

Research of Incentive Mechanism for Local University Science and Technology Innovation Team in China

【作者】 邱楷

【导师】 徐顽强;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 为适应发展的需要,我国许多地方大学都组建了科技创新团队。地方大学科技创新团队是地方大学增强自身科技创新能力、服务区域经济建设、为国家培养创新性人才和建设创新型国家的重要力量,加强其激励机制的研究具有十分重要的意义。借助企业团队的管理运作模式来加深对地方大学科技创新团队的认识。由于能促使工作队伍多元化、提高工作效率、使企业在多变的环境中反应灵活等诸多突出优点,团队模式在许多企业迅速普及。本研究利用地方大学科技创新团队与企业创新团队的关联性进行研究。通过对相关理论进行论述梳理,以调查问卷为基础分析了地方大学科技创新团队及其激励机制的基本特征,重点探讨了地方大学科技创新团队的物质激励机制和非物质激励机制,分别探讨了两类激励机制的内涵、必要性以及实施时应注意的问题,同时指出了科技创新团队约束难的原因并构建了地方大学科技创新团队成员的约束机制。紧紧围绕地方大学科技创新团队的内涵、特征以及作用展开,分析了其所处的三种主要环境因素:制度环境、市场环境和文化环境;指出了地方大学科技创新团队的运作模式、组织结构类型以及组建模式;系统分析了地方大学科技创新团队的分类与相应特点以及了地方大学科技创新团队激励机制现状及存在的问题。探讨了构建地方大学科技创新团队的基本条件、途径及规律,提出了地方大学科技创新团队的管理依据、管理原则、管理要素以及协同管理机制;讨论了团队带头人对团队成员的激励以及分析了团队带头人和团队成员的才能支出均衡,并对地方大学科技创新团队的激励机制建立了一个综合的激励模型。根据地方大学科技创新团队的三个特性:合作、岗位管理以及心理契约分别进行了分析,基于三个特性分别建立了激励模型并分别进行了分析。最后结合提出了地方大学科技创新团队激励方案组织与实施应该遵循的原则、实施过程以及控制、反馈与改进,提出了团队成员激励机制优化组合应注意的问题和针对不同需求特点的团队成员激励机制优化组合策略。通过上述工作,本研究得出了相应的结论。与一般人员相比,地方大学科技创新团队成员认知能力与理性程度较高,对不确定性的认识和控制能力更高,对风险的规避程度较小;科技创新团队成员的风险规避度较小,风险偏好更具有可变性,团队成员面对的风险也更大,因而科技创新团队的管理风险也更大。地方大学科技创新团队中委托人对代理人的委托风险与控制力度呈反比。如果委托人能够对代理人进行直接的监督和约束,则其控制力度就越强,相应的,委托风险就越小;相反,委托人对代理人的委托代理层次越多,代理链越长,则控制力度越弱,委托风险产生的概率越大。团队带头人和团队成员的需求是否得到满足,决定着对其激励的效果,而其需求的大小和对其激励水平的高低有直接相关性。如果要充分发挥他们的激励性,就要充分的满足他们的需求。但是,如果激励水平超过了他们的需求程度,则不但不能达到超出部分的激励水平,反而浪费了资源。团队带头人还是团队成员的努力程度不是简单地山一个激励因素决定,并不是某一个需求得到满足之后,就能完全激发团队带头人和团队成员的工作积极性,而是必须使他们的各种需要得到满足之后,才能充分激发他们的积极性。这些需求不是简单地叠加在一起,而是综合作用共同组成一种函数关系。

【Abstract】 Many local universities in China have constructed innovation teams in order to adjust themselves to the needs of development. Innovation teams of local universities play an important role in enhancing their own innovative capacities in science and technology and serving the regional economy. Besides, they are of great importance in cultivating creative talents and building an innovative country. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the research on incentive mechanism.This paper aims to gain a better understanding of innovation teams of local universities with the aid of the model of the processing of managing enterprise team. Team model, which can prompt the diversity of work team, improve work efficiency as well as help enterprises to adjust themselves to reacting flexibly to the changing environment, has been popularized in many enterprises. This paper carries out research by making use of the relevance between the innovation teams of local universities and those of enterprises.By sorting out relevant theories and analyzing innovation teams of local universities and the features of their incentive mechanisms based on questionnaires, the paper focuses on the material incentives and non-material incentives of those local universities for innovation teams and discusses the convocations, necessities and some problems about the implementation of the two kinds of incentive mechanisms. At the same time, it also points out difficulties in managing innovations teams of science and technology and constructs restraint mechanism for innovation teams of local universities.The paper analyses three environmental elements, that is, systematic environment, market environment and cultural environment, on the research basis of the connotations, features and effects of innovation teams of local universities and points out the operational model, structural categories and organizational model of innovation teams of local universities. Moreover, it gives a systematic analysis of the types of innovation teams of local universities and their according characters and the present situation of those incentive mechanisms and the existing problems of innovation teams of local universities.It discusses the fundamental conditions, channels and laws in constructing innovation teams of local universities and puts forward the basis, principles and elements in management and a cooperative managing mechanism as well. In addition, the paper probes into the incentives used by team leaders for its team members and the balance of the talents of the team members. It also proposes a comprehensive incentive model for the incentive mechanism of innovation teams of local universities.The paper gives a relative analysis to the three features, namely cooperation, post management and psychological rapport, of science and technology innovation teams of local universities and analyzes the incentive models constructed based on the mentioned characters separately. After combing the organizational plans of incentive mechanisms for science and technology innovation teams of local universities with the principles and the process of their implementation as well as the control, feedback and improvement of those mechanisms, the paper points out the problems in optimal organization of these incentive mechanisms and advances some strategies in the optimization of incentive mechanisms of innovation teams according to the characteristics of different demands.Through the above efforts, we get the following conclusions.Compared with general team members, those of innovation teams of local universities have better cognitive and reasoning abilities and they also have relatively better understanding and more control of uncertain elements, which is thus helpful in avoiding risk. However, if team members show little capability in risk aversion, risk preference will became more flexible. As a result, team members will have to face more risk and the management risk for the innovation team will increase accordingly.There is an inverse relationship between the mandate risk of the incentive mechanism for the team members and the degree of control. The more directly the team leaders supervise the team members, the more control they will gain and the lower will be the occurrence rate of mandate risk. On the other hand, the more the layers through which the team leaders have an indirect supervision on its members, the less control power they will get and the higher will be the occurrence rate of mandate risk.Whether the different needs of the team leaders and its members are satisfied depends on both the size of needs and the level of the incentive mechanism. If those needs are met on a full scale, the morale of the whole team will exercise to a large extent. Otherwise, it is kind of wasting resources.No matter it is the team leader or its members, their efforts contributing to work can not be simply determined by an incentive element? The morale of the whole team will be aroused only after the various needs of its members have been satisfied instead of the needs of single individual. However, it is not a simple add-up of different needs but a comprehensive functional relationship.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1163

