

Economic Theory Research of Escaping from Poverty

【作者】 刘博

【导师】 杨惠昶;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 西方经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着人类历史呈螺旋状向上发展,贫困和富裕始终相伴相生,脱贫致富成为贯穿其中的最基本的人类奋斗目标。在日益发展的经济社会中更多地关注贫困、思考贫困、研究贫困,这体现了人类既能清醒而理性地看待既往成就,同时又保持了对“富裕社会”、“美好社会”的向往和追求,推动人类文明不断向前发展。本文的切入点和中心立足点具有理论创新性,在世界经济理论集中趋向于对富裕研究的情况下,本文以经济发展中存在的贫困问题为研究背景,从一个比较独特的视角去诠释经济发展及其成果对现实世界的影响,更多地站在相对贫困人口的立场上去解释和剖析经济事实。本文在研究方法上比较注重经济事实的案例式分析,始终认为只有真实的经济结果才是检验经济理论正确与否的唯一标准。贫困在本文中被定义为收入贫困、人类贫困和社会贫困。收入贫困在三种贫困的表现形式中是最易被接受也是最能进行直观度量和判断的。收入贫困就是指缺乏最低水平的足够的收入或支出。收入的“缺乏”程度成为判断是否贫困的尺度和标准。人类贫困是指缺乏基本的人的能力,如不识字、营养不良、缺乏卫生条件、平均寿命短等。社会贫困就是一种社会关系所有权的不足,表现为人们在所处的经济社会中普遍缺乏获取、交流、应用和创造知识与信息的能力,或者缺乏权利、机会与途径获得这一能力,而这种知识和能力可以带给个人脱贫致富的诸多可能。贫富差距是指由于各个社会成员所处的具体社会政治、经济和文化方面的地位和环境不同,而形成的实际占有社会财富的差距。贫富差距有一个可衡量的指标基尼系数。近代世界经济发展史揭示资产阶级从追求自我利润出发使劳动、土地和资本这三种生产要素实现最佳组合,生产出最大的产量,是人类社会为生产而生产,创造了其以前时代无法想象且无与伦比的财富。与此同时资本主义生产方式也创造了前所未有的财富两极分化。富人的财富积累和穷人的贫困积累齐头并进。18世纪的资产阶级经济学家几乎都是站在资产阶级的立场上,有的极力鼓吹贫富并存是自然规律论调,让穷人俯首帖耳地听从所谓上帝的安排。有的大肆宣扬要使富人富,就必须让穷人穷的露骨剥削有理的谬论。有的居然叫嚣扶贫活动破坏自然的和谐和优美。当然,也有的对穷人的贫穷表示一点同情,提出文明秩序要求富人应该使穷人处于安适和宽松的从属关系的见解,其目的也只是为了缓和现实社会财富两极分化的矛盾和对富裕阶层的潜在威胁。布阿吉尔贝尔关于国家贫困是政府经济政策失误的有关理论的内容是很丰富的。本文对布阿吉尔贝尔的脱贫经济理论基本上是肯定的态度表述的。亚当·斯密科学地阐述了个人和国家致富的基本原理,与此同时也阐述了个人和国家贫困的原因在于土地和其他财产私有,在于政府通过法律对贫富之差的保护。凯恩斯认为,完全自由放任是工人失业、收入分配不均的根本原因。凯恩斯还认为,减少贫富之差的主要措施,就是加强政府的税收管理,建立竞争的原则,发展股份经济。凯恩斯关于混合经济的理论对今天的我国很有借鉴意义。马克思的《资本论》所阐述的两个基本理论就是劳动价值论和剩余价值论。从理论上说明工人的贫困不在于原罪,而在于被剥夺。资本家富足也不是源于天赐而在于掠夺。马克思还运用大量生动的事实揭露当年最富裕的英国的工农大众的贫困。马克思的脱贫理论对正在积极发展经济,以求脱贫致富的中国来说,十分有现实意义。在旧中国,由于帝国主义的侵略,封建主义和官僚资本主义的压迫,人民的生命毫无保障,因战乱饥寒而死者不计其数。争取生存权利历史地成为中国人民必须首先要解决的人权问题,也是旧中国的贫困根源所在。一个国家、地区及其所属的个人,无论占有的自然资源如何丰富,历史积淀如何丰厚,人们对安定美好生活的愿望如何迫切,只要国家不独立、民族不统一、政治不稳定,就不会拥有真正意义上的脱贫致富。自1980年以来,中国的脱贫人口在发展中国家脱贫人口中占75%——这是一个惊人的事实,中国的减贫成就举世瞩目。按照1天1美元的国际贫困标准,中国贫困发生率自1990年以来已经下降一半,提前完成了千年发展目标。改革开放30年,与过往的历史比较,中国正在崛起,这是一个国家最好的时代,脱贫致富,“超英赶美”,梦想成真,中国距离世界中心地带越来越近。然而在一派繁华的背后,需要冷静的思考,今日中国的贫困问题并没有消灭,已由普遍的贫困发生了根本的改变,以贫富不均为代表的新的贫困问题日益突出,并与经济的高速发展形成鲜明的对比。中国目前贫困人口的规模仍然很大。中国剩余贫困人口的分布具有极强的地域指向性和集中分布性特征,绝大部分分布在中西部,特别是农村。在农村贫困问题还没有得到妥善解决的同时,城镇贫困问题不仅出现,而且其规模越来越大,从而使中国目前的农村贫困问题与城镇贫困问题呈现此消彼长的发展趋势。贫富差距加大已成突出矛盾。我国扶贫开发工作出现新趋势。人均财富的不足和贫富差距的加大是现今中国面临的主要贫困,人口问题、土地和资源问题、环境问题、三农问题、失业及城市贫困问题加上经济运行中不可完全避免的权利寻租现象共同促成了这个极其现实的新的贫困问题,这是中国经济保持健康持续发展的最大障碍,也是处在新的历史时期,面对新的经济宏观客观环境的新的“脱贫致富”的课题。中国改革开放30多年来,社会生产力得到了空前发展,人们的物质生活得到了极大丰富,战胜自然灾害的能力也越来越强,脱贫致富成为经济发展的必然结果。通过深入分析,可以归纳出中国脱贫致富经验的三个显著特点:第一,中国的经济运行无论在理论上还是在实践上都具有非常宽泛的包容性,这一特点在改革开放之后的三十多年表现得更为突出。中国的社会实践在理论上吸取了经济学各家之长,融会贯通,且带有明显的中国式哲学的特色,并不拘泥于既有的某一流派和成规,而是因时因地因人进行合宜地变通和发挥。指导改革开放在中国全面铺开的邓小平理论的核心部分就是尊重经济规律,遵从市场规律,打开人民追逐财富梦想的通道,这也正是1776年经济学之父亚当.斯密《国富论》的精髓所在。由苏联式的中央计划经济模式到市场经济体系转型的基本成功,其转型的路径又凸显了“诱致性制度变迁”的理论特点。第二,中国的经济实践在总体上,特别是大的全局性的经济战略转折上以政府的统一协调指挥为鲜明特色,政府对经济的运行表现出积极的主动性。中国十几亿人口的特殊国情决定了只有统一和谐,步调一致才是摆脱整体贫困,到达共同富裕的基本前提。经济学家凯恩斯所主张的政府要充分发挥管理经济的作用,市场经济与有序的政府管理相互配合的经济理论,在中国的实际经济运行中得到了显著体现。贫困问题绝大部分是人为因素所导致的,正如布阿吉尔贝尔论证的“政府的错误政策会在一小时之内毁掉若干年内积累的财富”一样,要达到脱贫致富的目标,更多的也要依靠人为的决策和努力,“政府正确的政策会在24小时内使国家由贫变富”。第三,中国脱贫致富经济实践的基本出发点和落脚点非常明确,就是符合最广大人民的利益和意志。在新中国,占国家统治地位的是人民大众,这是由国家性质所决定的。在马克思的脱贫经济理论中我们可以知道,资本主义社会的贫困和贫富差距极度悬殊的社会问题主要是因为各种创造财富的生产资料和资本所有权的归属矛盾所导致的。在资本主义社会,脱贫和致富是两个阶级的不同追求目标,带有本质上的不可协调性,甚至表现为阶级利益的相互吞噬和排斥。中国特有的社会主义国家的优越性在这一点上得到充分发挥,国家利益和人民利益协调统一,脱贫和致富是社会全体成员的一致目标。政府在进行经济决策时的依据就是是否有利于广大人民的利益,这从根本上保证了宏观经济政策的方向性是正确的和先进的。从世界经济总的发展趋势来看,贫困问题客观存在,特别是相对贫困仍旧是急需解决的经济重点问题。由于当今贫困问题的产生更多地表现为人为因素所造成,本文呼吁经济理论研究要对贫困问题及脱贫致富的方法探索给予关注,并充分考虑不同的时代背景和地域特性,向有针对性和实践可操作性倾斜。通过本文的分析可以把贫困产生的原因归纳为:1、国内政治不稳定、本国以外的国际势力对本国的侵略、殖民和掠夺;2、由于本国自然资源有限、政府采用的经济政策和制定的经济制度不符合本国经济发展要求,基础经济长期不发达,法律不健全等宏观原因导致国内的各种生产要素严重缺失或其所有权、使用权混乱,生产力受到破坏和束缚,实际经济运行违背经济规律,社会生产效率低。以上因素更多地导致了社会的普遍贫困和绝对贫困;3、由本国经济发展过程中各种生产要素所有权趋于集中、伴随社会财富积累所导致的贫富差距加大,产生相对贫困。导致收入贫困、人类贫困和社会贫困的三个原因中,人为因素都起到决定性作用,这说明贫困的产生更多的是人类不当行为,特别是以国家为主体的政治经济行为造成的,同时也意味着,通过不断的修正和改进,“脱贫致富”的目标是可以实现的。本文通过理论与实践经验的总结,积极探索解决贫困问题的途径和方法:1、通过国家独立、国内政治稳定解决产生贫困的外部因素,无论对国家整体还是对个人都是脱贫致富的首要前提;2、通过遵循经济运行规律,解放生产力,循序渐进地建立和发挥市场经济作用,从微观做起,调动社会全体成员的生产积极性,满足其脱贫致富的愿望,保护其生产经营的自由,公平合理分配和利用有限的社会资源,在肯定生产资料所有权的基础上充分发挥各种生产要素的比较优势,集中精力解决贫困产生的内部因素,鼓励适应性变革和自主创新,这是解决社会普遍贫困最重要的方法和步骤,是脱贫致富的内在动因,是国家整体富裕的关键因素;3、通过政府积极参与管理和调控市场经济发展,以宏观改革保证整体经济的方向性,以公平、持续发展为基础实施宏观经济管理,保障参与社会经济实践发展的个人更多地分享社会经济发展的成果。政府通过调整各种生产要素所有权的再分配和鼓励促进生产效率而达到最大限度解决贫富差距和相对贫困问题;4、几种贫困问题交织在一起,但在不同的历史时期,不同的社会经济背景下,贫困问题会有主要表现形式的不同,这就要求政府适时调整对策,集中精力判断和解决社会主要矛盾。选择贫困还是富裕,更多的主动权是掌握在人自己的手中,为了保证社会的和谐统一,应由政府代表人民来进行选择。解决贫困问题的方法和途径有其内在的逻辑性,由社会、经济发展的必然规律所决定。只有分清主次矛盾,因时因势进行决策选择,循序渐进地进行改革和完善,拒绝引起社会不稳定的突变式的社会经济变革,才能达到真正意义上的脱贫致富的成果,这也是被中国60年社会经济发展实践所检验了的中国经验。战争、动荡、闭关自守、以邻为壑、背信弃义、为富不仁,违背规律,会引起社会的倒退,财富的消灭。和平、独立、生产、贸易、公平、创新和诚信,按照规律发展就能达到社会的公平进步,人民的安宁富足。科技的进步、知识的普及、社会文明的深入人心,社会财富的日益积累以及人们对脱贫致富的不懈追求和对脱贫经济理论的不断探索,积极地在社会经济实践中采取适宜的措施和方法来消灭贫困,就是对既往努力积累起来的财富和富裕生活的最有力的保护,人类的未来将会充满光明。

【Abstract】 Economic Theory Research of Escaping from PovertyAlong with the spiral-shaped development of man history, Poverty and wealth accompanies with each other, how to cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity into the penetration becomes most basic humanity goal。Pay more attention to ponder and research poverty in economic society, can manifest the humanity regard achievement sober, simultaneously, maintain yearn for eternal fervor for“the affluent society”,“the happy society”, impel the human culture to develop forward unceasingly。In this paper impoverished is defined as income, humanity and society impoverished。Lack of current capacity receive causes the wealth storage quantity insufficiency, income impoverished is accepted directly in three kind of impoverished and is also the most easy the direct-viewing measure and the judgment。The income impoverished refers to the lack of the lowest level the enough income or the disbursement。The income“lack”the degree becomes criterion and standard of judging impoverished。The humanity impoverished is refers to lacks of the basic person’s ability, such as illiteracy, malnutrition, deficient sanitary condition, mean lifetime short and so on。World Bank once was“lacks the impoverished limits achieves the lowest level of living ability”in 1990。The society impoverished is one kind of social relations property rights insufficiency, displays the human in the economic society lacking of gain, exchange, application and creation knowledge and information ability generally, or lacking of right, opportunity and way to obtain this ability, but this kind of knowledge and ability may take to many possibilities which casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity personally。What the society impoverished more is by the social factor, specially the institutional factor decision, like national system, international environment, historical culture and so on, this is take the social relations as“the capital”lacking。Impoverished because of income, humanity and social synthesis is a compound concept, not only concerned individual, but also society; simultaneously“impoverished”is also the time concept which an evolution evolves, not only manifests in one point in time, but should put to certain historical period in carefully examines and studies。The gap between rich and poor is refers to the public wealth disparity difference of each members of different social classes locate the concrete social politics about economical, cultural and environmental aspect’s status。The gap between rich and poor has index number called Gini Coefficient。The Gini’s coefficient (Gini Coefficient) was proposed by Italian economist Guinea in 1922 which is an important analysis target the quantitative determination division of income difference degree, internationally used for the comprehensive survey resident interior division of income difference condition。Its economical meaning is: the percentage of using in carrying on the equal distribution that part of income to account for gross income in the complete resident receives。The world impoverished people total quantity presents tendency increases, the impoverished condition has not had the effective improvement。The gap between rich and poor is getting bigger and bigger。The impoverished question has the globalized tendency。How to treat worker’s poverty, this is the important watershed in Marxism economic and a capitalism economic。The Marxism economists stand in poor person’s standpoint to study the poor person to cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity, the bourgeoisie economists stand in rich person’s standpoint to study to let the rich person on rich be richer。The modern times world economics history reveals bourgeoisie how to embark to make the work, the land and the capital these three kind of element of production from pursues the self-profit to realize the optimal fit, produces the greatest output, was the human society producing for the production, creating its before time to be unable to imagine, and unequalled wealth。Meanwhile the capitalist mode of production has also created the unprecedented wealth polarization。Rich person’s wealth accumulation and poor person’s impoverished accumulation advances in unison。All bourgeoisie economists can not acknowledge the recognition the poverty, but they stand in bourgeoisie’s standpoint, thought that worker’s poverty is the perfectly justified matter, this is also not worth sympathizing, also not change。The 18th century’s bourgeoisie economist nearly stand in bourgeoisie’s standpoint, some promoted rich and poor coexisting is the natural law views vigorously, let the poor person be servile obeys the so-called God’s arrangement; some indulge in unbridled propaganda must make the rich person to be rich, must let the poor person poor undisguised exploitation rational fallacy; Some clamor poverty relief to destroy the natural harmony unexpectedly and exquisite; Certainly, also some to the poor person expressed poorly a sympathy, proposed the civilized order requests the rich person to cause the poor person to be in peaceful and comfortable and the loose membership opinion, its goal also is only to relax the realistic public wealth polarization the contradiction and to the wealthy social stratum latent threat。Buajierbeier about the country impoverished is the government economic policy fault related theory content is very rich。Smith , the British renowned economist, the bourgeoisie classical political economy’s representative personage, who is called father of the economic by the Western economical theorists。His famous work "National wealth Discussed" elaborated individual and the national becoming rich basic principle scientifically, at the same time also elaborated individual and the national impoverished reason lay in the land and other properties private, lay in the government through the law to difference of the rich and poor protection。Keynes believed that the completely laissez-faire is basic reason which the worker is unemployed, the division of income uneven。Keynes also believed that reduces difference of the rich and poor key measure, is to strengthen government’s tax administration, establish the competition principle, develop stock economy。These positions also have certain reference value today。Keynes not only pointed out that the capitalist society division of income is uneven, moreover also proposed the reduction wealth assignment uneven ways。He believed that the government may reduce the division of income through the tax policy and the monetary policy to be uneven。Contemporary economic Master Galbraith in his representative works "Affluent society" proposed concept called“the affluent society”, had reflected fully the poverty which the nowadays West economists attention and research about impoverished questions, analyzed today world, specially comprehensively the developed country faces the reality which and still existed。Two elementary theories Marx’s "Das Kapital" elaborated are the labor theory of value and the surplus theory of value。Theoretically the explanation worker’s poverty does not lie in the pardoned crime, but lies in is eliminated; the capitalist abundant is not stems from the day to bestow, but lies in plunder。Marx also utilized massive vivid fact exposed wealthiest Britain’s worker-peasant masses’ poverty in the past。Marx’s impoverished theory to China which cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity has the practical significance。Current China has Britain’s poverty which impoverished and Marx describes, in certain aspects, has the astonishing similarity。We must give the full value。Actually, these two kind of systems of ownership in the modern society, nearly are mix in all countries, but this is only the primary mixed economy。The high-level mixed economy is individual ownership’s mixed economy, is the true stock system economy which Marx said above the public ownership system foundation。This kind of mix is not two kind of different system of ownership’s machinery mixed, but is two kind of different system of ownership’s organic mixed, what this kind of mix emphasis is the high unification。In our country, because the accumulation of capital, the capital operation, the increase in capital becomes reasonably legitimate, the capital displays fully to economic development’s positive role, the capital also obviously displays to the social stability harmonious destruction。Simultaneously some not harmonious phenomenon also along with it production, becomes the Chinese current impoverished problem the principal contradiction, is also the Chinese surplus impoverished production principal factor。Regarding a country and the nationality, if do not have the right to subsistence, other all without knowing where to begin mention, the old China’s poverty is precisely the right to subsistence crisis。"Universal Declaration of Human Rights" thought that everybody is authorized to enjoy the life, the freedom and the personal safety。In old China, as a result of imperialism’s aggression, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism’s oppression, people’s life did not have safeguards, the dead is countless because of chaos caused by war hunger and cold。How to strive for the right to subsistence become the human rights question which historically the Chinese people must first want to solve, is also the old China’s impoverished root。Before new China was established, the China social economy serious lag the world economic development which eagerly anticipates in the Industrial Revolution, sealed up the backward natural economy; politics is unstable, the current political situation was turbulent; semi-colonial, plundered; war。The economic frictions more displayed in the country and the people plunder the influence with inside and outside in the opposition。The whole impoverished existed with the rich and poor gap, the country occupied the economical collapse edge, the people had no means to make a living。In the synthesis, we may draw the conclusion: a country, area and respective individual, regardless of how rich is the natural resource , how does the history accumulate richly, how urgent are the people to live stable happy life’s desire, so long as the national independence, the nationality not unified, politics is unstable, will have casting off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity in the true sense。However in a school of lively behind, the calm ponder is necessary, Today impoverished question of China has not eliminated, but by universal has had the radical change impoverished, day by day is unevenly prominent take the rich and poor as representative’s new impoverished question, and the sharp forms contrast with the economical high speed development。At present China remained saves the stricken people the scale to be very still big。The Chinese surplus stricken people’s distribution has the greatly strengthened region directive property and the centralized distributed characteristic, the major part distributes in the mid-west, especially countryside。Had not obtained adequate solution while the countryside impoverished question, the cities impoverished question not only appears, moreover its scale is getting bigger and bigger, thus causes the trend of development which the Chinese present countryside impoverished question and the cities impoverished question present are in inverse proportion。The gap between rich and poor enlarges and has become the prominent contradiction。Our country poverty relief development work has the new tendency。The average per person wealth’s insufficiency and gap between rich and poor’s enlargement is the mainly impoverished that China faces nowadays , the population question, the land and the resources questions, the environment question, three agricultural questions, the unemployment and the urban impoverished question and the economical movement could not avoid completely the right to seek the phenomenon to facilitate make up this extremely realistic new impoverished question together, this is the biggest barrier that Chinese economy wants to maintain the health sustained development , also occupies the new historical period, new“cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity”the topic facing the new economical macroscopic objective environment。Along with the national unification and living conditions of the people generally change to good, the Chinese economy continues the fast growth basic solution universal impoverished question, impoverished more and more displays for the gap between rich and poor bringing about relatively impoverished, its emerge also gradually primarily transforms by the domestic and foreign factor combined action to the country internal factor。Along with more and more serious rich and poor differentiation which take individual as representative,“relatively impoverished”becomes the social focal point and the stabilizing factor, regardless of being the population question or the resources question, is the question which in the final analysis the property rights and the assignment uneven produce。Each kind of element of production property rights which the wealth multiplies in the nimble opening market economy is concentrated inevitably, and the centralism degree enlarges by fast growth’s economic development and the huge population base。The bigger that entire essential factor productivity’s function, the bigger that element of production property rights’ wealth disintegration。In current Chinese economic development prominent contradiction also concentrated expression in individual producer goods property rights opposition。This requests us in the successful experience which casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity formerly from China to carry on the summary, and unifies the new historical period fully the national condition, deals with the new impoverished question promptly。From being invaded and plunders to maintain independence and keep initiative; poor helpless and despairs pessimistically from the pre-liberation to the country weak people, can only struggle after the most basic survival the liberation victory is stable afterward strives for the survival and the development; from to the average ideal live simply and frugally absolutely to liberates person’s becoming rich desire, the adaptation transforms, all the people cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity; bestow from the passive desire to assists impoverished, the accord development, builds the affluent society; from part of people get rich first to the government’s coordinated, improve the social economy fair mechanism positively, lets more people enjoy to the economic development actual benefit, grasp becoming rich the initiative; and the shock treatment“Beijing mutual recognition”and under the evolution method causes the system vicissitude from“the Washington mutual recognition”。The economical practice of China“casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity”went out one way that has the Chinese characteristic of socialism development, in realized soberly still exists, the gap between rich and poor to the relatively impoverished question has under the expanded tendency premise, we should see that fruitful social economy practice has solved the Chinese society’s universal impoverished problem and the principal contradiction。In the new China’s 60 year glorious course, contains maintaining independence and keeping initiative, relies on one’s own effort to revive the penetrating judgment, realistic, law of the science practical governing and casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity。Escaping from poverty the economic theory of China is taking root deeply middle the social economy practice, we insist this invariable master line foundation that national politics stable unified and economic development throughout, take public ownership system as in main body , the deference economic development’s rule, respect the people’s will, adapt the subjective and objective environment changes positively, changes and invariably, have the behavior to be able to refrain from doing things, complete the economy in proceeding in an orderly way to rise, the country prosperous and powerful and people’s wealth。More than 30 year social economy practice of China reform and open policy is taking the government to the human society law of development, the socialist construction rule and the carrying out rules deepens the understanding to unfold unceasingly as the background, maintains the sober understanding to the national condition time, revises and advances the economic development methodically in rich and the development, government’s leading role becomes the entire economic development gradually with the mature market economy the core。The social productive forces obtain the unprecedented development, people’s material life obtain enormously rich, ability against the natural disaster also get stronger and stronger, casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity into the economic development is an inevitable result。A series of economy measures and the methods which have the Chinese characteristic, step out one path which has the Chinese characteristic to cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity。Sum up the experience which obtains by the practice casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity : the peace and stability, humanist, the open innovation, practical。This article through the deep research of impoverished theory, united massive full and accurate statistical data, takes“casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity”the experience of the achievement and summarizes of the new Chinese 60 years as the analysis key, inquires about the impoverished root and the solution impoverished method and the way diligently。In summary, this article draws the following conclusion:Looking from the world economics total trend of development, the impoverished question exists objectively, especially relatively impoverished is still the economical key question that urgently needed to be solved。Because the production of impoverished the question is created by human factor, this article appeals that the economic theory research needs give the attention to the method exploration which casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity to the impoverished question, and give full considerations to different time background and region characteristic, to target-oriented and practice feasibility incline。Produces impoverished reason: the three reasons that cause the income impoverished, the humanity impoverished and social impoverished, the human factor plays the decisive effect, this explains what the impoverished production is the humanity does not work as the behavior, specially creates by the country as the main body political economic activities, simultaneously also means that through the unceasing revisions and the improvements, the goal of“casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity”is achievable。External reason: the domestic politics unstable, outside our country international influence to our country aggression, colonizes and plunders。Internal reason one: Because our country natural resource is limited, the government uses the economic policy and the formulation economic system does not meet our country economic development requirement, the foundation economy is not for a long time developed, the law is not perfect and so on macroscopic reason causes the domestic each kind of element of production serious flaw or its property rights, the right of use is chaotic, the productive forces receives the destruction and the fetter, the real economy movement violates the economic law, the social product efficiency is low。The above factors has caused the society universal impoverished and absolutely impoverished。Internal reason two: Each kind of element of production property rights tend by our country economic development process in the centralism causes the gap between rich and poor which follow the public wealth which to accumulates to produce to enlarge, produces relatively impoverished。Solutions of the impoverished question: 1st, through the national independence, the domestic politics stable solution has the impoverished external factor, regardless to the national whole to individual is the most important premise which casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity。2nd, through following the economy operating law, the liberation productive forces, establish and play the market economy role methodically, from microscopic starts, the reassignment society all member’s production enthusiasm, satisfy the desire which it casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity, protect its the freedom of production operation ,assign and use limited social resource fully, display each kind of element of production fully in the affirmation producer goods property rights’ foundation the comparison superiority, the centralized energy solution produces impoverished the internal factor, encourage the compatible transformation and the independent innovation, this is the solutions to the social universal impoverished most important method and step, is internal agent which casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity, is the national whole wealthy key aspect。3rd, participation positively through the government manages and regulates the market economy development, take the macroscopic reform guarantee overall economy’s directivity, by fair, the sustained development as the foundation implementation macro economic management, a safeguard participation social economy practice development’s person more shares the socio-economic development the achievement。The government solves the gap between rich and poor and the relatively impoverished question through adjusts each kind of element of production property rights the redistribution and encourages to promote the production efficiency to achieve maximum limit。4th, several kind of impoverished questions interweave in the same place, but in the different historical period, under the different socio-economic background, the impoverished question will have the main manifestation difference, this request government at the right moment ordering strategy, centralized energy judgment and solution society principal contradiction。Impoverished has not been eliminated, the different development phase exists different impoverished questions, wealthy cannot be separated from impoverished and exists independently, the impoverished existence is in itself to public wealth decreasing, for instance the national defense and the anti-terrorist expenditure, for instance the environmental protection and the legal expenditure, for instance the poverty relief and social security’s expenditure, increase society’s cost impoverished, not that wealthy country and individual can cultivate one’s own moral worth in front of the poverty。Impoverished is not“God”penalty, so long as according to the natural law, the economic law management, cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity with the sustained development is achievable, wealthy is not depending on impoverished, impoverished can decrease wealthily, but wealthy may help to be separated from the original difficult position to achieve impoverished together abundantly, impoverished that is saved will become facilitates the wealthy double the turning point and the fountainhead。At the same time, impoverished is also“God”penalty, if not according to the natural law and the economic law management, poor and the poverty trap also will exist by the rich extension, the natural disaster, the artificial disaster will not differentiate impoverished and wealthy, greedy (to natural environment’s excessive development and destruction), selfish , might (aggression and war) can be with impoverished draw in together wealthily the abyss which the society will back up。Clearly recognized in the reality produces impoverished the reason, chooses the solution impoverished method correctly, regardless of regarding impoverished wealthy similarly is important。 The country changes the passive relief type poverty relief to provide more and the fair each kind of element of production property rights and the right of use, to cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity the build rise steps and ladders; changes personally the passive waiting rescue for initiative integrates during the economic production to use the information society positively the development platform, the excavation can the use each kind of element of production, supports oneself, striving to improve, the self-respect, the self-respect to seek casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity the way。Choose impoverished or wealthy, more initiatives are grasp in person’s hands, should carry on the choice by the government on behalf of the people。Solve the impoverished question method and the way has its intrinsic logic, is decided by social and economic development’s inexorable law。The progress of technical , the popularization of knowledge , strike root in the hearts of the people of social civilization , accumulate public wealth day-by-day as well as the people’s unremitting pursue which cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity the theory unceasing exploration, adopt suitable positively in the social economy practice the measure and the method abolish poverty casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity, will be to the wealth which and the wealthy life most powerful protection will accumulate diligently formerly, the humanity will fill the light in the future。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

