

Research on Active Dynamic Composited Envelope of Low-energy Building

【作者】 张辉

【导师】 余庄;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 能源和环境问题是当今世界各国共同面临的重大社会问题。随着社会的进步和科技的发展,先进的建筑技术在给人们提供舒适人居环境的同时,也占据了人类30%的能源消耗以及同比例的环境污染。建筑节能是解决能源问题的重要途径。为缓解我国的能源资源与经济社会发展的矛盾,必须立足国内,显著提高能源资源利用效率。本课题正是立足于建筑节能的目标和要求,以武汉华中科技大学000PK建筑为例,提出了新型建筑围护结构——动态复合围护结构,将室内热交换废风主动送入动态围护结构空气间层,在充分利用建筑能量的同时,不仅改善了围护结构的热工性能,同时调节了围护结构对表面的热辐射,达到了节能环保和改善热舒适的双重目的。本文针对动态复合围护结构,采用理论分析、数值模拟和实验测试相结合的方法展开研究,主要研究内容包括以下几方面:(1)结合相关的建筑热物理学理论,对动态复合围护结构的传热模型、传热系数进行了分析,同时根据相关理论分析进行了动态围护结构的传热计算并得出相关结论。(2)通过对动态复合围护结构在不同季节、不同状态时的数值模拟和实验测试对比发现,动态围护结构空气间层的主动通风不仅改善了围护结构夏季的隔热特性和冬季的保温特性,同时对围护结构内表面温度表现了良好的调节作用。同时,通过数值模拟和实验测试对比验证了结果的一致性。(3)通过对动态复合围护结构不同季节、不同状态的数值模拟表明,围护结构在不同季节的主动通风调节影响了围护结构内表面的热辐射,夏季主动通风有效增强了围护结构内表面的“冷辐射”,冬季主动通风有效降低了内表面的“冷辐射”。同时,通过动态围护结构的理论分析、数值模拟和实验测试,得出了围护结构的动态传热系数结论,并针对不同状态的动态围护结构主动通风情况的传热分析,同时得出了根据不同气候条件进行围护结构主动动态调节的合理建议。(4)以000PK建筑为例,通过对不同季节、不同状态的动态围护结构与建筑环境影响的数值模拟分析表明,夏季高温情况下,围护结构的主动通风调节不仅增强了围护结构的隔热性能,降低了围护结构内表面的热辐射,同时降低建筑室内的温度,改善了建筑室内的热舒适性;冬季低温情况下,围护结构的主动通风调节增强了围护结构保温性能,改变围护结构内表面的辐射温度,同时抑制建筑室内温度的降低趋势,改善了室内热舒适性。就建筑系统而言,动态围护结构的主动调节在夏季形成了形成“冷墙”效应,冬季形成了“暖墙”效应,对建筑节能和建筑热舒适调节有帮助作用。本文以华中科技大学000PK建筑研究为例,对提出的动态复合围护结构进行了理论分析、数值模拟和实验测试的验证。其研究成果对为指导和实施目前建筑节能的研究与发展具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Energy resource and environment are the great social problems that every country especially our country is faced with. With the advancement of the society and development of technology, the advanced architectural technology offered us a comfortable living environment, consumed 30% of the total energy while created environmental pollution to the same proportion. Building energy conservation is the important approach to solve the energy resource problem.It is very necessary to increase the use ratio of energy resource conspicuously which established in our country in order to remiss the contradiction between energy resource and social and economic development. The objective of this subject is based on the purpose and requirement of building energy saving, take the OOOPK building of Huazhong University of science and technology in Wuhan as a case, An innovation envelope——Active Dynamic Composited Envelope (ADCE) has been put forward. while recycling the indoor exhaust air of heat-exchanging been actively put into the air layer of ADCE, building energy can be sufficiently recovered, the thermal characteristics of envelop can be improved, the thermal radiation of internal envelop surface can be regulated, which achieved twofold purposes of energy saving and improving thermal comfortable. Aiming at ADCE, this paper applies the method of theoretical analysis, combined with simulation and measurement to research. The main research contents are as follows:(1) Based on the correlation theory of building thermal physics, it analysed the heat transfer model and heat transfer coefficient of ADCE, meanwhile, provided some transfer computation of ADCE according to correlation theory and came to a conclusion.(2) According to the comparison of simulation and testing when ADCE was in different seasons and different condition, it discovered that active ventilation of ADCE not only improved the envelope’s heat-shielding performance in summer and thermal insulation property in winter, also showed better adjustment function to the temperature of internal surface of envelope. At the same time, the comparison of simulation and test show that the results are consistent. (3) Using the simulation to analyse the ADCE in different seasons and different condition, it indicated that active ventilation in different seasons adjusted the thermal radiation of internal surface of envelope, enhanced "cold radiation" of internal surface in summer and reduced "cold radiation" in winter. Meanwhile, according to the theoretical analysis, simulation and test, it draw a conclusion that the ACDE has a dynamic heat transfer coefficient. And rational proposals to initiative adjust the ACDE dynamically were given according to different climates.(4) Taking the 000PK building as a case, according to the simulation analysis of ADCE and building environment in different seasons and different conditions, it indicated that, in high temperature circumstance of summer days, active ventilation not only enhanced insulating performance of envelop, reduced the thermal radiation of internal surface, also reduced indoor temperature, improved the thermal comfort. Similarly, in low temperature circumstance of winter days, active ventilation not only enhanced thermal insulation property of envelop, changed the thermal radiation of internal surface, also inhibited the indoor temperature reducing, adjusted the thermal comfort. As far as architectural system is concerned, active adjustment of ADCE caused "cold wall" effect in summer and "warm wall" effect in winter, which will be helpful to energy saving and comfort adjustment.Taking the 000PK building of Huazhong University of Science and technology as a case, this paper researched on the ADCE by means of theoretical analysis, simulation and testability verification. The methods and conclusions may be useful to building energy efficiency theories, research and design.


