

Comparative Study on the Legal System of Mortgage of Ships

【作者】 刘安宁

【导师】 关正义;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 船舶抵押融资对造船业和航运业的发展具有重要的推动作用。但船舶抵押遭遇法律困境,无法发挥其应有功能,势必会阻碍这些行业的发展。本文立足于抵押制度的基本理论,采用比较研究方法、系统分析的方法、法经济学分析方法,在对世界各国和各地区船舶抵押权立法比较的基础上,结合我国的国情与现有的法律制度,力图重新构建我国的船舶抵押权制度体系。论文包括引言、8章正文和结论。第1章从船舶抵押权的起源谈起,分析了船舶抵押权的特性以及与相关权利的区别。对我国船舶抵押权的内涵进行重新界定。第2章分析了各国和各地区对船舶抵押权主体、客体以及设定方式规定上的差别。着重分析了船舶抵押合同的法律意义及其应具备的内容。第3章分析了登记对抗主义模式下船舶抵押权登记是否具有公信力的问题,并指出我国船舶抵押权登记应比照不动产登记程序建立错误登记的补救机制和登记请求权制度。第4章分析了船舶抵押权的效力范围,以及船舶抵押权对抵押权人和抵押人的效力,并指出在被抵押船舶转让以及抵押权的处分等情况下要注意各方利益的平衡问题。第5章指出船舶抵押权的实现上应合理限制竞存权利对其的影响。对于船舶留置权应严格限制其适用范围;光船租赁情况下应根据设定时间的先后确定权利的优先顺序;要通过程序设计减少船舶优先权的秘密性对船舶抵押权的冲击。第6章指出以所包括的财产范围而不是以时间标准界定在建船舶更有意义。在建船舶抵押权的实现方式应结合接管人制度和让与担保制度的优点,并兼顾我国现存的动产抵押制度予以重新设计。第7章在分析了船舶保险对船舶抵押权人利益保护不力的情况下,探讨了船舶抵押权保险制度以及我国引进该制度的必要性和可行性。第8章指出船舶抵押权的成立和效力应适用船旗国法,船舶抵押权的实现程序应适用法院地法。在建船舶抵押权的成立和效力应适用造船地法,实现程序应适用法院地法。

【Abstract】 Ship mortgage financing has an important promoting role for the development of shipbuilding and shipping industry. While the legal predicament suffering by ship mortgage hinders the development of these industries. Based on the basic theory of mortgage system and comparing on ship mortgage legislation of different countries and areas, this dissertation, by using comparative research methods, system analytic method and law and economics analysis method, try to rebuilding ship mortgage system in china according to national conditions and present legal system.This dissertation has introduction, content of eight chapters and conclusion as follows:Chapter 1 introduces the origin of ship mortgage, analyses the characters of ship mortgage and differences with the relevant rights and gives a new definition of ship mortgage. Chapter 2 analyzes the differences on main body, object and the way of enactment in ship mortgage legislation of different countries and areas. And it also emphasizes the legal significance and necessary contents of ship mortgage contract. Chapter 3 analyzes the public confidence of ship mortgage registration under the registration confrontation doctrine, and also puts forward that remedy system for wrong registration and registration request system according to real estate registration. Chapter 4 analyzes ship mortgage’s scope of validity and the validity to mortgagee and mortgager. It also puts forward benefit balance of all parties in transference and deal with the ship mortgage. Chapter 5 puts forward auction by court is the sole realizing way of ship mortgage and reasonable restriction to competitive rights. The scope of application of possessory lien on ship should be limited strictly. The priority of rights under bareboat charter party shall be determined by enacting time. Maritime liens’ secret character has a severe impact to ship mortgage and it should be disclosed by program designing. Chapter 6 indicates that mortgage of a ship under construction shall be defined according to property scope rather than time standard. The realizing way of mortgage of a ship under construction shall be designed again according to current chattel mortgage system in China, combined with takeover system and transferring guarantee system. Chapter 7 discusses the necessity and possibility of introducing ship mortgage insurance. Chapter 8 indicates that the law of the flag state of the ship shall be applied to the mortgage of the ship’s establishment and validity, while the law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to its realizing procedure. The law of shipbuilding ground shall be applied to the mortgage of a ship under construction’s establishment and validity, while the law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to its realizing procedure.

  • 【分类号】D923;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】734
  • 攻读期成果

