

Building System About Marketing Performance and Empirical Research

【作者】 王明东

【导师】 于洪彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 营销绩效的问题研究早在上世纪50年代就已经出现,最初大多是运用财务方面的指标进行营销绩效评估。随着大量生产体制下买方市场的确立,为了实现持续再生产进而实现长期发展的企业价值目标,企业不得不将越来越多的资源投向营销部门,出现了企业营销成本不断增加而生产运营等其它成本却相对下降的现象。市场营销逐渐成为企业最基本、最独特的功能。因此,企业市场营销绩效评价工作显得越来越重要。目前,市场营销绩效评价大致有四种测评结构:简单财务结果测评、非财务结果测评、投入测评以及多维测评。由于营销具有很强的环境动态性和不确定性,许多国外研究发展成熟的营销原则和因素难以直接引入,同时大多数的国内文献倾向于用简单或单维度指标来评估市场营销绩效。并且传统营销绩效的评价,特别是利用数据包络模型等数量模型进行的绩效评价,往往注重产品、财务等客观、有形的评价指标,理论视角偏向单一,比较局限于企业内部绩效考评的内容。即使在指标选择、测评框架构建中强调指标来源的多样性,也局限于指标选择角度的不同,而缺少以顾客为导向、积极创造顾客价值、实现顾客满意、维持顾客忠诚的整体营销策略和绩效评价体系,对顾客价值创造过程中的相关成员的利益实现,也缺少综合考量与评估。另一方面,最近一些营销绩效研究中,虽然有提出顾客满意和综合指标评价,却少有研究将这些要素引入数量模型,利用实际市场数据进行验证分析。因此,本研究在以顾客为导向的现代营销理论观点之上,建立一个以顾客满意评价为核心、兼顾财务效果和相关者利益的综合评价体系;同时,选择啤酒行业这样一个典型市场中的真实企业为研究对象,收集实证数据进行定量分析和研究。基于以上目标,研究尝试分三步,逐步实现综合营销评价体系的构建。首先,选择不同啤酒品牌在不同城市间进行小组座谈和深度访谈,利用定性研究结论结合前人已有的研究文献,构建包括顾客满意在内的营销绩效评价的综合指标体系。然后,为顾客满意为结果变量,从消费者感知价值的视角构建该变量的理论模型,并以长春市的消费群体为例,采用问卷调查的方法收集数据并加以验证。最后,运用数据包络法(DEA)先后构建不包含顾客满意的传统评价模型和包含顾客满意的综合评价模型,并单独构建了以渠道成员评价为投入变量的包含顾客满意的综合评价模型,结合JSB啤酒公司近十年的数据分析,验证企业营销活动的评价效果。研究最终得到以下主要结论:第一,在啤酒行业的背景之下建立营销绩效的综合评价指标体系。通过对啤酒批发商、零售终端和消费者的深度访谈和小组座谈,本研究获取了渠道成员和消费者的态度认知,扩展和细化了既有营销绩效评价体系,形成包括企业财务效果、市场竞争效果、消费者认知评价和渠道成员评价四个部分内容,从而构建了适用于本行业的综合营销绩效评价体系。第二,根据顾客满意模型的假设检验,证实产品质量(品牌个性,品牌表现,公司形象和感知质量)和服务质量(可靠性和安全性)会通过顾客的感知价值正向影响顾客满意。值得注意的是,在服务质量的三个维度研究中,本研究未对服务质量的移情性维度的影响作用提供数据支持,这并不意味着酒店等消费环节关注顾客、贴心顾客的举措对顾客而言不重要,其可能的原因为酒店等场所情境中,啤酒消费并不是顾客的关注重点,顾客对于菜式、就餐环境等因素的给予比较集中的注意力,该结论对于啤酒企业而言仍然具有意义。因此在啤酒行业,企业不仅要继续为产品的感知质量的提升和品牌形象的塑造付诸努力,而且要关注消费环节的服务提供,将消费环节的渠道成员视为合作伙伴或客户,为其提供营销支持或服务质量监控,协助其向顾客提供稳定的服务质量,从而获得顾客满意度水平的提高。第三,通过引入顾客满意评价、企业财务效果和市场竞争效果三方面指标的数据包络综合评价模型的分析,研究进一步肯定了顾客满意在企业营销绩效评价中的作用,同时也肯定了本研究提出的综合评价体系的可操作性。在以双产出和三产出的数据包络模型下,两种模型的效率指数呈现出相同的季节性变动趋势。其中,两个三产出模型的效率指数均值较高且其波动性较小于双产出的模型,特别是加入渠道满意度的三产出模型,其效率指数的值绝大部分都达到了1。从效率指数与产出指标的相关性来看,在不考虑满意度的双产出数据包络模型分析中,其效率指数与市场份额和计算时未纳入的顾客满意度之间均具有显著相关性且系数值较大,而与销售量的相关系数则不显著,这说明此时的营销效率实际上更侧重于反映市场份额和顾客满意度,即企业在市场竞争力和消费者认知上的表现。三产出模型一中包含满意度的指数与销售量、市场份额和满意度的相关性均达到统计显著且系数值较大,说明此时的营销效率实际上是以销售量、市场份额和满意度为基础,这也证实了从这三个角度进行营销绩效评价是可以的。而三产出模型二中包含满意度的指数与销售量、市场份额和满意度的相关性却普遍偏弱且显著性水平较低,这可能是由于此时的营销效率不仅体现在本企业营销绩效上,而且还涉及到渠道间成员的营销绩效。因此,本研究不仅实现了企业营销绩效的数量化评价,而且通过数据包络分析方法的运用也从多角度、综合性地实现了营销绩效评价,而且这种综合绩效评价比从单一角度展开的绩效评价具有更好的适用性。

【Abstract】 The performance of marketing research in early 1950s, the first analysis which mostly be used is financial performance index for evaluation marketing. With the mass production of buyer’s market system, in order to realize the continuous reproduction and long-term development of the enterprise, the enterprises’value goal goes to put more and more resources into Marketing Department, so the marketing cost increases while production and operation costs and others are relative declining. Marketing gradually become the most basic, most unique function. Therefore, the enterprise’marketing performance evaluation is becoming more and more important.At present, marketing performance evaluation has roughly four assessment structures: simple financial results, the financial results of evaluation, dimensional evaluation and multidimensional investment evaluation. Due to the strong relationship of marketing efforts and the dynamic and uncertainty environment, research from overseas about the mature marketing principles are hard to introduce, and also direct factors of most domestic literature tend to use simple or single dimension index to evaluate the market marketing performance. And the traditional marketing performance evaluation, even if using DEA the multidimensional model for performance evaluation, it often pays attention to product, financial objective, and tangible evaluation index, fousing on internal performance evaluation of companys. Even about the index selection, evaluation indexes of the framework are limited and lack of different angles to customer orientation, actively customer value creation, customer satisfaction or customer loyalty.These marketing strategies and overall performance evaluation system focus on the customer value creation processes and their stokeholders are also lack of be comprehensively considerated and evaluated. On the other hand, some marketing performance in recent research, although there are put forward the comprehensive evaluation index of customer satisfaction, but few of these studies will introduce a quantitative model, using the data of an actual maket for analysis. Therefore, this research is goes to build a comprehensive evaluation system as the core of customer satisfaction with financial evaluation and stakeholders based on the customer orientation theories. Besides, the choice that beer industry is as an example of typical market for the research to analysis and research.the empirical data.Based on the above, the research has three steps for the comprehensive marketing evaluation system construction. First of all, to choose different brands of beer in different cities for group discussion and depth interview, using qualitative research conclusion combining previous literature study, including customer satisfaction, the integrated marketing performance evaluation indicator system. Then, to take the customer satisfaction as the results from the customer perceived value variables, and take a theoretical model while collecting data in changchun city by the method of survey. Finally, using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) .It can successively build three models, one is the traditional evaluation model without customer satisfaction and the other has it, and the third one is the customer satisfaction model which adds distribution system’s members’satisfaction as an investment variable, using panel data of JSB Beer Company from 2001 to 2010.The main conclusions of research are as follows:First, establishes a marketing performance comprehensive evaluation index system. Through the group discussion or in-depth interviews with beer wholesalers, retailers and consumers, this study obtains channel members and consumer attitude, and expand the cognitive performance evaluation system,which has formed the financial effects, including the enterprise competitive market effect, consumers and channel member evaluation of four parts, thus establishing the content industry applies comprehensive marketing performance evaluation system.Second, according to customer satisfaction model, the results show that product quality (brand personality, brand image and perception, quality of service quality and reliability and safety (through) the customer perceived value positive influence on customer satisfaction.Notable is, for the quality of service’three dimensions, this research shows that effect of empathising about service quality dimensions doesn’t be supported, this does not mean that hotel consumptive link concern customer, customer’s move to consumers is not important, the possible reasons for the hotel etc context, beer consumption and not customer focus, customer the dishes, repast environment factors, such as giving more concentrated attention, this conclusion for beer enterprises still meaningful.Therefore, the enterprise only in beer industry will continue for product quality and the perception of the brand image of the mold, and attention to practice hard link services and consumer spending channel member of the link will be regarded as a partner or customer, provide the marketing support or service quality monitoring, assist the customers to provide stable quality of service, thus to raise the level of customer satisfaction.Third, through the introduction of customer satisfaction, corporate finance evaluation and market competition results from three aspects: the index of the comprehensive evaluation model for analysis of the DEA model, study further affirms the customer satisfaction in the performance evaluation of enterprise marketing, also affirmation of the comprehensive evaluation system of operation. In double output and three outputs DEA model, the efficiency of the three models show the same index of seasonal change trend. Among them, the efficiency of the three output models and its average index slightly higher volatility is slightly less than the model of double output, especially the three output model of channel satisfactions that the efficiency index are almostly higher than 1.Considering from the output indicators of efficiency index and the relevance, without considering the satisfaction of the two-output DEA model, the correlation coefficients between its efficiency index with the market share or with satisfactions which are not put into the model are both significant and high, on the contrary, the correlation coefficient with the sales not significant, indicating that at this time is actually more focused on marketing efficiency reflect the market share and customer satisfaction, market competitiveness of the enterprises and consumers in the cognitive performance.Three-output model of a satisfaction index is included with the sales volume, market share and relevance of satisfaction reached statistical significance and large coefficients, indicating that at this time is actually the marketing efficiency of sales, market share and satisfaction-based, which also confirmed from the three perspectives of marketing performance evaluation is possible.The three-output model II and contains the sales satisfaction index, market share and satisfaction are generally weak correlation between low levels and significantly, this may be due to the efficiency of marketing at this time not only in the Enterprise Marketing on the performance, but also between the members involved in the marketing channel performance.Therefore, this study not only realizes the quantitative evaluation of enterprise marketing performance, through the DEA method using also from various angles to figure out the comprehensive evaluation, and the performance evaluation of comprehensive performance from a single Angle than the performance evaluation has better suitability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F274;F224
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1574
  • 攻读期成果

