

The Study of Wuyin Tongyun

【作者】 秦曰龙

【导师】 李无未;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 官话,是对明代以降汉民族共同语的通称,是现代汉语民族共同语——普通话的前身。历史上,官话是与方言相对而言的。周德清《中原音韵》称之为“天下通语”,明清时期被称为“官话”,最初通行于官场。明清时期北京官话语音的研究还很不充分。虽然十九世纪以后记录北京官话的材料很丰富,但是反映清初语音的资料很缺乏,因此,很难描摹北京官话历史演变的轨迹,致使许多问题悬而未决。作为清代前期的一部等韵文献,佚名韵书《五音通韵》非常重视韵书与韵图为体为用的配合。它顺应时音的变化,改良旧有反切的弊端,废除等韵门法,变等第为开齐合撮四呼,共归纳出了十九个声母十二个韵摄和五个声调。它在汉语语音史、汉语韵书史、中国语言学史、汉语辞书史等方面具有较高的研究价值。惜乎该书传本稀少,世人很难寓目,故往哲时贤鲜有论及。本文以日本永岛荣一郎文库藏清抄本《五音通韵》为研究对象,条分缕析,进行全面研究。全文分为七章。第一章《绪论》,交代本课题的研究价值、综述研究现状,并简要介绍研究思路与研究方法。第二章《〈五音通韵〉的版本与著作年代》,初步摸清清初韵书《五音通韵》的版本情况,并利用文献内部材料补证了《五音通韵》的成书年代。《五音通韵》是一部鲜为人知的韵书,未见刻本,只有两部抄本传世。一部为韵图抄本,收藏在台北市台湾师范大学图书馆特藏室;另一部是等韵图与韵书相配的抄本,收藏在日本庆应义塾大学永岛荣一郎文库。现存两部抄本均没有交代作者、成书年代等情况。它的著作年代不会早于清代雍正二年,即1724年。第三章《〈五音通韵〉编撰研究》,将该书置于明清等韵学史、等韵学思想史背景下,介绍其编撰体例、韵图,探讨其编撰特点。第一节详尽介绍《五音通韵》的体例及内容;第二节依照十二摄韵图的先后顺序分析每幅图的情况与特点,比较分析韵图列字与韵书小韵首字以及韵图韵书编制编撰形式方面的差异;第三节围绕韵图与韵书配合情况探讨其编撰特点,蠡测编撰者的创作意图。第四章《〈五音通韵〉语音系统》,是本文的重点所在,在分析《五音通韵》语音框架基础上,探求其语音性质。首先通过查检韵书小韵首字的中古音韵地位,梳理其声母、韵母的来源,考察声母、韵母的分合演变;再与卷首韵图参照,构拟其音值,列出了声母表和韵母表;根据韵图、韵书中入声字的排列探求声调调类的情况。结合《五音通韵》音系情况,我们对汉语语音史上的重要问题如全浊声母的清化、见组精组与舌面音的关系、韵尾的分合情况、入声字的分布等进行了探讨,也对某些不符合语音演变规律的例外情况作出了解释。在判定《五音通韵》的语音性质时,将其与《五方元音》、《三教经书文字根本》、《中原音韵》、《切韵指南》、《语言自迩集》、现代汉语普通话语音系统进行共时、历时比较分析。我们认为《五音通韵》反映的是十八世纪初北京官话的语音面貌。第五章《〈五音通韵〉的语音意识》,主要从它对《韵法直图》、《字汇》、《正字通》等韵书、字书注音材料的批评出发探求作者所持的语音立场。第六章《〈五音通韵〉所引辞书文献考》,对《五音通韵》所征引《中原雅音》、《字汇》、《正字通》等韵书、字书文献考辨论析,归纳、阐发该书在汉语辞书史、汉语语言文字规范史等方面的价值。第七章《结语》,总结全文研究所得。

【Abstract】 Mandarin,the predecessor of Putonghua in present China,refers to the common language used by Chinese people. Historically, Mandarin existed as the opposition of dialect. Zhou De-qing called it“nationwide language”in Zhongyuan Yinyun(《中原音韵》). In Ming and Qing dynasties it began to be known as“Mandarin”, since it was originally spoken in officialdom.The study on phonetics system development of Beijing Mandarin was far from sufficient during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although there have been much material recording Beijing Mandarin since the 19th century, the lack of early Qing Dynasty data still leavs many problems unsolved, making it difficult to describe evolution of Madarin.As an anonymous rhyming dictionary with phonetics Rhyme-table in early Qing dynasty, Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》) attaches much importance to the function of Rhyme-table. It emphasizes recording the pronunciation of that time and revising traditional“Fanqie(反切)”. In this book, some old regualtions not in tune with the age are abandoned, and“kai(开口呼)”“qi(齐齿呼)”“he(合口呼)”and“cuo(撮口呼)”are invented. In addition, 19 initials, 12 final sounds and 5 tunes are summarized in this book. Therefore this book is of great academic value in the history of Chinese phonetics, the history of rhyming dictionary and the history of Chinese linguistics. However, the copies of the book handed down are rare and hard to access, so few experts have mentioned it.This paper thoroughly studies Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》),the version possessed by Yongdao Rongyilang Library. There are seven chapters in this paper.Chapter one is Introduction which reveals the value of this research and current situation of other studies on this issue. Research ideas, methods and purposes are also presented in this chapter.Chapter two is Compilation of Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》).The written time and version of the book are explored. Without any block printed editions, Wuyin Tongyun(《五 音通韵》) is rarely known by people. There are only two handcopied books, of which one is a Rhyme-table of phonetics kept in the special collection room of National Taiwan Normal University Library and the other is a rhyming dictionary with Rhyme-tables kept in Yongdao Rongyilang Library of Keio University. Neither of the two has mentioned who the writer is or when the book was written. However, through investigation we claim that the book was written after 1724.Chapter three is Compilation of Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》), in which the edition principle, Rhyme-table and edition features are explained in the background of phonetics history in Ming and Qing dynasties. There are three sections in this chapter. Section one thoroughly introduces the edition principle and content of the book. Section two explores status and features of every Rhyme-table according to sequence of 12 final sounds, contrasting first the representing characters in Rhyme-table and those in the book, and second compilation of the two. Section three discusses edition features of the book and infers writing motivation and starting point of the writer.Chapter four is Phonetics System of Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》), the major part of this paper. Based on the analysis of phonetics framework, the phonetics nature of the book is determined. First the phonetic situation of representing charaters in Tang and Song Dynasties is examined, and then the origin of initials and finals in this system is checked. Based on the above research, the evolution of the phonetic system in this book is investigated. Through comparing with the phonetic Rhyme-table on the first part of the book, sound value is worked out, and the rhyme-tables of initial and final are formed. Accoring to the position of Rusheng(入声) characters in the Rhyme-table and the book, tunes and its classification are investigated. Meanwhile, we also discuss some significant problems in Chinese phonetics history, such as devoicing of voiced initials, relations among Jian(见)group, Jing(精) group and palatal sound, evolution of endings and position of Rusheng(入声) characters. Explainations about those exceptions violating evolution rules are also presented in this section. Secondly, the phonetic system in Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》) is compared with the system in other books in the same period such as Wufang Yuanyin(《五方元音》) and Sanjiao Jingshu Wenzi Genben(《三教经书文字根本》). The succession relation between Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》) and some earlier books such as Zhongyuan Yinyun(《中原音韵》) and Qieyun Zhinan(《切韵指南》) is explored. The nature of the phonetics system in this book is determined through constrasting Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》) and Yuyan Zier Ji(《语言自迩集》) and the phonetics system of Present-day Mandarine. We come to the conclusion that what Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》) records is the phonetics situation of Beijing Mandarin in 18th century.Chapter five is Criticism in Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》) . The writer has criticized the phonetic notation in some rhyming dictionarys such as Yunfa Zhitu(《韵法直图》), Zihui(《字汇》), Zhengzi Tong(《正字通》). This chapter analyses the criticism and tries to make clear about the purpose of the criticism,and summarizes the writer’s view of phonetics and the its values.Chapter six is Investigation of Reference in Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》). Through analysing the reference books such as Zhongyuan Yayin(《中原雅音》); Zihui(《字汇》) and Zhengzi Tong(《正字通》), values of Wuyin Tongyun(《五音通韵》) in the history of lexicographical books and the history of language regulation are presented.Chapter seven is Summary. It summarizes the study in this chapter.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

