

Study on the Peasantry Problems from Ecological Perspective

【作者】 李宗奉

【导师】 李向东;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究从SENCE能量存在形式的逻辑分析入手,探讨了社会-经济-自然复合生态系统(Social Economic Natural Complex Ecosystem ,SENCE)与普通生态系统在能量形式和能动机制的本质区别所在,提出SENCE是主观能动性调控机制下非热力学系统的理论观点及SENCE的能量特征,揭示了“人往高处走”这类社会现象的生态学实质,并以此为理论基础对我国农民问题进行分析研究。结果如下:1 .提出SENCE是非热力学系统的理论观点SENCE是以人类自身为核心因子,包含所有与之关联的社会、经济、自然因子构成的一个完整复合生态系统。研究以生态学理论为基本框架,综合运用哲学、社会学、心理学、政治经济学等社会科学理论的研究成果进行SENCE能量形式及动力学调控机制的理论构建,首次提出SENCE是非热力学系统的理论观点,论述了SENCE能量的主观能动性特征、矢量特征、交换特征及时效特征。1 )SENCE能量的主观能动性特征社会心理学把人的需求层次由低到高次依次为生理需求、安全需求、社会需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求。即人的需求已不再单纯是动物层次上满足生命需求的食物形式的热量,而是包含不同需求层级的物质和精神的复合需求。研究提出,SENCE的能量具有主观能动性特征,表现为:主导人的不同层次需求的动力是人的主观能动性,即人在认识和改造世界中有目的、有计划、积极主动的、有意识的活动能力。2 )SENCE能量的矢量特征现代生态学研究中生态系统是热力学系统,生态系统的能量是食物中的热能,系统对于食物的能动机理源自动物的客观生理需求,而主导SENCE的调控动力则是人的主观能动性。主观能动性是存在于人的头脑里的精神意识,尽管单纯的意识不会引起客观事物的变化,但实践中意识总是指挥着人们使用一种事物去作用于另一种事物,从而引起事物具体形态的变化。主观能动性对于系统能量的选择性SENCE系统状态的改变不仅要考虑能量数量,还要考虑能量所选择的作用方向,即人的主观能动性使SENCE的能量被赋予了矢量特征,SENCE能量分析遵照矢量运算法则:力的分解与合成法则。3 )SENCE能量的交换特征SENCE能量的主观能动性特征表明:人的任何行为都是有目的的,这个目的就是马斯洛需求层次论中人的各层次需求。SENCE为了满足自身某层次的需求而去满足其他系统某层次的需求,从而导致系统之间的能量流动,表现为SENCE能量的交换特征。SENCE能量的交换特征,既不同于经济生态系统中以货币为介质的商品交换,也不同于普通生态系统中单向的客观能量传递。经济生态系统中的商品必须是用以交换的劳动产品,SENCE能量的特征则包含了能够游离于SENCE的所有物质和精神内容;动物生态系统中的食物形式的能量传递,只是长期生物进化过程中形成的某类有机物质客观上满足了生物链上下级生物的生理需求,而不是为了满足下级生物的需求而有目的地生产过程;SENCE能量则是在系统主观能动性主导下依据其它系统的需求主观的生成,通过交换得到能够满足SENCE自身更为需要的某层次需求。4 )SENCE能量的时效特征意识的存在是构建在记忆的信息之上的,没有记忆就不会存在意识。而意识的产生来源于记忆体信息能量流的释放,并形成信息进而转化成化学物质形成记忆体,达到信息(意识)到物质,物质到信息(意识)的循环过程。人的主观能动性包含了大脑对过去、现在和将来各种信息的综合体现,本研究把主观能动性的这种信息记忆对事物发展时空维度上的功效称为SENCE能量的时效特征,同样的SENCE能量对于不同时期的SENCE将产生不同的能动效果。2 .分析了农民问题研究的生态学特点研究运用所构建的生态学理论,采用宏观统计数据与实例调查数据相结合的来研究我国农民问题生态学实质。通过新中国成立后不同历史时期的农民问题的SENCE能量分析,得出如下结论:1)改革开放之前,我国农民问题的SENCE能量形式是食物形式的热量,这一时期的农民问题主要是农产品供应不足。2)上世纪80年代末开始,食物形式的生态系统能量进化为SENCE能量,其系统动力学调控机制随之表现出SENCE的非热力学特征,但解决农民问题的措施仍停留在物质能量的生理需求层次上,这是我国现阶段农民问题形成的生态学能量基础。我国农民问题的形成源自不同SENCE之间的能量调控;我国农民问题的突显源自SENCE系统能量形态的变迁;我国农民问题的生态学解决途径是破除SENCE系统隔离。3.提出了生态学视角解决我国农民问题的途径:生态学视角解决我国农民问题的根本途径就是彻底破除城乡两类不同SENCE系统边界,消除系统之间能量由低到高的逆向流动,给农民以公民应有待遇,从现行耕地、农村宅基地等供养保障体系中剥离出来,让耕地作为最基本的农业生产资料回归到职业农民手中而发挥应有的效益;使农民不再以商业化生产资料来承担粮食保障社会稳定的职能;使农村社区居民的住房体现出应有的物权。具体途径概括为“农民职业化、农业产业化、农村社区化”。1)农民职业化只有从事农业生产的人才是农民,而不是现行户籍制度下的身份等级标志。农民作为一类职业,具有和其它行业的从业者一样平等的法律地位,而那些尚未从事和已经不能再从事农业这种职业的青少年和老人,享受公民应有的社会公共福利待遇,从现有的耕地供养制度中剥离出来,让耕地作为最基本的农业生产资料回归到职业农民手中而发挥应有的效益。2)农村社区化农村是农民集中聚居的社区,把农民住房从农村宅基地这种福利保障性的保护限制体系中脱离出来,明晰产权属性、恢复其应有的市场特征与功能,提升农村社区居民的物产价值,避免现行城市化发展战略下农民身份转变后的财产流失;鼓励城市居民尤其是离退休人家返回农村社区,既为农村社区提供就业渠道,也可解决城市老龄化问题。3)农业产业化农业是为社会提供最基本的物质生活能量的行业,是涉及全社会稳定的基础产业,目前以农户为单位的小农生产模式,虽然便于国家对于农产品供应的调控,但却不利于农业发展。农业应走具有中国特色的产业化模式,真正体现出耕地作为生产资料的市场运行规律,将耕地集中到具备耕种能力的农业从业者手中,以社会公共保障取代耕地对于现有农民的社会保障功能。农业产业化可以提升职业农民的市场谈判地位,让农民不在承担生产资料商业化背景下农产品所背负的社会稳定职能。4 .整合设计了农村生态发展模式1)农村生物质能源循环利用模式该模式解决了秸秆能源化利用经济效益低的瓶颈,提高了农业废弃物秸秆的利用效率,产生了较好的经济效益和生态效益。首先是解决了作物秸秆和垃圾乱堆放的问题,消除了火灾隐患、改善了村容村貌;其次是通过延伸农业生态链增加了农业生产的综合效益;三是沼气为农村居民提供了廉价的清洁能源,还通过沼渣、沼液还田节省化肥用量,推进了生态农业,带动了土壤固碳。2)有机农业发展模式在实验示范基地蒋家庄弘毅生态农场,开展了有机农业发展模式的研究应用,该模式促进了生物质能源循环利用,带动了有机农业发展,使蒋家庄有机农产品通过主管部门认证,有机农产品推广面积不断扩大。3)空间复合生态农业发展模式该模式利用粮田、林地空间散养家禽,既解决了家禽散养占地空间大、与农林争地的矛盾,还利用家禽捕食昆虫降低虫害,利用脉冲诱虫灯(波长360nm)诱捕的昆虫作为家禽的蛋白饲料。该模式已经申报国家实用新型专利。4)乡村生态和谐发展模式通过农村废弃物的资源化利用,实现乡村生态和谐发展。通过“农田-秸秆-牛-沼气-农田”物质循环模式,减少了村庄“三堆”(柴草堆、垃圾堆、粪堆)数量,促进了村容整洁。

【Abstract】 This study is conducted on investigating the differences between Social-Economic-Natural Complex Ecosystem (SENCE) and common Ecosystem in term of energy. We found that SENCE was non-thermodynamics system under the initiative control mechanism, which is helpful in analyzing the characteristics of SENCE energy, revealing the ecological essence of the social phenomenon that people struggles upwards. Peasant problems of China were investigated by basing on this theoretical basis. The results are showed as following:1. Enrich the SENCE theoryConsidering human beings as core factor, SENCE is an entire system which consists all of social, economic and natural factors which have relationships with it. The investigation put forward a theory viewpoint that SENCE is non-thermodynamics system for the first time, and addressed the subjective initiative, vector, exchange and timeliness of SENCE. Based on ecological theory, it creats the theory of energy form and energy transformation mechanism by integrating social sciences of studing on philosophy, sociology, psychology and plutonomy.1) Subjective initiative feature of SENCE energySocial psychology ranks human needs in the order of physiological need, safety need, social need, respect need and self-accomplish need. It means that human can not be satisfied by only being provided with energy in form of food like pure animal, they require material need at different levels and spirit need. This study suggests that SENCE energy possess the characteristic of subjective initiative and represents that Human’s subjective initiative is the incentive dominating different levels of need, a teleological, arranged, active, conscious acting ability during the course of recognizing the world and changing the world.2) The vector characteristics of energy in SENCEEcosystem is regarded as a thermodynamic system, with the heat in food as the energy in it in the modern ecological researches. The systematic motive mechanism of food comes from the objective physiological demand of animals, while the dominant force that regulates SENCE is human being’s initiative. Initiative, rooted in human being’s spiritual awareness. Although consciousness alone can not induce changes of impersonality, consciousness always directs people using one thing to inflect the other and leads to special morphology variation.As far as the SENCE concerned, the changes of systematic situation do not only include the magnitude changes of energy but also the direction of the energy imposes on. Therefore, the energy in SENCE has characteristics of vector, which is conferred by human being’s initiative. Then, the analysis of energy in SENCE complies with vector algorithm:The rule of power’s decomposing and composing3) The exchange characteristics of energy in SENCEThe initiative characteristics of energy in SENCE show that the human behavior has goals, which are illustrated in Maslow’s need hierarchy. We hypothesize that people fulfill other systems at certain level’s need in order to fulfill certain level’s need of their own, which is called the exchange characteristics of energy in SENCE. The exchange characteristics of energy in SENCE are different from equivalent exchange of commodities, and different from objective one-way energy transfer. The commodity in economic system must be the working products used for exchanging, the characteristics of SENCE energy includes all substantial and spiritual contents in freedom of SENCE. The energy in the form of food in the ecosystem is only used to fulfill the physiological demand of some creatures in the food chain, and the energy circulates in the ecosystem may be described as energy pyramid. SENCE energy is subjectively produced directed by systematic subjectivity according to the demands of the other systems, achieves the requirements of SENCE through exchange.4) The time-dependent characteristics of energy in SENCEThe consciousness is constructed on the basis of memorized information. There is no consciousness if there is no memory. The consciousness originated from the release of information energy flux from memory, then converting into chemicals. The circulations from information (consciousness) to matter and from matter to information (consciousness) are founded. The human’s initiative comprises of the complicated process of various information. Therefore, the energy in SENCE is considered to have time-dependent characteristics, which means that the same energy will have different effects on SENCE in different time.2. Study on farmers’problem from the ecological perspectiveAccording to the ecological methods established above, we try to investigate the ecological essential of the Chinese farmers depending on macro-statistic data combined with micro-experimental data. By SENCE energy analysis over the different historical periods after the P. R. China being established, some results are summarized as:1) Before the innovation and opening, the SENCE energy format of the Chinese farmers is quantity of heat. The farmers’problems in this period are mainly lack on agricultural productions.2) Since the end of 80s in last century, the ecological system energy changed to SENCE energy from Food energy, while the control method of systematic dynamics showed the non-thermodynamic characteristic of SENCE. However, the way solving the farmers’problem is still stick on the physical requirement. This is the ecological energy basis of creating the farmers’problems. Such as: (1) the Chinese farmers’problems are formed by energy adjustment between different SENCE systems. (2) The depravation of the farmers’problem is root on morphological variance of the SENCE energy system. (3) The ecological method to solve the farmers’problem is broking the insulation between SENCE systems.3. The ecological approaches for solving the farmers’problem:The approach of solving peasant problem from ecological perspective is completely exploding the borderline between urban and rural SENCE system, eliminates energy conversely flow from low to high position, give the farmers welfare. The farmers are peeled off from the arable land and house land guarantee system, let the arable lands back to farmers as a basic agricultural productive material and exert better benefit. The houses in the farmer community show original substantial right. The route is concluded as“farmer professional, agriculture industrialization, country socialization”.1) Farmers professionalOnly the persons who work in farmlands are farmers, but not the ones who registered farmer in the management office. Farmer, as a career, has the equal legal status. Junior and overage people who don’t have the ability to work in farmlands should share the social public welfare. They should be separated from the regular farmers. Farmlands should be back to the vocational farmers as basic agronomic materials to exert the biggest benefits.2) Rural CommunitizationFarmers usually live in rural compact community. Taking the house of urban farmers depart from limit and protection system which is a kind of welfare services in order to restore its market function and avoid property loss once the identity of farmers have changed under the current strategy of urbanization development. To encourage urban residents, especially retired people return to rural communities, which solve the problem of urban aging and provide new employment channels for rural communities.3) Agriculture IndustrializationAgriculture is a basic occupation which provides the most basic living material and ensures social stability. Although household production is convenient for state regulation of agricultural products, it is harmful for the development of agriculture. To explore the mode of agriculture industrialization with Chinese characteristics and reflect market rules that arable land as means of production. Allotting the arable land to farmer who good at farming and replacing current security of farmers from arable land with Social Security. Agriculture industrialization may improve the occupational farmers’market negotiation position. The farmers stop burdening the social stabilization function under productive material commerce.4. Explore rural ecological development model1) Rural bioenergy recycle modelChina may solve bottleneck of lower economic benefits when straw was used as energy, and enhance the utilization efficiency of straw. It has solved the problem of straw and litter huddle and avoided fire hazard and improved village appearance. Secondly, increased the compositive benefits through prolong the ago-ecological chain; Thirdly, biogas offers cheap clean energy, also reduces chemical fertilizer consumption by using biogas digester residues, soil carbon sequestration is also an crucial aspect.2) Organic agricultural developmental modelThe investigation on organic agricultural developmental model was conducted on Hongyi Organic Farm. This model improves the bioenergy circular utilization, benefit to the development of organic agriculture. The organic products of Jiangjiazhaung are admitted by the government, the organic farmlands are extending.3) Spatial compositing eco-agricultural developmental modelUtilization of space in grainfield and woodland to feed poultry could resolve the contradiction that free stall poultry occupy large space and also contend field with agriculture and forestry. Moreover, the damage induced by pests was depressed by poultry. Insects trapped by pulsed light (360 nm) are used as protein fodder for poultry. The amount of insects trapped by the light is more than 5kg for one night. The mode has been applied for national utility model patent.4) The model of harmony and development of village ecologyTo achieve harmony and development, villages can use the resources of agricultural wastes. Besides, the model of material cycle of farmland-straw-cattle-biogas-farmland reduces the amount of agricultural wastes and promotes the village well-off and clear.

  • 【分类号】D422.0;F320;F205
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】614
  • 攻读期成果

