

Research on Human Resources Development of Jilin Province

【作者】 郑赛莹

【导师】 庞雅莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人才资源与人力资源之间存在着十分密切的关系,但并不完全相同,二者所包含的范畴存在一定差异。经济增长的过程中,人力资源被视为最积极的生产要素。经济主体对人力资源的重视程度远远超出了自然资源等物的要素资源。劳动力要素在没有进入生产过程之前我们就可以称之为人力资源,如果被投入生产过程为价值增值服务,则称之为人力资本。但是并非所有的劳动力都可以称之为人才,也就是说并非所有人力资源都可以称为人才资源。人才是劳动力之中较为杰出的人,相应地人才资源是人力资源中层次较高的部分。与东南沿海城市及内陆发达地区相比吉林省经济发展和现代化程度都存在较大差距,这不仅是所处地理位置的原因,更重要的是对人才资源的开发不足。吉林省既是农业大省,也有着雄厚的工业基础。从社会学的视角来看,吉林省未来发展最大动力必将来自于人才资源的建设。人才资源观念的转变、人才资源开发程度的提高是吉林省发挥农业和工业优势的基本前提。吉林省要想发展经济、加快城市化建设步伐,必须要拥有一定数量结构合理、有市场意识的高级人才,才能保持经济的持续、快速、健康的发展。科技进步、经济发展的关键环节在于人才,特别是作为国家和企业宝贵财富的高技能人才。掌握世界领先科技成果和先进科学技术的高技能人才,在促进企业提高经济效益和增强国家技术竞争实力方面有着不可替代的作用。因此,能否充分调动各类人才、特别是高技能人才的积极性,最大限度地发挥人才资源的作用,是现代经济增长的决定性因素,是促进吉林经济腾飞的关键之所在。但是吉林省作为我国重要的人才培育基地,之所以没有在经济增长中体现其应有的实力,与经济发达的沿海地区相比还存在较大差距,其原因主要还在于吉林省的人才队伍建设存在着不可忽视的问题:吉林省的人才资源,特别是高技能的专业性人才无论从质量上还是数量上,与当今经济社会发展的需要、与经济发展的目标不匹配,现已逐渐成为制约吉林省走新兴工业化道路和质量效益型发展道路的瓶颈,也不能适应振兴吉林经济的要求。总体来说,吉林省经济发展中的人才队伍建设存在以下四个方面问题。首先,对人才资源开发工作认识不足。由于吉林省是经济欠发达的老工业基地,在传统观念中普遍存在“重学历、轻职教,重文凭、轻技能”的观念。一提到人才,人们往往首先想到的就是专家、学者、工程师及各类管理人员,不约而同地把技能型、实用型人才排除在“人才”之外。认为只有正规的、甚至是名牌的全日制大学本科毕业的大学生或者取得更高学历的毕业生才是真正的人才,而对真正拥有高超手艺的高技能人才认识不够。有的企业在招聘时只重学历,宁愿花高薪招聘博士、硕士,也不愿意付给高技能人才适当的薪水。其次,相关的管理体制不完善。户籍制度在社会主义建设初期无疑对社会经济的稳定发展起到了一定的积极作用,但是随着经济的发展,社会的变迁,原有的户籍制度严重阻碍了人才的自由流动,阻碍了劳动力统一市场的形成,已不再适应社会经济的发展。社会保险的覆盖范围主要集中于城镇行政事业单位、国有企业和部分非公企业的职工,而城镇大部分个体经营者、私营企业的职工、农民工等并没有参加社会保险,全社会只是一部分人在享受社会保障的待遇,还有许多人并没有享受到社会保障所带来的好处。此外,系统的、综合性的人才法律法规及对人才的评价、开发、使用及管理等方面的专业性较强的法律法规则有所欠缺。再次,现行教育模式不能为吉林省聚集足够的人才资源。近年来,吉林省的教育投入虽已有所改善,但是在教育方面的投入还是远远落后于其它发达省市。高校学科建设与社会需求严重脱钩。高等学校的所设置的专业及课程没有能够以市场需求为导向进行合理有效的规划,专业设置和教学内容严重脱离实际,致使学校的学科建设跟不上时代快速发展的需要。同时,由于目前高校普遍存在过分强调“强才”教育,重学科理论、忽视对学生技能、技术培养与实践的现象,这就造成大批学生理论十足、实践能力和动手能力较差,根本不能满足企业的实际需要。最后,人才资源分布不均衡。由于大中城市的经济状况明显优于中小城市及偏远农村的地方经济,城镇地区职工的平均收入水平远远要高于农村地区。这种状况决定了即使是城市特别是长春、吉林等大中城市的最低工资标准,也要比吉林省偏远农村劳动力的平均收入水平高。这就使来自省内偏远农村的农民工即使在长春、吉林地区拿最低工资,也比在家乡收入高,也就造成了人力资源大量地涌向长春、吉林等地,而这其中不乏有拥有先进科学技术及其它先进技能的优秀人才。吉林省特殊的地理条件形成了极具中国传统经济特点的封闭、分散的小生产农业经济,经济发达程度远远不能和发达省份相比。这就造成吉林省除了具有稳定收入的行政事业单位之外,其它职业则并不景气。党政机关及事业单位相对稳定的薪金收入导致但凡认为自己有一些能力能够被称之为人才的从业者不惜一切代价要进入党政机关及事业单位进行工作。而吉林省的生产企业或服务性企业则后继无人,形成职业空白。职业景气差异导致人才资源的职业分布不均。吉林省人才资源开发工作不是一个线性问题,而是一项综合工程。要想解决好吉林省的人才资源开发问题,应全面地思考上述四个方面,综合审视吉林省人才资源开发工作中所遇到的障碍。只有这样才能把解决好吉林省人才资源开发问题的各方面措施有机地结合在一起,才能更快地为吉林省的经济发展积聚足够的人才资源。

【Abstract】 Human capital and human resource have very close relationship, but not quite the same; there is some differences on the confines. With the developing of economy, human resource is regarded as the most critial factor of production. To Economic entity, human resource is more important than the other natural resources. We can treat labor factor as human resource before it gets into the production process. If labor elements were devoted into the production process served for value appreciation, which is regarded as human capital. However, not all labor force can be treated as human capital, that is to say, not all human resource can be called human resources. Among the more outstanding people, talent resource is the higher levels of human resources.Comparing with the southeastern coastal cities and the developed inland areas, Jilin province have a large gap in economic development and the modernization level. The basic causebelongs to the geographical location but also the development of human resources. The superiority of Jilin province is agriculture and the strength of basic industry is also strong. By the view of sociology, the strongest motive force of the developing of Jilin province will belong to human resource in the future. Changing the concept of human resource and improving the development of human resources are preconditions to play the advantages of the agriculture and industry. If Jilin province want to develop the economy and and speed up their urbanization, it should hold a certain quantity of senior people, which set up the logical structure and have the market awareness. The economy will keep sustainable, rapid and healthy development.The key sector of scientific progress and economic development lie in talented people, especially highly-skilled personnel as a the treasure state and of enterprise. Highly-skilled personnel who master the world’s leading technology and advanced science and technology, they are irreplaceable role in improving economic performance and strengthening national strength of the technology competition. Therefore, whether stimulating the motivation of all human resources, especially highly-skilled personnel to to maximize the human resources, is the decisive factor of modern economic growth and the key of economic take-off in Jilin province. However, Jilin province is the important personnel training base station in China, The reeason why the economic growth is not show its proper strength, comparing with the coastal developed economy areas, Jinlin province still has a large gap,The main reasons is that the developing of the human resources of Jilin province exsit unnegligible question: human resources of jilin province, especially highly-skilled personnel in quality or quantity, can not match up with the needs of present economic and social development. And, it gradually has been became the bottleneck of taking a new way to industrialization, and invigoration of the economy of Jilin province. Overall, there are following four defeats of the consruction of human resource talented team in the economic developing of Jilin province.Firstly,there are defects in the developing of human resources. Owing Jilin province is the old and less developed industrial bases, there still some traditional concepts exits, such as“emphasizing educational background, despising occupational education, emphasizing diploma, despising technical ability”. Refering ing to personnel, people tend to think of specialists and scholars, engineers and all kinds of management, eliminating skilled personnel or practical personnel. Beliving that only the formal, even the full-time graduated student or the higher degree of the graduates are the real personal. They don’t attach the importance to highly-skilled personnel. Some enterprises willing to pay a high salary to hire a Ph.D or Master, rather than to pay the appropriate salary to the high-skilled personal.Secondly, the management system has imperfect. Household registration system played a positive role in social and economic stability in early socialist construction. With the developing of economy and society,the out-of-date household registration system seriously impedes the freedom of movement and hinder the formation of the labor market, no longer fit social and economic development. The converage of social insurance mainly concentrate on the executive institutions, state-owned enterprises and part of the business of staff. However the greater part of the self-employed, private enterprises and employees, migrant workers did not participate in social security, only part of the people gain benefits from social security. There are many people didn’t enjoy social security benefits. Moreover, systemic comprehensive regulations of the laws about people’s evaluation and development is to be desired.Thirdly, the current education model don’t gather sufficient human resources for Jilin province. Jilin educational investment in recent years have improved, but in the education sector, it still lag far behind other provinces and municipalities.There is serious digression between the developing of university and the social needs. The subject and programmes which are setted by university have not led by market demand, and the teaching content is lose coontact with reality, the school discipline don’t keep pace with the rapid development. At the same time, due to the existence of excessive emphasize "genius" education, overweighting theory and neglecting the training of the skills, technical training and practicing, which created a great number of students who are full of theories but lack of practicing skills they can hardly satisfy the actual needs of enterprises.Last but not least, the distribution of human resources are not even. Due to economy of large and middle-sized cities is apparently superior to small much and remote rural areas, the average income level in urban areas is higher than the rural areas. This situation brings the minimum wage standard in large and middle-sized cities such as changchun or jilin is higher than the average income level of labor in remote rural of Jilin province. Migrant workers coming from remote rural of Jilin province even earn the minimum salary in changchun or jilin , which is still higher than the wage in his hometown. The forward situation resulting in human resources created a flock to changchun, jilin and other places, and which is contain personal with advanced science and technology and other advanced skills. Jilin’s special geographical conditions formed extremely traditional Chinese economic, whose feature are closed, scattered agricultural economics. Comparing with other developed province, Jilin’s economy falls behind. This result in only the administrative institutions have steady income in jilin, other industries are not healthy. Government authorities and institutions have relatively stable salary income which leads to people who think they have some opportunity of entiring government departments and institutions, they would try their best to entring government intitutions. So jilin production enterprise and service enterprises are lack of personnel, which lead vocational blank. Occupational differences lead to uneven distribution of human resources.Developing of human resources in jilin province is not a linear issue, but a comprehensive project. If want toimproving the developing of human resources in jilin province, we should fully consider the above four aspects, surveying comprehensively the barriers of developing of human resources. Only by this way we can conbine all aspects of the measures efficiently in solving the problem about developing of human resources in Jilin province. And we could gather enough talent resources for the economic developing of jilin province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

