

Hongfan and Thoughts of the Pre-Qin Period

【作者】 张华

【导师】 吕文郁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 《洪范》是由箕子陈述,周初史官记录的,关于治理国家的九种大法。《洪范》自成篇以来,对先秦思想产生了深远影响,我们从中选出有代表性人物的思想进行分析,发现其与《洪范》的联系紧密。第一章主要阐释了《洪范》的作者及成篇时代考证。首先,对《洪范》的作者及成篇时代的不同观点进行梳理,并总结出其争论的焦点所在。其次,通过成篇时代考察、《燹公盨》与《洪范》的关系、《书》初次集结的时代、《洪范》的语体特征五个方面的论证,得出我们的结论:《洪范》是因为周武王访问箕子,箕子陈述,而由周初史官记录而成的。《洪范》反映了箕子对历代统治经验与教训的总结,是古代文明在政治方面、思想方面的传承。周初统治者对《洪范》非常重视,认真学习并贯彻到统治过程中。《洪范》对整个西周时期都产生了深远的影响。第二章主要阐释了《洪范》文本内容及其所反映的时代特征。我们对《洪范》的文本内容进行了详细的解读;同时对能反映时代特征的内容、学术界有争议的内容及我们与传统观点不同的见解进行了考证;最后我们又举出能印证《洪范》内容的西周金文内容、《今文尚书》中的周初内容及《诗经》中的西周内容,这些内容能证明《洪范》确实在西周就已产生,并且对它们产生了影响。通过这些研究,我们能从《洪范》文本内容来论证其成篇时代在西周,从而确保了我们之前研究结论的正确性。第三章主要阐释了周公思想与《洪范》的关系。首先简述了周公的生平事迹及历史功绩。其次从受命、天命靡常、敬天、顺天、赏福罚祸、知天命、卜筮七个方面论述了周公天命思想与《洪范》的关系。最后我们对周公的政治思想中与《洪范》有关的七种思想,即德政思想、保民思想、尚贤敬德思想、慎罚思想、恭敬思想、君王表率思想、王天下思想,进行详细论述,阐明其与《洪范》之间的承继关系。第四章主要阐述了老子思想与《洪范》的关系。相对于孔子、墨子两章内容,这一章是最难写的,因为在《老子》一书中,没有明确地引用《尚书》或《洪范》的标注;同时对于老子的经历,学术界也知之甚少。所以对于这一章内容,采用了不同的研究方法。首先我们简述了老子的经历及老子的核心思想——尊道与贵德。其次我们从史官之职,与《老子》所反映的《尚书》思想两个方面,来论证老子与《尚书》的关系。最后我们从老子的道、水、德、王、重与静、兵、福祸思想去论证老子思想与《洪范》的关系。通过前面的论证,我们得出结论:老子思想与《洪范》的关系很紧密。正是因为老子深刻地了解了《洪范》的思想,才会将其继承与发展,形成自己关于“道德”的思想体系。第五章主要阐释了孔子思想与《洪范》的关系。首先简述了孔子经历中与《尚书》有关系的内容——求学、教授、著述情况,及孔子的核心思想——守礼与成仁。其次从孔子引用《尚书》、研习《尚书》、以《书》为教、论次《书》及对《书》的评价五个方面来论证孔子与《尚书》的密切关系。最后论述孔子思想与《洪范》的关系。孔子曾说过:“《洪范》可以观度”,而此“度”指法度、规范,这说明《洪范》中的法度、规范,对孔子思想的形成起了重用作用。我们以孔子的礼、德思想为主,举贤任能为辅,全面论证了《洪范》对孔子思想的影响。第六章主要阐释了墨子思想与《洪范》的关系。首先简述了墨子经历中与《尚书》有关系的内容,及墨子的核心思想。其次从墨子引用《尚书》、研究《尚书》两方面去论证墨子与《尚书》的紧密关系。其中墨子引用《尚书》这一部分,历来看法不同,我们认为,还是狭义地统计为好,即把《墨子》明确征引《尚书》(或“先王之书”)内容,或者称引内容见于《今古文尚书》或其篇名同于《书序》作为统计的对象。我们对《墨子》引用《尚书》的内容逐条与今传《今古文尚书》、《逸周书》、《书传》相对照,整理出它们之间的关系。最后我们研究墨子思想与《洪范》的关系。因为墨子思想受《洪范》影响非常多,而且又经常纠缠在一起,所以我们决定按篇来研究。我们以《尚同》篇为主,以《尚贤》、《非命》、《天志》篇为辅,对墨子思想所受《洪范》之影响进行全面地研究。第七章主要阐述了孟子、《管子》、韩非子思想与《洪范》的关系。其实就时间与思想来讲,老子、孔子、墨子与《洪范》的关系最近,而且他们又分别开创了三个学派,他们的思想对本学派的其他人影响很深,有时候我们很难说弟子的思想跳过老师而直接受《洪范》的影响。但在战国时期,管仲学派的代表作《管子》以及法家学派的代表人物韩非子,因为他们的思想不属于儒、墨、道三家,因此我们可以说他们的思想可能会直接来源于《洪范》。本着这个原则,我们对《管子》、《韩非子》与《洪范》的关系进行了研究。通过我们的研究发现:《管子》对《洪范》的继承是非常全面的,几乎囊括了《洪范》的所有内容,如五行、敬用五事、八政、五纪、皇极、三德、庶征等,管仲用来自于《洪范》的思想去治理齐国,并使齐国成为春秋五霸,也说明了《洪范》思想是经得起实践检验的,是比较理想的治国方略。韩非子主要继承了《洪范》的“皇极”思想,并将其重新归纳为法、柄、术、威势四个方面,同时强调要将这四个内容结合起来使用,从而形成他的君王集权思想。孟子是继孔子之后,儒家学派的又一位代表人物,他的王道思想、民本思想及任贤贵德思想与《洪范》的关系非常紧密,所以我们对孟子思想与《洪范》的关系亦进行了研究。

【Abstract】 Hongfan is Jizi’s statements recorded by the historians at the initial stage of Zhou Dynasty about the governance Dafa of nine countries. Since the beginning, Hongfan had played a profound impact on the Pre-Qin thoughts, from which we selected a representative analysis of the important thinking of the characters and found its close link with Hongfan.The first chapter explains the authors of the Hongfan and the era of the textual research. First, the authors and the different views on Hongfan will be sorted respectively, from which the focus of the debate will be concluded. Next, by means of the investigation on the period, the relationship between Hongfan and Xiangong Xu,the times of the publication and the stylistic features of the book, we’ll come to our conclusion that Hongfan was recorded by the historians at the initial stage of Zhou Dynasty according to Jizi’s statement because King Wu of Zhou visited Jizi. Hongfan reflected Jizi’s summary of experiences and lessons on the respective dynasties, to some extent, it inherited the politics from the ancient civilization. The rulers of Zhou Dynasty paid emphasis on Hongfan seriously, conscientiously studied it and implemented it to the rule. So, Hongfan had a profound impact on the Western Zhou Dynasty .The second chapter explains the text and the times of Hongfan. We analyse and interpret Hongfan in great detail; at the same time, the contents reflecting the characteristics of the times, the academic content and controversy with the traditional view will be verified; Finally ,we quote some material from the books like Jinwenshangshu and Shijing to prove the contents of the Western Zhou Dynasty , which can show that Hongfan actually had been produced in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and had the impact on them. Through these studies, we can, from the Hongfan, prove its text formed in the era of the Western Zhou Dynasty, thus convincing the correctness of our previous conclusions.The third chapter explains the relationship between Duke Zhou’s thought and Hongfan. First, we’ll state the experience and historical merit of Duke Zhou. Second, from the ordered, destiny often extravagant, Respect, Shun and enjoy the blessing penalty trouble, knowing destiny, divination seven aspects ,we discuss the relation between the destiny thought of Duke Zhou and Hongfan. Finally, we’ll discuss the relationship between Duke Zhou’s political thoughts and Hongfan. We’ll explore Duke Zhou and the Hongfan from the seven ideas,ie, benevolent thoughts and the thoughts of protecting the people ,respecting the able , carefully fining, respecting, King’s setting an example, ruling to clarify the inherited relationship with Hongfan. The fourth chapter explains the relationship between Laozi and Hongfan.Compared with the two chapters of Confucius and Mo, it is more difficult to write this chapter because it is not explicitly referred to Shangshu. While at the same time, the academic field does not clearly know the experience of Laozi. So, for this chapter, we’ll use different research methods. First, we briefly state the experience of Lao Tzu and Lao Tzu’s core ideas that is respect Tao and Te. Next, We’ll prove the the relationship between Laozi and Shangshu from the two aspects. Finally, we’ll prove, from the idea of Lao Tzu’s Tao, water, moral, king, heavy and static, soldier, fortune or misfortune to prove the relationship between Laozi and Hongfan. By the foregoing discussion, we conclude that the relationship between Laozi and Hongfan is very close. It is precisely because Laozi deeply understands the thinking of Hongfan that their inheritance and development will form their own on the moral ideology.Chapter five explains the relationship between Confucianism and Hongfan. First, we’ll explore the related contents, from Confucius experience-study, teach, write and the core ideas of Confucius (Shouli and righteousness). Second, from the Confucius quotation, we’ll prove the close relationship between Confucius and Shangshu. Last, we’ll discuss the relationship between Confucianism and Hongfan. Confucius once said that Hongfan can be used to view the degree.And this degree refers to the testimonies, norms, indicating that Hongfan plays a role in the formation of Confucius. Based on the Confucius ideology, we’ll prove the impact of Confucianism on Hongfan.Chapter six explains the relationship between Mohism and Hongfan . First, we’ll explore the related contents with Mo and the ideological contents of Mozi. Second, Second, from the Mo’s quotation, we’ll prove the close relationship between Mo and Shangshu. As for the quotation of Mo’s, there has always been different views. We believe it is better to narrowly figure out the quotation. We’ll compare Mo with other books such as Yizhoushu, Book Biography etc., sorting out the relationship between them. Finally, we’ll study the relationship between Mohism and Hongfan. Because Mohism is influenced by Hongfan greatly and they are often intertwined, we’ll decide to study it in terms of chapters. We’ll put Shangtong as the major study , other chapters like Shangxian supplemented, conducting a comprehensive study of the impact.Chapter seven explains the relationship between Hongfan and other pre-Qin philosophers’Thought. In fact, in terms of time and thought, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mo have the most closest relationship with Hongfan. Moreover, they opened three schools respectively and their thoughts deeply influenced other people in the schools. Sometimes it is difficult to say the thoughts of disciples can surpass the teacher and directly are influenced by Hongfan . However, in the Warring States period, the masterpiece of Guan school and a representative of Legalists Han Fei, for their thoughts do not belong to Confucianism, Mo, and Taoism, might be derived directly from the Hongfan. With this principle, we’ll study the relationship among Guanzi, Hanfeizi and Hongfan. Through our research, we’ll find that Guanzi succession is very comprehensive, covering almost the whole content of Hongfan. Moreover, Guan used the idea from the Hongfan to rule Qi kingdom and made Qi as the super power at the period of the Spring and Autumn, which show the idea of Hongfan can stand the test of practice and ideal. As for Han Fei, he inherited the imperial pole thinking of Hongfan, and re-inducted it as the law, handle, technique, power and influence, while at the same time he emphasized to combine the four elements to form his centralized thinking. Despite belonging to the Confucian school, Mencius is also a representative figure of the Confucian school. Moreover, Mencius thoughts like the kingly thought, thought of the people and Ren Xiangui Thought has very close relationship with Hongfan. So we’ll make research on the relationship between Mencius and Hongfan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

