

Institution Analysis of Non-renewable Resource Optimal Allocation in Vision of Interests Coordination

【作者】 叶青海

【导师】 纪玉山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 西方经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 不可再生资源是人类经济生活大规模消耗的生产要素和消费资料,随着世界经济的持续发展,人类对不可再生资源的需求持续增长,而其供给却增长缓慢,供需绝对缺口日益扩大,需求方围绕不可再生资源的竞争性使用日益加剧,日益强化的卖方市场使市场力量呈现不对称状态,供需方的利益斗争加剧。不可再生资源分布的非均衡性使国际不可再生资源市场结构呈现卖方垄断或卖方寡头的市场结构,供给方对价格的不完全控制使价格极易脱离供需基本面,加上其它多种因素,不可再生资源价格呈现宽幅波动的态势,市场供需方的利益关系进一步复杂化。不可再生资源在开采、加工、使用过程中带来的环境破坏效应使人类的环境承受能力接近阀值,环境资源的约束与经济增长形成正面的利益碰撞;不可再生资源的供给受制于自然禀赋,这使其产业发展形态完全不同于以资本、劳动力、技术为主要投入要素投入的工业品。资源型地区伴随着不可再生资源开发的生命周期而兴衰,不可再生资源开发给资源型地区带来了双重利益影响,资源型地区经济转型和可持续发展也面临资源产业与其它产业、经济增长与环境保护、资源超额收益与社会公平等等诸多利益冲突;在不可再生资源和环境资源的刚性约束下,伴随科技创新浪潮的持续深入,替代资源的开发与利用初具规模,替代资源产业与不可再生资源产业呈现既互补又竞争的利益格局。总之,不可再生资源在配置中面临诸多基于利益冲突的矛盾,化解这些矛盾并理顺利益关系,既关系到不可再生资源配置的公平、高效,也关系到不可再生资源的可持续利用和经济社会的协调可持续发展。市场的自利益协调机制是解决这些矛盾的基础,要强化市场机制在价格决定、供需利益格局、资源收益分配中的基础作用,要通过产权制度完善和价格制度完善充分发挥市场的利益自协调作用。政府是利益协调的主导者,财税制度是政府利益协调机制主要依靠力量,通过财税的再分配构建利益引导机制、利益激励机制、利益约束机制充分发挥政府在利益协调中的职能。政府的规制能规范竞争关系和利益关系,是政府利益保障职能的体现。不可再生资源市场全球化市场的深化要求建立符合多边利益的合作制度,为国际不可再生资源市场的协调可持续发展提供良好的制度环境。

【Abstract】 ChapterⅠThe non-renewable resources have the character of reducing supply、imbalance supply、imbalance demand、highly competitive demand、high price volatility、negative external effects. These characteristics lead to various conflicts of interest in the non-renewable resource exploration development、processing and utilization, Coordination of interests of all parties is not only the needs of social justice and fairness, but also the needs of efficient and sustainable use,so as to achieve sustainable economic and social development. In the non-renewable resources allocation must take into account the legitimate interests of all stakeholders needs, and must hane more broad and comprehensive perspective to examine the value of non-renewable resource allocation criteria, action programs and system design. This paper focuses on the interests of non-renewable resources, guiding mechanism, incentive and restraint mechanisms of interest, benefit and compensation mechanism for regulating the system analysis.Chapter II The phenomenon of imbalance of interests exist in any society. The imbalance of interest will not only affect the social equity and justice, but also affect the efficiency of the allocation of social resources and economic performance, the purpose of coordinating the interests is to rectify the imbalance between the interests of the parties to achieve compatible state of coexistence with the legitimate interests. Coordinate the interests will enhance the economic welfare of the human and social harmony, Coordinate the interests will resolve conflicts of interest and correct the imbalance between the interests, maintain normal economic order of protection, It is an important driving force for achieving the economic structure including the production elements allocation. System is the main tool for coordination of interests, its fundamental test is whether to promote the interests of the whole society to enhance and promote the interests of the majority, the system is the most important tool in the interests of guidance, incentive、restrictive、compensation and adjustment, benefit security. System has a symbiotic relationship with the interests, system change with interests change, therefore, a good system needs to constantly adjust so as to adapt the interests of the coordination.Chapter III In the allocation of non-renewable resources, there are many interest subjiects and very complex interest relationship. Include:relationship between owners and operators; relationship between resource-based regions and other areas of interest, relationship between resource extractive sector and resource processing sector, relationship between resource-based industries and alternative sector, relationship between resource management businesses sector and consumers, relationship between the sustainable use of resources and environment and economic growth, relationship between contemporary and future generations, relationship between countries; The key to properly handle these relationships is to have a series system to regulate interests of the acquisition, distribution of benefits interests exchange and interests promoting. Through continuous optimization of system design and the coupling between the system the system coordination in the interest will get maximum efficiency. There are many typical interests relationship and interests conflict in development and utilization of coal resources in shanxi, coordination of these interests requires a series of effective systems portfolio.Chapter IV The relationship between ownership is the starting point of interest, the interests of property rights system is n the basic system to regulate interest relations.The value of non-renewable resources include exploration costs、development costs、environmental value、competitive value in use、sustainable use value, etc., to define the value of the subject property is the basic to protect interests of various stakeholders. Property relations of non-renewable resource owners and users is the basis of safeguarding national interests, It is basic of the coordination of national interest and non-renewable resource user and managementer interest. National ownership and effective enforcement mechanisms are also the prerequisite of government’s strong involvement of the non-renewable resources’benefits distribution and government’s regulation.Chapter V Price system is the central part of coordination of interests in the optimal allocation of the non-renewable resources, the pricie of non-renewable resources relate all interests come to be true, a good price system can achieve a certain degree of self interest harmony. Fully reflect the real value of non-renewable resources pricing mechanism is to maintain the legitimate interests of all stakeholders needs. Non-renewable resource prices showed wide fluctuations in the situation since the year 2000, and this trend continued to strengthen, establish the moderat volatility pricing system regulated by government which reflect the true value is the the common interest of all parties.ChapterⅥThe government tax system is the primary means of interests coordination. Resource tax is an important way to achieve national ownership rights、environmental rights and sustainable use rights; Financial compensation system is important condition to ensure sustainable development of resource-based regions, Financial subsidy system is an important guarantee for vulnerable industries and vulnerable groups ensure equitable use of non-renewable resources;Financial support system is an important interests guidance mechanism to achieve non-renewable resources conservation and recycling use, Financial support system is also interests incentives mechanism to promote research and application of alternative resources,. We must improve the Government’s performance in the interests coordination by designing scientific and feasible incentive-compatible tax system. ChapterⅦGovernment regulation system is to protect interests of all parties, it is also the security of of other system implementation. Economic stability and rapid growth,non-renewable resources sustainable use, safeguarding the interests of property rights, safeguarding the interests of users, the interests of resource-based regions reasonable pricing, and efficient taxation system, etc., need the government effective regulation system. Regulation system optimize the system environment, strengthen the regulation system of coordination with other systems, making regulation system as important tool for coordination of interests.ChapterⅧThe development and application of alternative resources will solve the contradiction of non-renewable resources supply, interests incentive mechanism are needed in various stages of the alternative resources develop, test, application, promotion, also it is needed to be constrained in the use of renewable resources, the government’s rigidity objective are an important driving force for market acceptance of alternative resources. There is competing interests between alternative resources and non-renewable resources, but it can form a complementary pattern of development co-exist through proper coordination of interests, Wind power is a good alternative of fossil fuel resources, Building a strong support system and other government incentives is an important condition to promote the interests of large-scale development of wind power.ChapterⅨThe configuration of non-renewable resources become more and more global,Though the common interests between countries around the non-renewable resource development and utilization are increasing, interest conflicts are still widespread exit, developed countries and developing countries, resource-exporting countries and resource-inporting countries, international companies competition for resources is becoming increasingly fierce. Proper coordination of interests is the basis for the harmonious development of the market. First to establish a pricing system consistent with the multilateral interests, and secondly to establish a global sustainable environment and climate protection targets and action plan, third to establish a series system arrangements of sustainable use and saving use in the global economy.ChapterⅩNon-renewable resources’ optimal allocation invovle multi-兵dimensional and multi-level institutional arrangements, how to make the system fully functional system, the key is get effective integration between systems, to improve the compatibility between the system to avoid conflicts of interest caused by the conflict system. Should adhere to the interests of a systematic objective of building institutional system coordination, make institutional system innovation is a normal behavior, progressive and comprehensive rationalize the system of multi-level multi-dimensional relations.ChapterⅪFull-text Summary

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

