culture together, and have formed the nation’s fine cultural traditions and national characteristics. Southwest of China is the main inhabited areas of ethnic minorities, in the long-term process of social development, they have formed a series of personality characteristics in the natural, social, and others live in harmony, In the process of building a harmonious society, Southwest minorities should be carried out continuous self-improvement under the premise of keeping in national characteristics, having a nation better in the process of social development.The number of the researchers is small and the methods they used are almost the same, especially in the study of personality of ethnic minorities. So this is still a new topic in related fields, and a topic of great significance.The content of the study focuses on the vector and the influencing factors of the personality of the Southwest ethnic minorities, the current situation and changes of the harmonious personality of the Southwest ethnic minorities:1, Make a detailed analysis of the main carrier of southwest ethnic minorities personality such as literature, clothing decoration, national proverb, national festivals, etc, finding out the national character implied, pointing out the influencing factors of national character on this basis, such as national geographical environment, the nation’s way of life, the development of national history, religious beliefs.2, Combining with literature analysis and the results of field survey, put forward a theory concept of harmonious personality of southwest ethnic minority, and plait a harmonious personality scale of Southwest ethnic minorities, which includes three factors of the self-harmony, interpersonal harmony, the harmony with nature, including eight sub-dimension of development, groups like, responsibility, and acceptance, inclusiveness, openness, caring, respect, and its reliability and validity reaches the basic requirements of psychometric.3、Start a survey of harmonious personality southwest minority with a sample of adult ethnic minorities in the southwest,through the comparing the otherness, probing the characteristics of harmonious personality southwest minority on various demographic variables.The results show that harmonious personality of ethnic minorities in the southwest has a certain statistical group differences in sex, age, education, principal places of residence, and demographic variables of different ethnic groups.4, With cattell 16 personality factor test, measured randomly southwest minorities regions 704 adults, understanding the whole distribution trend of southwest minority personality characteristics; Compared differences between social personality standards and the general southwest minorities’personality. The results show that southwest minority adults’common expression is optimistic, cheerful, warm and friendly.5, Using field survey methods, centering in Dai residential--bamboo buildings, and through presenting and analyzing a series of factors related to bamboo buildings, show that it can be said that Dai bamboo buildings is an excellent example of harmony between man and nature.6, Investigates the difference in han and dai using implicit experimental, and discusses in different crowd implicit attitude, whether there is significant difference and researches if there is a significant correlation between explicit attitude.Overall, this study has some development and innovation in the following areas:1、In the study object, choose the non-college-student adults whose ages are over 18, widening the scope of personality research of ethnic minorities.2、In the study content, based on theoretical analysis and field surveys, prepare a harmonious personality scale with good reliability and validity, and conduct a large-scale survey and analysis,and analyze the impact of the southwest minority subjects harmonious personal background variables on personality, and reveal the status of its harmonious personality, and probe a basic path of training harmonious personality for ethnic minorities of southwest China as a basis for this.3, In research methods, mainly using questionnaire survey and literature analysis, combining field surveys, interviews and other methods at the same time, theory and empirical cross-validation, quantitative and qualitative combination,have a research of the southwest Minority’s character from multi-angle, multi-disciplinary.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】C955
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】576

