

Studies on the Intelligent Management and Comprehensive Evaluation of Industrialized Vegetable Seedling

【作者】 赵有生

【导师】 于海业;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 蔬菜种植业作为仅次于粮食种植业的农业第二支柱产业,蔬菜秧苗在蔬菜种植业中的技术贡献份额占一半以上,提高蔬菜秧苗的质量已成为促进蔬菜产业发展,满足人们对蔬菜需求的重要任务。我国蔬菜工厂化集中育苗虽然经历了三十余年的发展,积累了一些有益的经验。但从总体上来说,我国蔬菜工厂化集中育苗还处于起步阶段,在育苗技术的研发与推广应用及蔬菜秧苗的规模化、专业化、集约化、产业化和市场化生产等方面,与蔬菜种植业发达的国家相比,还有较大的差距。为了进一步推动我国蔬菜产业现代化进程,本文选择了以蔬菜工厂化育苗的实施与推广为切入点,在学习借鉴国外先进的蔬菜工厂化育苗技术和经验的基础上,结合我国蔬菜工厂化育苗的现实情况,以相关的理论研究和定性定量分析为基础,以蔬菜工厂化育苗技术创新和管理创新为目的,综合运用各种研究分析方法和手段,分析了在我国实施蔬菜工厂化育苗的必要性与可行性,对蔬菜工厂化育苗的智能管理和技术、经济、社会等综合评价方面开展了研究和探索。以瓜类蔬菜为研究对象,根据移钵技术要求,基于现代计算机视觉技术,在前人研究成果的基础上,结合农业专家的实践经验,开展了蔬菜工厂化育苗的智能化管理系统研究。通过对智能温室控制系统的系统构成和工作原理,包括系统组成结构、系统功能模块设计和温室环境因子数据库的设计及实现的分析研究,确定了温室环境因子的控制策略,进行了智能温室环境管理系统的设计。为了快速、准确地获取蔬菜秧苗的图像数字化信息,提出了将蔬菜秧苗的形态、颜色、大小三个特征量与秧苗健康度相关联的设计理念,并基于此确定了健康苗标准,建立了健康苗识别模型、判别准则,以及健康苗识别批量处理和健康苗识别标准数据库的设计与实现。运用技术经济分析的基本理论,从技术上的先进性、经济上的合理性、生产上的可行性对蔬菜育苗工厂开展了技术分析与经济评价,构建了较为完整的技术经济评价体系。从蔬菜育苗温室设施设备、育苗穴盘的选择,到蔬菜健康秧苗识别、蔬菜秧苗的销售和包装运输的分析研究,以黄瓜工厂化穴盘育苗为个案,系统地分析研究了育苗过程的技术问题和管理问题,确立了蔬菜工厂化育苗的生产工艺流程,明晰了蔬菜工厂化育苗的技术要点。通过对育苗工厂厂址的选择、投入产出情况和生产组织运行过程的分析研究,构建了蔬菜工厂化育苗的经济评价指标体系。围绕农业产业化、集约化、现代化的推进,社会主义新农村建设,农村剩余劳动力的转移等问题,开展了蔬菜工厂化育苗的社会效果分析与评价。通过对我国实施、推广蔬菜工厂化育苗的深入调查、分析,明晰了实施蔬菜工厂化育苗不仅可以提高土地资源利用效率、增加农民收入、推进社会主义新农村建设进程,而且在推进中国城乡二元经济结构的转变、推进农业产业化进程具有重要的作用。提出了农村剩余劳动力应采取向外转移和就地吸纳并重的思路,通过农业产业结构优化升级和农业现代化建设来提高劳动者素质,增强蔬菜种植业吸纳劳动力的能力,避免农民工大量涌入城镇给城镇公共设施带来的过重负担,缓解城镇就业压力。通过对吉林省蔬菜产业现状与发展、蔬菜秧苗市场需求的个案分析研究,为缓解吉林省蔬菜季节性生产和均衡性供应的矛盾,结合吉林省百万亩棚膜蔬菜产业发展规划,提出了吉林省蔬菜产业的发展与工厂化育苗企业建立的对策建议。蔬菜工厂化育苗在我国作为科技含量高、专业化、集约化程度高的新兴产业,为了高效、有序地推广实施蔬菜工厂化育苗,推动蔬菜产业专业化、集约化、规模化发展,更好地解决市场经济条件下小生产与大市场、大流通的矛盾,改变传统的蔬菜生产经营方式,充分发挥育苗工厂培育的优质、高产秧苗的作用。运用经济学、管理学等相关理论,对蔬菜育苗工厂的合理布局、蔬菜秧苗品牌的培育、蔬菜育苗的技术开发与服务、蔬菜秧苗营销体系的建立、与育苗企业相配套产业的发展、从业人员整体素质的提高等方面,进行了科学的分析和论证,构建了较为完善的实施蔬菜工厂化育苗的保障体系。

【Abstract】 As the second pillar industry of agriculture, vegetable production is only second to crop farming. The technical contribution quotient of vegetable seedling to the vegetable production is over 50 percent, so it has become an important task to improve the quality of vegetable seedling for promoting vegetable industry development and meeting public demand. Although undergone the development of more than thirty years and gathered some instructive experiences, vegetable industrialized seedling of our country is still in its beginning stage. Compared with developed countries, there is a large gap in the fields of scalizaition, specialization, intensification, industrialization and marketization of vegetable seedling and R&D and promotion of cultivation technique. In order to accelerate the modernization of Chinese vegetable industry, this paper starts with the implementation and popularization of industrialized vegetable seedling. Drawing on the advanced experience of other countries for reference and combining the practical situation of our country, on the basis of related theory study and qualitative and quantitative analysis, the paper analyzes its necessity and possibility in China and does research and exploration in the fields of intelligent management, technology, economics and society with various researching methods for technological innovation and management innovation.According to seedling transplanting technical requirements, based on the modern computer vision technology, with the study of melons, we mainly study the intelligent management system of industrialized vegetable seedling combining with practical experiences of agronomists. We analyze and research the composition and work principle of intelligent greenhouse control system, therefore we determine the control strategy of greenhouse environment factors and design the intelligent greenhouse environmental management system. To obtain the image digitization of vegetable seedling rapidly and accurately, we advance a design concept, which relates the seedling health with its shape, color and size. Based on such a concept, we define the standard of healthy seedling, set up the identification model, identification norm and the database of identification batch process and identification standard.With the basic theories of cost-effectiveness analysis, we analyze and evaluate vegetable seedling factory and build comparatively complete evaluation system from technology, economy and production. Taking plug seedling of cucumber as individual case, the selection of greenhouse facilities and equipments and the seedling plug, the identification, sales and package transportation of healthy seedling are discussed, and then the technical and management problems are analyzed, so that we can establish the technological process of production and understand the technical essentials. After analyzing the selection of factory site, input and output situation and running process of production and organization, we set up economic assessment system of industrialized vegetable seedling.Focus on the issues such as the industrialization, intensification and modernization of agriculture, socialist new countryside construction and shift of surplus farm labor, the social effect of industrialized vegetable seedling is discussed and evaluated. Having performed in-depth investigation and research of industrialized vegetable seedling, we understand that it is beneficial to the increasing of land resource use efficiency and farmers’income; meanwhile it plays an important role in not only advancing socialist new countryside construction, but also promoting urban and rural dual economy structure transition and the course of agricultural industrialization. An idea is put forwarded that is surplus farm labor should be shifted outwards and absorbed locally simultaneously, because both of them are important for the farm labor. The quality of labors should be improved by the upgrading and optimization of agricultural structure and agricultural modernization construction. In order to relieve employment pressure in town, it is necessary to enhance the ability of absorbing labors for vegetable planting, which can prevent cities and tows from over-burden, especially for the public facilities. The situation and development of vegetable industry and market demand of vegetable seedling in Jilin province are studied and analyzed as an individual case. To relieve the contradiction between seasonal production and harmonious supply and demand, combining with large-scale vegetable industrial development planning, the paper puts forward some policies and advice of developing vegetable industry and establishing industrialized vegetable seedling enterprises.As a new industry, industrialized vegetable seedling is characterized by high-technology, specialization and centralization. This paper aims to implement it gradually and efficiently, improve the development of specialization, centralization and scalizaition of vegetable industry, resolve contradiction between small production and large market and change traditional production and operation mode. Applied the related theories of economics and management, some issues are analyzed and argued in the paper, which construct a well-established security system of industrialized vegetable seedling. These issues include proper redistribution, brand building, technical development and service, the establishment of marketing system, the development of supporting industries and the improvement of labors’quality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

