

Differentiated Service and Inventory Control Policies for Deteriorating Product

【作者】 郑长征

【导师】 刘志学;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文在总结和评述相关文献的基础上,将研究拓展到随机多类需求和库存随机折损的易损品库存控制与差异化服务领域。引入库存折损和基于客户购买行为的差异化服务策略,构建库存控制与差异化服务集成模型,研究随机多类需求和库存随机折损环境下,零售商如何制定订货、控制库存和差异化服务策略以最大化利润。具体而言,本文主要完成的创新研究工作如下:(1)从商品生命周期特征、客户购买行为角度深入分析易损品库存控制与差异化服务问题,提出库存随机折损的易损品库存控制与差异化服务集成策略框架。研究结论表明:库存随机折损情况下,根据客户购买行为的差异实施库存控制与差异化服务集成策略能有效降低库存损失,提高利润。(2)在随机多类需求、允许缺货且短缺拖后的环境中,研究库存随机折损的指数生命周期易损品库存控制与差异化服务问题。提出依据客户支付价格和期望交付时间的购买行为特征对不同类型的客户实施差异化服务(DSP策略);构建动态规划模型,设计求解最优订货策略、实时动态的差异化服务库存控制点的方法。算例表明:①相比不考虑库存折损的模型,引入库存随机折损后的模型更符合实际情况;②相比不考虑客户购买行为的无差异服务策略(FCFS),DSP策略能显著提高零售商平均利润,减少库存折损损失。(3)在DSP策略的基础上,进一步考虑不能得到即时服务的客户会流失问题,引入动态延期折扣挽留流失的客户,构建延期折扣、库存控制和差异化服务集成的动态规划模型,提出基于延期折扣的易损品库存控制与差异化服务策略(DSDP策略)。算例表明:①相比仅考虑延期折扣的无差异服务(DO),DSDP策略能显著提高零售商平均利润,减少库存折损损失;②相比DSP策略,DSDP策略能减少需求流失,进一步降低库存折损损失,提高平均利润。(4)针对DSP策略导致支付低价格的客户在当期内满足率低的不足,引入再服务等待客户策略,构建考虑等待需求的库存控制与差异化服务集成的动态规划模型,提出再服务等待客户的易损品库存控制与差异化服务策略(DSRWDP策略)。为简化模型,模型仅考虑两类客户。算例表明相比DSP策略,DSRWDP策略有效地提高支付低价格的客户在当期内的满足率,减少库存持有成本和缺货成本,进一步降低库存折损损失,提高平均利润。

【Abstract】 On the basis of summarizing and commenting on relevant literature, this dissertation focuses on differentiated service and inventory control policies with stochastic multi-class demand in deteriorating inventory problem. To take account of inventory decaying and the difference of customer purchasing behavior, the integrated inventory control and differen-tiated services policy models are developed to study how to make orders, control inven-tory and satisfy demand with differentiated services policy by a retailer to maximize her profit in stochastic multi-class demand and inventory decaying environment. Specifically, this dissertation has contributed in the following aspects:Firstly, this dissertation analyzes differentiated service and inventory control problem for deteriorating product from the point of product life-cycle feature and customer pur-chasing behavior. A framework of the integrated inventory control and differentiated ser-vice policies for deteriorating product considering purchasing behavior is put forward. The result shows that the proposed policies can reduce the loss of inventory decaying and en-hance profit greatly when the quantity in stock diminishes over time stochastically.Secondly, this dissertation considers a retailer’s differentiated service policies and decaying inventory control problem, in which both the demand and the lifecycle of the product are stochastic. The stock of the product diminishes over time with an exponential deterioration rate. Demand classification method is proposed according to purchasing be-havior, which considers contract price and expected delivery time, and a differentiated service policy called Differential Service Policy (DSP) is put forward for different types of customers. Through a dynamic programming model, the optimal inventory control and service policy with time-based critical inventory level for each customer class is derived. Comparing with the first-come-first-served service policy (FCFS), numerical analysis shows that the proposed policies can significantly improve expected profit and reduce the loss caused by product deterioration.Thirdly, on the basis of DSP, lost sales are analyzed when immediate service is un-available. Price discount is introduced to induce backorders to wait for fulfillment from the next reorder. Through dynamic programming, we derive the optimal policy for the re-tailer, which consists of replenishment policy as well as dynamic differential service and price discount policy called Differential Service Policy with Price Discount (DSDP). Comparing with the first-come-first-served policy with Discount Only (DO), the result shows that the proposed policy can improve the retailer’s profit significantly and cut down the loss caused by product deterioration. Besides, in contrast to DSP, the DSDP policy can reduce demand loss, get more profit and reduce inventory decaying loss.Finally, a Differential Service with Re-service Waiting Demand Policy (DSRWDP) is proposed to solve the problem that the fill rate of low-value customer is lower than normal under DSP. When the customer is waiting, he/her may be offered the product when the rest of the cycle time is short and the remaining inventory is high. An integrated inventory control and differential service with re-service waiting demand model is built using dy-namic programming. To simplify the model, we only consider two classes of demand. Comparing with DSP, the numerical analysis shows that the fill rates of low-value cus-tomer in re-order cycle can be improved significantly. The holding cost, backorder cost and the loss caused by product deterioration are all reduced and expected profit is im-proved observably.


