

Empirical Research on Impact of Internet Use on Individual Heatlh Behaviors

【作者】 刘瑛

【导师】 钟瑛;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 健康是人类永恒关注的话题。健康对于个体的重要性是不言而喻的。而国民的健康水平对于国家经济和社会发展也是有着重要影响的。个体的健康水平在相当大的程度上取决于其健康行为,许多健康问题在某些程度上都是由有害健康的行为引起的。媒介是健康传播的主要平台和载体,有着强大的议程设置功能,正确使用这一功能,可以让公众更好地了解健康信息,从而使健康行为和认知态度以及行为改变成为可能。已有的研究结果表明,报纸、杂志、广播和电视等大众媒介在改变人们关于健康的态度与行为以及劝说受众进行健康保护方面的作用并不显著。尽管大众媒介拥有大量的受众群,但是与人际传播渠道比起来,前者在改变态度和行为方面的作用却要逊色一些,大众媒介十分适合用于唤醒公众的健康觉醒意识,但是人际传播却是劝服个体采取健康促进行为的关键动力。互联网作为一个集大众传播与人际传播功能于一身的媒介,已经日益渗透到人们的日常生活中,因此,互联网无疑是进行健康宣传和健康干预,促进个体采取健康行为的理想工具。国内外的学者或通过实证分析或通过定性思辨都曾得出互联网的使用对个体的健康行为是有影响的结论。但是这种影响是如何发生的?其作用的机制到底是什么?却始终缺乏一个清晰深入的整体分析。而打开互联网使用对个体健康行为的影响路径的黑匣子是非常重要的,这不仅能够完善相关领域的理论研究,夯实理论基础,而且也有助于我们更好地利用互联网这个强有力的媒介来进行健康知识的传播以及进行健康管理和健康干预。本研究将立足于知信行模型、社会认知理论和计划行为理论,以结构方程模型为分析框架来探讨与健康信息有关的互联网使用行为对个体健康行为产生影响的机制,即为什么产生影响?是直接影响还是间接影响或二者兼有?如果存在间接影响,中介变量又是什么?此外,还有没有调节变量的影响?本研究建立了关于个体互联网使用与健康行为之间关系的研究模型,提出了相应的研究假设。在武汉市的高等学校中选取了华中科技大学、武汉大学、湖北经济学院和华中科技大学文华学院四所高校作为抽样框。采用随机数字表的方法在四所大学中随机抽取了30个宿舍楼栋,再用系统抽样的方法选取寝室,然后采用偶遇抽样的方法抽取调查对象。通过个别发送自填式调查问卷的方法收集研究数据。数据经过清理和质量评估以后,应用结构方程模型和多元回归等统计方法对数据进行统计分析,分析结果表明个体与健康有关的互联网使用确实能够对其健康行为产生影响。而这种影响主要是通过自我效能感和社会支持这两个中介变量产生间接影响。另外,个体对互联网上健康信息的信任程度以及人口统计学变量性别会对这种影响产生一定的调节作用。可见,互联网作为一个兼具大众传播媒介与人际传播媒介优势于一身的传播工具,其在提升个体的健康行为,进行健康干预方面是具有非常大的潜力的。为了更充分地发挥互联网的这个潜力,我们首先应该全面挖掘互联网上各种与健康有关的应用,多方位多渠道地为网民提供健康知识和健康支持。其次,与互联网有关的健康应用应该多着力于提高个体的自我效能感和增加个体所获得的社会支持。

【Abstract】 Health is one of the most important issues in human society. There is no doubt that health is very important to individuals. Actually, the health level of individuals also has huge impact on the national economy and social development. Experts point that the health level of individuals is determined largely by health behaviors. A lot of diseases are caused by unhealthy behaviors.Media, which has strong agenda setting function, is the main platform and channel for health communication. If we can use this agenda setting function properly and adequately, we can inform the public health information better, and make the change of heatlh behaviors and health attitudes possible. However, studies show that mass media, such as newspaper, magzine, broadcast and TV, has done little in changing health attitudes and health behaviors. Although mass media has huge coverage, compared to interpersonal communication media, mass media is not good at persuading. The Internet has developed very rapidly, and it combines the strengths of mass media and interpersonal communication media, it certainly will become the ideal tool to promote the public to adopt health attitudes and health behaviors.Scholars have found that the health related internet use did affect heatlh behaviors. However, studies didn’t tell us how this influence happened. What is the influence mechanism between the heatlh related internet use and heatlh behaviors? This is not only a theoretical meaningful but also a practical meaningful research question.Based on KAP, SCT and TPB, and by using the SEM statistic method, our study analyzes the influence mechanism of heatlh related internet use on individual health behaviors. Is it direct effect or indirect effect or both? If there are indirect effects, what is the mediator? And is there any moderator in this causal relationship? We set up a research model about the causal relationship between heatlh related internet use and health behaviors and put forward thirteen research hypotheses. We selected four universites purposely from the universities in Wuhan, which are Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Hubei University of Economics and Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wenhua College. From all the dormitory buildings in these four universities, we picked out thirty buildings by using random number table. Then we systemly sampled some dormitories in buildings and accidentally chose respondents. Respondents finised the qustionnaires by themselves then and there and the qustionnanires were collected immediately after being finished. After the data was inputted into SPSS and was cleaned and evaluated, we used SEM and multiple regressions to analyse the data. The result shows that health related internet use does affect individual health behaviors indirectlly through two mediators, which are self efficacy and social support. And trust on health information from the Internet and sex moderate the causal relationship between health related internet use and health behvaiors.Apparently, as a media which combines the strengths of mass media and interpersonal media, the Interent has huge potential in promoting the health attitude and health behaviors of the public. To maxiamize this potential, we should fully develop diverse applications of the Internet in health communication. Also, we need to focus on promoting the self efficacy and social support by internet health communication.


