

Research on Management Mechanism of R&D Dynamic Alliance Under the Condition of Collaboration Network

【作者】 杨春丽

【导师】 张少杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的高速发展和企业之间竞争的加剧,R&D动态联盟是实现企业对外部资源的有效获取,共同赢得市场竞争优势,实现单一企业乃至行业的可持续发展的一种有效的途径。第一,本文在相关理论回顾和对国内外研究现状分析的基础上,分析了R&D动态联盟的特征、与传统形式相比的优势所在、R&D动态联盟的运行条件,并从经济效益、产业发展和技术基础三个不同的角度对R&D动态联盟的形成动因进行分析。第二,本文针对R&D动态联盟的特征,从层次模型和功能模型两个角度,对适用于网络化协作条件下的R&D动态联盟的协同工作平台进行了设计,探索性的提出一个面向R&D动态联盟不同阶段、不同目标和不同用户的,集多样化和个性化于一体的协同工作平台。层次模型角度,该平台分为基础层、服务层、应用层、表示层、用户层和扩展层等六个层次;功能模型角度,该平台包括产品数据管理系统、产品工艺辅助设计系统、知识产权管理系统、项目管理系统以及辅助分析软件等。当然,该平台的设计具有一般性,对于具体的R&D动态联盟项目需要根据实际情况进行一定的调整。该平台将作为R&D动态联盟管理的载体,对于R&D动态联盟项目产品研发周期的缩短、工作效率的提高将起到促进作用。本文的管理机制研究均建立在该平台构建的基础之上。第三,本文从组建过程管理、研发过程管理、质量管理、收益分配管理等四个方面构建了网络化协作条件下R&D动态联盟的管理机制体系。(1)组建管理机制。本文将其划分为三个阶段:模式选择、成员选择和契约设计。本文将R&D动态联盟模式界定为非股权式&星形&技术互换/创造型动态联盟。从前人研究中存在问题出发,本文提出了建立“R&D动态联盟成员企业评价指标数据库”的研究思路,综合运用ABC分类管理法、层次分析法(AHP)、粗集理论、灰色关联法、BP人工神经网络等提出了成员企业的初选和补选方法,完善了R&D动态联盟的成员选择体系,保证了网络化协作条件下R&D动态联盟项目的顺利完成。同时,本文对网络化协作条件下R&D动态联盟的契约设计进行了研究,本文提出了实用性较强的R&D动态联盟契约的设计流程。在契约设计主体方面,特别提出了“主体团”这一概念,这一概念将在R&D动态联盟管理过程中始贯穿,以期管理过程更加公平合理。(2)研发过程管理机制。研发过程管理是网络化协作条件下R&D动态联盟项目管理的关键环节,本文在对网络化协作条件下R&D动态联盟应用工作分解结构特殊性分析的基础上,形成了一套R&D动态联盟研发过程管理体系。该体系主要包括多层次分解结构、多层次网络计划、多层次项目计划以及多层次计划控制。具体包括:初始工作分解结构、主工作分解结构、执行工作分解结构;初始网络计划、主网络计划、执行网络结构;项目初始进度控制、主进度控制、执行进度控制等。该体系保证了R&D动态联盟项目的工作分解结构与多级网络图的一致性,在这个基础上,保证了项目高层计划与项目底层计划的一致性,也就是联盟整体工作计划与各个成员企业的执行计划的一致性。能够保证项目顺利运行。(3)质量管理机制。通过对网络化协作条件下R&D动态联盟质量管理特点的分析,从软质量管理和硬质量管理两个角度,构建了其质量管理体系。软质量管理体系的构建主要是从联盟质量文化、联盟质量意识和联盟员工质量素质等三个角度出发;从结构角度、程序角度和质量管理层次角度构建了硬质量管理体系。重点是从程序角度而进行的研究,将研发过程分为总研究开发策划阶段、总方案设计阶段、分方案设计阶段、工作图和技术文件的设计阶段。从这四个阶段出发,研究R&D动态联盟质量管理活动。在程序角度的过程中生成“初始质量管理计划”、“主质量管理计划”和“执行管理计划”等三个层次的管理计划,形成自上而下的完善的质量管理体系。(4)收益分配管理机制。本文采用了广义的研究视角,对有形收益分配和无形收益分配两个部分分别进行研究。有形收益部分,从盟主、盟员两个角度分别出发,兼顾了盟主盟员积极性发挥和分配结果的公平性。盟主有形收益分配方面,利用讨价还价模型确定盟主应得有形收益额。盟员有形收益分配方面,由“主体团”作为盟员有形收益分配的主体,以期平衡各方利益,从盟员企业投资额系数、无形资产投入系数、风险系数等五个影响因素出发,综合运用经过改进的闵氏多因素评估法、德尔菲法等方法,确定各个盟员企业应得的有形收益额。无形收益部分,本文提出了技术专利权、商标权、专有技术的分配方法。组建管理机制、研发过程管理机制、质量管理机制和收益分配管理机制共同构成了本文的管理机制体系。本文的研究旨在为R&D动态联盟的管理提供理论方法的支持,这对于提升R&D动态联盟的运行效率和运行质量具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。同时,也为政府有关部门制定促进R&D动态联盟发展相关的科技政策等提供一定的依据和参考。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of science and technology and increased competition among enterprises, enterprises in order to achieve effective access to external resources, competitive advantage to win the market together to achieve sustainable development of a single enterprise and the whole industry, R&D dynamic alliance become an effective way.Firstly, based on the review of relevant theories and the summary of the research status, the author analyzes the characteristics of R&D dynamic alliance, the advantages of R&D dynamic alliance compared with traditional form, the operating conditions of the R&D dynamic alliance. Then, the paper analyzes the forming motivation of R&D dynamic alliance from the angles of economic benefits, industry development and technical basis.Secondly, from two perspectives of level model and function model, suggesting an exploratory synergy working platform which combines personalization and diversification and faces different stages, different goals and different customers. On level-aspect, this platform is divided into six layers of basic layer, service layer, applicable layer, expression layer, user layer and expansion layer; on functional aspect, this platform includes five systems of product data management system, product technology assisting design system, property rights management system and project management system and assisting analysis software. This platform is expected to be used in the networking R&D activities of dynamic alliances for military products in order to shorten the product R&D cycle and promote working efficiency.Thirdly, this paper constructs the management system of R&D dynamic alliance under the condition of collaboration network, including the management of formation process, the management of R&D process, the management of quality, the management of benefit allocation.(1) The management of formation process. This paper divides it into three stages: model selection, members selection and contract design. This paper defines the mode of R&D dynamic alliance Non-equity & Star like & Technology exchange/ Technology creation. This paper proposes the research idea of establishing“Evaluation Database about potential members of R&D Dynamic Alliances”, and puts forward the initial-selection method and add-selection, using ABC classification management method, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), rough set theory, and the gray relational analysis and BP artificial neural network. The author improves potential member selection system of R&D dynamic alliance, and ensures that the R&D dynamic alliance under the condition of collaboration network can be in normal operation. Meanwhile, the author conducts a study of contract design of R&D dynamic alliance. This paper presents a practical process about contract design of dynamic alliance. Particularly, this paper proposes the concept of“the body group”, and“the body group”will run through the whole process of dynamic alliance, making the management process more fair and reasonable.(2) The management of R&D process. The management of R&D process is the key part of the management of R&D dynamic alliance under the condition of collaboration network. In this paper, based on the analysis about particularity of R&D dynamic alliance, this paper puts forward the management system of R&D process. The system includes the multi-level breakdown structure, the multi-level network planning, and the multi-level project control planning. Specifically refers to the initial work breakdown structures, the master work breakdown structure, the Executive of the work breakdown structure; initial network planning, the master network planning, Executive network structure; the initial project schedule control planning, the master schedule control planning, the Executive schedule control planning. The system ensures the consistency of multi-level breakdown structure and the multi-level network planning about R&D dynamic alliance. On this basis, the system ensures the consistency of the overall plan and underlying plan. Therefore, the system can ensure that the project running smoothly.(3) The management of quality. Through the analysis on the quality management characteristics of R&D dynamic alliance, this paper builds the quality management system from the angles of soft quality management and hard quality management. The construction of Software Quality Management System includes the quality culture of alliance, the quality awareness of the alliance, and the employee diathesis of the alliance. The author constructs the hard quality management system from three points of view, respectively the structure of the process, and the procedure of the process and the level of the process. The angle of procedure is the point. This process is divided into the total R&D planning stage, the overall program design stage, sub-program design stage, working drawings and technical documents design stage and so on. Starting from the four stages, the author studies the quality management activities of R&D dynamic alliance, and generates the three levels of management plan of“initial quality management plan,”“Master Quality Management Plan”and“Executive Management Plan”, to form the top-down quality management system.(4) The management of benefit allocation. Based on the broad perspective, the author believes the benefit allocation includes two parts, respectively tangible benefit allocation and intangible benefit allocation. Firstly, this paper focuses on the tangible benefit distribution issue of non-equity star-like R&D dynamic alliance, fully concerning the unique status of the chief in the alliance mode as well as the equity and justice in the distribution mechanism. Researches are from two perspectives of chief and members, suggests a relatively scientific method. From the aspect of tangible benefit distribution of chief, this paper uses bargaining model to calculate the tangible benefit that the chief deserves. From the aspect of tangible benefit distribution of member, this paper addresses a new concept of“object group”and the object group plays the role of distribution main body to balance the benefit of every party. This paper starts from investment coefficient, risk coefficient and et.al, and evaluates each factor and the impact weight of each factor on total benefit distribution result by the object group, and then determines the distribution of all the members. Secondly, this paper provides some allocation methods of technical patent, trademark and proprietary technology. The mechanism of formation process management, the mechanism of process management, the mechanism of quality management, and the mechanism of benefit allocation management construct the whole management mechanism. This study aims to provide the support about theoretical management of R&D dynamic alliance, and has important theoretical and practical significance to enhance the efficiency and quality of the operation of R&D dynamic alliance under the collaborative network, in the meantime, it also provides concerning government departments with reference and basis for them to formulate science and technology policy and plan for promoting the development of R&D dynamic alliance.

【关键词】 网络化R&D动态联盟管理机制
【Key words】 NetworkR&D Dynamic AllianceManagement Mechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】463
  • 攻读期成果

