

Research on Construction of Chinese Indemnificatory Housing System

【作者】 马建平

【导师】 毛健;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,我国经济保持了长期快速增长势头,人民生活水平显著改善,城镇居民总体居住条件取得很大改观。然而,近年来快速攀升的房价和居民收入增长缓慢之间的矛盾日益尖锐,住房困难成为困扰社会和谐发展的最大问题之一。为解决广大中低收入家庭住房困难,我国已经初步建立起了多层次保障性住房体系。但是,由于各地保障性住房建设依旧相对滞后,与广大中低收入家庭的需求之间仍然存在很大矛盾,加之保障性住房制度在设计上存在一定的缺陷,并且在实践中出现了很多亟待解决的问题。这些问题,都需要通过深化保障性住房制度改革、尽快建立起完备的多层次保障性住房制度体系加以解决。本文包括导论在内,共有6部分。在导论部分中,我们首先给出选题的背景与意义。城镇住房制度改革以来,我国居民住房条件得到显著改善,但住房价格过快上涨,也加剧了中低收入家庭的住房困难。在此背景下,我国保障性住房制度的确立与发展,在一定程度上缓解了城镇居民的住房压力,但由于受多种因素的影响,在实践中出现很多亟待解决的问题。为此保障性住房制度建设研究就有着重要的研究意义。从研究的理论意义看,首先有利于完善我国住房保障制度,进而丰富我国的社会保障理论研究。二是保障性住房制度建设研究,有助于丰富我国房地产相关理论的研究。三是探索完善政府保障性住房建设和运行模式,是完善社会主义市场经济理论研究的重要内容。保障性住房制度建设研究也具有深远的实践意义,一是可促进提高保障性住房建设的绩效,尽快缓解我国的住房矛盾。二是可促进保障性住房制度改革,有助于提高政府行政效率。三是可促进国家公共财政、金融等相关方面体制机制的创新完善。四是可借助保障性住房建设的推进缩小社会各阶层的住房差距,进而有利于房地产业的健康发展。五是可通过加快保障性住房建设,优化全社会住房产品结构。从保障性住房的建设来看,也必须充分发挥市场竞争机制,提高稀缺的公共保障性住房建设资金的投资效益。而后,我们对国内外学术界的相关研究成果按照一定逻辑进行综述分析。从国外研究情况看,包括保障性住房问题、保障性住房与公共住房关系、公共保障性住房的租金管理、住房市场的“过滤”现象以及保障性公共住房政策及效果评价等。国内学术界关于保障性住房方面的研究,主要集中在住房保障制度及保障性住房内涵、关于我国住房保障制度运行效率以及关于完善我国住房保障制度的研究等方面。最后简要介绍了文章的结构、主要创新与不足。第一章保障性住房制度研究的理论基础。在本章中主要对政府提供保障性住房的有关理论依据做简要说明。首先简要介绍了保障性住房制度研究的基本概念。包括概括回顾了住房及住房问题的探源,指出住房问题是人类社会永恒的主题之一,在人类社会的不同发展阶段,人们基于不同的考虑,关注住房问题的不同侧面。无论是住房保障制度还是保障性住房问题,核心都是自工业革命和城市化以来日益重要的住房及住房问题。简要阐述了住房保障的内涵、产生的背景以及住房保障的特性等。而后概要描述了住房市场的基本特征与政府干预以及住房保障制度的决定因素与主要类型等。其次是介绍保障性住房制度的主要理论依据,包括马克思主义关于保障性住房制度的基本思想,西方社会保障理论和公平分配理论等,而后根据住房消费的特殊性介绍了西方学者研究中常常采用的住房“过滤”理论,需要层次理论与住房的供给需求理论等。第二章保障性住房制度的国际比较。学习和借鉴国外保障性住房制度的成功经验,对构建和完善我国保障性住房制度体系有着重大的启示意义。首先分别介绍了德国、英国、美国和日本等发达国家的保障性住房制度的起源发展、制度内容和主要特点。其次是选择有代表性国家,比如新加坡、韩国等,介绍了中等发达国家保障性住房制度运行的经验。同时,考虑到我国正处于社会主义市场经济体制的完善阶段,转型国家的经验教训也必须予以考虑,所以简单介绍了俄罗斯的保障性住房制度。最后对国外保障性住房制度进行了评价,总结了国外经验给我国完善保障性住房制度的启示,如一定要充分认识到保障性住房制度建设是一个长期的过程,其发展有一定的规律可循,在保障性住房制度的建设和实施中要坚持立法先行、政府主导、多层次差异化保障与配套完善支持性政策体系的原则。第三章我国保障性住房制度的演进与现状分析。为综合评估我国保障性住房制度运行绩效及存在的问题,首先需要对我国保障性住房制度的形成与发展有一个概要性了解。所以本章首先回顾了新中国成立60多年来保障性住房制度模式及转变,重点介绍了随着我国住房制度改革后为解决中低收入家庭住房问题而设立的保障性住房制度。而后以时间脉络为分析线索,综合分析我国保障性住房制度形成与演进过程,评价我国住房制度改革过程中存在的问题及取得成就。总体来看,住房体制改革全面推进以来,我国城市居民的住房条件取得显著改善,但由于城市房价出现的普遍性上涨,很多城市的房价涨幅已经远远超过当地居民收入的增长幅度,导致越来越多的居民承受越来越重的住房压力。为满足包括城市中低收入家庭在内的广大社会成员对住房的基本需求,在继续深化住房制度改革的同时,我国加快了与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的保障性住房制度建设,逐步形成了以经济适用房和廉租房为主体的保障性住房体系。尽管经过各级政府的努力,保障性住房建设取得一定的成就,满足了部分城市中低收入家庭的住房需求,但由于体制机制方面仍存在一些缺陷,各地在实际运作过程中仍存在诸多的问题。通过对存在问题的分析,进行了若干反思,指出了在我国保障性住房制度建设过程中存在四个方面的不足:行政观念过强,法治意识不足,忽视了制度建设的法律设计;政权观念过强,社会意识不足,缺乏对政府职责的全面认识;经济观念过强,民生意识不足,忽视了住房的保障性功能;效率观念过强,公平意识不足,与保障性住房制度设计初衷相悖。第四章我国保障性住房制度创新研究。为满足社会成员对住房的基本需求,尤其是城市低收入家庭的住房困难,必须加快具有中国特色并与我国经济发展水平相适应的住房保障体系,必须加快保障性住房制度建设,以充分保障人民群众的基本居住要求。首先从经济、社会和政治三个方面研究了保障性住房制度设计的影响因素,比如居民的收入水平与住房支付能力、城市化和工业化加速发展以及居民收入差距、二元社会化结构、人口统计学特征等。其次是从三个不同视角确立了保障性住房制度设计应遵循的原则,包括突出社会公平原则和动态保障基本需求的原则、政府主导原则和循序渐进原则、长远规划和立法先行原则。在完善我国保障性住房制度建设方面,从三个层面展开研究。一是立足长远,创新完善保障性住房制度的实现模式。根据我国实际结合国际经验,提出了创新完善我国保障性住房制度的多层次保障模式、多元化供给模式及进入退出机制的思考和方案。二是提升水平,建立健全保障性住房制度的法规体系。在此部分我们提出了注重制度的顶层设计尽快制定保障性住房的基本法,统筹兼顾修改相关法律条文,清理规章统一配套支持性制度体系等三方面的措施。三是综合配套,从财政税收、金融体制、行政体制等方面开展创新性研究。第五章完善我国保障性住房制度的具体措施建议。我们认为,我国保障性住房制度建设的相对滞后,既受特定经济发展水平的影响,也与我国体制转型时期的改革路径限制有关。鉴于制度建设的长期性和多层次性,为应对目前保障性住房制度建设的需要,我们就保障性住房制度建设及具体实施环节上的部分措施提出了建议。在保障实施环节,提出了制定完善保障对象的确认、保障性住房的分配监管、保障性住房的建设管理三个方面措施的建议;在保障性住房制度实施的外部环境方面,提出了规范保障性住房规划制定和建设标准、制定鼓励中低收入者积极购买商品房、完善住房市场的有关配套措施的建议;最后,从长远考虑,提出了探索创新保障性住房盈利模式,探索建立保障性住房长期供需预测模式的建议。最后是结束语。

【Abstract】 After 30 years of reform and opening up, China’s economy has developed fast for a long time, people’s living standards have markedly been improved and the overall living conditions of urban residents have been raised a lot. However, the conflict between the rapidly rising housing prices and slow growth of income is becoming acute in recent years, the housing difficulties become the biggest problems in the development of a harmonious society. To solve the housing problems for most low-income families, a multi-level indemnificatory housing system has initially been established. However, due to backward indemnificatory housing all over the country, there is still a big conflict between housing and the needs of majority low-income families, besides, due to some defects in the design of indemnificatory housing system, there are many problems to be solved in practice. All these problems need to be solved by deepening the reform of indemnificatory housing and establishing a comprehensive multi-level system of indemnificatory housing. This paper is made up of 6 parts, including the introduction part.In the introduction, the background and significance of this topic are presented.The housing conditions have been significantly improved since the urban housing system reform, but the rapidly rising housing prices exacerbates the housing difficulties for low-income families. Therefore, the establishment and development of indemnificatory housing system, to a certain extent, ease the housing stress for urban residents, Chinese housing indemnificatory system. However, due to many factors there are still many problems to be solved in practice. The study of indemnificatory housing system is quite significant. In theoretical sense, firstly, it is conducive to completing Chinese housing indemnificatory system and enriches Chinese social indemnificatory theory. Secondly, it can enrich theoretical research related with the real estate. Thirdly, exploring and improving the construction and operation modes of government indemnificatory housing is an important content of improving the economic theory for socialism market. The research on indemnificatory housing system also has far-reaching practical significance. First of all, the performance of indemnificatory housing can be improved so as to ease the housing conflicts as soon as possible. Secondly, development of housing reform can be promoted to improve administrative efficiency of government. Thirdly, the innovation and perfecting of national public finance, financial and other relevant aspects can be promoted. Fourthly, indemnificatory housing can reduce the housing gap in all social strata, which is conducive to the healthy development of the real estate. Fifthly, the structure of all housing can be optimized by speeding up indemnificatory housing. From the construction of indemnificatory housing, the importance of market competition mechanism must be fully played to improve the investing profit of funds for scarce public indemnificatory housing. Then, the relevant domestic and international academic researches are analyzed according to certain logic. Researches from abroad include the indemnificatory housing, the relations between indemnificatory housing and public housing, the rental management of public indemnificatory housing, the "filtering" phenomenon in the housing market, and the public indemnificatory housing policy and the effect assessment. The research on indemnificatory housing in domestic academia mainly focuses on the indemnificatory system, the nature of indemnificatory housing, and the efficiency and the perfection of the housing indemnificatory system research. Finally, the structure, main innovation and deficiency of this paper are briefly introduced.The theoretical basis of indemnificatory housing is presented in the first chapter. This chapter briefly introduces the relevant theory on the government indemnificatory housing. Firstly, the basic concepts of the housing system including the origin of housing and housing problems are reviewed and housing problem which is one of the eternal themes of human society is put forward. In different stages of development in human society, different aspects of the housing problem are paid close attention based on different considerations. The core is the more and more important housing and housing problems for both housing indemnificatory system and indemnificatory housing since industrial revolution and urbanization. The nature of housing indemnificatory, background and characteristics are briefly introduced. Then the basic characteristics of the housing market, government intervention, and the determinative factors and main types are schematically described. Next, the main theoretical basis of indemnificatory housing system, including the basic idea of the indemnificatory housing system of Marxism, the Western indemnificatory theory, the fair distribution of social indemnificatory theory and so on are introduced, and then housing "filtering" usually adopted by Western scholars, need hierarchical theory and housing supply and demand theory are introduced according to the special nature of housing consumption,.International comparison of indemnificatory housing system is presented in chapter two. Learning the successful experience of the housing system of other countries is quite significant to build and improve the indemnificatory housing system. Firstly, the origin, development, the content of system and the main characteristics of Germany, UK, USA and Japan and other developed countries, then some representative countries, such as Singapore, South Korea and so on, are introduced. The experience of indemnificatory housing in such developing countries is described. At the same time, lessons and experience of transition countries must be learned, considering the fact that our country now is on the phase of perfection of socialism market economy, so Russian indemnificatory housing system is briefly introduced. Finally, indemnificatory housing system in foreign countries is evaluated, and foreign experience is summed up to improve housing system better, for example, the illegal process of indemnificatory housing should be speeded up, the dominant role of government in building housing indemnificatory system should be stressed, the distinctive needs of indemnificatory people should be scientifically classified and innovation should be carried out.The evolution and analysis of the current situation is presented in chapter three. To evaluate the performance and problems of indemnificatory housing system comprehensively, the formation and development of indemnificatory housing system should be understood generally. Therefore, at first, the models and changes of indemnificatory housing system are reviewed in this chapter after the foundation of the new China over 60 years. Indemnificatory housing system is highlighted with the housing system reform to solve the housing problems of low-income families. Then, the formation and evolution of indemnificatory housing system is analyzed comprehensively and the problems and achievements in the process of housing system reform are assessed. In general, he housing conditions of urban residents are remarkably improved after overall implementation of housing system reform. However, due to the universal rising housing prices in urban, the growth rate of housing prices in many cities has exceeded that of income of local residents, so more and more residents have to bear the increasing housing pressure. To meet the basic housing needs for majority people, including those low-income families, the construction of indemnificatory housing system in accordance with the economic system of socialism market is accelerated, and the indemnificatory housing system which is mainly on affordable housing and low-rent houses is gradually established with the reform of housing system. Though some achievements of indemnificatory housing system have been made to meet the housing needs for some urban low-income families with the efforts of governments at all levels, due to the infects of institutional mechanisms, many problems emerge in the process of operation. Reflection is carried out through the analysis of problems and four deficiencies during the process of indemnificatory housing system construction: too strong administrative concepts, lack of illegal awareness and overlooking legal design of system construction; too strong political consciousness, deficiency of people’s livelihood awareness, lack of comprehensive understanding of government responsibility; too strong economic sense, lack of social awareness, the overlooking functions of indemnificatory housing; too strong efficiency consciousness, deficiency of fair awareness, and contradict with the purpose of indemnificatory housing.Chapter four is on the innovative research of indemnificatory housing system. To meet the basic needs housing for all people, especially for the low-income families, the Chinese characteristic housing indemnificatory system which is accordance with economic development and the construction of indemnificatory housing system must be accelerated. In this way, people’s basic housing needs can be guaranteed and healthy development of the real estate industry can be promoted. First of all, the factors of indemnificatory housing system are studied from the perspective of economy, society and politics, such as people’s income level and housing affordability, the gap between urbanization and fast development of industrialization and people’s income, dual social structure, demographic characteristics and so on. Secondly, the principles of indemnificatory housing system are established from three different perspectives, including the principle of highlighting social justice and dynamic indemnificatory basic needs, government guiding and advancing step by step, long-term planning and legislation enacting first. The research is made from three levels on how to improve the indemnificatory housing system. Firstly, the realization form of indemnificatory housing system is innovated and improved from a long-term. Multi-level indemnificatory model which can make indemnificatory housing system innovative and perfect, diversified supply models and advice on entering and withdrawing from mechanism are proposed. Secondly, laws and regulations which ensure the sound indemnificatory housing system should be established. In this chapter, the basic laws of indemnificatory housing system which focus on top-level design, relevant legal provisions with overall consideration and assorted unified regulatory system are recommended. Thirdly, innovative researches on finance, taxation and administrative systems, etc. are unfolded.Proposals on how to improve indemnificatory housing system in detail are put forward in chapter five. It is believed that the construction of indemnificatory housing development and improper disposal of some interests during institutional transition period. In view of the long-term character and multilevel nature of system construction, suggestions on construction of indemnificatory housing system and implementation details are proposed to meet the needs of current system construction of indemnificatory housing system. Suggestions on confirmation of indemnificatory people, the assignment and supervision of indemnificatory housing and the management of construction are proposed in the implementation. Suggestions on planning and standards of indemnificatory housing, encouragement of low-income families buying commercial residential house and improvement supporting measures related residential market are proposed. Finally, from the long-term consideration, suggestions on exploring innovative profit-making model of indemnificatory housing and exploring the establishment of forecasting models for supply and demand are proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

