

From Cooperative Privately-owned Newspaper to a Party Organ of CPC

【作者】 李理

【导师】 吴廷俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本论文主要研究的就是1945年到1951年间从抗战胜利后到建国初期新闻史的个案汉口《大刚报》。论文对汉口《大刚报》的历史作了以详尽全面的梳理,把新闻史上值得研究的一块原地的这些特殊史料抢救出来,并解释了民营报纸在抗战胜利后以及建国初期两个历史转折点的生存路径选择之特殊性,从而达到认识历史、反思历史和借鉴历史的目的。在具体写作策略上,采用历史学的实证法和新闻学的个案法相结合的方法进行研究。依据历史文献,搜集发掘相关史料,通过对具体事实的征引和考论,用个案研究来检验研究客体所具有的特性,以探求历史的本来面目。论文简要回顾了《大刚报》自抗战年代创立起的刊行历程。《大刚报》曾作为西南后方有较大影响的民营报纸之一,以三遭轰炸、四次搬迁,始终坚持出版的“愈炸愈奋,至大至刚”大刚精神驰誉国内报坛,在《大刚报》刊行的15年间,经历了中国近代史的抗日战争和人民解放战争两个重要历史时期以及建国初期的前两年,出版迁移路径与中国近代史的战争战场转移路径息息相关;经历了7座近代城市,城市文化以及城市的现代化进程与发展方向都深刻影响《大刚报》的发展。论文详细论述汉口《大刚报》的创立与抗争。考察在国民政府新闻舆论环境下汉口《大刚报》如何秉持衡阳贵阳时期“至大至刚”的办报精神,传承独立民营报纸的性质,以及由此展开与南京《大刚报》总部分庭抗礼的斗争。重点探讨《大刚报》合作社性质的由来与发展,以及汉口《大刚报》作为合作社的内部制度安排的控制权的分配。论文着力论述汉口《大刚报》的独立经营。考察汉口《大刚报》合作社的成熟时期,包括结社策略和经营策略的主要表现。重点讨论汉口《大刚报》在解放战争后期的生存路径的选择以及分析内在动因。论文重点论述汉口《大刚报》的公私合营与改造。重点探讨汉口《大刚报》作为第一家公私合营民营报纸的尝试,在武汉市委宣传部领导下的汉口《大刚报》的公私合营,实际上从组织人事到编辑方针都已经在扮演机关报的角色。报纸完成公私合营的过程实质则是成为促使汉口《大刚报》合作社迅速解散的力量。也为中共武汉市委和武汉市人民政府通过适当途径将汉口《大刚报》改造成为机关报创造了合理性。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, the attention is mainly concentrated on the case study of Takangpao, a newspaper run from after the War of Resistance against Japan to Early Days of New China (1945-1951). It thoroughly and comprehensively analyzes the history of Takangpao, rescues these historical virgin materials worthy to be studied, and interprets the particularity of the way choice after the victory over Japan and during the early days of New China made by privately-owned newspaper at these two historical turning points, and consequently attains the objective to comprehend, reflect on and learn from history. With regard to the specific writing strategies, this dissertation employs positivism in history and case study in journalism. Based on historical literature, by collecting related materials, citing and analyzing concrete facts, this dissertation makes a research on the specialty of the object through case study so as to explore historical truth.This dissertation reviews the developing course of Takangpao starting from the period of The War of Resistance against Japan. Takangpao as one of more influential private newspaper in the southwest rear, bombed thrice and moved four times, persisted in the spirit of "fearing no bombing and being most tolerant and strongest" and was renowned in the circles of Chinese newspapers. During the 15years of its development, it witnessed the War of Resistance against Japan, the War of People’s Liberation and the first two years of New China. Its transferring route was closely bound up to the transferring route of the battlefields of the wars. Experienced seven modern cities, Takangpao was profoundly influenced by city culture the modernization process and the development of city culture.This dissertation expounds the establishment and struggle of Takangpao. It investigates how Takangpao persisted in the newspaper-running spirit originating from Hengyang and Guiyang period under Kuomintang Government’s control over the press, how it succeeded to the independence of privately-owned newspaper and consequently and how it struggled with the Headquarters Takangpao. This dissertation mainly discusses the origination and development of the newspaper’s cooperative nature and the allocation of control power of the cooperative’s internal system arrangement.This dissertation expounds self-sustaining operation of Takangpao, investigates its maturity reflected in its cooperative strategies and operational strategies, and mainly discusses its way choice and the internal motivation in the late stage of the War of Liberation.This dissertation mainly discusses the joint state-private operation and transformation of Takangpao.as the first pioneer, the process of the joint state-private operation directed by Propaganda Department of Wuhan Municipal Committee of the CPC was actually the way it played as the party organ in organization and staffing and in editing guiding principles. The process of the joint state-private ownership was actually the push to disband Takangpao Cooperative and provided rationality for Wuhan Municipal Committee of the CPC and People’s Government of Wuhan Municipality to transform Takangpao to be the party organ through proper approaches.

  • 【分类号】G219.29
  • 【下载频次】296

