

On Tolerance of Contemporary News Comment

【作者】 胡沈明

【导师】 赵振宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国新闻评论的研究一直处于操作与史论层面,近年来偶有研究论及新闻评论政治与权力,但对新闻评论思维层面的研究尚为欠缺。目前中国新闻评论观点多元化,新闻评论出现“舆论引导”向“言论表达”的功能性转换,不同利益主体通过新闻评论表达着各自的诉求,此时“共存”远比“共识”更为重要。虽说新闻评论思维至少存在着“科学”、“民主”、“独立”与“宽容”等方面内容,但宽容至关重要,它是新闻评论得以良性运行以及社会得以整合的基础。新闻评论宽容是一种在新闻评论表达过程中能识别出他者意见与行为的不合理之处,但并不诉诸行为或威胁诉诸行为或求助于国家行为或求助于权威话语对其加以限制,而是通过理性探讨使社会公众对事物的合理性与不理性进行认知的道德品格,无害言论表达自由和言论宽容是其基本限度。主客体多样、能识别、重表达、不诉诸外力是新闻评论宽容的基本特征。新闻评论宽容限度的前提在于将人、评论权与观点分开,理解新闻评论宽容限度重在于以“过程”、分阶段来看待新闻评论。从传播内容来看,传播活动实际包括两个方面,一为信息,二为关系。表现在新闻评论上,一为观点表达型评论,一为关系加强型评论或称为仪式性评论。新闻评论宽容实质上是从关系层面来研究新闻评论,但研究关系离不开对信息的把握,因此探讨新闻评论的宽容首先还是要从言论表达型新闻评论加以探讨。作为观点表达,新闻评论是一种判断过程,尽管判断有价值判断与事实判断之别,但他们的思维本质均在于“次序”,或为价值次序或为事实次序,事实次序源于人们价值认识,因此新闻评论的判断实为价值次序判断。无论是出于正义、还是出于理性,新闻评论价值次序实际上所言均属于社会权力角逐的一个表现。据此而言,观点表达如无宽容意识,终将造成相应冲突,由此,我们认为新闻评论虽有表达观点效用,但其效用的发挥有赖于宽容意识,否则观点传播于社会无益。新闻评论的另一种类型就是关系加强型的仪式性评论,这种评论主要传递的是一种宰制性社会关系。由于人们一般以信息的方式对其加以解读,因此这种宰制性新闻评论很容易遭遇到社会公众的对抗性解读,从而导致传播失效。提倡宽容,识别社会关系,认识新闻评论传递宽容的基本功能将能构建新型的新闻评论传受关系。无论是观点传递型评论还是关系加强型评论,新闻评论思维的最终决定者实际上是社会思潮。早期新闻评论争取“独立”,如今新闻评论强调宽容,原因在于中国目前社会思潮众多,彼此互不相让。社会思潮虽多,影响力较大的主要有四种:主流意识形态、自由主义、新左派以及民粹主义,实际上这四种思潮由于诉诸的力量来源以及论证方式不同,其在新闻评论中或表现为宽容或表现为不宽容。作为一种天天与民众见面的方式,新闻评论一方面要展示各种社会思潮,另一方面则要让人认识到宽容的作用所在。更为重要的是,我们要意识到宽容与自由、民主和科学的关系。就中国目前的新闻评论发展而言,培养新闻评论宽容主要注意以下几点:改变论证方式,从“价值依赖”转向“路径依赖”;拒绝语言暴力,鄙弃借力论证;进行媒介批评,保持媒体新闻评论头脑清醒;认清权力属性,克制自我权力欲;通晓各类思潮,进行理论前提批判;引入传播“关系观”,解读新闻评论理念模式化。

【Abstract】 The study of Chinese news comment is wondering around practice and history. Though there are essays focusing on politics and power, the study on thought is still lack. Coexistence is more important than common view because the opinion expressing by comment is multiple, the function is turning from opinion-leading to opinion-expressing and different subject has different interest. Although science, democracy, independence and tolerance are the main content of news comment, tolerance is more important because it is fundamental to good operation to news comment and integration of society.The tolerance of news comment is a kind of virtue which refers to the state in opinion-expressing that although we can find the unreasonable aspects of others’ opinion and behavior, we don’t limit them by external power, and what we do is to analyze the reasonable and unreasonable aspects. The limit of it is not to harm speech freedom and comment tolerance. The fundamental feature of news comment tolerance is complex subjects and objects, capable of identifying, emphasizing expressing and not appealing to external power. The premise of news comment tolerance is to depart man, comment right and opinion. As to recognize comment tolerance limit, we should focus on the process and stage of news comment expressing.From the content of communication, it includes two parts, one is information and the other is correlation. Thus we can classify the news comment into opinion-expressing and correlation strengthening comment.In fact, the tolerance of news comment is to study news comment from correlation which closely related to information. Thus to understand tolerance of news comment, we should focus on the type of opinion-expressing. As a kind of opinion expressing, news comment is a process of judgment which includes value judgment and fact judgment. The essence of these judgments is order including value order and fact order. But the fact order is originated from value, so the judgment of news comment is value order judgment which is a kind of process of power pursuing whether from point of just or from reason. In a word, without tolerance, there will certainly appear conflicts during opinion expressing. Thus tolerance is at the bottom of news comment without which there is no use expressing opinion.Correlation-strengthening news comment is another type which show a kind of governed social relation, but as people usually read it from a point of information, so the news comment is read by people from the other side which interrupt the effect of communication. To change this state and establish a new communicator-audience correlation, we should advocate tolerance, distinguish social relation and know that the function of news comment is to spread tolerance.Whether opinion-expressing or correlation-strengthening, the critical aspect of news comment is social thought. In the early days, news comment pursuit independence, but nowadays we pursuit tolerance because there are too many social thought which mainly includes the main stream ideology, liberalism, neo-leftism and Populism. In news comment, their tolerance is different. As a popular way of expressing, news comment should exhibit all kinds of social thought on the one side and on the other side we should know the function of tolerance. And more important, we should pay attention the relation among tolerance, liberty, democracy and science.As the situation of Chinese news comment, we should notice the following when cultivating news comment tolerance. First, to alter the way of reasoning from value-dependence to route-dependence; secondly, refusing speech violence and reasoning by external power; thirdly, to carry out media criticism which make media have a clear mind; fourthly, recognizing the power feature of news comment and restraint the desire of power pursuing; fifthly, knowing all kinds of social thought and making theory premise criticizing; finally, introducing ritual theory and form the right view to recognize the idea modeling of news comment.

【关键词】 新闻评论宽容社会思潮关系
【Key words】 News CommentToleranceSocial ThoughtCorrelation

