

A Study on Policy Support System for Agriculture in China: from the Perspective of Low-carbon Economy

【作者】 程秀梅

【导师】 任俊生;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 中国农业支持政策体系构建研究——基于低碳经济视角当前,极端气候灾害频繁肆虐与气候变暖趋势不断增强的环境负效应,使中国粮食安全受到空前威胁,农业可持续发展处于阴霾之中。在应对气候变化,全球倡导发展低碳经济的大背景下,适时调整中国农业经济支持政策,从而实现既促进低碳经济发展又保障农业发展安全双重目标,就成为理论界与实践界的战略性课题。因而,对“中国农业支持政策体系构建研究——基于低碳经济视角”课题进行深入研究,具有重大理论意义与实践意义。本文在梳理国内外文献、吸收当前相关最新研究成果的基础上,从低碳经济这一全新的视角出发,对中国农业支持政策体系构建进行了创新性研究。论文的主要内容有:(1)从低碳经济角度论证了中国构建农业支持政策体系的必要性,确立了恩格斯的自然辩证法、可持续发展理念与“天人合一”生态观为本文的指导思想,明晰了研究思路与方法。(2)阐明低碳经济视角下农业支持政策的含义、目标、特点,论证了马克思的生态农业经济理论,现代西方农业经济理论和低碳农业经济理论为本课题的重要理论依据。(3)对新中国成立至今的农业支持政策的发展历程进行了归纳、总结和分析,试图发现存在的主要问题,结合当前中国农业经济实践,探寻本课题的突破口。(4)对世界主要农业发达国家与地区的支持政策进行了借鉴研究,所涉及的主要国家和地区有美国、日本、欧盟和中国台湾;从低碳经济角度总结西方国家和地区农业支持政策的共性,具体情况具体分析,根据我国的具体国情,借鉴适合我国农业发展的支持政策。(5)借鉴国外有益经验、针对中国农业发展中存在的主要问题,从低碳经济角度规划设计了一套具有可操作性的中国农业支持政策体系,包括:土地自然力低碳利用支持政策,低碳农产品生产支持政策,农业碳汇发展与保护支持政策,目的是实现农业增长与气候环境自然力保护的统一。(6)提出了中国低碳农业支持政策体系实施的保障措施,包括:贯彻执行低碳农业支持政策体系的重点环节,建立健全政府投入和资金保障体系,加大低碳农业支持政策的监督检查力度。本文的主要创新点:以低碳经济为视角的,规划设计了可操作性强的中国农业支持政策体系,简称低碳农业支持政策体系。具体内容包括:第一,从土地自然力低碳利用的经济解读、土地休耕支持政策、土地污染防治支持政策和有机肥使用支持政策四个方面论述低碳土地自然力利用支持政策;第二,从低碳农产品的认证支持政策、低碳农产品的信贷支持政策和低碳农产品财政支持政策三个方面论述低碳农产品生产支持政策;第三,从增强与保护林业碳汇支持政策、增强与保护草原碳汇支持政策和发展与保护湿地碳汇支持政策三个方面论述农业碳汇发展与保护支持政策。其目的是适应全球气候变化、应对低碳经济挑战、保障农业安全。梳理国内外文献可知,以往对中国农业支持政策体系构建问题的研究,往往单纯从经济成本收益角度入手研究农业发展问题,所构建的粮食支持政策、农民收入支持政策及新农村建设支持政策,必然会出现忽视农业发展赖以需要的环境尤其是气候环境的保护,政策执行的结果也必然会带来更加严重的气候环境问题。截至目前,深入系统地研究和构建低碳经济视角下中国农业支持政策体系问题,尚属理论界的盲点。本文打破传统农业支持政策的理论束缚于实践的框框,结合中国农业经济政策实践,吸收当代先进低碳环保理念,把国内外关于低碳经济的最新理论成就与中国农业实践中存在的具体问题相结合,试图构建既促进农业发展又保障环境承载力可持续性的政策体系。该政策体系的实施将产生明显的经济效益和生态效益,对于中国在全球碳博弈中争夺话语权、减轻经济发展碳减排压力等方面具有重要的实践意义。

【Abstract】 A Study on Policy Support System for Agriculture in China: From the Perspective Low-Carbon EconomyThe extreme weather frequently threatening with human beings, and global warming trend enhancing the negetive effect of environment, China’s grain security is under unprecedented threat, and sustainable development of agriculture is in a complete haze. In the large backdrop of dealing with climate change and global advocation of low-carbon economics, it has become a theoretical and practical strategic issue to adjust the supporting policy for agricultural economics, and to fulfill the dual goals of promoting low-carbon economic development and protecting agricultural development security. Therefore, both from theoretical and practical perspective, it is of vital importance for us to conduct an in-depth study of the issue of China’s agricultural policy support system from a low-carbon economic angle.On base of current relevant documents and the latest researches, from a new perspective of low-carbon economy, this thesis engage in an innovative research on China’s agricultural support policy system. At first, we probe into the necessity of construction of China’s agricultural supporting measures from the point of low-carbon economics, establish a guiding ideology of Engels’natural dialectics, sustainable development concept and the ecological view of harmony development between man and nature, and clarify the research methods. Then on the low-carbon economic perspective, we elucidate the meaning, objectives and characteristics of agricultural support policies, discuss the Marxist economic theory of ecological agriculture, the western food security theory, market failure theory and the theory of macro-control law, and take them as the theoretical basis of our subject. We also review and analysis the development course of agricultural support policies ever since new China’s foundation, trying to find the main problem, to combine the current practice of Chinese rural economy so as to find an opening to the subject. And we refer to the main agricultural support policies in developed countries and regions, especially those of America, Japan, the European Union and Taiwan, compare their policies, trying to get a revelation and according to China’s specific national conditions, drawing on the support policy for China’s agricultural development. On base of these salutary experience, aiming at the major problems in China’s agricultural development, from a low-carbon point, we build a set of operable support policy system for China’s agriculture, among which are support policy for sustainable utilization of natural force of land, for low-carbon agriculture, for production of low-carbon farm products, for low-carbon public service for agriculture, with the goal of unification of agricultural growth and climate environmental natural force protection. And we conclude in some safeguard measures for implementation of this system, such as setting up an idea of low-carbon agricultural policy, establishing specialized agencies and security fund, building up a safeguard system for government inputs, going into overdrive for monitoring and inspection, and carrying out regular evaluation.Major innovation to be achieved is trying to build a low carbon-economy-perspective and operable system of agricultural support policies in China, briefly referred to as a low-carbon agricultural support policy system, whose topics include: first, it clarfies support policy for low-carbon use of land nature forces from the economic interpretation of low-carbon use of the land forces of nature, from land set-aside support policy, from land pollution control support policy and from organic fertilizer use support policy; Second, it elaborates low-carbon agricultural production support policy by the certification support policy, credit support policy and fiscal support policy of low-carbon agricultural products; Third, it expounds public services building support policy in enhancement and protection of forest, grasslands and wetlands low-carbon support policy; Fourth,It discusses the carbon sequestration support policy of forestry development on base of content and significance of low-carbon agricultural public service support policies, support policies for development and application of low-carbon agricultural technology, for digital agricluture and for low-carbon agricultural infrastructure construction. The aim of this paper is to adapt to global climate change, to address the challenges coming from low-carbon economy, and to protect agricultural safety.Combing literature shows that, the past researchs on problems of Chinese Agricultural support Policy System, often just view the problem of agricultural development from the start point of the economic cost-benefit, the consequence of which is that, the constructied food support policy, farmers income support policies and new countryside construction support policies will lead to ignorance of environment protection, especially of climate protection, which will necessarily result in more serious climate problems. Up to now, in-depth systematic study and building of China’s agriculture support policy system problems from low-carbon economy perspective is still theoretical blind spots.This paper breaks the shackles of traditional agricultural support policies where theoretical cannot totally adapt to practice, combined with the economic policies practice of China Agriculture, absorbing contemporary carbon environmental concepts, linking up latest therories on low carbon economy with concrete problems encountered in China’s agriculture practice, and try to set up a policy system that can not only step up agricultural development, but also ensure the sustainability of enviromental capacity. Implementation of the policy system will produce significant economic and ecological benefits, and it will be of important practical significance China to catch the right of talking about carbon in global competition, to reduce carbon emissions pressure in economic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

