

A Study on Mechanism of Publication of Government Information

【作者】 李春阁

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化和信息化的时代,信息资源越来越成为社会经济发展的重要决定因素。政府作为现代社会信息资源的最重要主体,控制着涵盖全社会80%以上的信息。政府信息既是公众了解政府行为的直接途径,也是公众监督政府行为的重要依据。依法向公众或申请主体公开特定的政府信息是实现民主行政、依法行政和服务行政的必要途径,也是维护公众参与权、知情权和监督权的必然要求,甚至是关系政局稳定和社会和谐的重大问题。在我国,从计划经济时代的信息保密工作,到改革开放以来的信息公开运动,再到“非典”以后政府信息公开受到高度关注,可以说,中国政府信息公开建设走过了从无到有的发展历程。2007年《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》的颁布,更标志着中国政府信息公开建设进入法制化阶段。然而,从整体来看,我国政府信息公开实践起步较晚,经验还十分欠缺。在《条例》实施过程中,仍然存在这样那样的问题。一些地方政府和部门信息不公开、选择性公开、虚假公开等现象依然存在;地方政府信息公开的主动性和实效性仍有待提高;非政府组织在政府信息公开建设中的作用尚不明显;信息公开相关的法律规范和配套制度尚待完善等等。国内理论界对政府信息公开的关注由来已久,主要涉及法学、政治学、管理学、传播学等相关学科领域。其中,从政治学和公共管理视角看待政府信息公开的研究虽也较为丰富,但较为普遍研究缺陷在于:沿袭“问题——原因——对策”模式的研究较多,从组织行为和动力学视角深入分析政府信息公开行为一般规律的研究较少,这在一定程度上影响了理论研究对政府信息公开实践的指导意义。应当说,政府信息公开不仅是法律层面的问题,也是政治和公共管理领域的重大问题,更是涉及到政府行为动机、策略和方法等复杂概念的组织行为问题。就目前政府信息公开工作的推进过程来看,现存问题中大部分都与政府信息公开动力不足有关,如信息不公开、选择性公开、虚假公开、被动公开等,从根本上说都源于某些地方政府和部门不愿主动、公开、公正发布信息的潜在行为动机。基于此,本文致力于探索政府信息公开动力系统运行机制的一般规律。从应然层面上分析政府信息公开动力系统的构成要素,构建各构成要素功能定位与相互作用的动力系统运行机制。对照应然层面的运行机制模型,反观现实,从实然层面上分析我国政府信息公开动力系统中的现存问题,找出我国政府信息公开动力不足的根本原因,在此基础上为推进我国政府信息公开制度化、系统化和规范化提供理论借鉴。总体而言,本文关注的核心问题主要有三点:一是应然层面上,政府信息公开的动力系统由哪些要素构成每一种要素是如何发挥作用各要素之间又如何相互作用二是反观现实,我国政府信息公开动力系统中存在哪些问题三是从组织行为、动力学和系统论的观点出发,从政府信息公开动力系统应然的运行机制与实然的运行状况出发,如何完善政府信息公开动力系统的运行机制,推进政府信息公开的制度化、系统化和规范化。基于此,本文主要包含以下几项核心内容:一是在综述政府信息公开基本问题的基础上,提出政府信息公开动力机制研究,并论述其重要意义;交代本文的研究内容和主要观点;系统梳理政府信息公开的相关理论成果,并逐一阐述政府信息公开动力机制研究可能涉及的理论基础;交代本文的研究方法和可能的创新之处。二是应然层面上,分析政府信息公开动力系统的基本构成,并分析每一种构成要素发挥作用的机理。总的来说政府信息公开动力系统的构成要素包括:制度因素、权力因素、组织因素、市场因素和舆论因素。三是应然层面上,分别从内生和外生,不同行为主体,软动力和硬动力,牵引、推动、约束和场力四个维度论述动力系统的运行机制。从动力来源来看,政府信息公开是内生动力与外在压力共同作用的结果。内生动力充足,可以促进外生动力作用的发挥;外在压力充足,可以作用于内生动力,有助于其动能发挥。从动力主体来看,政府信息公开是政府、公民、非政府组织、媒体、国际舆论等多重力量相互博弈,寻求平衡的结果,其中政府、媒体和公民是信息公开动力系统的核心行为主体。从动力性质来看,政府信息公开是软动力与硬动力共同作用的结果。软动力形成较慢,发挥作用持续时间较长,能从根本上解决政府信息中的现存问题;硬动力形成较快,发挥作用的短期效果较为明显,但持续时间较短,无法从根本上解决问题。从动力方向来看,政府信息公开受到牵引力、推动力、约束力和场力的共同作用。四是对照应然层面的作用机理。反观现实,分析我国政府信息公开动力系统运行中的现存问题:一是政府信息公开基本动力的致动力不足,传导和受动力缺失;二是政府信息公开的外在压力不足,内生动力缺失;三是政府信息公开的硬动力不足,软动力缺失;四是政府信息公开动力主体间平等博弈的格局尚未形成;五是政府信息公开的牵引力缺失、推动力和约束力不足、场力尚未形成。五是系统梳理美国、英国、加拿大等国政府信息公开实践探索,总结发达国家政府信息公开经验,并指出发达国家政府信息公开的实践对完善我国政府信息公开动力机制的启示。六是在前文研究基础上,提出我国政府信息公开动力机制的建设与完善的对策建议。包括:完善内生动力与外在压力的相互作用机制;形成政府信息公开建设的多元主体共同参与格局;完善硬动力与软动力的相互作用机制;完善牵引力、推动力、约束力与场力的相互作用机制。

【Abstract】 In the modern times of economic globalization and informationization, information is increasingly becoming an important factor determining economic development. Government, as a collector, has above 80% of the information of the society. Government is a most direct way for the public to get information, which is also the basis for the public to supervise how things are done in various government departments. Making the information known to the public, which is also required by law, is a necessary way to realize democratic administration, administration by law and service administration, a requirement of protecting the rights of the public to participate, to know and to supervise, and even an important way to keep political stability and social harmony.In China, from the information security in the era of planned economy, to the information public campaign in the era of reform opening-up, and then to the making government information public after SARS highly concerned, the construction of making Chinese government information public has been passing the development process of growing out of nothing. Regulations on the Disclosure of Government Information of PRC was enacted in 2007, which marked the construction of making Chinese government information public is open to the legalization phase. However, on the whole, the practice of making information public started fairly late in China, which makes its experience quite deficient. In the process of carrying out the Regulations, there are many problems: phenomena of making closing information, alternative disclosure and false disclosure still exist in some local government and department; the initiative and efficiency of making local government information public still need improving; the function of non-governmental organizations is not obvious in construction of public information;the relevant laws and system of making information public is not to be perfect and so on.Domestic theory circle has been paying more attention on making government information public for a long time, mainly concerning the law, politics, administration, communication theories and other relevant discipline areas. Although there are a number of studies among them concerning making government information public from the perspective of politics and public management, it is common in that most of them have the deficiency in following the“problem-reason- countermeasures”pattern. While, there are few studies analyzing the general rules of making government information public from the perspective of organizational behaviors and the dynamics, which, to some extent, affects the directive significance of theoretical researches for the practice in making government public. Making government public is an issue not only in law, but also in politics and public administration, which is even related to government behavioral motivation, strategy, means and other organization acts of complex concepts. In terms of the present promoting process of making government information public, most of the existing problems are relevant to the force of making government information public, such as information closing, alternative disclosure, false disclosure, passive disclosure and so on, all of which are originally due to some local governments and departments’potential behavioral motivations of unwillingness of being positive, public and fair to announce information. Based on these problems, this thesis focuses on exploring the general rules of the dynamic system operation mechanism in making government public. From the ideal aspect, this paper analyzes constitutional elements of the dynamic system in making government public, setting up the functional location of each constitutional element and the interactive dynamic system operation mechanism. Compared with the ideal aspect, from the actual aspect, the author analyzes the existing dynamic system problems of making government information public in China, trying to find out the fundamental reasons for the inefficiency of making government information public. Based on this, the author tries to provide a theoretical reference for improving the institutionalization, systematization and normalization of Chinese information publicity.Overall, this paper focuses on the following core issues: firstly, from the ideal aspect, what are the constitutional elements of dynamic system in making government public How each of these elements plays their role How the elements are interacting with one another Secondly, from the actual aspect, what are the issues existing in the dynamic system for information publicity Thirdly, from the perspective of organization behavior, dynamics, systematization, the ideal dynamic system operation mechanism for government publicity and the actual operation situation, how is to make the dynamic system operation mechanism for government information publicity perfect, to improve the institutionalization, systematization and normalization of government information publicity.Based on the above, this paper mainly focuses on the following core issues: to begin with, on the basis of the fundamental issues review in making government public, the author puts forward the studies of the dynamic mechanism for government information publicity as well as states its significance; gives an account for the content and the main point;systematically combs out the relevant theories concerning making government information public and states the possibly relevant theoretical basis of dynamic system operation mechanism for government information publicity; represents its research methods and potential innovation. Secondly, from the ideal aspect, the author analyzes the constitutional elements of dynamic system in making government public and the functional mechanism of each of them. Generally speaking, the dynamic system operation mechanism for government information publicity includes: systematic, authoritative, organizational, marketing and public opinion elements. Thirdly, from the actual aspect, it states the operation mechanism of dynamic system respectively from the interior and exterior, different behavior actors, soft and hard drive, and four dimensions of the pulling and pushing force, constraints and the power. From the force source, government information publicity is the result of the interaction of interior and exterior forces. If the interior force is sufficient, the function of exterior force can be promoted; if the exterior force is sufficient, the interior force can be exerted well. From the force actor, government information publicity is the result of seeking balance among the government, citizens, non-governmental organizations, media and international opinions. Among them, the government, citizens and media is the core actor in information publicity dynamic system. From the nature of force, making government information public is the result of the interaction of soft and hard drive. The soft drive, which is formed gradually and slowly, can play its role for a long term to solve the existing problems of government information. While, the hard drive, formed fast, can function evidently and effectively in a short term, but it can last only in a short-term, thus, cannot fundamentally solve the problem. From the force direction, the government information publicity is the result of interaction of the pulling and pushing force, constraints and the power. Fourthly, compared with the ideal aspect, from the actual aspect, it is analyzed that the existing dynamic system problems of making government information public in China: to begin with, the fundamental driving force of government information publicity is deficient and the conductor and passive force are missing; moreover, the exterior pressure of government information publicity is not sufficient and its interior force is lost; furthermore, the hard drive of government information publicity is inadequate and its soft drive is missing; lastly, the equality among drive actors of government information publicity has not yet formed. Fifthly, the pulling force of government information publicity is absent, pushing force and constraints are not enough and its power has not yet formed. The practical exploration of government information publicity in US, UK, Canada and other countries are combed out. Besides, the experience of developed countries’government information publicity are summarized as well as the implication of developing countries’government information publicity practice on the dynamic mechanism of Chinese government information publicity is also presented here. Lastly, based on the discussion above, suggestions on countermeasures of the construction and improvement of dynamic system operation mechanism for government information publicity are put forward, including the improvement of the interaction between interior and exterior pressure; the formation of multi-actor participation in government information publicity construction; the perfection of the interactive mechanism of hard and soft force; and the integrity of the interactive mechanism of pulling and pushing force, constraints and the power.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

