

Studies on Germplasm Resources of Platycodon Grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. and Comparison between P. Grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. and P.grandiflorum (Jacq.) A.DC. Var.Album Hort

【作者】 祝丽香

【导师】 王建华;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 植物资源学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究从农艺性状、生理特性、产量、品质方面分析了我国11个省18份栽培和野生桔梗种质资源的遗传多样性,桔梗生长过程中对养分吸收利用和开花对根生长发育的影响,以其为合理利用及遗传育种提供依据。主要研究结果如下:1.建立了一年生桔梗种苗和两年生桔梗优良种质的筛选标准。一年生种苗筛选标准:茎粗3.0 cm以上,叶片厚360-370μm,单株叶面积大210 cm2。优良种苗来源:山东淄博、安徽亳州、泰山、山东临沂、北京。两年生桔梗优良种质资源筛选标准为:株高30 cm,茎粗6.0 mm以上,叶长4.5-6.0 cm、宽1.8-2.6 cm、叶片厚370-390μm,单株叶面积280-360 cm2。两年生表现优良的资源为内蒙赤峰、山东淄博、呼和浩特总皂苷含量低于6.0%、皂苷-D低于2.0mg.g-1、蛋白质高于3.0%、可溶性糖高于50%适用于食用桔梗开发;安徽亳州、山东临沂、吉林龙井总皂苷含量高于6.0%、皂苷-D高于3.0mg.g-1适用于药用桔梗开发。2.一年生桔梗与两年生桔梗叶片厚、分枝数、单株叶面积、根长、分根数、单根鲜重呈显著或极显著正相关,一年生桔梗的单株叶面积与两年生桔梗根粗、根长、单根鲜重;叶片厚与两年生桔梗根长;单根鲜重与两年生桔梗茎粗;叶长、根粗、根长、单根鲜重呈显著或极显著正相关。一年生与两年生桔梗总皂苷、蛋白质显著正相关。首次利用不同生长年限桔梗主要性状之间的相关性,建立利用一年生桔梗主要形态指标和主要成分预测两年生桔梗的主要性状,缩短优良种质筛选所需的年限。3.利用聚类分析明确了桔梗种质资源多样性与环境条件和人为选择的关系。内蒙、吉林、辽宁、北京、河南、浙江栽培桔梗聚为一类表明不同地区种质交流频繁。陕西商洛单独聚为一类,山东临沂和山东泰山资源聚为一类,揭示环境条件对桔梗种质分化的影响。山东淄博、安徽亳州各自聚为一类表明人工选择对桔梗种质资源分化具有明显作用。4.初步明确了紫花桔梗、白花桔梗在干物质积累和氮磷钾矿质元素吸收规律。紫花桔梗干物质积累量大于白花桔梗。白花桔梗不同器官干物质积累量顺序为茎>根>叶>花和果实,紫花桔梗为茎>根>花和果实>叶,白花桔梗根干物质分配比例高于紫花桔梗,而花和果实反之。整个生育期内白花桔梗和紫花桔梗对氮磷钾吸收量为N>K>P,白花桔梗氮磷钾吸收比率为1:0.51:0.95,紫花桔梗为1:0.28:0.51,白花桔梗对磷钾的吸收比率高于紫花桔梗,说明白花桔梗与紫花桔梗具有品种差异性。5.首次通过对开花期不同器官碳水化合物含量变化的研究,确定桔梗开花所需碳水化合物的来源、开花对白花桔梗、紫花桔梗根产量和品质的影响,为调控桔梗开花和提高桔梗根产量和品质奠定理论基础。从开花当日开始白花桔梗和紫花桔梗花株根淀粉、可溶性糖含量持续下降,去花株则保持缓慢上升趋势。白花桔梗根淀粉含量高于紫花桔梗,可溶性糖含量低于紫花桔梗。白花桔梗、紫花桔梗茎淀粉和可溶性糖含量变化趋势基本一致,白花桔梗去花株与花株茎淀粉、可溶性糖含量差值小于紫花桔梗。白花桔梗花株、去花株叶片淀粉含量高于紫花桔梗,开花期内去花株叶片淀粉含量明显高于花株叶片。紫花桔梗去花株叶片淀粉含量除开花后5 d、10 d外均低于花株叶片。白花桔梗花株叶片可溶性糖含量与去花株叶片差异不显著,而紫花桔梗去花株叶片可溶性糖含量明显高于花株叶片。明确了紫花桔梗开花所需碳水化合物的量比白花桔梗多。6.建立了适合优良桔梗栽培的调控措施。去花处理桔梗根外观品质和主要成分含量优于去果处理和对照,打顶处理促进分枝不利于提高桔梗根产量和品质。产量以去花处理最高,其次为去果处理。乙烯利处理白花桔梗和紫花桔梗根产量均高于乙矮合剂处理,紫花桔梗、白花桔梗均以0.07%乙烯利最佳。

【Abstract】 Platycodon grandiflorum is a traditional Chinese herb plant, its root has been used for centuries to treat diseases, and has extensive pharmacological effects. While quantity need for this herb increased and wild resource dropped off year after year, the planting area was added, but there existed severity farrago in cultivate regions. In this study, the hereditary diversity of eighteen germplasms from eleven provinces was analysised by agronomic characters, physiological traits, yield and quality method. These results can be used for breeding optimun varieties. Understanding the requirement characteristic of P.grandiflorum for nutrients and the effects of reproductive growth on the yield and quality, which is important for the cultivar of P.grandiflorum. The results are as follows:1. Establishing firstly screening criteria of excellent seeding and germplasms of P.grandiflorum. The screening criteria of excellent one-year seeding was as follows: steam diameter exceeds 3.0 mm, leaf thickness is within 360-370μm, leaf area per plant exceeds 210 cm2, and the excellent seeding come from Shandongzibo, Anhuibozhou, Shandongtaishan, Shandonglinyi, Beijing. According to function, two-year excellent germplasm of P. grandiflorum was divided into edible and medicinal use. Germplasm of P. grandiflorum coming from Neimengchifeng, Shandongzibo, Huhehaote contained the content of total saponin and saponin-D less than 6.0% and 2.0 mg.g-1 respectively, and the content of soluble protein and sugar higher than 3.0%, 50% respectively, they were suitable to edible exploitation. Germplasm of P. grandiflorum coming from Abhuibozhou, Shandonglinyi, Jilinlongjing contained the content of total saponin and saponin-D higher than 6.0% and 3.0 mg.g-1 ,respectively, they were suitable to edible exploitation.2. There existed significant or high significant positive correlation between one-year old plant and two-year old plant among leaf thickness, branches, leaf area per plant, root length, root branches and root fresh weight. Leaf area per plant of one-year old plant significant or high significant positively correlated with root diameter, root length, root fresh weight of two-year old plant; there existed significant or high significant positively correlated between leaf thickness of one-year old plant with root length of two-year old plant, and root fresh weight of one-year old plant with steam diameter, leaf length, root diameter, root length, root fresh weight of two-year old plant. There existed significant correlation of protein, total saponin between one-year and two-year old plant. The agronomic characters and quality of two-year old plant can be predicted by analyzing the agronomic characters and main components of one-year old plant. By using the relationship between main characters within one and two year plant of P. grandiflorum, we firstly set up new prediction method, which could short the period required for screening excellent germplasm of P. grandiflorum.3. Using clustering analysis we definituded the relationship between germplasm diversity of P.grandiflorum with environmental conditions and artificial selection. Clustering analysis showed that cultivated germplasms from Neimeng, Jilin, Liaoning. Beijing, Henan, Zhejiang took together for one class, indicating germplasm resources in different regions exchanged frequently. Geremplasms from Shandongzibo, Anhuibozhou, Shanxishangluo separated respectively, proclaiming P. grandiflorum existed significantly regional disparity. Germplasm resources from Shandonglinyi and Shandongtaishan gather to one class, showing the obvious effect of artificial selection on the germplasm differentiation.4. Clearing and definiting preliminary the rule of dry matter accumulation and absorption of NPK of the white and the purple. Dry matter accumulation of P. grandiflorum during the whole growth stage showed slow-fast-slow tendency. The dry matter accumulation in the puple was higher than the white, there was difference of the dry matter accumulation order in different organ, the white was stem > root >leaf >flower and fruit, the puple was stem > root >flower and fruit > leaf . Root dry matter accumulation ratio in white was greater than the puple, and was less than the puple in flower and fruit, which illustrated that there was variety in differentNPK uptake of the puple and white during the whole growth stage was N>K>P, NPK uptake ratio in the white was 1:0.51:0.95, and was 1:0.28:0.51 in the puple, PK uptake ratio was higher in the white than in the puple. NK accumulation ratio in root was higher in the white than in the puple, P accumulation ratio in the white was lower than in the puple during the early stage, and higher than the puple during the late stage, NPK accumulation in flower and fruit was lower in the white than in the puple during the experiment, which illustrating variety between different germplasm of P. grandiflourm.5. Ascertaining first the resource of carbohydrate needed by flowering through the studies on content changes of carbohydrate in different organs during flowering, and the effects on flowering on the yield and quantity of P. grandiflorum, which laid the theoretical foundation for the flowering regulation and increased the yield and quantity of P. grandiflorum. The starch and soluble sugar contents in root of the white and puple plant continued to decline, while they remained slowly rising trend in root of the deflowering plant from deflowering day. The root starch content in the white was higher than in the puple, and the soluble sugar content was lower in the white than in the puple. The trends of starch and soluble sugar content in stem were similar in the white and the puple, the differences of starch and soluble sugar content between flower and deflower plant were higher in the puple than in the white. During flowering, the starch content in leaves of flower and deflower plant of the white was higher than the puple, and the starch content in leaves of deflower plant was higher than the flower plant in both the white and the puple. The starch content in deflower plant of the puple was lower than the flower plant except the 5th day and 20th day. There was no significant differences in the white between the flower and deflower plant, while soluble sugar content in deflower leaves was significantly higher than in flower leaves in the puple plant, which clearing the need of carbohydrate in the puple plant was more than the white during flowering.6. Establishing control measures suitable to the cultivation of P. grandiflorum. The root appearance quality and main component contents of deflower treatment were better than defruit and CK treatments, deapexing was of no advantage to promote root yield and quality. The highest yield was deflowering, the second was defruiting. The yields treated by Ethephon was superior than treated by ethephon-cycocel. The optimum treatment in both the puple and the white was 0.07% ethephon.


