

【作者】 尹霄

【导师】 刘伟冬;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 艺术学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 法国画家乔治·鲁奥是被宏大艺术史叙事遮蔽的画家。作为天主教徒的鲁奥拥有强烈的宗教情感,但他同样拥有悲天悯人的人文情怀。他传统的绘画风格在1903年开始发生变化,叙事内容也由文学叙事转向巴黎人的生活景象。本文专注于研究鲁奥作品成熟时期的叙事艺术(1903-1919),也将20年代那些具有强烈图像研究价值的画作作为本文研究的重点。鲁奥那些不断重复的典型突出的形象都是讨论研究的主题。本文从历史学、社会学、文学、宗教、美学的诸多视角,结合了鲁奥及其周边重要人物的文本、图像,研究了鲁奥图像的产生与发展过程,打破了宏大叙事的结构,在将一个立体多维的鲁奥复原的同时,也探讨了鲁奥艺术的普适性。

【Abstract】 The French painter Georges Rouault is the one who has been blotted out by the general narration of art history. As a devout catholic,Rouault, is also a humanist with the intense compassion for the underprivileged in the world. His traditional style has gradually changed from 1903, as well as the content of narration has diverted from the literature to daily life of Paris. The article will focus on his art of narration of his mature period of 1903 to 1919. Additionally, the graphic works of the 1920s which contain powerful iconographic images will also be examined in detail. The recurring outstanding social types will be the subjects of discussion and analysis. Furthermore, the universality on the art of Rouault will be induced by the restoration of a multi-dimensional artist with the perspectives of sociology, history, literature and monograph, after breaking the structure of general narration through the analysis of the emergence and development of his iconographic with the textes and pictures of the people around him.

【关键词】 鲁奥叙事叙事艺术基督天主教普适性
【Key words】 RoualtArt of NarrationChristCatholicismUniversality
  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【下载频次】198

