

From Recessive Knowledge in Itself to Dominant Discourse for Itself: Historical Fate of Karl Marx’s Modernization Thought and Its Sinicization

【作者】 徐奉臻

【导师】 高文新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 近代以来,以“革命”与“改革”方式呈现的“现代化”,构成中国社会嬗变的主旋律。进入21世纪,十七大报告明确把“现代化”定位为中国“三大历史任务”之首。现代化的源头,可追溯至马克思主义诞生时代的欧洲。20世纪初,马克思主义大举东渐,以物竞天择的理论气度,成为历史和人民的最终选择。从此,马克思主义成为中国现代化的理论指导。现代化、马克思主义传播、马克思主义中国化,合流为同步的历史进程。远离马克思谈马克思,马克思现代化思想被误读和被遮蔽,以及马克思主义中国化的“失真”,造成“官方举旗”而“大众迷失”之困窘,也赋予“回到马克思”以迫切性。由六章“正文”和“结语”构成的本文,立足于中外现代化实践,以对国内外研究现状的分析为基础,以复杂性科学理论为分析工具,运用跨学科的研究方法,将原典阅读和原理回溯相结合、将加法与减法相结合、将内史与外史研究结合、将规范研究与经验研究交织、将宏观研究和微观研究杂糅,就宏观视域的马克思主义、中观论域的马克思现代化思想、微观角度的马克思现代化思想中国化,做纵横双向多维分析。具体操作路径是:以概念的辨析为楔入点,阐释马克思现代化思想生成的背景,划分马克思现代化思想的不同阶段;对马克思被误读和被曲解的现代化思想,进行再读与重释;对马克思被遮蔽和被消融的现代化思想,进行去蔽与复原;对有关马克思现代化思想的命题,进行二阶观察;围绕马克思现代化思想何以中国化、马克思现代化思想中国化诸理论之逻辑关系、以科学发展观构建中国新型现代化理论的理念与路径、“方法至上论”与“内容至上论”的功能及限度等问题,阐释马克思现代化思想中国化的理论与方法。马克思的现代化思想,是马克思主义的重要组成部分。现代化是马克思思想生成的背景,也是马克思审视社会实践的视域与论域。马克思主义中国化,包括马克思现代化思想中国化。将马克思现代化思想中国化从马克思主义中国化中抽离出来,不仅是对历史的遗忘,而且也是对马克思主义整体性的遮蔽。马克思现代化思想是复杂的理论系统,涉及社会生活方方面面。但在国内外学术界,普遍存在将“马克思主义哲学中国化”与“马克思主义中国化”等而视之,以及重“马克思哲学思想及其中国化”而轻“马克思现代化思想及其中国化”之偏颇,使马克思现代化思想及其中国化呈现应然性上的实相强势和实然性上位相弱势。马克思主义哲学中国化的至尊化和马克思现代化思想中国化的虚空化,既是马克思主义中国化“失真”的重要原因,又赋予马克思现代化思想中国化以必要性。相关研究成果所呈现的研究内容稀薄化、水平初浅化、成果零碎化、方法线性化、状态隐性化等“热而不熟”的状态,使本研究具有恢弘的探索空间。基于西方情境和中国情境,重读、复原、走近、思考、对话、推进马克思,是弥合马克思现代化思想及其中国化的应然性和实然性之鸿沟的尝试。对传统马克思主义思想史研究范式而言,强化对马克思现代化思想及其中国化的研究,不是“溢出”和“添加”,而是“回溯”与“还原”,是“回到马克思”的学术努力。如将马克思现代化思想及其中国化,视为一条精神之河,那么,处于争议中的相关“概念”是其“滴滴水珠”,马克思现代化思想生成的“背景”是其“筑底河床”,马克思现代化思想的不同“阶段”是其“各个河段”。对“现代化思想”与“现代化理论”、“现代化”与“现代性”和“后现代性”、“传统现代化”与“新型现代化”、“马克思”与“马克思主义”、马克思的现代化思想与恩格斯的现代化思想、马克思主义中国化与当代化和大众化、“回到马克思”与“发展马克思”等概念作发生学和诠释学的解读,是本研究的基础性工作。黑格尔的成就,为马克思的著论提供了知识框架、概念词汇和分析线索。在批判黑格尔基础上,马克思形成以“人类解放”为最高诉求的现代化理念,并以“哲学”向“社会实践”的转向,倒置了黑格尔的认识。因此,马克思现代化思想的生发,体现了哥白尼革命式的演进路径。马克思的现代化思想,既反映“时代”之“时势”,又受“时代”之“时势”之制约。作为“观察社会生活大师”,如果马克思对鲜活的现代化实践无动于衷,是不正常和不合逻辑的。依照库恩的范式理论,《黑格尔法哲学批判》、《〈黑格尔法哲学批判〉导言》和《1844年经济学哲学手稿》突破了黑格尔和费尔巴哈的旧范式。《神圣家族》和《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》标志“危机期”的形成,《德意志意识形态》拉开“革命期”的序幕,《共产党宣言》最终使马克思现代化思想进入“新范式期”。在现代化的缘起层面,市民文化是马克思研究现代化的出发点,也是马克思眼中的现代化之源头。在现代化的过程层面,马克思隐性地区分了“文明有中心”和“文明中心论”。其“跨越卡夫丁峡谷”的现代化设想,以及对“先发型”与“后发型”现代化关系的认识,蕴藏着冲击欧洲中心主义的理论价值。“生活的生产”、“世界生产”和“交往形式本身的生产”等,均为马克思思想中被遮蔽和被消融的现代性维度。于乱相中解蔽和去蔽,有助于确证“物质生产本体论”的偏颇。马克思现代化思想的后现代意蕴,使在后马克思时代的现代化实践中处于“物理缺场”的马克思,仍然能够以“思想在场”方式展示其超越时空的生命力。在现代化的功能层面,“双刃性”与“吊诡性”是马克思现代化观的基调。以英印美中四国作为诠释“双刃性”与“吊诡性”之空间视域,马克思明示了“主观目的”和“客观功能”的不同。在充分肯定科技和经济现代化进步作用的同时,马克思致力于批判资本主义条件下的各种异化现象。马克思生前,默认或间接使用了“现代化”。“无产阶级”是马克思现代化思想的主体向度,“人类解放”是马克思现代化思想的强图式。在主观契机上,马克思是资本主义型现代化的“掘墓人”。而在客观功能上,马克思则是资本主义型现代化的“功臣”。马克思研究的立足点是资本主义型现代化,马克思最早最完整地描述资本主义型现代化。对亚洲现代化,马克思虽然给予关注,但其研究成果却是马克思思想的弱图像。对防卫性现代化,马克思不以为然。并且,由于他的分析主要限于德国,致使中国和俄国的同类现代化成为其思想的漏点。马克思现代化思想与西方现代化理论之间,有分歧,也有相近,有彼此交织,也有重复与耦合。如果忽略这些而作孰优孰劣的判断,是非历史主义的。马克思现代化思想中国化过程,是对马克思主义进行“再阐释”和“再创造”的过程。这个过程包括双向互动两部分:一是以马克思的现代化思想“化”中国的现代化实践;二是以中国的现代化理论“化”马克思现代化思想。前者重“继承”,后者重“发展”。社会主义建设时期的毛泽东思想,与邓小平理论、三个代表与科学发展观一起,构建起作为马克思主义中国化理论成果的“中国特色社会主义理论体系”。在马克思主义中国化诸现代化理论之间,既具有同一性和统一性,又具有承继性与修葺性。科学发展观与中国新型现代化在根本旨趣和意向结构上的契合,赋予以科学发展观孵化中国新型现代化并由此构建新型现代化理论的合理性。揭示新型现代化之与传统现代化所发生的模式转换,是当下中国新型现代化实践的现实需要与理论期待。基于“批判视域”,以“时间”和“空间”为建构性变量,有助于指认“方法至上论”和“内容至上论”的合理性与功能限度。作为一种新解读范式,“回到马克思”是涉及马克思主义思想史的内容及其方法论的系统工程。马克思现代化思想的中国化,也是内容与方法的有机统一。现代化思想研究“回到马克思”的理论诉求,具有一定理想性,体现应然性层面的学术理想与实然性层面的学术现实之间的内在紧张。否认之,难免陷入“学术乌托邦”之藩篱。因此,在“回到马克思”口号下,做“走向马克思”和“贴近马克思”的尝试,最大限度地提高研究成果与本真马克思思想之间的对称度,更具可能性与可操作性。协调“文本主义”和“现实主义”,沟通“当年”的“著述者”之“原本”和“当代”的“解读者”之“释本”,关注“马克思”与“马克思主义”的不同、马克思的恩格斯化倾向、马克思思想本身的复杂性和历史性、马克思现代化思想与马克思现代化思想中国化理论成果的学术间距,是现代化思想研究“回到马克思”的题中之意。将马克思现代化思想中国化与时代化、当代化和大众化相结合,将马克思现代化思想中国化与马克思主义哲学中国化相沟通,是构建中国风格、中国气派的现代化理论体系的应有之念。马克思现代化思想的显性化,有赖于马克思现代化思想由“隐性自在知识”向“显性自为话语”嬗变。其中,从“隐性知识”到“显性话语”的嬗变,反映马克思现代化思想及其中国化“存在状态”的变化。而从“自在知识”到“自为话语”的嬗变,则揭示了马克思现代化思想及其中国化“研究状态”的历史趋势。

【Abstract】 Modernization constituted by revolution and reform is the main theme of social change in China since modern times.In the 21st century,Modernization was defined as the first place in China’s three major historical tasks in the Report of Seventeenth Congress of the CPC.Modernization originated from the birth era of Marxism in Europe.The spread of Marxism from Europe to China in Early 20th century showed the theory courage of natural selection,and was choosed by Chinese history and its people finally.Marxism was the guide of theory in the practice of Chinese modernization,and the process of China’s modernization,and the communication of Marxism,and the sinicization of Marxism became one historical process since then.Both the embarrassment between the Government Raising Its Flag and the Individual Losing Himself and the urgency of Returning to Karl Marx are been determined by the status of reviewing Karl Marx away from Karl Marx,and misunderstanding and covering Karl Marx’s thought of modernization,and the distortion of Marxism sinicization.There are vertical and horizontal multi-dimensional analyses in the PhD thesis formed by six chapters text and one chapter conclusion about Marxism in the macro-perspective,and Karl Marx’s modernization thought in the middle between macro-perspective and micro-perspective,and the sinicization of Karl Marx’s modernization thought in the micro-perspective by using the complexity scientific theories and the research method of interdisciplinary,combing the reading the original texts with returning to the principle,combing the addition with the subtraction,combing the system of internal history with the system of external history,combing the norms research with the empirical research,combing the macro-research with the micro-research based on the practice of China’s modernization,and the research situation in Chinese and foreign.There are many paths in my researches.The first one is explaining the generation background of Karl Marx’s modernization thought and dividing the different stages of Karl Marx’s modernization thought based on the analysis about the related concepts.The second one is re-reading and re-interpretating Karl Marx’s modernization thought which had been misunderstood and misinterpreted.The third one is uncovering and recovering Karl Marx’s modernization thought which had been covered and melted.The fourth one is the observation of second-order around existing theses about Karl Marx’s modernization thought.The last one is interpretating the theory and the method of sinicization of Karl Marx’s modernization thought around why and how sinicization about Karl Marx’s modernization thought,the internal logic relationship between different theory of sinicization of Karl Marx’s modernization thought in 1978-2008,the idea and way of constructing Chinese new pattern modernization theory based on the scientific development concept,the function and its limit of the Supremacy of Method and the Supremacy of Content,and so on.Karl Marx’s modernization thought is an important part of Marxism.Modernization is not only the background of forming of Karl Marx’s thought,but also the perspective and field in the research of Karl Marx’s social practice.Marxism sinicization include the sinicization of Karl Marx’s modernization thought.To separate sinicization of Karl Marx’s modernization thought from sinicization of Marxism will lead to the forgetting about history and the covering up the integrity of Marxism.As the complex giant system of theory,Karl Marx’s modernization thought is posed by various aspects of social life.There are both mistakes thinking in academic research in Chinese and foreign,one is as Sinicization of Marxism Philosophy as Marxism Sinicization,the other is paying attention to Karl Marx’s Philosophy Thought and its Sinicization,but contempting Karl Marx’s Modernization Thought and its Sinicization.These mistakes thinking will inevitably lead to the distinctive of Karl Marx’s modernization thought and its sinicization between the powerful reality in Ought To Be and the weak evaluation in To Be.Both the urgence of Karl Marx’s modernization thought and its sinicization,and the important reason of Losting Real of Marxism sinicization are the dominance of sinicization of Marxism philosophy and the voidance of sinicization of Karl Marx’s modernization thought.The situation of Ascendant and Immaturity in related research,such as the rarefaction of research contents,the simplification of research level,the fragmentation of research results,the linearization of research method,the recessiveness of research state,etc.,has provided extensive space of exploration for me in my thesis.It is an important attempt to bridge the gap between the Ought To Be and To Be of Karl Marx’s modernization thought and its sinicization by rereading and recovering and approaching and rethinking and dialogue and promoting Karl Marx based on the situation of Chinese and Western.As a reference to the interpretation paradigm of traditional Marxism thought history,it is not Overflowing and Adding,but Returning and Restoring,and an important attempt of Returning to Karl Marx to strengthen the research of Karl Marx’s modernization thought and its sinicization.Regarding Karl Marx’s modernization thought and its sinicization as a spirit river,the related Concepts in dispute is its Water Drops,the generation Background of Karl Marx’s modernization thought is its River Bottoms,the different Stages of Karl Marx’s modernization thought is its Each Part of River.It is fundamental research in my thesis to analyze these concepts between Modernization Thought and Modernization Theory,Modernization and Modernity and Post-modernity,Traditional Modernization and New Pattern Modernization,Karl Marx and Marxism,Karl Marx’s Modernization Though and Friedrich Von Engels’s Modernization Though,Sinicization and Contemporization and Popularity of Marxism,Returning to Karl Marx and Developing Karl Marx in the frame of occurrence and hermeneutics.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel had provided the intellectual framework,the concepts and vocabulary,the path of analysis for Karl Marx’s works.Not only Karl Marx formed his modernization theory which as human liberation as the highest aspirations on the basis of critiquing Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,but also inverted Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s cognition by changing direction from Philosophy to Social Practice.Therefore,the formation and development of Karl Marx’s modernization thought showed the evolution path in the way of Copernican revolution.Karl Marx’s modernization thought both showed the Circumstances of the Age,and was restricted by the Circumstances of the Age at the same time conversely.It is not only abnormal but also illogical if Karl Marx who as a Master of Studying the Social Life was not pay attention to the vivid practice of modernization.According to Kuhn’s paradigm theory,the old paradigm of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach had been broken through by Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,and Introduction of Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,and Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844.The sign of Crisis Period was Holy Family and Theses on Feuerbach,The German Ideology pulled the prelude of Revolutionary Period,Communist Manifesto put Karl Marx’s modernization thought enter the New Paradigm Period eventually.On the origin of modernization,citizen culture is not only the starting point of Karl Marx’s studing about modernization,but also the source of modernization in the eyes of Karl Marx.On the process of modernization,Karl Marx drew distinction implicitly between Center of Civilization is Being in Time and Space and Center of Civilization is Being Beyond Time and Space. Karl Marx’s opinion on the Spaning the Caudine Forks,as well as the relationship between the Modernization Early and the Modernization Late,just bore the theoretical value of impacting the Eurocentrism.The Producing of Living,and the Producing of World,and the Producing of Contact Form in Itself,etc.,are important dimensions of modernity which were been covered and ablated in Karl Marx’s thought.It will contribute to confirm the mistake of Ontology of Material Production to lift covering and remove covering in the chaotic phase.In the modernization practice of post-Karl Marx era,Karl Marx is Absence in Physics,but is Presence in Spirit.There are the meaning of post-modern in Karl Marx’s modernization thought,so Karl Marx is still showing his vitality beyond time and space.On the function of modernization,the fundamental tone of Karl Marx’s modernization view was Double-Edged and Paradox.Karl Marx expressed the difference between Subjective Purpose and Objective Function based on the interpretation of Double-Edged and Paradox in the spatial Vision of four countries,that is Britain,India,United States of America and China.Karl Marx was keen on criticizing all kinds of alienation in conditions of capitalism,at the same time he affirmed fully the progress role of technological and economical modernization.Karl Marx acquiesced in the concept of Modernization or used the concept of Modernization indirectly during his lifetime.The subjective dimension of Karl Marx’s modernization thought is Proletariat,and the strong picture of Karl Marx’s modernization thought is Human Liberation.Karl Marx was the Grave-diggers of the modernization of the capitalism pattern on the subjective motives,but he was the Hero of the modernization of the capitalism pattern on the objective function.The main field of Karl Marx’s researching was the modernization of the capitalism pattern,and Karl Marx’s description about the modernization of capitalism pattern was the earliest and most complete.The weak image of Karl Marx’s thought was his research about Asia’s modernization,althought he paid attention to the modernization in Asia.Karl Marx took exception to the defense modernization.And,because of Karl Marx’s analyses were mainly confined to Germany,the modernization of China and Russia which were similar to Germany in the type of modernization were the leak of Karl Marx’s thought.There are difference,similarity,intertwining,repeating and coupling between Karl Marx’s modernization thought and the modernization theory in Western.It is non-historicism if set in judgement on them in the case of ignoring them.The sinicization process of Karl Marx’s modernization thought is the process of rephrasing and re-creating on Marxism.There are two parts of interaction in the process,one is focusing on Inheritance,that is the China’s modernization practice is been changed by Karl Marx’s modernization thought,another one is focusing on Development,that is Karl Marx’s modernization thought is been changed by China’s modernization theory.As the theoretical achievements of Marxism sinicization,the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics which constructed by Mao Ze-Dong’s Thought during the period of the socialist construction,Deng Xiao-Ping’s Theory,Jiang Ze-Min’s Three Represents,together with Hu Jin-Tao’s Scientific Development Concept.There are not only consistency and unity,but also succession and revision between the various modernization theories of Marxism sinicization.The rationality of hatching up China’s new pattern modernization and constructing the theory of China’s new pattern modernization by scientific development views are provided by the identical contents between scientific development views and the new pattern modernization in essential objective and intent structure.It is not only the real needs,but also the theoretical expectations in the moment of the practice of China’s new pattern modernization to explain the transformation of the paradigm from traditional modernization to the new pattern modernization.Regarding the Time and Space as the factors of construction based on critical vision will contribute to identify the rationality and the limits of the functional of the Supremacy of Method and the Supremacy of Content.As a new paradigm of interpretation,Returning to Karl Marx is system engineering relating to the content and its methodology of Marxism ideas history.The sinicization of Karl Marx’s modernization thought is also the organic unity of contents and methods.The theoretical pursuit of Returning to Karl Marx in the research on modernization thought is not only ideal certainly but also inherent tension between the academic aspiration in the level of Ought to Be and the academic reality in the level of To Be.Anyone will fall into the fence of Academic Utopia inevitably if he deny it.So it is more possibility and operability to strengthen the symmetry between the true Karl Marx’s thoughts and its research results by the studying on Going to Karl Marx and Closing to Karl Marx in the slogan of Returning to Karl Marx.There are many meaning problems in Returning to Karl Marx in the research on modernization thought,such as to coordinate the Textualist with the Realism,and to coordinate the Original Texts of Writers in the Past with Explanatory Texts of Researchers in Today,and to concern about the difference between Karl Marx and Marxism,and to concern about the tendency of Karl Marx’s thought had been changed by Friedrich Von Engels’s thought,and to concern about the complexity and historical changing of Karl Marx’s own thought,and to concern about the academic distance between Karl Marx’s modernization thought and the sinicization theoretical results of Karl Marx’s modernization thought.It is need idea to construct the theory system of modernization with Chinese characteristics and Chinese style by combing the sinicization with the age,the contemporary,the popula of Karl Marx’s modernization thought,and by coordinating the sinicization of Karl Marx’s modernization thought with the sinicization of Marxism philosophy.The prominence of Karl Marx’s modernization thought will depend on the changing from Recessive Knowledge in Itself to Dominant Discourse for Itself.Among,the changing from Recessive Knowledge to Dominant Discourse reflects the conversion of Karl Marx’s modernization thought and its sinicization in Existence Status,but the changing from Knowledge in Itself to Discourse for Itself reveal the historical trends of Karl Marx’s modernization thought and its sinicization in Research Status.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

