

A Study on the Professional Development of Pre-service Teachers Through the Full-time Teaching Practice

【作者】 唐恒钧

【导师】 宋乃庆;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 基础教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 教师在教育教学活动中处于关键地位,也是基础教育课程改革的重要力量。教师教育问题受到国内外教育界广泛关注与高度重视。而我国第八次基础教育课程改革和素质教育的全面实施又对教师专业素质提出全新要求,这对于我国教师以及教师教育而言既是一种机遇,又是一种挑战。教师职前培养是教师专业发展的重要阶段。近些年,我国采取多种措施提升教师职前教育的质量。比如,为鼓励更多的优秀青年终身从事教育事业,培养大批优秀教师和未来教育家,2007年开始在教育部直属师范大学实施师范生免费教育政策。教育实习是教师职前教育的重要组成部分,也是培养师范生实践能力的重要环节。但我国的教育实习存在一些不容忽视的问题,尤其出现了中学不愿意接受师范生实习的现象。为解决这一问题,西南大学(原西南师范大学)于2000年明确提出“顶岗支教”的思路,通过顶岗将“教育实习”与“支援农村教育”结合在一起。这一举措于2002年开始在西南大学实施,并取得初步成效,也受到国家教育部的重视与肯定。但另一方面,由于顶岗实习还是一个新生事物,也因为其自身的复杂性,尚有许多问题有待研究。特别是,目前还没有来自实践的有力证据表明,顶岗实习在师范生专业素质发展上的效果与独特性。而这一问题将不仅影响顶岗实习的实施,也将影响教师教育人才培养模式的改革。为探究顶岗实习在师范生专业素质发展上的效果与问题,分析影响专业素质发展的因素,以及顶岗实习与其他实习模式的共性与差异,本课题以集中实习、混合编队实习为对照,对师范生在顶岗实习期间的专业素质发展问题进行了研究,具体包括三个问题:(1)通过顶岗实习,师范生的专业素质是否得到提升?提升效果如何?(2)在顶岗实习期间,师范生专业素质发展受到哪些因素影响?与其他实习模式相比,顶岗实习有何特殊性?(3)顶岗实习在提升师范生专业素质上还存在哪些值得关注的问题?根据S大学的教育实习组织模式,本研究的顶岗实习是指高校选派高年级师范生到农村中小学,通过顶岗任课的方式完成教育实习任务的模式。集中实习是指由同—专业的师范生组成实习小组,在本学院专业教师和实习学校教师共同指导下开展实习工作的模式。混合编队实习是指由若干专业师范生组成实习小组,到一所中学实习,并委托该校全面管理、全程指导实习工作的模式。本研究中的师范生专业素质属于教师专业素质范畴,是指师范生为适应并顺利完成未来的教育教学任务而具备的专业情意、专业观念、专业知识与专业能力等方面心理品质的总和。师范生专业素质以二维结构形态存在,一是指情意、观念、知识和能力等要素;二是指教学、管理、科研等教育教学任务。其中情意具有不同任务间的一致性,而观念、知识及能力则综合地反映在具体的教育教学任务中,体现为教学素质、管理素质与科研素质。师范生专业素质具有职业定向性、综合性、内隐性、未来性以及独特的侧重性等特征。本研究采用以质性研究为主、定量研究为辅的研究范式,并行三角互证的研究策略,采用的研究方法有:文献分析法、课堂观察法、访谈法、作品资料收集法、问卷调查法、归纳分析法、比较分析法等。具体地,本研究首先采用极端个案抽样法,根据顶岗实习条件抽取条件较为理想的华老师和条件不太理想的王老师,另外还抽取了混合编队实习的刘老师作为对照。对三个个案的教育实习过程进行为期一学期的观察与调研。其次,本研究还自编问卷,对数学、物理(含科学)、化学等专业已完成教育实习的师范生进行按比例分层抽样调查,共发放问卷343份,回收有效问卷310份,问卷信度系数(Crobach’sα)为0.931。综合个案研究和问卷调查,初步归纳出以下结论:(1)教育实习使师范生的专业素质得到提升,但顶岗实习效果最为明显。问卷调查显示,顶岗实习师范生专业素质最高,并与集中实习、混合编队实习师范生形成显著差异,而后两种实习模式的师范生之间不存在显著差异。个案研究则发现,顶岗实习师范生在实习过程中获得了过程性体验,教育教学方法经历了主动选择过程,并有充分的实践探索;而混合编队实习师范生则主要是在有限的实践中执行指导教师意图,尽管在使用一些教育教学方法上也达到了熟练程度,但缺乏过程性体验与主动选择过程。(2)顶岗实习专业素质不同组成部分的提升效果各异。其中,教学素质提高程度最为明显,而管理素质、科研素质提高程度有限,甚至出现一些退化。具体地,在管理素质方面,由于缺乏教师指导,顶岗实习师范生在管理工作的探索中存在一定的盲目性,也出现了并不人性化的管理方式。另外,由于课时过多,也缺乏有效指导和科研经验,师范生的科研素质发展非常有限。此外,专业情意各组成部分的变化也各异。(3)实习自由度大、授新课数多以及实习出发点积极等是导致顶岗实习师范生专业素质提升明显的可能原因。首先,问卷调查显示,实习自由度越大,师范生在各维度及总体的得分越高,并达到显著差异。而在个案研究中发现,华老师和王老师以正式教师角色出现在实习学校,有独立执教的班级与科目,实习自由度大;而刘老师则以协助者与实习生的角色出现在实习学校,没有独立执教的班级与科目,实习自由度小。其次,顶岗实习较多地讲授新课机会尤其有利于师范生教学素质的提升,并形成了与混合编队实习不同的发展模式。具体地,刘老师是在接受指导和观摩中摩仿着开展教学工作,期间受到X老师的规范,这就使刘老师课堂教学的许多指标在3个案例中表现出一致性,因此她是在不断规范中提升专业素质。而华老师、王老师却经历“尝试—失败/成功—总结/反思—再尝试”的过程,因此在体验中获得专业素质,获得了进行教育教学尝试的方法。再次,师范生参加顶岗实习的出发点主要是“支援农村教育”和“更多的实践机会”,这使其在实习过程中更加投入与敬业,从而获得较高的专业素质。本研究中也发现,师范生顶岗实习在组织与实施过程中出现的一些有待进一步解决的问题,主要包括课程、课时安排问题,有效指导问题,同伴互助问题,置换培训问题,制度建设问题等。本研究力图创新之处是:第一,在选题方面:从收集的文献来看,本文是国内研究师范生顶岗实习的第二篇博士论文,也是首篇从师范生专业素质发展的角度研究顶岗实习问题。第二,在研究方法上,首次采用定性与定量相结合的研究范式验证了顶岗实习在师范生专业素质发展上的作用与问题。第三,从研究内容与研究结论看,本文收集了关于师范生顶岗实习的丰富数据,并从专业素质发展的角度进行了深入分析,归纳出影响顶岗实习师范生专业素质发展的因素。这些数据与结论不仅有助于人们更好地理解与实施顶岗实习,也将有助于教师教育的改革。受研究时间、经费限制以及研究者能力有限等多方面的原因,本研究存在以下局限:(1)个案研究样本未能覆盖所有实习类型与专业;(2)研究者对个案数据仍存在污染;(3)调查问卷仍有待完善,调查样本覆盖面不够等。在以后的研究中,一方面需要选取更多的个案进行探究,以进一步丰富人们的理解,同时需要继续完善问卷,并在更大范围内开展调查研究。另一方面,还需要从制度层面对顶岗实习有效实施的保障措施开展研究,同时对实施过程的优化策略进行实证研究。

【Abstract】 Teachers are at the central position of education and are also the key to the successful reform of basic education curriculum. Teacher education has attracted wide concern and attention from teaching fields both home and abroad. The 8th National Basic Education Curriculum Reform and the Full Implementation of Quality Education in China has proposed a brand-new request to teachers’ professional quality, which is both an opportunity as well as a challenge for teachers and teacher education. Pre-service teacher education is a pivotal stage of teachers’ professional development. China has adopted various measures to improve the quality of pre-service teacher education. To encourage and train more outstanding young people to become excellent teachers and lifelong educators, the Ministry of Education started the policy of free training of pre-service teachers in the six normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education from 2007.Practicum is an important part of pre-service teacher education and this is also true for pre-service teachers’ development of practical ability. However, there are still some problems that can not be ignored in practicum, particularly that some middle schools are unwilling to welcome pre-service teachers to have teaching practice in their schools. To solve this problem, Southwest University explicitly proposed "Full-Time Teaching Practice Model" (FTPM) in 2000 which aims to incorporate "practicum" with "supporting for rural education" together. The practice was initially implemented in 2002 in Southwest University and has achieved preliminary results. Besides, it has also drew attention and obtained affirmation from the Ministry of Education. On the other hand, as a new thing, and because of its complexity, FTPM leaves behind many issues to study. In particular, there is no strong evidence from practice to prove the effect of FTPM on the development of pre-service teachers’ professional quality, which will not only affect the implementation of FTPM, but also affect the reform of the teacher education model.To verify FTPM’s effect and problems in the development of pre-service teachers’ professional quality, and to analyze factors that influence the development of professional quality during full-time teaching practice, as well as the similarities and differences in FTPM and other practicum models, this research studies the development of pre-service teachers’ professional quality in S University during full-time teaching practice, and compare with other two practicum models, the Focused Practicum Model(FPM) and the Mixed Practicum Model(MPM), specifically including the following three aspects:(1) Do pre-service teachers improve their professional quality during full-time teaching practice and what is the effect? (2) Which factors influence the development of pre-service teachers’ professional quality in FTPM? Were there any special factors in FTPM compared with other practicum model? (3) Are there any other issues existing in FTPM worth studying in terms of improving pre-service teachers’ professional quality?According to the organizational model of practicum in S University, in this study FTMP is that pre-service teachers in senior class who are selected by the university go to rural schools, functioning as in-service teachers. FPM is that pre-service teachers from the same department practice in the same middle school. MPM is that about 20 pre-service teachers from various departments of the same university practice in the same middle school. In FTMP and FPM, the participants are provided with guidance and directions from teachers of the university and also the primary/middle school, but in MPM, there is only guidance and directions from teachers of the primary/middle schools.The professional quality of pre-service teachers in this study belongs to the category of teachers’ professional quality, which refers to the sum of psychological qualities pre-service teachers have to acquire in order to adapt themselves to teaching and successfully complete the task of teaching in the future, including professional affection, professional ideas, expertise and professional abilities. And it is existed as two-dimensional structures, one refers to the factors as affection, ideas, expertise and ability; the second refers to the educational tasks as teaching, management, research. Affection is consistent amony tasks, and ideas, expertise and abilities are integrated in the specific tasks, reflected in the quality of teaching, management and research. It characterizes with professional orientation, comprehensiveness, potential, and a unique core.This study is based mainly on qualitative research, supplemented by quantitative research paradigm, and adopts parallel triangulation research strategy. The specific methods used as: document analysis, classroom observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaire survey, inductive analysis, comparative analysis, and so on.Specifically, this study uses an extreme case sampling, and selectes Ms. Hua who is in a preferrable condition and Mr. Wang who is under a disadvantaged condition of FTPM, and Ms. Liu is also chosen from MPM as a control. Three cases have been observed for a semester. What is more, this study adopts a self made-up questionnaire to investigate 343 pre-service teachers from mathematics, physics (including science) or chemistry who have completed practicum recently, and receives 310 valid questionnaires, questionnaire coefficient (Crobach’sα) is 0.931.From the studies mentioned above, this dissertation comes to the following conclusions:Firstly, pre-service teachers have improved their professional quality during practicum, but the most obvious is the FTPM. Questionnaire survey found that the professional quality of pre-service teachers in FTPM scored the highest, and had significant difference from FPM and MPM, but there are no significant difference between FPM and MPM. Case study found that, students in FTPM got the experience of sufficient practice and there was an active selection of teaching methods. However, pre-service teachers in MPM mainly performed the instructor’s intentions in a limited range. Though they got more familiar with their teaching methods, there is a lack of experience and active selection during the process. Therefore, they stay at the technical level.Secondly, different components of the professional quality improved inconsistently. Among them, the most obvious improvement is the quality of teaching, and there was a limited improvement in the quality of students’ management, the updating and application of knowledge. And there was even some degradation in these aspects. In addition, the components of professional affection also changed in different degrees.Thirdly, large degree of freedom, more chances of teaching new lessons and positive objectives of practicum are the possible factors for the significant improvement of pre-service teachers’ professional quality. (1) Survey shows that the greater the freedom attachment is, the higher score in all dimensions is, and there are significant differences. And the case study found that Hua and Wang acted as in-service teachers, and independently taught classes and their subject, so they got a large degree of freedom. However, Liu acted as an assistant and intern in the practicum school, and didn’t taught subjects independently, so he got a small degree of freedom. (2) More opportunities to teach a new lesson in FTPM is especially beneficial to improve the teaching quality of pre-service teachers, and it helped FTPM to form a different model of teacher development from MPM. Specifically, practicum of Liu is subject to guidance, imitation and specifications by Mr. X, which results in the consistency in many of the indicators in Liu’s three teaching cases, so her professional quality is improved under regulations. Hua and Wang has experienced the process of "attempt-failure/success-summary/reflection-try", so their professional quality is improved through their experience. (3) The main objectives of FTPM participants are "supporting the rural education" and "more opportunity to practice," which may make them more involved in the internship and more dedicated to achieving high professional quality.The study also found some emerging issues in the organization and implementation process of FTPM, including arrangements of lessons, guidance teachers, replacement training of teachers, system construction, and so on.Three innovative aspects could be found in this study:firstly, as far as the choice of the topic is concerned, it is the second dissertation on the FTPM, and is also the first research from the angle of professional quality development. Secondly, with respect to the research methodology, it is the first research that adopts both qualitative case study and questionnaire survey to verify the effect and problems of FTPM. Thirdly, as for the content and conclusion of this research, this dissertation collected plenty of data of pre-service teachers during the internship, further analyzed from professional quality development, and summed up the factors impacting the professional quality development of pre-service teachers. Such data and conclusion not only help people to understand and implement FTPM better, but will also contribute to the reform of teacher education.Limited by research time, funding and capacity, there are some limitations in this study:(1) the samples in case study failed to cover all types of practicum; (2) there are still some contamination of researchers on the data of case study; (3) the questionnaire need to be improved, and the survey sample is not enough, and so on.In later studies, on one hand, more cases need to be explored to further enrich people’s understanding of FTPM; the questionnaire needs to be improved and a research within a larger sample needs to be conducted. On the other hand, research also needs to focus on the system construction on the effective implementation of FTPM, and empirical research are also in need to study the refined strategies in the implementation process of FTPM on related topics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】G652.4
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】5318

