

Empirical Study on Information Technology Infusion and Its Impact on Organizational Performance

【作者】 齐晓云

【导师】 毕新华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当前我国进入了信息化与工业化融合的新阶段,越来越多的企业纷纷开始应用信息技术(IT),然而很多企业的IT应用效果与预期相距甚远。许多研究证明,之所以产生“IT投资黑洞”,原因在于IT投资之后并没有被企业有效地融合,即在采纳与融合之间存在“吸收缺口”。如何促进企业组织与信息技术的有效融合已成为当前企业信息化建设一个亟需解决的重要课题。围绕着信息技术融合与应用问题,学者们进行了大量的研究。但纵观国内外已有研究结果可知,信息技术融合的相关理论研究还处于起步阶段。很多学者在研究信息技术吸纳全过程时分析了企业信息技术应用后的融合阶段,但是他们更加关注IT实施前的采纳决策和实施中的安装过程,对实施后的信息技术融合过程关注非常少。仅有的专门研究信息技术融合的学者也大多站在信息技术吸纳前的角度分析如何促进信息技术有效融合,很少有人站在信息技术实施后、在既定的IS方案和实施效果下,研究组织如何进一步促进信息技术融合以发挥信息技术潜力。另一方面,由于研究目的和出发点不同,现有研究成果对融合的定义尚未统一,它们大都关注融合的某个侧面,未能抓住企业信息技术采纳后融合过程的复杂性和动态性,更无法对信息技术融合的影响因素及其对组织绩效的影响进行详细的探索和系统的分析。因此,有必要建立一个完整的理论框架对信息技术融合的含义、影响因素及其对组织绩效的影响进行深入探讨和考察。本文从过程视角来探讨如何促进企业信息技术融合以提升组织绩效,主要研究以下四个方面的内容:(1)分析信息技术融合的内涵和维度结构,提出信息技术融合的多维结构模型;(2)剖析信息技术融合各层次间的作用关系,揭示信息技术融合各层次的内在联系;(3)探讨为什么一些企业的信息技术融合现状好于其他企业,即信息技术融合的影响因素;(4)揭示信息技术融合对组织绩效的作用机理。具体来说,本文的创新点主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)本文基于过程/层次视角对信息技术融合的概念内涵进行解析,建立信息技术融合的多维结构模型。该模型多视角、立体地描述了信息技术与组织的融合过程,抓住了企业信息技术融合的复杂性和多面性,有利于更好地理解企业信息技术融合过程,为深入分析信息技术融合与组织绩效的关系奠定了理论基础。本文首先基于已有相关研究,探讨信息技术融合的含义,分析其定义视角,并提出本文信息技术融合的概念,指出信息技术融合的动态性、层次性和持续性。同时基于已有的相关研究,剖析信息技术融合过程,从融合的广度、深度和层次三个维度构建了信息技术融合的多维结构模型,使它抓住组织信息技术融合的复杂性和多面性,并对各维度的内涵进行了深入分析,指出三个维度相互独立又相互依赖。其中广度维主要体现了信息技术与组织融合在范围上的扩散,深度维主要体现了信息技术与组织融合在应用方式上的演变,而层次维则体现了信息技术与组织结构元素在各管理层次的相互渗透与调整。本研究多视角、立体地描述了信息技术与组织的融合过程,有利于更好地理解信息技术融合过程,为深入分析信息技术融合与组织绩效的关系奠定了理论基础。(2)本文构建了一个比较完整的信息技术融合层次影响因素模型,揭示出信息技术融合各层次的关键影响因素及层次间的作用关系。本研究在一定程度上解释了造成企业信息技术融合差异的原因;在影响因素的考察上充分考虑到了信息技术融合不同层次的特征,为企业针对性地提高各层次信息技术融合现状提供理论依据。本研究认为,由于信息技术融合各层次涉及的主体不同,因而会受到不同因素的影响。本文首先分析了信息技术融合各层次间的作用关系,并在综述信息技术融合影响因素的基础上,结合信息技术应用相关研究,从各层次涉及的主体出发,提出融合的影响因素,并深入分析了各影响因素的作用机理。本文的层次关系模型指出企业战略对应积极影响流程匹配;流程匹配积极影响员工接受;同时战略对应也积极影响员工接受。而本文的融合影响因素模型则指出了各层次融合的关键影响因素,其中企业高层领导对IT与业务关系的认识、IT战略地位、高层领导的IT战略能力、IT经理的业务战略能力、高层领导与IT经理的沟通对战略对应有正向影响作用;高层领导支持、业务流程再造、创新意识、组织沟通、员工参与对流程匹配有正向影响作用;期望确认度、感知有用性、满意度、任务技术匹配、主观规范、感知行为控制对员工接受有正向影响作用。本文的影响因素研究能够帮助企业发现各层次融合影响因素上的不足,为企业针对性地采取措施提高信息技术融合现状提供理论依据。(3)本文揭示了信息技术融合对组织绩效的作用机理,详细地分析了信息技术融合三个层次对组织绩效四个维度的影响作用,构建了信息技术融合对组织绩效影响的概念模型。本研究首次从层次视角展开分析信息技术融合对平衡计分卡四个维度的不同影响作用,拓展了IT投资对组织绩效的研究思路,细化了信息技术融合对组织绩效影响的发力点和着力点,为企业针对性地利用信息技术融合提高组织绩效指明方向。本研究指出,IT投资是通过有效的信息技术融合来提高组织绩效的。同时本文认为信息技术融合对组织绩效的影响不仅仅反应在财务绩效上,更大程度地体现在改善企业内部流程绩效,提高企业员工素质和客户满意度等组织内部相关的非财务绩效方面。因此选用兼顾战略与战术、长期和短期目标、财务和非财务评价的平衡计分卡来衡量组织绩效。同时根据信息技术融合层次模型,深入分析了战略对应、流程匹配和员工接受对平衡计分卡中财务绩效、客户绩效、内部流程绩效和学习与成长绩效的影响作用,指出三个层次的融合对平衡计分卡的四个维度均具有不同的正向影响作用。本研究结果拓展了IT投资对组织绩效的研究思路,细化了信息技术融合对组织绩效影响的发力点和着力点,为企业针对性地利用信息技术融合提高组织绩效指明方向。(4)本文对构建的各研究模型进行实证,验证模型中相关假设的真实性。首先根据已有相关研究,构建了一套信息技术融合、影响因素及组织绩效的测度指标体系,并通过调研数据验证各模型及相关假设。检验结果表明本文所提大部分假设都成立,证明了本文所提模型的有效性,找出了各层次融合的关键影响因素,并指出战略对应是改善组织绩效的关键。本研究首先对各模型中的相关变量进行量表设计,构建了一套信息技术融合、影响因素及组织绩效的测度指标体系,并通过问卷收集数据,验证了信息技术融合各层次的影响因素及其对组织绩效的影响作用,结果表明本文所提大部分假设均成立,证明了本文所提模型及相关假设的有效性。最后根据研究结果分析了信息技术融合各层次影响因素的总效应,找出了各层次融合的关键因素;并通过比较三个层次对组织绩效的总效应,发现从对组织绩效的整体影响来看,战略对应的影响作用最大,其次是流程匹配,最后是员工接受。本文结论说明:信息技术融合对组织绩效有显著影响,信息技术只有被接受并充分应用达到与组织融合才可能增强企业绩效。但是融合的不同层次对组织绩效的影响略有差异,其中战略对应的影响作用最为明显。同时各层次融合的影响因素也不同,企业要根据自身现状和条件来采取有效措施促进信息技术融合,提高相应的组织绩效。

【Abstract】 We has entered a new stage of the infusion of informatization and industrialization and many firms have adopted Information technology (IT) in China, however the application performance of IT has usually been far from expectation. Many researches proved that the reason for“IT investment black hole”lies in that IT is actually not effectively fused by the firm after invested(adopted), which means an“assimilation gap”between adoption and infusion. How to promote the infusion of IT within the firm has become an urgent problem for the enterprise information construction.Scholars have conducted a lot of research about the infusion and application of IT. Reviewing existing theory, the research of IT infusion is still in its beginning stage. Many scholars analyzed the IT infusion in the study of the entire process of IT absorption, but these studies focused on adoption or/and implementation stage, lacking analysis on the IT infusion process after adoption. Some scholars which researched IT infusion mostly focus on how to promote effective IT infusion before the adoption, rarely someone research the organizations how to further promote the IT infusion in order to play the potential of IT under the implementation, established IS solutions. On the other hand, the definition and meaning of IT infusion have not been a unified in the existing research, lacking the detailed and systematic analysis on the specific process of IT infusion and the factors, they thus can not conform to the complexity and dynamics of IT infusion process, and hard to reveal the IT infusion impact on the organizational performance. Therefore, it is necessary to establish more comprehensive theoretical framework and explore the mechanism of IT infusion.This dissertation studied how to foster the deeper infusion of IT in order to improve organizational performance from process perspective, mainly focusing on the flowing four contents: first, the concept and dimension of IT infusion; second, analysis the relationships of the various levels of IT infusion, revealing the internal relations of the various levels of IT infusion; third, the influential factors of IT infusion; fourth, the impact mechanism of IT infusion on promoting organizational performance.For details, the innovation points of this dissertation mainly are represented by the following aspects:Firstly, this dissertation proposed the concept of IT infusion and its three-dimensional model from process perspective. The model conducted a comprehensive description of the infusion process of the IT and organization, reflected the complexity and multi-faceted of organizational IT infusion. It extended a new research perspective for IS field, resolved the problem of existing literature lacking in study on the IT infusion after implement, propitious to a better understanding of the enterprises IT infusion process , laid a theoretical foundation for the in-depth analysis of the relationship between the IT infusion and organizational performance.This dissertation discussed IT infusion from the perspective of the dynamic process, analyzed the definition perspective of IT infusion, put forward the concept of IT infusion, pointing out its dynamics, hierarchy and continuity. At the same time, it analyzed of IT infusion process based on existing relevant research, and built the dynamic process model of IT infusion from the breadth, depth and level. The model reflected the complexity and multi-faceted of organizational IT infusion, then deeply discussed the three dimensions and suggested that the three dimensions were mutually independent as well as interaction with each other. The breadth dimension reflects the diffusion of IT infusion in organizational scope, the depth dimension primarily reflects the evolution of the way in the organizational IT infusion, and the level dimension reflects the adjustment and mutual penetration of the elements between information technology and organizational structure in the various levels. The study conducted a comprehensive and multi-faceted description of the infusion process of the IT and organization, propitious to a better understanding of the enterprises IT infusion process, laid a theoretical foundation for the in-depth analysis of the relationship between the IT infusion and organizational performance.Secondly, this dissertation revealed which kind of factors would influence each level of IT infusion, and explained the reasons why IT infusion of firms would differ to some extent and the relationships of each level. It considered the different characteristics of different levels of IT infusion, effectively overcame the current researches which can not master the factor differences in the different levels of IT infusion.This dissertation suggested that, due to the participants difference in each level of IT infusion, different factors would make effect. On the basis of reviewing the influential factors of IT infusion, combined with the relevant researches of IT infusion, from the personnel who the three levels of IT infusion refer to, it suggested the influential factors of each level and analyzed the mechanism of each factor. The level relational model pointed out that strategic alignment is positively related to business process fit; business process fit is positively to employee acceptance, strategic alignment is positively related to employee acceptance. The factor model of IT infusion pointed out that the top management’s knowledge of the relations of IT and business, IT strategic position, top management’s IT strategic capabilities, CIO’s business strategic capabilities, management communication of IT and business department of the firm are positively related to strategic alignment; the management support, business process reengineering, innovative, organization communication, employee involvement are positively related to business process fit; the confirmation, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, task technology fit, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control are positively related to s employee acceptance. The study on the influential factors of each level of IT infusion can help the firm find out the weakness of its factors, and thus adopt measures to make improvement aiming to these shortcomings.Thirdly, this dissertation revealed the mechanism of IT infusion on organizational performance, built on the concept model of the impact of IT infusion on organizational performance. This study investigated the effects of three levels of IT infusion on different constructs of organizational performance, expanded the research ideas of IT investment on organizational performance, and looked for the working point of the IT infusion on organizational performance, pointed out the direction for enterprise to improve organizational performance.This dissertation suggested that the IT investment improved organizational performance through the effective IT infusion. This paper argued that the impact of IT infusion on organizational performance was not only reflected in financial performance, also reflected in the improvement of internal process performance, and improving staff quality and customer satisfaction within the organization related non-financial performance. Therefore, it selected the balanced score card to evaluate of organizational performance. According the infusion level model, it analyzed in-depth the influences of the strategic alignment, business process fit and employee acceptance on the financial performance, customer performance, internal processes and learning and growth performance of the role of performance of the balanced score card. This study expanded the research ideas of IT investment on organizational performance, looked for the working point of the IT infusion on organizational performance, and pointed out the direction for enterprise to improve organizational performance.Fourthly, this study constructed an empirical model to verify the authenticity of the model and assumptions. First, based on existing research to build the measurement system of IT infusion, factors and organizational performance, and verified the model by research data. The results show that most of the proposed assumptions in the models are effectiveness, it find out the key factors of each level of IT infusion and pointed out that strategic alignment is the key to improving organizational performance.Based on existing research to build the measurement system of IT infusion, factors and organizational performance, and verified the model by research data.The results showed that most of the proposed assumptions were valid; it proved the validity of the proposed model and underlying assumptions. Based on the results, it analyzed the factors’total effect of each level of IT infusion, found out the key factors of each level of IT infusion; also compared three levels of the total effect on organizational performance, found that from the total impact on organizational performance, the total effect of strategic alignment is greatest, followed by the business process fit and employee acceptance. This conclusion showed that if there was just IT infusion influence positively and significantly on organizational performance, IT can only enhance firm performance when it is accepted and fully utilized and integrated with organization. But the three levels of IT infusion had different effects on the four dimensions of organizational performance. Strategic alignment is the key for improving the organizational performance. Firms should promote IT infusion in order to improve organizational performance according to their own situation and conditions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F270.7;F272
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1418
  • 攻读期成果

