

On the Relation between the Ceremony Culture of Tujia Nationality in Xintang County and the Execution of Educational Law

【作者】 王许人

【导师】 张维平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放后,我国社会进入转型期,多元文化的冲突越来越明显,文化冲突和文化变迁在教育中的影响开始显现。教育法在少数民族农村地区实施过程中出现了各种各样的问题,其中文化的影响很重要。在新塘乡,土家族仪典文化对教育法的实施有较大影响。因此,有必要厘清土家族仪典文化与教育法实施的关系,以探寻教育法在新塘乡实施的途径。仪典文化是一个整体性概念。本研究认为,仪典是人类在长期的实践过程中按照事物变化的规律确立的行为规范现象,仪典文化是人类各种长期仪典活动实践所形成的文化。仪典文化既包含物质,也包含精神,它具有独特的观念形态和价值体系,涵盖了人类生产生活的各个方面,既调整着人与自然的关系,也调整着人与人之间到关系。新塘乡土家族仪典文化的内容有人生仪典文化、节日仪典文化和生产生活仪典文化。人生仪典文化是关于土家人生命行为的仪典文化,包括诞生礼、成人礼和婚礼、丧礼三个主要的仪典文化;节日仪典文化是关于土家族节日行为的仪典文化,包括过赶年、过年、二月二、清明节、牛王节、端午节、六月六、月半节、八月十五等仪典文化;生产生活仪典文化是关于土家族人生产生活行为的仪典文化,包括赶仗、建房等仪典文化。新塘乡土家族仪典文化的内容丰富多样,有较浓厚的民族文化色彩,并融入了大量汉族文化,而且程序性和禁忌性明显。当前,土家族仪典活动的变化更加明显,主要是呈简单化倾向,包括程序的简化和仪典的减少。土家族仪典文化具有法性要素,即家法、巫法和礼的规范。在土家家法中,族规是宗族的法典;族长是家族的首领,拥有绝对权力;家法实施的范围和家谱的范围一致。现在土家族人依靠家族理事会实现家族的民主与法治,它是土家文化与主流文化融合的结果,土家人自我需要和社会要求结合的结果。在土家巫法中,巫师享有至高无上的权利,其权利来源于知识;巫法裁决的方式是巫判,其本质是神判法。巫判法体现了司法的原始正义。土家族礼法的形态是器、祭、仪。礼治和法治是维护土家社会秩序稳定的两种手段,二者联系密切,相互转化。土家族仪典文化具有四个法性功能,即角色规范功能、正义的功能、整合功能和社会控制功能。角色规范功能是指土家族仪典明示每个社会成员在扮演特定的社会角色时,所具有的权利和义务,以及这种角色的行为规范。角色规范的形成必须依赖一定社会文化环境,不同文化环境的角色有着不一样的规范。正义的原则是平等和公平。仪典文化的规范所维护的利益主体就是现实的生产关系中的人。土家仪典文化整合了不同的文化元素,使自身能适应社会的变化。仪典文化通过习惯、道德、宗教和巫术,以及家规、宗法实现对土家族社会的控制。历史上,因中央政府对少数民族地区文化上采取“儒化”统治策略和土司发展的需要,中央政权颁布了一些教育法令。这些教育法令,促进了士家族文学艺术和史学的繁荣,加速了改土归流的进程,巩固了中央政府在鄂西土家地区的统治,促进土家族文化的发展。当前教育法在新塘乡实施既发挥了很大作用,也面临着困境,其面临的困境主要有五个,即学校教育未能完全符合受教育者的需要,监督不力,执法不作为,执行不正义,与土家文化相匹配的教育法治体系还没形成。新塘乡仪典文化与教育法实施是互动的关系,一为仪典文化对教育法实施的影响,一为教育法实施影响着仪典文化的发展。仪典文化对教育法实施的影响是通过其所蕴涵的观念、规范惯性和教育认知对教育法实施产生的。教育法实施对土家仪典文化的影响是通过提高人口素质,促进文化交流,引起社会结构变迁来实现的。新塘乡土家族仪典文化与教育法实施互相影响是多种因素综合作用的复杂结果。地理、经济、历史、社会、宗教、政策、教育的发展变化是影响土家族仪典文化与法律实施互动的因素。仪典文化与教育法实施在互动中发展变化,其核心推动力量是人。仪典文化与法的根本联系是人,二者互动的驱动力是人的需要。教育法与仪典文化的根本关系就是人的生存与发展。教育法在新塘乡实施有效需要三个条件,一是教育法是民主的,二是教育法与新塘乡的文化能够互相适应,三是教育法是正义的。教育法在新塘乡实施有四个途径:第一,发展符合社会发展方向的土家族仪典文化;第二,实行问责制;第三,发挥土家族民间纠纷解决机制的作用;第四,推进以人为本的教育。

【Abstract】 Accompanying with the reform and opening gate policy, China goes into a conversion period and faces more and more culture conflicts. The culture conflicts have affected education and recently its influence has coming out. Educational law meets lots of hardships in its execution in those rural areas with minority nationality residents. In Xintang County, the celebration and ceremony culture of Tujia nationality do influence the execution of education laws. So it is necessary to clear the relationship between the culture and the law, and to find a way for educational laws.Celebration and ceremony culture is a wholly concept. This article believe that celebration and ceremony is the way to confirm behavior regulations according to principle of nature and the culture was formed in its long history. The culture consists of material dimension and spirit dimension. It also has its particular idea forms and value system with its content covering the whole life. The celebration and ceremony culture not only adjust the relation between human and nature, but also the relation among people.The cultural content of celebration and ceremony includes three main aspects:life, festival, production. The life aspect is about the behavior concerning with life, such as birth, adulthood, marriage and funeral; the festival aspect is about the important days for whole nationality, such as spring festival, the second day of lunar February, Qingming Festival, Ox King’s day, Duanwu Festival, the sixth day of lunar June, the fifteenth day of August and so on; the production aspect is about economic and daily life, such as Ganzhang, construction and so on. The culture in Xintang County both contains lots of Tujia factors and Han factors. In recent years, the celebration and ceremony of Tujia nationality was becoming simple both in its procedure and importance. The celebration and ceremony culture of Tujia nationality do has some regulational elements, such as family law, wizard law and manners law. According to the family law of Tujia nationality, the clan regulation is the code. Shaikh is the leader of whole family and has absolute power. Now the clansman of Tujia nationality relies on family council to realize democracy and law, which is the result of interaction between Tujia culture and mainstream culture, and also the result of combination between self-demand and social requirement. According to wizard law, wizard has absolute power. The resources of his power are knowledge. The essence of wizard law is the ordeal. The wizard law shows the original justice. The forms of manners law are instrument, sacrifice and ceremony. Both the manners law and legal law are the measures to regulate social order, and both of them connected and interaction with each other.The celebration and ceremony culture of Tujia nationality has four legal functions:role regulating, justice, conformity and social control. The role regulating means the culture show everyone its certain role, rights and obligations, behavior regulations of everyone in the ceremony. This role regulating has to rely on certain social culture. Justice means equality and equity. The interest subject that the regulations of ceremony culture safeguards is the person in the real productive relationships. The celebration and ceremony culture has combined with the factors from other cultures. The ceremony culture realized it social control by customs, morality, religion and sorcery.In the history, the government promulgated some educational orders for the need of "Confucianism" and chieftain. These orders improved the literature, arts and historiography of Tujia nationality and also accelerate the process of nomination of magistrates over minority groups. There are five factors influencing the execution of educational law:the scarece of school education, the information of supervising, the nonfeasance and unjustment of execution, and the unsystematic educational law.There is interaction between ceremony culture and educational law. On the one hand, the celebration and ceremony culture do affect the execution of educational law by its value, regulating customs and particular cognition on educational law. On the other hand, the influence on the culture by educational law was realized by the way of education, culture background, society and legal system. The influence of educational law to the celebration and ceremony culture of Tujia nationality was realized by the way of improving quality of population, strengthening the interactions of cultures and arousing the change of social structure.Interacting between ceremony culture and educational law in Xintang County is the result of complex effects from all kinds of factors. The motive factors include geography, economic, history, society, religion, policy and education. The core driving force and changes of the interaction is human being.The essence connection between ceremony culture and laws is human being. The driving force for their interaction is the demands of human. The execution of educational law in Xintang County has three advantages. First, educational law is democratic; Second, educational law does not contradicted with the culture in Xintang County; Third, educational law is justice.There are four ways to execute educational law in Xintang County:the first is to develop the celebration and ceremony culture according to the requirements of society; the second is to execute accountability system; the third is to improve the inner solving mechanism of Tujia clan; the fourth is to advance the huaman-based education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】K892.3;G752
  • 【下载频次】281

