

The Study on Eco-Nature View of Marxism

【作者】 王丹

【导师】 冯文华;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人类自诞生时起就不断地从自然界中索取自己所需要的物质生活资料,改善自己的生存环境,因而发生着与自然界的关系。因此,人与自然的关系问题始终是人类所关注的问题,是古往今来的哲学家、思想家、科学家等所持续探究的问题。特别是近代以来科学技术的不断进步,人类生产力的突飞猛进,一方面,人类享受着科技进步,经济发展带来的福社,陶醉于对大自然所取得的胜利;另一方面,却面临着日益严峻的环境问题和生态危机,人类赖以生存和发展的环境反过来对人类的生存和发展构成严重威胁。以资源、环境、人口等形式出现的生态问题、人类生存危机,其实质是人与自然、人与外部世界关系的危机。而随着人类对其自身实践活动的反思和对不利于其自身生存和发展后果的重视,生态环境问题日益受到人们的关注。生态环境问题是当代世界最紧迫最引人注意的全球性问题,也是中国现代化建设中的现实问题,已成为科学技术领域,人文社会科学中经济学、法学、社会学等学科的重要课题,但从根本上看,生态问题应是一个哲学和伦理学问题,是马克思主义哲学自然观应直面的一个理论课题。由于所处历史时代的限制,马克思恩格斯虽未形成自觉的生态学理论,但他们却己敏锐地觉察到资本主义发展所带来的人与人、人与自然的不和谐,在对资本主义进行批判,对未来社会进行预见的过程中,马克思主义自然观昭示了一幅社会发展生态向度的理论图景。马克思主义这种生态自然观思想是具有前瞻性的,它所揭示的人与自然辩证统一关系特别是人类社会和自然环境的相互关系,在当今时代体现出重要的理论与实践价值,对于解决生态环境危机,对于理性思考生态文明建设具有重要的启示。本文以自然观的核心问题人与自然关系特别是以人与资源生态环境之间关系问题为主线,以人与自然生态环境的协同进化与和谐发展为价值取向,坚持历史与逻辑相统一、理论和实践相结合的原则,基于生态学视角,并将生态学、哲学、经济学、环境学和社会学相结合深入研究了马克思主义生态自然观、除绪论外本文分为五个部分:第一部分考察和审视了马克思主义以前所出现的四种类型自然观:远古时代的神话自然观、古代的有机整体自然观、中世纪的神学自然观和近代的机械自然观,这是研究马克思主义生态自然观的前提。第二部分是论文的核心和重点,从理论上对马克思主义生态自然观进行系统阐述,从而形成马克思主义生态自然观的理论框架:首先考察和分析了马克思主义的自然概念与人的概念及特征,为马克思主义生态自然观建立了理论基础;然后阐述马克思主义生态自然观的形成、发展及哲学变革;进而阐释马克思主义生态自然观的主要内容及特征:最后对马克思主义生态自然观进行辩证唯物论、认识论、唯物史观和价值论的审度。第三部分通过对早期西方马克思主义、法兰克福学派及生态学马克思主义的解构与分析,深刻理解马克思主义生态自然观在现代西方的历史命运和地位,比较马克思主义生态自然观与西方生态学马克思主义自然观的相容性和相异性,同时进一步阐释马克思主义生态自然观对西方人类中心主义和生态中心主义的矫正与超越。第四部分从马克思主义生态自然观与中国的具体实践相结合的视角,论述了马克思主义生态自然观的中国化发展轨迹及所形成的理论成果,主要包括:毛泽东对马克思主义生态自然观中国化的初步尝试;邓小平对马克思主义生态自然观中国化的积极探索;江泽民对马克思主义生态自然观中国化的贡献;科学发展观是马克思主义生态自然观中国化的最新成果。第五部分从人类文明的演进、环境衍化及对现代社会生态危机的反思着手,并通过对中国生态环境情势及中国生态环境恶化的根源分析,论述中国生态文明建设的必要性;在探讨马克思主义生态自然观与中国的生态文明建设的内在联系基础上,明确马克思主义生态自然观对中国生态文明建设的指导;同时探索了中国生态文明建设的思维理路、基本原则、内容框架和具体路径,并展望了中国生态文明建设的前景。

【Abstract】 Human, since its birth, has been interrelated with nature through taking essential materials from the nature for its life and improving its survival environment. As a result, the interrelationship between human and nature has constantly been haunting the human being, and continually on the mind of the philosophers, thinkers and scientists. With the contemporary scientific and technological development and productivity growth, human is, on the one hand, indulged in the hi-tech development, the well-being out of the rapid economic development and their controlling over nature; and, on the other hand, is encountered with the increasing environmental problems and ecological crisis, which, in turn, threatens human survival and development. The ecological environment and human survival crisis in the form of resources, environment and population is virtually the crisis between human and nature, between human and his outside world. With more reflections on the human practice and more concerns about the disadvantages to his survival, more importance has been attached to the ecological matters which are both the eye-catching problems globally and realistic problems in the Chinese modernization. They have become the main study task in the field of technology, economy, law and sociology. Basically, the issue of ecology is within the domain of philosophy and ethics, a theoretical study task facing the Marxist philosophical view of nature. With historical constraints, Marx and Engels, though they did not form the intuitive ecological theory, were beginning to be sensitive to the disharmony between humans, between human and nature caused by the capitalism. In the process of criticizing capitalism and predicting the prospective society, Marxist view of nature presented a theoretical picture of social development in terms of ecology. Such a view of nature is premonitory, and the dialectical unification relations especially the interrelationship between human and nature reflected in the view proves to be of important theoretical and practical value, giving great inspiration to the solutions of ecological environment crisis and the rational construction of ecological civilization. This dissertation aims to make a deep study on eco-nature view of Marxism, with the interrelationship between human and nature especially ecological environment as the main thread, with the cooperation and harmony between human and ecological environment being the value orientation, on the principle of combination between history and logic, between theory and practice, from the perspective of ecology, and with the combination of ecology, philosophy, economics, environmentology and sociology. There are five parts apart from the introduction.Part one probes into four types of views on nature prior to the existence of Marxism, namely myth nature view in the remote ancient times, organism as whole nature view in the ancient times, mythology nature view in the Middle Ages and machine nature view in the modern times. They are the premise of studying eco-nature view of Marxism.Part two, acted as the core of the dissertation, gives a theoretical and systematic account of eco-nature view of Marxism, thus forming a framework of eco-nature view of Marxism. It first illustrates the nature conception of Marxism compared with that of others’and analyses their different features, which lays a theoretical foundation of eco-nature view of Marxism. Then it states how the eco-nature view of Marxism formed, developed, and transformed philosophically, and gives a further statement of the main content and features of eco-nature view of Marxism. Finally an observation is made on eco-nature view of Marxism from the perspective of dialectical materialism, epistemology, and axiology.Part three deals with the analysis of early western Marxism, Frankfurt school and the structure of ecological Marxism, the deep understanding of the historical fate and the role eco-nature view of Marxism plays in the modern west, and the comparison of the compatibility and incompatibility between the eco-nature view of Marxism and western ecological Marxist view of nature, as well as the further statement of how eco-nature view of Marxism corrects and transcends western human-centred doctrine and ecology-centred doctrine. Part four reviews the development path and the theoretical achievement of eco-nature view of Marxism in China from the perspective of the combination of eco-nature view of Marxism and its practice in China. It mainly includes Mao Ze Dong’s preliminary carrying on, Deng Xiao Ping’s active exploring, and Jiang Ze Min’s contribution to the eco-nature view of Marxism. It also proclaims that scientific development view is the innovation and progress of eco-nature view of Marxism.Part five first sets about the statement from the angle of human civilization evolution, environmental derivation and the reflection on the ecological crisis in modern society. Then it points out the necessity of the shift to human civilized ecology and the significance of choosing the ecological civilization path. Following that it expounds the urgency and necessity of China’s ecological civilization construction through analysing China’s ecological circumstances and the present situation and characteristic of ecological civilization construction in China. Finally, it explores and ends with a prospect on the theoretical train of thinking, framework of its content, and the concrete path of China’s ecological civilization construction.

  • 【分类号】X2;A811.6
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】9187
  • 攻读期成果

