

Relationship Network, Bank Credit and New Venture Performance

【作者】 李锦玲

【导师】 栾庆伟; 李延喜;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 日益活跃的创业活动已经成为推动我国经济发展的重要力量,然而新创企业在产生巨大的社会经济效益的同时却面临严峻的融资约束。虽然近年来对新创企业、关系网络、银行信贷和中小企业融资约束等问题的研究越来越多,但却仍然存在一些不足。在有关关系融资与创业的研究中,往往只是西方文献所理解的普遍意义上的“关系网络”,较少考虑中国特定文化情境下社会关系网络的内涵和外延特异性;其次,有关银行信贷的研究较少有对信贷资源的内容和属性的关注,而事实上这些特性对新创企业的绩效具有重大的意义。因此,本文试图从中国的文化情境和转型经济背景出发,研究关系网络,银行信贷与新创企业绩效三者之间的相互影响以及影响机制。本文共分为六章:第一章,绪论,介绍了论文选题的背景、意义,以及研究内容、方法和研究思路;第二章,文献综述;第三章,实证模型与假设提出,主要阐述新创企业者人际关系的类型、银行信贷资金获取以及企业绩效之间的影响关系,提出本文的研究逻辑和研究假设;第四章,研究设计、变量测量和测量指标的描述性统计。第五章,实证分析与检验,本章首先对调查问卷进行了因子分析和信度效度检验,接着对提出的假设进行了回归分析和检验,然后考察了创业者人际关系、银行信贷获取和新创企业绩效之间的关系,并重点对银行信贷获取的四个属性的中介作用进行了检验;第六章,研究结论与展望。通过对195个有效样本的实证研究,本文发现:(1)创业者市场型关系和非市场型关系对银行信贷的四个特性都有显著正向影响,但市场型关系在银行信贷的可获性上更有优势,非市场型关系在银行信贷的通畅性、低廉性和足额及时性方面更有优势;(2)银行信贷的各个特性对新创企业的创新绩效和短期绩效均有显著正向影响,而只有可获性对长期绩效有显著正向影响,其中低廉性对新创企业创新绩效影响最大,可获性对短期绩效和长期绩效的影响最大;(3)相比非市场型关系,市场型关系对新创企业绩效的影响更大;(4)信贷资金的低廉性、可获性是市场型人际关系与新创企业创新绩效、短期绩效和长期绩效的中介变量。有三条部分中介路径存在于市场型人际关系、信贷资金获取与企业绩效之间。其中一条是创业者市场型人际关系—信贷资金的低廉性—新创企业创新绩效,第二条影响路径是创业者市场型人际关系—银行信贷资金可获性—新创企业短期绩效;第三条是创业者市场型人际关系—信贷资金的可获性—长期绩效。

【Abstract】 As the gradual development of Chinese entrepreneurial economy,and also the implementation of the strategy of innovation and entrepreneurship,the increasingly active entrepreneurial activities has become an important endogenous forces of economic and social development.In the entrepreneurial process entrepreneurs promote economic and social development through discovering and exploiting market opportunities,and integrating entrepreneurial resources creatively,thus enhancing the technological level and production efficiency as well creating large numbers of employment and wealth.However from the practical view of enterprises and entrepreneurs comparatively,new ventures are facing serious financial constraints while they have an enormous social and economic benefits,especially the private SMEs have a certain liability when they confront to formal financing whose majority is bank credit. Based upon the Chinese cultural context and the background of transitional economy, this paper attempts to interpret the relationship, interaction and mechanism among relationship network, bank credit and new venture performance.This article has six chapters:First chapter is introduction, this chapter provides the research background and importance, on the basis of which we induce the main content and framework of this article.The second chapter is literature review. Rearch Model and Hypothesis are argued in the third chapter. According to the previous literatures, we try to explore the relationship among the type of Guanxi of entrepreneurs in China, the attributes of bank credit and the performance of new ventures. Rooted on the research goal, we provide our research model and hypothesis of this article.The fourth chapter of this paper is research design and the method of measurement of the three variables. The fifth chapter is results of hypothesis test. This chapter first analyzes the structure and reliability and validity of our questionnaire to make sure it reliable and validate, then our research hypothesis are tested by this questionnaire. Finnaly, we get our conclusions.That is, through an empirical study to 195 effective sample enterprises, this paper conclude::(1)Market-based and nonmarket-based networking both positively and significantly effect the four characteristics of banking finiancing. (2)Compared with nonmarket-based relationship, market-based relationship is more influentical on acquisitiveness of banking financing, but less on expeditiousness, cheapness and sufficiency-timeness. (3) The four characteristics of banking finiancing significantly and positively influence on innovation performance and short-term performance. Futhermore, cheapness shows more influence on innovation performance and for short-term and long-term performance, acquisition is more influencial.(4)In contrast with nonmarket-based relationship, market-based relationship shows greater influence on the performance of new ventures. Cheapness and acquisitiveness mediate the relationship between markt-based relationship and the performance of new ventures.There are three ways among market-based relationship,bank credit and new venture performance.One is market-based relationship--cheapness of a banking financing--innovation performance; One is market-based relationship--acquisitiveness of banking financing-- short-term performance; Another is market-based relationship--acquisitiveness of banking financing--long-term performance..

  • 【分类号】F272;F832.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】790
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