

Study on the Forming Regular Pattern and Risk Assessing Method of Karst Water Inrush Disaster during Tunnel Construction in Yi-Wan Railway

【作者】 雷军

【导师】 许兆义;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 宜万铁路是穿越岩溶地区的重大铁路工程,铁路全长377公里,共有隧道159座,占正线比例60%。施工期的岩溶突水地质灾害是影响与控制施工安全的重要因素。论文以宜万铁路八字岭、野三关、大支坪、云雾山、马鹿箐、金子山、齐岳山和别岩槽八座典型岩溶区隧道工程为依托,开展了宜万铁路隧道施工期岩溶突水地质灾害的形成机理和危险性评价方法研究工作。1、通过现场调研和资料分析,系统调查和分析研究了八座隧道的岩溶发育基本状况和施工开挖揭露的岩溶发育基本特征,总结了隧道工程区的岩溶空间分布规律。2、调查分析了八座隧道施工期间遇到的重大地质灾害特征,研究了典型岩溶灾害发生的具体施工环境条件,发生地点的地层岩型、地质构造、地下水渗流等特征;3、研究了重大灾害发生的主要影响与控制地质因素,明确了构成隧道施工岩溶突水地质灾害基础条件的深埋大型岩溶造特征、褶皱形态、岩层及断层产状、岩溶地貌、地下水渗流途径等因素相关规律;4、研究了岩溶突水地质灾害特征和类型的划分,提出了按揭露岩溶管道中的涌~突水量大小、揭露岩溶管道涌~突水中物质成分、地下水或地下泥石流从岩溶管道突发时间性和岩溶灾害产生后果4个因素分别划分的岩溶突水地质灾害类型。提出了灾害性突水的量的计算方法,通过宜万铁路的工程实例进行了计算应用。5、提出了隧道施工期岩溶突水灾害危险性评价的地质机制分析法,研究了建立该方法应用的指导原则、评价程序和隧道进行了最危险地段的分析评价,评价成果在实际工程施工中得到应用与印证。6、研究了信息分析方法在岩溶突水地质灾害危险性评价中的应用利用综合分析法确定影响因子的权重,根据指数确定危险性等级,以宜万铁路隧道工程为例进行了实际应用研究;7、从岩溶地质灾害的地质特征指标研究出发,探索了隧道施工期间岩溶突水地质灾害系统研究方法和软件平台的设计实现。开发实现了岩溶突水地质灾害危险性的综合评价系统,建立了危险性评价综合分析指标体系。以宜万铁路隧道工程为例进行了实际应用研究;论文以宜万铁路岩溶突水地质灾害的现场调查为基础,研究了岩溶突水地质灾害的形成规律,建立了评价标准,探讨了地质机制分析和量化计算相结合的危险性评价方法,研发了综合评价系统。研究成果应用于工程实践,不仅对宜万铁路的具体工程建设防灾具有直接的作用,对今后岩溶地区的类似工程建设也有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Yichang-Wanzhou railway is a major railway project through karst areas. It has a total of 159 tunnels with 339 km long. Tunnels are accounting for 60% longth of the line. The karst water inrush geological disasters is an important factor in construction safety. There are eight mainly typical karst tunnel which be as the researching target and basic information Source. There are Baziling tunnel, Yesanguan tunnel, Qiyueshan tunnel, Bieyancao tunnel, Jinzishan tunnel, Dazhiping tunnel, Maluqing tunnel, Yunwushan tunnel. On the basis of investigating to these eight typical karst tunnel projects, the Yichang-Wanzhou Railway tunnel karst water inrush geological hazards mechanism and risk assessment method during construction is being studied.1, Through on-site research and data analysis, systematic investigation and analysis the basic conditions of the eight karst tunnels are been done. The basic features of construction exposed karst are been investigated.2, The mainly geological hazards characteristics of these eight typical karst tunnel are been investigated. It Included disaster specific construction environment investigation and analysis of formation rock type, geological structure, groundwater seepage and other characteristics.3, The mainly geological factors of affecting and controlling the disaster are been studied. The karst cave distributation is the basis of karst disaster happen. Through the study, the relationship between the huge karst cave forming condition and the impact of basic conditions of the deep geological disasters, karst topography, rock structural features, fold shape, strata and the fault occurrence, groundwater flow channels and other factors related to the rule.4, The karst water inrush disaster style is been researched. According different rules the different karst water inrush style are been got. The rule are of water inrush size,material composition in water, the karst ground water or underground pipe burst time and the disaster result. The calculating method of karst water inrush is been found and used in yichang-wanzhou railway project. The geological disasters risk classification criterion has been established. According to yichang-wanzhou railway engineering practice, the risk grade is been divided with high risk, middle risk and low risk degree.5, The geological mechanism analysis method of karst water inrush risk assessment is the first time to be proposed. The guidelines for the application of the method,evaluation procedures and application technology are establishmented too. These method is used in evaluated the Qiyueshan, Baziling and yesanguan three key dangerous tunnels. The most dangerous sections of these three tunnels are been analyzed and evaluated. The evaluation results in practical engineering are applied and verified.6, The application of information analysis method in the water in evaluating risk of karst water hazard is studied. The karst geological hazard rating degree is as the evaluation target layer in this course. The lithology, geological structure, topography, surface water system, groundwater system and karst elevation are be take as criterion layer. The other 14 factors which are related to the karst water inrush disaster are been called the second affecting factors. The layer degree model is been built. information analysis method is been used to determine the weight affecting factors. Applied role of index to determine risk degree. This method is used in Yichang-wanzhou railway project and as an example of practical application.7, The geological characteristics of karst hazards Index are made as the base. Applied expert system method to research exploreing design program and software platform. The synthesized analyzed index system of geological disasters are been set. A comprehensive prediction of karst water inrush geological disasters expert system is been developed. This method is used in Yichang-wanzhou railway project and as an example of practical application.The research works in this papers is based on the in site investigating to Yichang-wanzhou railway. According to on field survey of the karst water inrush geological hazards materials, the forming rules of karst water inrush geological hazards are been studied. The evaluating criteria is established. The combination of geological mechanism analysis and quantitative calculation was studied to evaluating the karst water burst geological hazards. A comprehensive evaluation expert system of risk assessment was explored. Research results used in engineering practice, not only for the specific Yichang-wanzhou railway Project, it has a direct role in disaster prevention, but also in the future construction of similar projects in karst areas it have important guiding significance.


