

Research of the University Students Activities Management Based on the Project Management

【作者】 李炎清

【导师】 李太平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 大学生活动是大学生在学校教育环境中进行的有组织、有计划、有目的的实践活动,主要关注大学生在专业学习时间之外进行的活动,是课堂教育之外的社会实践活动。它具有主体性、目的性、专业性、临时性、整体性等特点。大学生活动是拓展学生知识、提高其实践能力和道德水平的重要渠道。中共中央、国务院《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》明确指出:大学生活动是“大学生思想政治教育的重要环节,对于促进大学生了解社会、了解国情,增长才干、奉献社会,锻炼能力、培养品质,增强社会责任感具有不可替代的作用。”新世纪以来,伴随着高等教育大众化和高等教育体制改革的不断深入,大学生活动越来越受到高校、高等教育主管部门乃至政府的重视,但是,我国高校学生活动管理远远不能满足高校学生活动发展的需要,出现管理观念陈旧、管理体制落后、保障机制不完善、激励不足、监控不力等问题。高校需要创新学生活动管理机制,提高学生活动管理水平。国内外项目管理实践证明,项目管理理论和方法可以在高校学生活动中得到运用,它不仅可以提高学生的自主意识、责任意识、创新意识和效率意识,提高学生实践能力和自我管理水平,而且还可以提高高校学生管理的服务意识、责任意识和效率观念,促进高校学生活动管理的规范化、科学化和民主化。大学生活动项目管理必须遵循教育性、系统性、灵活性、权责对等原则。大学生活动项目管理一般必须经历启动、计划、实施与控制、收尾四个阶段,相应地覆盖项目整体管理、范围管理、人力资源管理、进度管理、成本管理、质量管理、采购管理、沟通管理、风险管理等九大知识领域。在对大学生活动进行项目管理的过程中,对项目实施有瓶颈作用的管理环节即关键链主要有策划、资源管理和评估三个环节。活动策划是学生项目管理最基础的环节,为活动的顺利实施提供了保证。大学生活动策划包括主题、内容、形式三大要素,包括立项、可行性研究、主题创意、方案论证等环节。在进行活动策划过程中,需要注意活动策划导向性、主体性、系统性、实效性和创造性。在活动策划过程中,尤其要重视可行性分析。大学生活动资源包括时间、经费、人员。资源管理是学生活动项目管理实施阶段的关键,直接影响大学生活动项目管理的实施进程。对大学生活动生命周期进行有效的进度管理,主要应该从活动进度计划制订和活动进度控制实施两个方面进行。大学生活动经费进行有效管理的关键在于成本管理。大学生活动成本主要包括决策成本、策划成本、实施成本。需要提高大学生在活动经费使用的成本意识,同时学校要加强对活动经费的监管和使用,提高活动经费的使用效率。对大学生活动进行人员管理,需要建立科学高效的项目团队,提高大学生活动的组织效率,同时需要加强对人的激励,充分发挥和利用人的潜能,从而实现组织目标。大学生活动评价是对大学生参加社会实践的态度、能力以及效果等进行考核与评定,是大学生实践活动的重要环节。为了做到活动评价的科学性和实效性,我们需要从活动主题、活动计划、活动态度和能力、活动的成果四个维度建立活动管理评价模型,综合运用成本收益分析法、资料分析法、汇报分析法、问卷调查法、实地参与法等各种评估方法。

【Abstract】 University Students Activities are organized, planned and purposeful practice activities conducted in educational environment, which are social activities outside the classroom, majorly focused on the activities besides the professional learning time. It has the features of subjective, objective, profession, temporariness, integrity and so on. University Students Activities are an important channel to develop students’knowledge, improve their practical ability and ethical standards. The statement of "the opinion of further strengthening and improving university students’ideological and political education" which is issued by CPC (the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China) and the State Council has clearly stated that university students activities are "an important part for ideological and political education, which have an irreplaceable role for the promotion of students to understand the society and the country, to increase their abilities and contribute to society, to exercise capacity and train quality, and to enhance social responsibility".Since this 21st century, with the popularization of higher education and the far-reaching reform of higher education system, University Students Activities are attracting the attention of universities, higher education authorities and even the government more and more. However, the University Students Activities management can not meet the need of University Students Activities’development, with many problems arising such as obsolete management philosophy, outdated management system, imperfect security mechanism, inadequate incentives, poor monitoring and other issues.Innovation should be brought into the University Student Activities management mechanism to improve the management quality. It has been proven by project management experiences at home and abroad that project management theories and methods can be used in University Student Activities. It can not only enhance students’ sense of self-awareness, responsibility, innovation and efficiency, improve their practical ability and self-management, but also improve the sense of service, responsibility and efficiency for University Students Activities management, and promote its standardization, scientification and democracy.University Students Activities management must follow the principles of educational, systemic, flexibility, equal rights and responsibilities. Normally, University Students Activities management goes through four phases:starting, planning, implementation and control, ending. Correspondingly it covers nine knowledge areas including overall project management, scope management, human resource management, schedule management, cost management, quality management, procurement management, communication management and risk management. In the process of University Students Activities Management, three links-planning, resource management and evaluation are the bottlenecks in the project management process, which are also called key links.Activities planning are the most fundamental link in students project management, which guarantees for the activities’ successful implementation. University Students Activities planning includes three major elements-theme, content and form, and many links-project proposal, feasibility studies, thematic ideas and program verification. During the activities planning process, it is needed to pay attention to guidance, subjectivity, systematicness, effectiveness, creativity and especially feasibility analysis.University Student Activities resources include time, funding and personnel. Resource management is the key element in the implementation phase of University Student Activity project management, it can directly affect the implementation process. To effectively perform a process management for the lifecycle of University Students Activities, actions must be taken mainly from two aspects-activities process planning and control. Cost management is the key to manage the University Students Activities funding effectively. University Students Activities cost includes policy cost, planning cost and implementation cost. Universities must take actions to enhance university students’sense of activities cost. Also, the monitoring and cost efficiency of University Students Activities are needed to be improved. To manage human resource of University Students Activities, it is needed to build scientific and effective project team, and improve management efficiency of University Students Activities. In addition, to achieve organization goals, it is needed to enhance incentive for people and give full play to and use of human potential.The attitude, ability and effect of students in social practice is evaluated on University Students Activities Assessment, which are an important part of university students practice. In order to evaluate the activities scientifically and effectively, we need to build the management evaluation model from four aspects-activity theme, planning, attitudes and abilities, and results, and to use various evaluation methods such as cost-benefit analysis, data analysis, reporting analysis, questionnaire survey, and field methods comprehensively.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】3626

