

The Key Technology of Guidance Platform Based on the Dynamic GPS Information

【作者】 王志建

【导师】 杨兆升;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展和汽车保有量的迅速增长,交通拥挤、拥堵等城市交通问题日益严重地困扰着世界各大中城市,造成巨大的经济损失和不良的社会影响。交通诱导系统作为智能交通系统的核心部分,在解决目前各国城市交通拥挤、拥堵等交通问题的过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。国内外实践证明,城市交通诱导系统可以有效实现路网交通流的合理分配,从而有效缓解交通拥挤。我国大中城市普遍存在汽车保有量迅速增长、道路面积率严重不足、交通拥挤日益严重等问题,建立多元化、立体化的全方位城市交通诱导系统已经势在必行。GPS技术的快速发展为交通信息采集提供了新的方式,建立基于GPS信息的诱导信息平台成为缓解交通拥挤,实现动态交通信息诱导,提高道路通行能力的新方式。交通运输部也于2008年提出:鼓励各省市建立基于GPS信息的交通诱导平台,缓解城市交通拥堵,实现交通流的合理分配。本文依托国家高科技研究发展计划(863计划)项目“基于动态信息的智能导航软件与应用系统研发”和昆明市公安局交通警察支队项目“基于多源交通信息的昆明主城区交通诱导理论方法和实施技术研究”,针对城市中无法实现中心式动态诱导的困境,对基于实时GPS信息的诱导信息平台关键技术进行了研究,重点针对基于GPS数据保障技术、平台端海量GPS数据地图匹配算法研究、多模式动态交通诱导信息发布技术、交通诱导系统评价技术与方法进行了研究。全文共分为七章,第二章到第六章都本文的重点研究内容,具体对上述几项技术进行了深入研究。第一章是本文的绪论,主要介绍了本文的研究背景、目的及意义和国内外的研发现状。取得了以下具体研究成果:(1)GPS数据质量是保证地图匹配算法准确率和实时性的基础,而广州市过多的高楼、高架桥导致GPS数据频繁出现丢失和错误数据的现象。本文在对广州市城市路网进行分析的基础上,针对GPS数据收到高楼遮挡导致多径效应,使GPS数据的经纬度信息、速度、方向角等不符合车辆行驶规则,提出针对动态漂移数据的识别及修复算法,主要包括经纬度阈值识别、拓扑性判断、速度阈值识别法、时距阈值识别法。经过实际数据的操作和地图匹配算法验证,表明本文提出的动态漂移数据识别和修复方法,可以准确剔除GPS数据中的错误数据,有效的提高了GPS数据的质量和准确性,为下文提出的地图匹配提供了更好的数据保障和输入。(2)地图匹配算法是浮动车信息采集系统的关键技术。与传统的车载端地图匹配算法不同,中心平台端地图匹配算法存在GPS数据量大,周期长、路段间拓扑性较差的特点,应用于车载终端匹配算法中一般都较难应用与中心端地图匹配。本文为了保证GPS数据采样完整性和准确性,提出了一种可以进行延时匹配的地图匹配算法,该算法分为正常匹配模块和延时匹配模块。当待匹配道路匹配度满足直接匹配要求时进入正常匹配模块;当待匹配道路无法满足直接匹配要求时,进行延时匹配,在后续GPS点可以匹配确定真实行驶道路时,根据确定道路与未直接匹配GPS点的待匹配道路间的拓扑性进行判断,确定未匹配GPS点的车辆真实道路。通过广州实际跑车数据进行了算法验证,结果表明本文提出的延时匹配算法,可以准确实现车辆真实道路的确定,实现了中心端准确、快速地图匹配。(3)交通信息发布系统是交通诱导实现的核心组成部分。本文针对目前广州市交通信息发布方式较多、发布信息效率差距较大的现状,对多种交通信息发布方式进行了深入分析,建立了多模式交通诱导发布优选指标体系和模型,通过模糊综合评价法对广州市存在的七种交通信息发布方式的进行了优选。最终对优选后的交通信息发布方式进行了分析,确定了可变信息板和车载终端为广州市主要的交通信息发布方式,提高了诱导平台的效率,完善了诱导平台的功能。(4)对交通诱导系统评价方法进行了深入研究,确定了交通诱导系统评价的框架和意义。针对本文基于GPS信息的诱导平台评价,根据广州市道路网拓扑性,建立了仿真区域,确定了诱导系统评价的核心参数行程时间和车辆速度。通过软件仿真和数据对比分析,证明了本文提出的基础动态GPS信息的交通诱导平台具有较高的实用性,提高了车辆运行速度,实现了路网交通流的合理分配,减少了车辆出行延误时间,大大缓解了广州市主城区的交通拥挤。近几年,城市交通拥挤、拥堵愈发严重,严重的堵塞可能造成驾车人和乘客的烦躁不安和心理失衡,以至增加交通事故,而且车辆和路面的损耗也明显增大。如果能够将本文的研究内容应用于实际,建立基于动态GPS信息的的交通诱导信息平台,通过平台端对采集大量数据进行进行分析、挖掘的基础上,对城市路网运行状态进行准确判别,并实时向出行者下发诱导信息,改变出行者的出行方式,合理分配路网交通流,那将有效改变城市的交通现状,实现真正的动态交通诱导。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the economy and vehicle population, the problem of urban traffic congestion and jam is increasingly bothering the major cities of the world seriously, which causes the huge economic losses and adverse influence on the society. As the core of intelligent transportation systems, urban traffic guidance system is playing more and more important role to solve the traffic congestion and jam. Domestic and international practice showed that the urban traffic guidance system can effectively balance the network traffic flow distribution, effectively ease traffic congestion. Chinese cities widespread exist the problems such as rapid growth of vehicle population, insufficiency of road area ratio, increasingly serious of traffic congestion. It is imperatived to establish the diversified, tridimensional omnidirectional city traffic guidance system. The rapid development of GPS technology provides a new way for traffic information gathering. In 2008 Ministry of Transport put forward to encourage every province to establish the traffic guidance information platform based on GPS information, which can alleviate the city traffic congestion. It is a new way to ease traffic congestion, realize the dynamic traffic guidance and improve traffic capacity, which is based on the establishment of GPS information traffic guidance platform.Based on the research findings of the national high-tech research and development program of china (863 program):"R&D of intelligent guidance software and application systems based on dynamic information" and "Traffic guidance theory research and implement of Kunming main city based on the traffic information", we do the research on the key technology of traffic information guidance platform, which aimed to solve the increasingly serious traffic jam and realize the balance of traffic flow distribution. Firstly introduces the urban traffic status and the problems we faced. The full paper has divied into seven chapters, which the second chapter to six chapters was the key technology introduces. The first chapter mainly introduced the research purpose, background and significance. Following introduce the specific research result:(1) The basis of accurate traffic guidance information is the high quality of dynamic traffic information input. But as the GPS information platform, the accurate information is not only the basis of the platform establishment, but also is the fundamental core of the guidance system. Given the buildings too high and the viaduct overmuch in Guangzhou, it cause the GPS data loss, data error phenomena frequently, which have serious influence on the accuracy and efficiency of map matching algorithm.In this paper we do the research on GPS data guarantee technology, especially the identification, judgment and correction of dynamic drift data, and establish the drift GPS data recognition model. By correcting GSP data, it improved the accuracy of data, thus providing the guarantee for the map matching algorithm.(2)Map matching technology is an effective way to display the location of vehicles equipped with GPS in electronic map and acquire the traffic information of roads related. Current map matching algorithms are mainly used in the vehicle navigation. Map matching of vehicle mobile terminal only can realize the positioning for navigation, which is unable to realize the information interaction between the vehicle terminal and transportation center. At present, most cities begin to build the traffic information guidance center, which need to acquire locations of vehicles equipped with GPS receiver, judge the conditions of present road and the status of corresponding road by some algorithms. Compare to the vehicle terminal map matching algorithms, map matching algorithm of center platform exists some characteristics:poorer topological between road network, larger cycle of adjacent GPS information, complexity of the urban road network. According to the characteristics of the Guangzhou floating cars we studied the vehicle delay map matching algorithm. Data validation showed that the speed and accuracy of the algorithm calculation is good, which can satisfy the data quality requirements of guidance system.(3)Traffic information publishing has timeliness requirements. Some publishing ways of existing traffic information service systems are comparatively simple and lack of linkage between guidance information. Although most of the systems can meet the timeliness request, the expensive publishing cost makes most commuters unable to accept. The domestic research on how to select the traffic information publishing method is less. So our research in this paper has strong practical value. This paper focuses on the optimization technique of traffic information publishing method. By using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation methods, we optimize the existing traffic information method of Guangzhou, determining the the optimal choice of traffic information publishing method. (4)0n the analysis basis of traffic guidance evaluation system, we put forward the evaluation criterion. Through software simulation and data analysis, it is proved that traffic guidance system has high practicability, which can improve the vehicle speed and reduce the vehicle travel delay time, greatly easing the city traffic congestion.In recent years, urban traffic congestion became more serious, which might cause drivers and passengers blocked the restlessness and increase traffic accident. If the research result of this paper can be used in the actual, which based on the dynamic GPS information of traffic guidance platform, we can use the platform collected and analysis the traffic data. Then on the basis of accurate identification the road network state, we distribute the real traffic guidance information, which will effectively alter the city traffic situation and achieve real dynamic traffic guidance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

