

Research on the Employment of the SMEs Development in China

【作者】 徐平国

【导师】 袁伦渠;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当前,在我国劳动就业领域,劳动力数量供大于求、结构不适应需要与就业质量不高的矛盾同时存在,二者相互作用,加剧了就业形势的严峻。本文对中小企业发展促进就业问题进行研究,在研究发展中小企业促进就业增长的同时,进一步研究提升中小企业的就业质量。论文主要内容有:第一章导论,介绍论文的写作背景和意义、基本结构、研究方法及创新点。第二章为国内外研究文献综述,对中小企业生存与发展的相关研究、就业问题的相关研究和中小企业对就业发展贡献的研究进行综述,还专门就就业质量方面的研究进行归纳总结。第三章阐述中小企业发展与就业的相关理论基础。对中小企业的概念做了基本界定,对中小企业生存和发展的基本理论作了探讨;同时,对就业与就业结构进行了定义,对就业结构所涉及的相关就业理论进行了阐述。第四章系统分析我国中小企业发展的现状,并对我国就业状况进行了现实的考察。第五章对中小企业就业增长进行量化分析,并以增加就业为目标,从产业和行业层面探讨了中小企业就业增长的发展方向。第六章实证分析我国中小企业从业人员与就业岗位相结合的优劣程度,研究了我国中小企业从业人员的就业质量及其组织层面的影响因素。第七章论文总结,并基于研究结果提出具体的政策措施,指出本研究存在的不足及今后有待进一步研究的问题。本文通过对中小企业就业增长的量化分析发现,我国中小企业的绝对数量和从业人数总量近年来都是递增的,但是所占企业就业人员总量的比重却是呈下降趋势的,这一方面说明我国中小企业发展相对不足,中小企业就业人数增长的速度较慢;另一方面说明,我国的中小企业在促进就业方面的作用并没有发挥出来。至于如何发展中小企业促进就业增长,本文从产业和行业层面给出了回答。通过就业弹性和新增就业贡献率分析,本文认为:建筑业、租赁和商务服务业、卫生社会保障和社会福利业、信息传输计算机服务和软件业以及工业企业中的通信设备/计算机及其他电子设备制造业、电气机械及器材制造业、纺织服装鞋帽制造业等行业是既具有很强的就业快速增长潜力,又具有巨大的就业增长规模空间的行业。这些行业也是我国中小企业就业增长的优势行业,是我国“以就业为中心”的中小企业行业发展方向。本文实证分析了我国中小企业从业人员的就业质量及其影响因素。研究表明:社会保障(五险一金)、工资水平、工作环境、工会组织、劳动合同以及职工培训是反映或体现从业人员就业质量好坏的主要指标。而且,进一步分析发现这些主要指标在我国中小企业都存在较为严重的问题,中小企业从业人员的就业质量不高。影响就业质量的因素很多,工作场所或组织层面的因素主要有企业的所有权性质、劳动者的就业形式、企业从业人员总数、企业资产总额、劳动者的职位类别和企业成立时间。其中企业的所有权性质和劳动者的就业形式对就业质量有显著影响。基于上述研究结论,本研究提出:必须大力发展中小企业,并在发展中小企业过程中更加注重中小企业内部的结构调整;建立以就业为中心的中小企业发展模式,积极引导中小企业向具有就业优势和就业潜力大的产业、行业发展;落实科学发展观,着力改善就业的微观组织环境,提高中小企业从业人员的就业质量。

【Abstract】 At present, the field of employment exist several problems such as labor supply exceeds demand, the structure does not meet the need and the low quality of employees. These factors interact and intensify the severeity of the employment situation. From the perspective of the quantity and quality of employment, the paper studies the SMEs development how to improve the employment. and the role of SMEs in promoting employment growth, and further improve the quality of employment in SMEs.The main contents in the paper are:Introduction in the first chapter introduces the background and significance of the research, basic structure, research method and innovative points. ChapterⅡfocus on literature review of both domestic and foreign reseaches, including survive and development of small and medium enterprises, contribution of SMEs to employment development. Specifically studies on the quality of employment is summarized。ChapterⅢdescribes the development of SMEs and employment-related theory. The concept of small and medium enterprises is defined and the basic theory of the survive and development of small and medium enterprises is discussed; At the same time, the employment and the employment structure has been defined, the related employment structure of the relevant employment theory are described. ChapterⅣanalyze systematically the status of SME development, and the reality of the employment status. ChapterⅤprovide the quantitative analysis of employment growth of SMEs and set increase of employment as a goal, analyze the employment growth of small and medium enterprises from the perspective of industry level. Empirical Analysis in Chapter VI shows the level of the combination of the job and SME practitioners, and study factors that affect the quality of employment of employees of SME and organizational level. ChapterⅦconcludes based on research findings and propose specific policy measures, moreover, it also point out the shortcomings of this study and the further study in the future.Based on the quantitative analysis of employment growth of SMEs, we found that the absolute number of SMEs in China and the total number of employees is increasing in recent years, but the percentage share of total enterprise employment is declining, and this indicates the relatively slow development of SMEs, and the SME employment growth is slower; From another perspective, it shows that SMEs in China do not play important role in promoting employment. As for how to develop small and medium enterprises to promote employment growth, the paper give some solutions from the point of industry level. By the analysis of elastic employment and new contribution rate of jobs, we find that:construction, leasing and business services, health social security and social welfare, information transmission, computer services, software industry, industrial enterprises in the communications equipment /computers and other electronic equipment manufacturing, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, textile, manufacturing industry are strongly potential for rapid growth of employment. Furthermore, those industries also have tremendous size of space for the industry employment growth. These industries are the good potential point of employment growth of SMEs in China and is the "employment center" for future China in the SME sector.The empirical analysis investigate the quality of employment of employees in SME and its influencing factors. The results show that:social security (five insurance and a payment), wage levels, working conditions, trade unions, labor contracts and staff training are the main items that reflect the quality of employment. Moreover, further analysis showed that those main items of these small and medium enterprises in our country are of some serious problems, and quality of employment for employees of SMEs is not high. Many factors affect the quality of employment are workplace organizational level, the ownership, the nature of business, forms of employment of workers, the total number of enterprise employees, business assets, employee job category and business establishment. Moreover, the nature and ownership of the business and the forms of employment of workers affect the employment quality significantly.Based on the conclusions, this research shows that we have to:pay more attention to the development of SMEs and internal restructuring in SMEs; establish the employment-centered mode of SME, and actively guide the SMEs to develop in the industry with employment advantages and employment potentials;and implement the scientific concept of development, make efforts to improve the microstructure of the employment environment, improve the quality of employment of employees in SMEs.

  • 【分类号】F249.2;F276.3
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2414
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