

Study on the Resource of Feed Organisms in Qinghai Lake during Summer

【作者】 姚维志

【导师】 周泽扬; 宋立荣;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 青海湖是我国第一大盐水湖和第一大湖泊,青海湖裸鲤是湖中的唯一经济鱼类。自1957年开始生产性捕捞以来,青海湖裸鲤资源量逐渐降低,个体小型化现象突出。为了保护好这一在鱼类区系和渔业生产上具有重要价值的物种,青海省政府从2000年起实施了为期10年的封湖育鱼,全面禁止生产性捕捞,同时采取人工增殖放流、修建过鱼通道等手段增加湖中鱼类的补充量。为了准确掌握第四次封湖育鱼期间青海湖渔业自然条件的变化情况,我们从2006年到2010年的每年8月,在青海湖设置了14个位置相对固定的采样点,对湖中饵料生物资源进行了连续5年的调查。1、浮游植物(1)2006-2010年夏季,青海湖共发现浮游植物5门29属34种,其中硅藻门14属18种,蓝藻门4属4种,绿藻门8属8种,裸藻门2属2种,甲藻门1属1种。硅藻门是最重要的类群,斯潘塞布纹藻是最重要的优势种。调查表明,目前青海湖浮游植物种类组成以硅藻为主的特点仍未改变。与历史资料相比,属的数目减少了24个。曾经有而此次未发现的有硅藻门的9个属,绿藻门9个属,蓝藻门的2个属,黄藻门的1属,甲藻门的1属。尤其需要强调的是,历史上载遍布于全湖且数量很多的刚毛藻已极为少见。调查中新发现了甲藻门的裸甲藻和裸藻门的囊裸藻2个以前未有记载的属。研究表明青海湖浮游植物的区系具有较明显的半咸水的特征。种类组成出现差异的原因—是不同作者对藻类生态类型理解的不同,二是湖泊水环境质量的降低。(2)2006-2010年夏季,青海湖浮游植物平均密度波动于61289-117250cells/L之间,平均生物量波动于0.76-1.09mg/L之间。浮游植物生物量与水体透明度间具有显著线性关系。二郎剑景区、布哈河口、乌哈阿兰河口、沙柳河口等区域浮游植物的密度和生物量明显高于其它区域,这些位置能从沿岸排水或河水接纳较多的营养物质,有利于浮游植物生长。湖心水域密度和生物量也较高,原因可能是其处于布哈河口、沙柳河口的下风区域,浮游植物的生长状况也与河口较为一致。沿岸为草原或沙漠,人口稀少,无河流汇入的区域浮游植物的密度和生物量较低。2、浮游动物(1)2006-2010年夏季,青海湖共发现浮游动物4个类群14属15种,其中原生动物3属3种,轮虫5属6种,枝角类3属3种,桡足类3属3种,种类明显少于1964-1965年的调查结果,主要表现在轮虫种类的明显减少。青海湖浮游动物的区系具有较明显的半咸水的特征。种类组成出现差异的原因部分是调查方法的误差和物种分类的调整,但更主要的原因是湖泊水环境质量的降低。(2)2006-2010年夏季,青海湖浮游动物平均密度波动于217-454ind./L之间,平均生物量波动于0.47-1.14mg/L之间。4个类群中,原生动物密度最高,桡足类生物量最高,桡足类的北镖水蚤是浮游动物的优势种,其生物量占浮游动物总生物量的70%以上。生物量可以较好地反映浮游动物生长状况,而密度指标的意义不大。(3)除局部水域外,总体上夏季青海湖东部和北部浮游动物生物量相对较高,而南部和东部相对较低。如果以甘子河口与海心山东南岸两点划一条直线,则直线西侧浮游动物生物量相对高于直线的东侧。这与浮游植物生物量的水平分布规律相似。但浮游动物密度和生物量较高浮游植物密度和生物量并不具有显著的相关性。3、底栖动物(1)2006-2008年夏季,青海湖共发现大型7种底栖动物,其中摇蚊幼虫4属5种,介形虫1属1种,钩虾1属1种。回转摇蚊幼虫和钩虾是底栖动物的优势种。底栖动物主要集中于湖的南部和东南部区域。大型底栖动物的功能摄食类群是以收集者为主,底栖动物区系与我国北方一些盐碱水域相似。(2)2006-2008年夏季,青海湖大型底栖动物平均密度波动于205-340ind./ m2之间,平均生物量波动于0.343-0.492g/m2之间。密度与生物量的走势基本一致。与浮游植物、浮游动物相比,底栖动物密度和生物量的年际变化幅度不大。(3)与1960年代相比,青海湖底栖动物的种类数有所减少,部分原因可能与调查方法的差异有关,如受船舶航行的限制,调查时并未达到一些资料中底栖动物较丰富区域。但曾遍布全湖且数量众多的介形虫的显著减少,与环境变迁导致湖泊水环境质量的降低关系更大。(4)在青海湖深度和浮游生物对底栖动物分布的影响不大,底质条件是影响大型底栖动物水平分布的重要因素。4、青海湖污染程度评价基于浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖动物及相关指标评价,青海湖仍处于贫营养水平和轻度污染状态。5、饵料生物的分级分布和鱼产力(1)在青海湖各类饵料生物中,粒径200-1000μm的种类占据着最为重要的位置,属于这一范围的包括了浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物的优势种类。饵料生物总生物量与总能量的变化趋势基本一致。(2)2006-2010年夏季,青海湖浮游植物平均总生物量约66712.28t,浮游动物平均总生物量约66867.07t;2006-2008年夏季,青海湖底栖动物平均总生物量约为797.31t。浮游生物尤其是浮游动物,是青海湖裸鲤主要的饵料生物。(3)基于浮游动物能量估算青海湖裸鲤鱼产力较为可靠,青海湖饵料生物可供的鱼产力约为每年41104t。(4)本文首次将一个湖泊的全部饵料生物综合进行分级分布,对于研究湖泊生态系统的结果和功能是很有意义的一项工作,对于湖泊渔业管理也具有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Qianghai Lake is the biggest saline water lake and the biggest lake of China. Naked carp of Qinghai Lake,Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii (Kessler),is the unique econimical fish in the lake. The resource the fish has decreased gradurally, and the individual minimization has become obviously since 1957,when the commercial fishing to the fish began。For protecting this species with important value in fishes fauna and in fishery, the gorvement of Qinghai Province has carried out a strictly fishing-ban for ten years in the lake since 2000. and attending to increase the standing crop of the resource of the fish in the lake. In order to understand the variation regularity of the natural fisheires environment,the growth situation and the population structure of the naked carp in the lake during the fishing-ban exactly, we setting up 14 sampling stations with relatively fixed location in lake, have launded a continuous study of 5 years on the feed organisms resource, in each Aug.from 2006 to 2010。1、phytoplankton(1) in summmer of 2006-2010,34 species of phytoplankton, which belonging to 5 divisions 29 genus, were founded in the lake, among them there were 14 genus 18 species of Bacillariaphyta,4 genus 4 species of Cyanophyta,8 genus 8 species of Chlorophyta,2 genus 2 specie of Euglenophyta,1 genus 1 species of Pyrrophyta. Bacillariaphyta was the most important group, and Gyrosigma spenceri was the most important dominant species.The investigation shown that the species number of the phytoplankton has decreased 24 genus compared with the historical data, although diatom has remained dominantly. The genus disappeared included 9 genus of Euglenophyta,9 genus of Chlorophyta.2 genus of Cyanophyta,1 genus of Xanthophyta,1 genus of Pyrrophyta. Cladophora fracta, a species used to plentiful and distribute all over the lake, has alreadly become scarcely.But we also founded two newly genus in the lake, Gymnodinum of Pyrrophyta and Trachelomonas of Euglenophyta. The fauna of the phytoplankton in Qinghai Lake exhibited obviously characteristic of saline water algae.The main reason of the sepcies evolution was the reduce of the environmental quality in the lake.(2) in summmer of 2006-2010, the average densities of the phytoplankton were 61289-117250cells/L, the average biomass were 0.76-1.09mg/L. There was a notable linear relationship between the biomass of the phytoplankton and the Sacchii’s depthes.The densities and biomass of the phytoplankton in the areaes of Erlanjian, the mouth of Buha River and the mouth of Wuhalan River were higher than other areaes obviously, for these areaes might get more nitritions from river. The densities and biomass of the phytoplankton in the central area of the lake were also plentiful, due to the location was in the downwind direction of the mouth of Buha River and Shaniu River.2、zooplankton(1) in summmer of 2006-2010,15 species of zooplankton, which belonging to 4 groups 14 genus, were founded in the lake, among them there were 3 genus 3 species of Protozoa.5 genus 6 species of Retifera,3 genus 3 species of Cladocera,3 genus 3 specie of Copepoda.The species number of the zooplankton has decreased obviously compared with the historical data of 1964-1965, and mainly shown as the decrease of the species number of Retifera. The fauna of the zooplankton in Qinghai Lake exhibited obviously characteristic of saline water community.The main reason of the sepcies evolution was also the reduce of the environmental quality in the lake.(2) in summmer of 2006-2010, the average densities of the zooplankton were 217-454ind./L, the average biomass were 0.47-1.14mg/L. Among 4 groups of zooplankton, the density of Protozoa was highest, but the biomass of Copepoda was maximum. Arctodiaptomus salinus was the dominant species of zooplankton, which has taken over 70% of the total biomass of the zooplanktona.(3) In general, the densities and biomass of the zooplankton in the western part and northern part were higher than those of the southern and eastern area. which was similar to the distribution of phytoplsnkton, but there was no notable relativety between the density and the biomass of zooplankton and those of phytoplankton.3、zoobenthos(1)in the summmer of 2006-2008,7 species of zoobenthos, which including 4 genus 5 species of Tendipedidae,1 genus 1 species of Ostracoda,1 genus 1 species of Amphipoda, were founded in the lake. Tendipes gr. Reduetus and Gammarus sp. were the dominant species of zoobenthos.Most of the zoobenthos distributed in the southern and south-western area of the lake. The functional feeding groups of the zoobenthos was dominanted by collectors.The fauna of the zoobenthos in Qinghai Lake also exhibited obviously characteristic of saline water community.(2)in summmer of 2006-2008, the average densities of the zoobenthos were 205-340ind./m2, the average biomass were 0.343-0.492g/m2. The annual variation ranges of the densities and biomass of the zoobenthos were more narow than those of the plankton.(3) compared with the data of 1960s, the species number of zoobenthos was diminution, the reason for that were the difference of invistigating method and the decrease of the environmental quality.(4) in Qinghai Lake, the condition of the bottom was the main factor influcing the distribution of major zoobenthos.4、the evaluation to the water pollution of Qinghai lakeBased on some indexes of phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, the water quality of Qinghai Lake was appraised as oligotrophical level and slight pollution.5、the equivalent sphere diameter(ESD) grading of the feed organism and the fish productivity(1) among the feed organisms in Qinghai Lake, the species with the ESD of 200-1000μm were the most important group,which including the dominant species of phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos.(2) in summer of 2006-2010, the average total biomass of the phytoplankton in Qinghai Lake was about 66712.28t, that of zooplankton was about 66867.07t; in summer of 2006-2008, the average total biomass of the zoobenthos in Qinghai Lake was about 797.31。The plankton, zooplankton especially, were the main foods of the naked carp.(3) it was more reliable to estimate the fish productivity of Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii by means of energy transfer rate based on the zooplankton.The fish productivity of Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii was evaluated as 41104t per year。(4) this paper took the ESD grading of all feed organism in a lake firtst time, which was valuable to the study of the structure and function of lake ecosystem, and might be an instruction to the fishery management of lake.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

