

The Study on International Conflict in Northeast Asia and the Crisis Management

【作者】 王巍巍

【导师】 刘清才;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际政治, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 国际冲突是国际政治的常态,国际关系史总是伴随着冲突的循环反复。早期国际社会的冲突表现为直接的军事战争,随着国际社会的发展和变化,冲突的形式也在发生着变化,隐性冲突、软性冲突逐渐取代了激烈的战争形式。但是国际冲突并没有消失,仍然影响着国际社会的发展进程。于是各个时期的思想家们从不同的角度,不同的立场阐释了对冲突的不同理解,并不断尝试寻找化解冲突的有效方式。东北亚地区由于其特殊的地理位置和重要的战略地位成为大国的角斗场。在历史上,大国之间错综复杂的国家关系导致东北亚地区的冲突持续不断。本文系统地梳理了历史上东北亚地区的国际冲突,分析了不同时期东北亚地区国际冲突的主要特征,探讨了目前东北亚地区仍然冲突频仍的主要原因;为了控制东北亚地区的国际冲突,提出了建立在相互安全合作构想基础上的冲突危机管理模式。论文阐述了新模式的建构目标,建构原则、建构模式和建构路径。为东北亚地区国际冲突危机管理模式提出三种选择:和平条约机制、安全对话机制和安全合作机制。同时,论述了中国在东北亚地区面临的安全挑战,作为一个负责任的地区大国,中国在东北亚国际冲突危机管理中扮演着重要角色。

【Abstract】 China is an important country in Northeast Asia, to maintain regional peace and stability in Northeast Asia is important for constructing geo-political basis of China‘s peace and development . However, due to special geographical location in Northeast Asia and the complex relationship among countries, there are various disputes and incessant conflict among countries in this region. Form the prospective of history to think about the conflict in Northeast Asian, reveal its root causes, study the objectives, principles, models and construction of the path of resolving international conflicts in Northeast Asia, probe China’s role and policy options, it is no doubt that has great theoretical and practical significance for us to create a peaceful and stable international environment in Northeast Asia and realize China’s peaceful rise.Chapter One: Understanding the International Conflicts with TheoryInternational conflict is an international political phenomenon. In the history of international relations, as war and conflicts of interest and disputes among the various national, regional and global scale war are never stop. Study on the root causes of conflict and war, explore ways and method of safeguarding world peace have been the important pursuit and historic mission of thinkers of international relations. This paper analysis the conflict theory of international relations in-depth , it main analyze the conflict theory in three major schools of international theory ,and point out the historical limitations of these international conflict thought . On this basis, we can propose the theory of mutual security cooperation in order to lay the ideological basis of crisis management mode of international conflicts in Northeast Asia.Chapter Two : International Conflict in Northeast Asia History Looking back to the history of the Northeast Asia, we find that the international conflict has always been a subject in this region whether it is in modern times, after the World War II or the Cold War. This chapter mainly analysis the forms, characters, origins and features of the international conflict in the Northeast Asia in different historical periods, which benefits us a lot in the exploration of the crisis management of the international conflict in the North-east Asia. The first part of this chapter states the colonialism and anti-colonialism in North-east Asia in modern history. There are mainly two typical international conflicts in Northeast Asia—the conflict in struggling for the powerful scope among the colonialism great powers and the conflict between the colonies and the colonialism dominion countries. The second part mainly analyses the international conflict during the Cold War Period in the Northeast Asia , which is mainly embodied in the political and military combat between the eastern and western camps under the bipolarity pattern of the USA and CCCP. The third part analyses the new characteristics of the conflict in Northeast Asia after the Cold War. It mainly studies the new changes of geopolitical pattern in Northeast Asia after the Cold War as well as the main reasons and characters of the international conflict in Northeast Asia in the new period.Chapter Three: Crisis Management Pattern to International Conflict in Northeast AsiaInternational conflict effects regional cooperation , and it is a threat to the stability of regional security. To keep a certain region peaceful and stable, structuring a crisis management institution concerns about regional conflict is necessary. This chapter analyses on the absence of institution system, the necessity and target of structuring a crisis management institution in the northeast Asia. Firstly, analyze the absence of the international conflict crisis management institution , there are several main reasons :security puzzle dom caused by distrust , a lack of institution system with a function of giving rewards and punishments, an immature common concept, and so on. Secondly, a discussion on the basic functions of the international conflict crisis management institution .we consider that It will make a contribution to limit the upgrading or out pervasion of traditional security problems ,more importantly ,it can promote the communication and corporation among countries who have conflict. Thirdly, we explain and discuss about the target of structuring the institution. This should keep it’s goal on stimulating mutual benefit and cooperation. The idea about Mutual security cooperation also provides theoretical basis for constructing this institution.Chapter Four: Construction of Northeast Asia Crisis Conflict Management PatternThis chapter firstly introduces the formation principle of the crisis management patterns, including Sovereign Equality principle, Opening principle and principles of international law. Under the guidance of those principles, and in combination with the Theoretical Thought of mutual security cooperation in the first chapter, the writers attempt to put forward three models of crisis management to reconcile the international conflicts of the Northeast Asia, that is, peace treaty model, security dialogues model and Security Cooperation model. Besides, it puts forward three constructing method of the crisis management patterns of the international conflicts of the Northeast Asia:1, expand diplomatic relations from economic and cultural ties towards security cooperation; 2, Promote the establishment of security cooperation institution by bilateral and multilateral mechanism;3,gradually develop from the Security Treaty mechanism to Security Cooperation mechanism. According to those paths, and under the joint effort of states of the Northeast Asia, an effective crisis management patterns of the international conflicts mechanism will be set up to benefit the peace and stability of the region.Chapter Five : Role Orientation and Policy Choice in International Conflicts in Northeast Asia for ChinaThis area Occupies an important position in China’s geopolitical strategy .Different contradictions and conflicts existing in northeast Asia,as well as some Hidden troubles,have been making challenges to china security in northeast Asia. Meanwhile,The rapid rise of China cause other northeast countries to feel anxious. Facing the so-called“China threat”theory,as a Responsible country ,China is the positive power to maintain regional peace. In northeast Asia strategy and policy,China should actively participate in the northeast Asia affairs, play a constructive role in northeast Asia; actively promote amicable neighborhood policy,establish strategic mutual trust between China and northeast countries; promote the establishment of international conflict crisis management institution in northeast Asia,making the contradictions and disputes in northeast China got political solution by various dialogue and cooperation institutions. Coping various international conflicts that may occur in the Northeast Asia, to establish an effective institution for crisis management can make these contradictions and disputes solution into the international system, so as to ensure that the peace and stability in Northeast Asia with predictability, and then for China to create a favorable peripheral international environment, and establish stable geopolitical basis for China’s peaceful development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

