

Researches on Shang Culture in the Middle Reach of Yangtze River

【作者】 豆海锋

【导师】 王立新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以长江中游地区商代文化为研究对象,通过对长江中游的江汉地区、洞庭湖水系区、鄱阳湖水系区商时期遗存的系统梳理,初步建立起了各区域内商代文化的时空框架,并对各区域内诸文化的关系及各区域间的联系进行了探讨。为了讨论长江中游与商文化中心区的文化互动关系,本文将目前能够反映文化互动的考古材料划分为三大层次,即器物、聚落、宗教与技术。通过不同互动层次的分析,获得了各层面不同的互动模式。从长江中游与商文化中心区的互动关系出发,本文最后还对商王朝与周边地区的辖属关系,商王朝政治秩序的维持方式等问题进行了探讨。本文主要内容可分为七个部分。第一部分是绪论,主要是对本文研究的时空范围进行界定,对以往的考古发现与研究进行简单回顾,并提出亟待解决的问题,同时还对本文采用的研究方法、理论及研究思路进行说明。第二部分是对江汉地区商代文化的研究。主要涉及到对江汉地区自然地理及商代之前文化背景的梳理,为廓清商时期区域内诸文化与外界文化的交往通道提供了研究基础。以目前考古发现为基础,本文将江汉地区商代遗存划分为六类,对各类遗存及其与邻近地区的关系进行了探讨,并对该地区出土商代铜器进行了分析,最后还对江汉地区商代文化结构及其演进模式进行了考察。第三部分是对洞庭湖水系区商代文化的研究。首先对区域内自然地理及文化背景进行简要概括,揭示区域内史前时期文化分区与自然地理之间的关系;其次,将区域内商代及其相关遗存划分为九类,对各类遗存的时空框架进行了系统分析;再次,对区域内出土晚商阶段铜器进行了分区及文化背景方面的探索;最后,重点探讨了区域内诸文化之间及其与邻近地区文化间的关系,并对区域内文化的演进及模式进行了考察。第四部分主要是对鄱阳湖水系区商代文化进行研究。首先是对区域内自然环境与文化背景的概述;其次,将区域内商代遗存划分为八类,并对各类遗存的年代、文化性质等方面进行研究;再次,对区域内出土商代铜器进行了分析,并对赣江流域铜器出现及发展的文化背景及礼仪意义进行探讨;最后,对区域内诸遗存及周边考古遗存的关系进行了讨论,并对区域内文化的演进进行了考察。第五部分是对长江中游及邻近地区与商文化中心区互动关系所进行的讨论。本文依据文化互动方式的差异,将体现文化互动的考古材料划分为三个层面,即器物层面、聚落层面和宗教与技术层面。通过各层面的讨论,揭示出不同层面存在不同的互动模式,且不同层面也会产生不同的文化影响力。第六部分主要从长江中游与商文化中心区的关系出发,讨论商王朝与周边地区文化互动所体现的商代国家的政治秩序问题。通过长江中游地区与商王朝中心区互动关系的分析,本文发现不同时期商王朝对长江中游的统辖存在不同方式。这种方式变化不仅仅反映在长江中游地区,从商时期周边地区的文化格局及晚商阶段青铜器在周边地区广泛出现等现象,亦可体现商王朝与周边地区的政治关系。结合甲骨文材料,本文认为早商时期商王朝对周边地区多实行“直辖”统治,而晚商阶段与周边地区的关系则变得更为复杂,其中应存在一种与边远方国“联盟”关系,维系这种“联盟”的主要手段应是青铜礼器在内的意识形态方面地拢络行为。第七部分为结语部分,是对以上内容的总结,并指出本文存在的问题及不足之处。

【Abstract】 This paper takes the Shang Culture in the middle reach of Yangtze River as the study object, primarily sets up the spatial and temporal framework of the Shang culture in each region through systematic analysis on the relics in Jianghan region, the drainage area of Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake, then discusses the relationships between all the cultures in each region and the interactions among all regions. In order to discuss the interaction between the middle reach of Yangtze River and the central region of Shang Culture, this paper divides the currently available archaeological data which could reflect cultural interaction into three levels, which are artifacts, settlements, religion and technology. Through the analyses of different levels, the author recognizes different interaction pattern in different level. Based on the relationship between the middle reach of Yangtze River and the central region of Shang Culture, this paper finally discusses the political relationship between Shang Dynasty and the surrounding areas, together with the way to maintain the political order of Shang Dynasty.The main content of this dissertation can be divided into seven chapters.Chapter 1 is preface, it defines the spatial and temporal scales of this paper, reviews the earlier archaeology excavations and researches, presents the problems waiting to be solved, and introduces the study method, theory and the train of thought.Chapter 2 is the study of Shang Culture in Jianghan region. It firstly introduces the physical geography and culture background before Shang Dynasty in Jianghan region, which provides a study base for making clear the communication road for all the cultures in Jianghan region and the outside cultures during Shang Dynasty. According to the archaeology excavations by now, this paper divides the relics of Shang Dynasty in Jianghan region into 6 types, discusses the relationships between these 6 types of relics and the adjacent regions, then analyzes the bronze vessels of Shang Dynasty found in this region, finally synthesizes the culture structure and developing pattern of Shang Dynasty in Jinghan region..Chapter 3 is the study of Shang Culture in the drainage area of Dongting Lake. Firstly, it gives a brief introduce of the physical geography and culture background in the drainage area of Dongting Lake, which presents the relationship between the regional division of prehistoric culture and the physical geography in this region. Secondly, it divides the relics of Shang Dynasty in the region into 9 types, and systematic analyzes the temporal and spatial framework of all the relics. Thirdly, it discusses the regional division and culture background of the late Shang bronze vessels excavated from this region. Finally, it highlights the relationships between each culture in the drainage area of Dongting Lake and cultures in the adjacent regions, and synthesizes the culture development and its pattern in this region.Chapter 4 is the study of Shang Culture in the drainage area of Poyang Lake. Firstly, it gives a brief introduce of the physical geography and culture background in the drainage area of Poyang Lake. Secondly, it divides the relics of Shang Dynasty in this region into 8 types, and analyzes the chronology and culture attribution etc. of all the relics. Thirdly, it analyzes bronze vessels of Shang Dynasty excavated from this region, and discusses the culture background and ceremony meaning for the emergence and development of the bronze vessels found in Ganjiang valley. Finally, it points out the relationships between each culture in the drainage area of Poyang Lake and relics in the adjacent regions, and synthesizes the culture development in this region.Chapter 5 is the discussion on interactions between the middle reach of Yangtze River and the central region of Shang Culture. Based on the differences of interaction patterns in archaeology, this paper divides archaeological data which could reflect cultural interaction into three levels, which are artifacts, settlements, religion and technology. Through discussions on each level, the author presents different level lead to different interaction pattern and produce different culture influence.Chapter 6 is the discussion on the political order of Shang Dynasty represented by the interaction between Shang Dynasty and the surrounding areas, based on the relationship between the middle reach of Yangtze River and the central region of Shang Culture. Trough the analysis of the interaction relationship between the middle reach of Yangtze River and the central region of Shang Dynasty, this paper points out that Shang Dynasty take different rule measures to the middle reach of Yangtze River during different periods. This change of measure can not only be seen in the middle reach of Yangtze River, the culture structure and the widespread of bronze vessels in the surrounding areas during the time of late Shang can also reflect the important change of the relationship between Shang Dynasty and the surrounding areas. Combines with the oracle data, this paper suggests that Shang Dynasty took the measure of“direct rule”to the surrounding areas during the early Shang period, and the relationship between Shang Dynasty and the surrounding areas became more complicated during the late Shang period, which included a relationship of“alliance”. The main measure to maintain this“alliance”relationship was probably a kind of ideology penetration including the reward of bronze vessels. In addition, this paper discusses the function and influence of early bronze culture in the cultural interaction between Central Plain and Southern Region.Chapter 7 is the conclusion of the former chapters, and points out the existing problems and shortcomings of this dissertation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

