

A Study on the Protection of Farmer’s Rights and Interests during Rural-Urban Land Conversion

【作者】 张丽

【导师】 谭术魁;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,中国开始进入工业化、城市化的加速扩张阶段,农地城市流转作为推进城市进程的一种重要形式,在一定程度上满足了生产要素合理流动和优化配置的要求。然而,农民作为农地使用者的主体,其各项权益并没有得到有效保护,特别是征地补偿金额偏低和不到位、安置方式简单落后、社会保障乏力,农民的参与权、话语权、生存权、发展权等不同程度地缺失,暴露出农民是“现代文明”的牺牲者而不是享用者,这与民主、民生的社会主题显然不相符。在农地城市流转不可逆、不确定的时代环境下,如何全面地阐释农民权益保护的理论依据,合理地考察农民权益保护的综合现状,科学地评价农民权益保护的绩效水平,细致地分析农民权益保护的利益博弈,建设性地重构农民权益保护的具体路径,对维护农民权益、推进社会和谐具有重要意义。论文从现实背景和文献梳理出发,阐述了研究的目的、意义及框架,在此基础上,从五个方面进行定性、定量分析、第一,剖析农民权益保护的理论内涵;第二,考察农民权益保护的综合现状;第三,评价农民权益保护的绩效水平;第四,解释农民权益保护的利益博弈;第五,重构农民权益保护的具体路径。本文研究的主要结论有:(1)农民权益保护关系到农民自身的生存发展和社会的稳定和谐。必须从合理性、必要性、可行性等方面认识农民权益保护的理论意义和学理价值。(2)农民权益出现不同权利和利益的丧失或不充分。在一定程度上说明政府职能转换、公共政策调整、社会管理变革仍然相对滞后。(3)农民权益保护整体上没有发挥出应有的作用和效果。主要在于各种制度支撑条件的缺乏。(4)农民权益保护中存在着中央政府、地方政府、开发商、村集体、农户等利益主体的多重博弈。他们的经济人行为及其效用函数差异不利于农民权益保护目标的实现。(5)农民权益保护关系到制度的调整和体制的优化,需要在实践性检验及国内外经验的基础上探索出符合我国国情的农民权益保护路径。

【Abstract】 China has begun to enter the accelerated expansion stage of industrialization and urbanization since 1990s. As an important form to speed up the development of the city, rural-urban land conversion has satisfy the requirements of the production factors to be flown and allocated properly. However, Farmers as the main users of agricultural land, whose rights & interests have not been effectively protected. Especially, the amount of compensation is low and not in place, arrangement is simple and backward, social security is weak, and other rights such as participation, voice, survival, and development are missing in varying degrees, what show farmers are the victims but not the owner of the modern civilization. It is not consisitent with the social theme of democracy and livelihood. Under the environment of irreversibility and uncertainty of rural-urban land conversion, this paper does the following research to investigate the protection of farmers’ rights & interests:1 thoroughly explain the theoretical basis of the protection; 2)reasonably explore the overall status of the protection; 3)scientifically evaluate the performance level of the protection; 4)detailedly analyze the game behaviour in the protection; 5)constructively rebuild the protection path. All of these would be important to protect farmers’rights & interests and to promote the rural-urban coordination. The study is meaningful in maintaining famers’rights & interests and promoting social harmony.The paper started from the realistic background and literature review, explained this study’s purpose, significance and frame, then made qualitative and quantitative analysis from five aspects. Firstly, analyzing the theoretical connotation of the protection about farmers’rights & interests. secondly, measuring the status of the protection about farmers’rights & interests. thirdly, calculating the performance level of the protection about farmers’rights & interests. forthly, explaining the game types in the protection about farmers’rights & interests. fifthly, reconstructing the concrete path of the protection about farmers’rights & interests.The main conclusions of this paper are generalized as follows:(1)Protections of farmers’rights & interests are related to the farmers’own survival and development as well as social stability and harmony. We should aware the theoretical value from necessity, rationality, feasibility and other aspects.(2)Farmers’rights & interests are lost or inadequate in the protection. To some extent that transformation of government functions, regulation of public policies, changes of social management are still lagging behind.(3)Protections of farmers’rights & interests do not play their role effectively. It is mainly due to the lack of the supporting conditions for various systems.(4)There are multiple game subjects in the protection such as the central government, local government, developers, village collective and farmers. Their "economic man" behavior and utility function differences are not conducive to the protection goals.(5)Protections of farmers’rights & interests are related to the resources’optimization and elements’reconfiguration. We should rebuild the protection path according to our national conditions based on practical tests and experiences at home and abroad.

  • 【分类号】F301;F323.89
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】963
  • 攻读期成果

