

A Study on Knowledge Transfer Based on Technology Market

【作者】 姜毓锋

【导师】 毕强;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 情报学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 技术市场是国家创新系统的重要组成部分,是重要的要素市场。技术市场以推动技术成果的商品化、市场化和产业化为核心,通过技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务、技术产权等手段,旨在不断提高技术交易效率,降低技术交易成本,加速技术成果向现实生产力转化,系统提升区域创新能力。技术市场的发展对改变我国科技创新的传统机制,提升科技对经济发展的支撑作用,促进经济增长方式转变以及我国经济结构调整方面,发挥着不可替代的基础性作用。同时,技术市场承载着知识转移的实现功能。当今知识经济社会凸显了知识的重要作用,而现代科技所表现出的高度分化和高度综合的特点,决定了任何单一组织都难以同时具备创新所需要的知识和能力。面对全球性市场竞争的高度不确定性,高技术研发的高投入和高风险特点,技术寿命周期的不断缩短,也促使企业寻找各种途径,获取外部知识,吸收创新,提高研发效率。因而知识转移研究是当今知识管理领域的研究热点。本论文在相关理论文献研究和现状分析的基础上,探讨技术市场服务于组织间知识转移的作用机理,分析了基于技术市场的知识转移自组织实现过程,探讨基于技术市场的知识转移生态系统的建设策略,以此深化技术市场的运行与管理模式变革,提高技术市场的知识转移效率。(1)本论文将知识转移理论与技术市场研究相结合,探索技术市场的知识转移基本规律,包括基于技术市场的知识转移表现形式、知识转移特点、知识转移规律、知识链、知识转移粘性等,以更好地理解技术市场的各个组成要素、技术市场运行机制和知识转移功能之间相互联系、相互促进和合理制约的互作用关系。(2)基于技术市场的知识转移是一个自组织实现过程,本论文分析了基于技术市场的知识转移耗散结构,揭示了知识熵为建立科学的知识管理的深刻意义;基于技术市场的知识转移协同效应研究反映了知识转移协同与知识转移序参量的关系,以此建立起知识转移哈肯模型;基于技术市场的知识转移超循环演化说明了知识转移的渐进发展过程,为进一步剖析基于技术市场的知识转移实现机制提供了认识论基础。(3)结合知识转移生态系统的内涵、特征,本论文建立起基于技术市场的知识转移生态系统模型,其中,着重于知识生态位、知识种群竞争、知识转移生态系统结构三个方面的论述。基于此,提出基于技术市场的知识转移生态系统提升策略。(4)提高知识转移效率是评价与完善技术市场建设的主要标准,也是技术市场发展的基本目的。通过对技术市场知识转移效率的影响因素分析,本论文构建了技术市场的知识转移效率评价指标体系和技术市场的知识转移效率评价模型。最后,本论文结合吉林省技术市场的管理模式建设展开实证研究,提出促进吉林省技术市场发展的对策,为完善技术市场建设提供理论指导,为政府制定技术市场相关的政策法规提供理论支持。通过本研究,可以提高对技术市场重要作用的认识,提高企业对于技术市场的参与热情,进而为技术市场赢得更多的支持和配合,促进国内技术市场的发展。

【Abstract】 Technology market is important in national innovation system and market. It is to improve technology transaction efficiency, reduce technology transaction cost, accelerate the changing process from technical achievements to actual productivity and promote the regional innovation ability, with promoting commercialization, market and industry as its core. Its development is essential for changing traditional technological innovation mechanism, supporting the economic development, and promoting the transformation of economic growth mode and the adjustment of economic structure.Meanwhile, it carries the achieving function of knowledge transfer. With high uncertainty of global competition, a large amount of investment and high risk in high-tech research, and technology life cycles being shortened, enterprises must seek for various ways to access external knowledge, absorb innovation and improve research efficiency. Thus, the research of knowledge transfer becomes hot in the current knowledge management field.Based on the relevant theoretical literature and the current situation, this paper discusses the mechanism of technology market helping the transfer of inter-organizational knowledge, analyzes the achieving process and explores its ecosystem-building strategies, aiming at deepening the transformation of operation and management mode and improving the efficiency of knowledge transfer.(1) This paper combines the knowledge transfer theory with technology market to explore the basic rules of knowledge transfer in technology market, including its forms, characteristics, rules, chains, viscosities, etc. and to better understand its various elements and the interrelations between market operation mechanism and knowledge transfer function.(2) Based on the self-organizing realization process of knowledge transfer, this paper analyzes its dissipative structures, and reveals the deep meaning for establishing scientific knowledge management. It also building hawking model based on the relation between its synergies and sequence parameters. Its evolution shows its gradual development and epistemology basis of its realization mechanism.(3) Combining the connotations and features of ecological system of knowledge transfer, this paper establishes ecosystem model, focusing on the analysis of knowledge ecology and competition of knowledge populations and ecological system, thus, proposing the strategies for promoting its ecosystem.(4) To enhance efficiency of knowledge transfer is the main standard to evaluate and perfect its construction, and it is the basic purpose for the technology market development. Analyzing the factors influencing its efficiency, this paper constructs the efficiency evaluation index system and efficiency evaluation model.Finally, with empirical research of management mode construction of technology markets in Jilin province, this paper proposes countermeasures to promote technology market development, providing theoretical guidance for improving technology market construction, theoretical support for governments to formulate policies and regulations related to technology market. It can also improve our understanding of the importance of technology market, the enthusiasm to participate in technology market for enterprises, and thus win more support and cooperation for technology market and promote the development of domestic technology market.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

