

The Study of Post 90s American Chinese Women Fiction

【作者】 董美含

【导师】 付景川;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪的世界文坛,常常在许多批评家眼中被视为“一场奇幻的文学盛宴”。从90年代初至21世纪前10年,美国华裔作家、作品也迅速增长,从此美国华裔文学进入了一个更加繁荣的阶段。汤亭亭(《第五和平之书》)、谭恩美(《拯救落水鱼》)的新作,带领新一代美国华裔女性作家开启更多元化的创作尝试。90年代后登上文坛的美国华裔文学新人大多出生在20世纪60年代前后,发表作品时年龄在三十岁上下,且多为女作家。新涌现的作家,如任璧莲等有意模糊作品主人公的华裔身份,“目标是要创作出‘一批文学作品——不是作为华裔美国人的作品,而是作为作家的作品’”。其他新一代华裔女性作家写作的个性化也趋于鲜明,其主体自我意识更强。不论小说内容是关于中国的故事还是关于美国的华裔故事,关注的不是宏大叙事,而是注重个人的生活经历和感受,根本性的主题是精神家园。换而言之,不论是哪一种叙事策略,都昭示了华裔女性群体对自我存在进行的深刻反思,她们也由此走出了族群的身份限定,超越了二元对立的政治思维模式。因此本文拟以邝丽莎、张岚,以及大胆突破伦理底线的第三代美国华裔作家黄锦莲和伍美琴为研究对象,从探寻华裔作品的文学性和美学价值出发,挖掘90年代后,新一代美国华裔女性小说中的普遍性和特殊性。

【Abstract】 In late 20th century, under the wave of "Rebuilding American Literature" movement of American academic mainstream, the American Asian or American Chinese literature has obtained concerns from several books of New American Literary History. However, the value of Chinese American literature, not only the ethnic diversity of American cultures it constructs with Mexican-American literature, African American literature and other minority races. More important is that this kind of works can show the spirit of American aspiration, especially in the global prevalence in the 21st century. In their works it can be clearly seen the American ideological effects on the idea of immigrants and their descendants, family life and the development of other aspects.In the development process of American Autobiography, it changes from the straightforward narrative biography to the fuzzy narrative autobiographical novel. This kind of change shows the effort and improvement of Chinese American literature both in the literary and artistic aspect. Because the transformation and diversification of the trends in Chinese American Literature, it also brings problem of its scope rebuilding on standard definition. If this problem can not be discussed and reconstructed clearly, it will lead a direct result of confusion between Chinese American literature and American new immigrant literature. Therefore, the focus on Chinese American literature and women writers’consciousness which exist after 90s is an important way to describe the concept of American Chinese literature in the new century.Which tradition did the post 90s Chinese American women writers follow? And what kind of individual creation did they do? Whether they have experienced the same stages, like "Women Writing, Writing Culture, the American Writing and Artistic Writing”as Maxine Hong Kingston did? Whether the literary universality and particularity of these works has been covered by the ethnicity? In order to explore these issues, this thesis views Chinese American literary works as aesthetic objects firstly. Then in a perspective cultural poetics, the thesis explores the literary general and special aspects in the works of post 90s Chinese American Women writers by analyzing the literary and artistic quality.The prevous study and criticism of Chinese American literature were dominated by the cultural nationalism and ethnic political aspects, but paid little attention to aesthetics or literary elements itself. Therefore, beginning with exploring the literary and aesthetic values in Chinese American works to find the general and special qualities of these works is significant in studying the Chinese American literature.This thesis will be finished in following parts.The first chapter of this thesis is introduction. In addition to the basic concepts, it mainly introduces the representatives of post-90s Chinese American women writers and the categories of the novels which were written by these women writers.From chapter two to chapter four, selecting four representative writers to introduce, that is Lisa See, Zhang Lan, Huang Jinlian, and Mei Ng and it deeply interprets six novels, "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, ""Shanghai girls " "Hunger, ""Heritage, ""Naked eating Chinese food, " and "Snack". It also analyzes and interprets the narrative style, narrative technique, symbolism and the unique nature of rhetoric. The fifth chapter is a general introduction and refines the characteristics of the post-1990s Chinese American Women writers. It also compare their characteristics combining with appropriate discussion and comments.This thesis analyzes the form of theme and artistic innovation of post-1990s Chinese American women writers’novels. This thesis uses the“women’s issues”which is the most popular issue in the academic field as the corn perspective to discuss the new era of female consciousness, sex appealing of the new content (including sexual desire, maintaining family, social evaluation and self-reflection of the value) as well as ethnic women’s new identity. This thesis does not completely abandon the generalization of“cultural studies”, but focusing on the changes of the post-90s works, it bases on its original theory to adjust the application of this theory. What’s more, it tries to broaden the analysis’vision, so that the way of interpretation becomes more diversified. The novels are available in the perspective of cultural studies. So in addition to the cultural identity of the hero, the cultural conflict of external and internal environment within the family, this perspective can be also used to analyzes the images of Chinese and American culture, deconstruction, and the new meaning given to the traditional culture Images.The topic of this thesis contains the word "female", so its focus will naturally be not separated from the main body of women writers’consciousness. Therefore, among the subversive fictions, this paper attempts to explore how the reconstruction of the Chinese American women’s value and ethics system they have made. For the Chinese American women writers, the emotional and aesthetic expression of writing is one of the best ways to reflect their awareness of changes and trends. Therefore, this paper focuses the subtle emotional writing style to discuss the writer’s love of American culture, philosophy and aesthetics of the absorption and integration; and through the new writer’s narrative technique used in writing the chores of daily life, this thesis interprets the female writers’description of "erotic" plot and analyzes the breakthrough of writing beyond the ethical in autobiographical novels.The fifth chapter is a general introduction and refines the characteristics of the post-1990s Chinese American Women writers. It also compares their characteristics combining with appropriate discussion and comments. In the compare, it also analyzes the influences of the culture spirit on the new generation women writers’writing concept. And it interprets the tragedy and other means of artistic expression in the wake of the soul and salvation in the post-90s Chinese American novels. This chapter also inducts the new generation’s differences from the previous generation of American writers on the perspective of "Silence" Narration and the new meaning of the image of "food". Through comparison and analysis, the conclusion of this paper is consistent with the initial expected. These several Chinese-American women writers are different from the origin of the second-generation. They are in shaping the new image of women to express their further distillation of consciousness. The post-1190s Chinese American women writers’novels awake up the sleeping consciousness of modern women in mind to get the artistic and aesthetic pleasure. In addition, through the interpretation of the works, we can see that the Sino-US conflict and fusion of two cultures is no longer the problems faced by the post-1990s Chinese American women writers. They are no longer entangled, no longer divided. Instead, they put some kind of Chinese and American cultures into personal preferences. Moreover, no matter the mix of culture or the mix of descent, the complexity of the new generation writers indicates a new phase of the novel, the epoch of“double hybrid”.

【关键词】 美国华裔女性小说90年代后文学性
【Key words】 Chinese AmericanPost 90sLiterariness
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

